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9836282 No.9836282 [Reply] [Original]

Why do girls love Pynchon so much?

>> No.9836309

Hi Tom.

Glad you made it home. Please meet me at Mille-feuille at 4:00. I will have the back room reserved. Bring the project. I have my camera.



>> No.9836467


I sold a copy of Grav's Rainbow once to a guy who's girlfriend made him buy it because she'd read the TCoL49 in Japanese and loved it (she was Asian).

>> No.9836473

Nice try, Thomas.

>> No.9836784

Keep telling yourself that, Thom.

>> No.9836797

I live in one of those buildings in the background.

>> No.9836804

>I live
is it really a life?

>> No.9836809

Th-they do? Where do I find them?

>> No.9836827
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Take a leap of faith, pardner!

>> No.9836832

That's not good advice. That's not any advice at all, pal.

>> No.9836848

In conservative grad programs and the upper ranks of the new york publishing scene.

And those are grills who know OF him; I don't think Pynchon has many non-male fans :/

>> No.9836878
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Even though he's staunchly Leftist/Anarchist I wouldn't be surprised if his politics were too problematic for most contemporary Leftist readers. ie; Katja doesn't pass the bechdel test and the Schwarzkommando are a problematic postcolonial picture of an oppressed people and Slothrop helping them out is the White Savior Complex and the assraping blacks even if ironic racism is still racism and Ensign Morituri is orientalism ETC ETC

but maybe i've been made cynical by spending too much time on 4chan and not enough time around my fellow leftists IRL

>> No.9836910

I don't, postmodern novels are cancer (apart from Umberto and Calvino)

>> No.9836930
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>calling Calvino a postmodernist because he wrote one novel of metafiction

>> No.9836946


Nah, dawg. If your average campus crusader had the patience and the intelligence to actually get though GR they'd have it pulled from the library shelves and burned in the quad. It's a tainted blessing that nobody reads anymore.