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9835970 No.9835970 [Reply] [Original]

Describe 'love' in one sentence.

>> No.9835973

Love is fake and gay

>> No.9835981

True love can only be gay

>> No.9835999

Emotions that are shared in the exactly moment with someone and then start getting out of control and then you realized is with the only propose to fade in an oblivion.

>> No.9836010
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Willing the good of another.

>> No.9836067

What did he mean by this?
Seriously please explain, I'm interested

>> No.9836084

It's basically the same as being really mentally ill, as I've been both.

>> No.9836099

He means that love is not simply a warm fuzzy feeling, but that truly loving someone is willing what is good for them.

>> No.9836120

Someone told me that depression is your mind suddenly seeing the world for what it actually is, love would be opposite.

>> No.9836204

Love is the harmony of the self-knowing of a substantial unity.

>> No.9836215

Love is a spook.

>> No.9836216

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John Lennon
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Love is real,
real is love
love is feeling,
feeling love
love is wanting
to be loved.
Love is touch,
touch is love
love is reaching,
reaching love
love is asking
to be loved.
Love is you
you and me
love is knowing
we can be
Love is free,
free is love
love is living,
living love
love is needing
to be loved.

>> No.9836227

Oh well i fucked it up

>> No.9836485

It's zero points in tennis

>> No.9837229

Love is a manifestation of the will to power

>> No.9837236

makes the highs higher and the lows more frequent

>> No.9837242


>> No.9837247

"Curves like the hull of a racing yacht."

>> No.9837273

The less particular, the more general love becomes the more it becomes like Love.
>in b4 Platonic ideation.

>> No.9837613
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Love loves to love love.

>> No.9837623

swollen breath.

>> No.9837635

zero games as well, anon.

>> No.9837651

hola carlos

>> No.9837717 [SPOILER] 
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Pretty gay desu
I want it so bad

>> No.9837831


Like a good home - often expensive, and sometimes built rather than found

>> No.9837835 [DELETED] 

Love is an excellent drug.

>> No.9837836


Anyone who lives by this definition is an asset to the human race in the most literal sense possible

>> No.9837862

Love is the desire to make someone whole.

>> No.9837873

Love means in general terms the consciousness of my unity with another so that I am not in selfish isolation but win my self-consciousness only as the renunciation of my independence and through knowing myself as the unity of myself with another and of the other with me, love, however, is feeling, i.e. ethical life in the form of something natural, In the state, feeling disappears; there we are conscious of unity as law; there the content must be rational and known to us, the first moment in love is that I do not wish to be a self-subsistent and independent person and that, if I were, then I would feel defective and incomplete, the second moment is that I find myself in another person, that I count for something in the other, while the other in turn comes to count for something in me, love, therefore, is the most tremendous contradiction; the Understanding cannot resolve it since there is nothing more stubborn than this point of self-consciousness which is negated and which nevertheless I ought to possess as affirmative, love is at once the propounding and the resolving of this contradiction, as the resolving of it, love is unity of an ethical type.

>> No.9837891

Description of love:
It just do.

>> No.9837911

Is that pic related the cover to The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy? That book bored me till the kid got diddled at the movie and I was like, damn this is Rushdie + lip service to gender issues. lmao anyway love is crazy

>> No.9837914


>> No.9837925

love is violent

I am a fighter after all
also I'm a faggot for posting this

>> No.9837927

umbrella term most people use to describe the multiple and varying pleasant effects of neurological phenomena to which our brains are evolutionarily predisposed when in contact with our kin, be it in order to strenghten family bonds (and thus improve chances of survival) or to incite the desire of reproduction (and thus improving chances of passing off our genes)

>> No.9837935

True love is your soul's recognition of its counterpoint in another.

>> No.9837945

Love is the sickness after you've lost.

>> No.9837946


>> No.9837956
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There is no such thing as love, there is only desire. And the will to possess what you desire.

>> No.9837960

No. There is only evolutionary predisposition to continue existing

>> No.9837971


>> No.9838515

Love is a spook.

>> No.9838522

hi hegel

>> No.9838576

Read The Four Loves. See yourself in a mirror, fix yourself. Return.

>> No.9838638

Love is a term designed to justify irrational behavior, through emotional reasoning.
> I would never do x!
> don't you love me?! do it for me!

> if you don't spend all your time and money on your partner, you don't love him

> how could you do x?! I'm so disgusted
> but i love you, please forgive me

If you're able to make a coherent argument, you don't need love to justify your opinion or beliefs.

>> No.9838644

Willing the good of the other and being prepared to sacrifice of one's own comfort to aid it.

>> No.9838659

My girlfriend and I are still together despite the fact that four or five years ago i accidentally farted directly into her mouth.

>> No.9838678
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Love is the absence of fear.

>> No.9838680

Love is what you get if you have money.

>> No.9838687

its basically that hollywood shit where they say if you love them let them go, in a scenario where your personal happiness is sacrificed so the person you love can be happy, that makes you happy, then that's love, or something like that.

>> No.9838688


That's just some bullshit someone made up when they were feeling like shit.

>> No.9838693


Wrong, I fell in love when I had no money, and then lost it. You always lose it no matter what, looks at the Hollywood stars that keep separating. It's a big fucking scam and you're better off without it.

>> No.9838774

Love is like a velvet tourniquet.

>> No.9838826


Brekekek! Brekekek! Kekek! Kekek! Ualu! Ualu!

>> No.9838876


>> No.9838893

My pee-pee went up.

>> No.9838895

you will crave it before you feel it and after you lose the first one you will never be the same

>> No.9838908
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Selfish and infantile desires obscured by social and moral expectations.

>> No.9838918

like heroin, the first hit will change your life and any hit after that won't compare

>> No.9838926

scientism isn't allowed on this board. also I like all the ideologues in this thread trying to push some idea they're regurgitating shallowly (schopenhauer's will to power, plato's idea of forms, psychoanalytic view of desire, evolutionary biology and scientism, hegelian ideas, etc etc)

>> No.9838930

i miss her

>> No.9838939
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Love is everything you feel and do, because she matters to you more than others and yourself.

>> No.9839050

Love is evolution’s mechanism for bolstering procreation—nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.9839169

in the words of plato
love is admiration

>> No.9839218

john lennon

>> No.9839227

Love is when you would rather fuck yourself over than watch someone else suffer.

>> No.9839232


>> No.9839365

thats called being a cuck my dude

>> No.9839429

I wouldn't know.

>> No.9839434

jfc can we all just agree to ban /pol/?

>> No.9839535

Carrying your every flaw while caring of goodness for each and all.

>> No.9839549

Her eyes poured into my soul like soothing spirits, releasing me of every inhibition erected in my mind deprived of her.

This one's universal and personal. The one in this post is how I felt about a girl I loved.

>> No.9839635
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This is the most brainlet view. Of course our emotions are made up from biological function or some deeply rooted infantile psychology etc. You act like this is some kind of shocking truth recently discovered by science and shattering the old world view of life. But you're a fuckin idiot. We knew this from the beginning. People are by definition mutations, we are one big would constantly healing itself. The name we gave to this act is "Life." All you are doing is trying to flip the additive into the subtractive, which can never be done, because subtractive notions cannot sit comfortably in the mind. Even if we are actually a disease upon the earth, it is still more correct to say that we are Life, precisely because that is how we are supposed to think. Trying to go against the current, entertaining these overly materialistic ideas, can only lead to intellectual stagnation and morbidity.

>> No.9839662

Something that none of us deserve, but we all need.

>> No.9839700

love is the eternal carrot on a stick that won't be caught, but it persuades us to keep going for just one more day

>> No.9839717

Lmao idk

>> No.9839725

Chad's tanned, glistening and thick 9 inch dick.

>> No.9839769

Le brain chemicals.

>> No.9839811

A perfidious carrot swung before our noses by nature to make us mate.

>> No.9839938

>muh pol boogeyman

t. jew

>> No.9839983

>mistaking terror for annoying

>> No.9840108

>implying you're apart from nature

>> No.9840112


Get behind me.

>> No.9840126

Take it from me, it doesn't make you happier. Like suggested, taking what you want in goodness' sake is what makes one happy.

>> No.9840986

Feeling the most comfortable and vulnerable you've ever been at the exact same time.

>> No.9842114

a choice.

>> No.9842119

What's wrong with you, with us,
what's happening to us?
Ah our love is a harsh cord
that binds us wounding us
and if we want
to leave our wound,
to separate,
it makes a new knot for us and condemns us
to drain our blood and burn together.

What's wrong with you? I look at you
and I find nothing in you but two eyes
like all eyes, a mouth
lost among a thousand mouths that I have kissed, more beautiful,
a body just like those that have slipped
beneath my body without leaving any memory.

And how empty you went through the world
like a wheat-colored jar
without air, without sound, without substance!
I vainly sought in you
depth for my arms
that dig, without cease, beneath the earth:
beneath your skin, beneath your eyes,
beneath your double breast scarcely
a current of crystalline order
that does not know why it flows singing.

Why, why, why,
my love, why?

>> No.9842122

When I saw her I came

>> No.9842736

Humanity's bonding reflex, emotionally varied as the subject itself, manifests physically as a warm pulling sensation towards the object from a place just below the heart at roughly the midpoint between the brain and genitals.

>> No.9842760

a genetically programmed vulnerability and cheap shortcut through the dominance hierarchy. the species needs it.

>> No.9842808


>> No.9842815

Thinking "yeah this is fine" then waking up embarrassed and hoping never to feel that way ever again....then wanting it more than anything when you haven't had it 3 months. Idk anon, why do you want to know?

>> No.9843068

It's exactly what every cheesy song says it is, but once you've felt it, the songs don't feel as cheesy anymore.

>> No.9843072

'Love' is a four letter word beginning with 'l' and ending with 'e'.

>> No.9843090
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Stoicism and dialectics between biology and duty.

>> No.9843106
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>This is the most brainlet view. Of course our emotions are made up from biological function or some deeply rooted infantile psychology etc. You act like this is some kind of shocking truth recently discovered by science and shattering the old world view of life. But you're a fuckin idiot. We knew this from the beginning. People are by definition mutations, we are one big would constantly healing itself. The name we gave to this act is "Life." All you are doing is trying to flip the additive into the subtractive, which can never be done, because subtractive notions cannot sit comfortably in the mind. Even if we are actually a disease upon the earth, it is still more correct to say that we are Life, precisely because that is how we are supposed to think. Trying to go against the current, entertaining these overly materialistic ideas, can only lead to intellectual stagnation and morbidity.
>No more than anything,We are only water, to which I mean we are only adaptive animals and in any case we can not break our mold. That would be degenerative

>> No.9843312

"As the father has loved me,so I have loved you"

>> No.9843372

women love sex, money, children and horses

men love to serve women

>> No.9843488


>> No.9843496

Love is patient, love is kind, interstellar reptile jews control your mind.

>> No.9843503


Love is a loss of the self

>> No.9843529

actually the opposite of depression is mania.

depression isn't "sadness" or "hate"

depression is an avoidance or a lack of emotion.
mania is expierencing tons of emotions.
the correct clinical term is "labile"

>> No.9843538

love is making yourself a willing sacrifice upon the altar of others

>> No.9843551

the last weapon against the infinite sadness and cosmic coldness.

>> No.9843569

"Some secrets men will even keep from themselves."

The most tangible occult expierence one can have in their life.

A spell ment for spiritual protection

A boon granted by God(s) for mysterious reasons.

>> No.9843664

I don't eat, it doesn't die

>> No.9843737

Nothing in life is better than being able to poop and piss effortlessly

>> No.9843790

It's when you really want to fuck her

>> No.9843818

love is the object religions subject

>> No.9843900

Love is expressed in an unspoken prayer

>> No.9843919

I feel alive