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/lit/ - Literature

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9834622 No.9834622 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me about degeneracy and how to avoid it /lit/

>> No.9834624
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Just read iron pill comics

>> No.9834643

Do drugs and become Hindu lol

>> No.9834652
File: 60 KB, 310x416, 310_Julius_Evola_Futurist_portrait_by_Bragaglia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me your opinions on any work written by Evola.

>> No.9834654
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>how to avoid it

>> No.9834665

Revolt gives an overview of his political metaphysics but is boring. Men among the ruins has more ethics and applicable principles, is more fun, but lighter on the metaphysical background. Ride the tiger is somewhere in between but also a bit defeatist.

>> No.9834879

Why do you /pol/ cucks always insist on reducing Evola to that shitty comic?

>> No.9834990

nu-/pol/ doesn't actually read senpai

>> No.9834994

Let me sum Evola up for you: Set the highest and noblest ideal you can find and aim at it.

>> No.9835687

Ok so that's what you do, but how do you do it?

>> No.9837268

Step 1. Close /lit/

>> No.9837290

I'm enjoying Ride The Tiger currently, but I found Revolt unreadable. He was going on about things that seemed un related to philosophy. The ranting about Indo Aryan civilization and voodoo "magik" was completely incoherent. I had to stop half way through, though I did find the transcendental realism stuff interesting.

>> No.9837293

This tbqh. Without God all else crumbles.

>> No.9838386


>> No.9838397

Did you ride the tiger today, my fellow aristocrats of the soul?

>> No.9838400

Has anybody read anything by Evola outside of the meme trilogy (Revolt, Men Among the Ruins, Ride the Tiger)? If so, what, and what did you think of it?

>> No.9838413


I read both Metaphysics of War and Introduction to Magic. The Metaphysics was rather short, just essays regarding how various tribes and people prepared themselves for battle and death. Introduction to Magic is more along the lines of Occult knowledge.

>> No.9838643


>> No.9838707

Hermetic Tradition lowkey is his best work.

>> No.9838719

I worry I do it too often. I'm seriously considering no-riding for a month or so.

>> No.9838750

"Fascism viewed from the right" was my introduction to his works. Evola points to problems in nazism (biological racism) and fascism (collectivism).
"Pagan imperialism" is good if you want to know more of his political views. He describes modern mistakes and the ideal state.
"The Mystery of the Grail" is an analysis of legends and myths.

>> No.9839028


I read Meditations on the Peak. It was a fun read and his idea about modern society killing the ''heroic sense of life'' seems correct.

>> No.9839374

What do you mean by this? I thought riding the tiger was an attitude, not an activity

>> No.9839400
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So was Evola an individualist or a collectivist? To me he sounds like edgy fascist Peterson.

>> No.9839435

Where do I start with Evola? Isn't there a chart floating around somewhere?

>> No.9839491

An individualist of the most radical sort. Very interesting talk on Evola:


>> No.9841228

Not sure where it would be. Usually it is floating around any given live thread on rightest ideology and literature.

>> No.9841614

I haven't read any Evola yet, but this is what I've been told when I asked around:

Start with Rene Guenon: read Crisis of the Modern World and also Reign of Quantity.

Next you can read Evola's meme trilogy:
>Revolt Against the Modern World
>Men Among the Ruins
>Ride the Tiger

And then after that you can read stuff like Path of Cinnabar, Mystery of the Grail, Hermetic Tradition, and anything else he's written.