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/lit/ - Literature

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9833113 No.9833113 [Reply] [Original]

>be literally me
>believe in Santa Claus until 11 or 12 years old, far longer than any of my peers
>classmates and adult media covertly consumed repeatedly tell me he's a hoax but feel there's no reason to distrust my parents
>eventually come around to their viewpoint
>tell parents i know he's a fake and they finally admit to having purchased all of those presents
>develop profound intellectual insecurity as a result of feeling like i'd been duped for so long
>years pass
>decide to study Jung
>realize that Santa Claus is a mythic reflection of our collective unconscious which underpins and structures the very fabric of reality
>thereby making Santa Claus more real than reality itself
>mfw younger me is completely and totally vindicated by the genius of Carl Jung

anyone else ever been /vindicated/ by a thinker?

>> No.9833683


>> No.9833692

>taking the Santa isn't real bluepill

>> No.9833699

>be literally me
>sometimes I can be figuratively me, literally someone else, or figuratively someone else
>but in this case, i am literally me
>anyway here's a story about how much of a faggot i am

oh, this thread again

>> No.9833701
File: 138 KB, 640x426, fairy-ring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. The true redpill is realizing that Santa is connected to the fairy realm, which still maintains a presence in the waking world up in far northern Europe, particularly in the Nordic countries.

>> No.9833733

How new can you be

>> No.9833780

this is your brain on jung

>> No.9834044

I too was a late believer, anon. Was heckled and mocked but bit my lip like Ahab and weathered the storm until breaking down one day and having a sobbing fit in front of my mother. From that time to this I have felt no resentment, strangely enough.

>> No.9834075


lol I bet you think you are you rn

>> No.9834161

i'm sorry anon but jung is a total fraud and i would respect an adult that still believes in santa claus more than an adult that buys the theories of jung

>> No.9834707
File: 164 KB, 400x300, IMG_2687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was a long time ago and i've realized the errors in my thinking. Santa IS real, as the op irrefutably proves.

>> No.9834716

St Nicholas is a genuine historical figure.

>> No.9834741

Santa is a Coke narketing tool, you stupid capitalist retard

>> No.9834745
File: 84 KB, 900x562, deleuze delighted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and i would respect an adult that still believes in santa claus more than an adult that buys the theories of jung


>> No.9834753
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>Santa isn't real

>> No.9834765


>i'm newcancer and think greentexting magically makes my blogposts more interesting

>> No.9834769

It actually does though

>> No.9834783

GTFO Scrooge !

>> No.9835094

>be me
>remember never truly believing in yuledorf
>wasn't brought up with religion or told to believe anything seriously
>4 years old, pulled the string holding santa's beard
>6 years old, told by sister there's a old guy in sky called god
>lol, wut
>bullying religious people on early youtube, as a young teenager
>could literally not comprehend a belief in anything supernatural cause I was never truly told about it

>Yet, as a child, I feared the darkness in the almost closed closet on the other side of my room
>Every night even in late childhood I had to get up and close that fucking closet door

>Eventually I reasoned away my fears by 12
>Half a decade of depression thanks to this Pure Reason™
I must have killed something inside
Gonna go and read Kant

>> No.9835101

>Gonna go and read Kant

Now thats a good idea

>> No.9835183

Do yoi think believers dont get afraid of the dark? Not all feqrs are purely based on apirituality or reasoning, someare are just subconscious and nonsensical.

>> No.9835203

Why do people always disparage blogposting? It would be annoying if that's what everyone posted all the time, but a blogpost once in a while is fine.

>> No.9835212

Better safe than sorry faggot

>> No.9835229

Is it?

>> No.9835241

>tell parents i know he's a fake and they finally admit to having purchased all of those presents

Kek, do Americans actually do this?

>> No.9835252

Even if it isn't, its better safe than sorry faggot

>> No.9835263

You know they came here after 2011 when they begin with ">be me". You fags don't even know how to greentext correctly.

>> No.9835290

>even if it isn't it is
I bet you think /lit/ is invaded by /pol/ and DFW is good.

>> No.9835296

Its not that I think those things are true, its that we have a responsibility to assume so

>> No.9835298

Nah I milked that shit as long as possible

>> No.9835305

Daily reminder that /lit/ is and always has been a traditionalist board and that right wing troglodytes are preferable to left wing troglodytes

>> No.9835316

>we have a responsibility to assume so
Says fucking who? Do you not see how this is intellectually dishonest for a literature board?

>> No.9835319

My point is I believed in an evil in the darkness of my closet, despite not believing in anything else.
Obviously primal fear taking control.
And I vanquished it, then made a connection with decimating my fears and becoming a depressed nihilistic cunt.

>> No.9835320

Alright Schlomo, you've had enough take a hike kike

>> No.9835357
File: 6 KB, 206x302, th99SYM4N1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Assume everyone is /pol/ and if you disagree with me you're Jewish
So this is what shilling looks like

>> No.9835363

I don't think you're actually Jewish, I just think I've a responsibility to assume so when you talk like a nasty shyster

>> No.9835365
File: 154 KB, 630x628, corbyn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2011 was 6 years ago man

>> No.9835374

You people are even worse than /pol/

>> No.9835384
File: 234 KB, 682x1024, michel-houellebecq_religion_jourfixe-blog_gaby_dos_santos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oy vey its like anudda holocaust!

>> No.9835433

that's why i began with ">be literally me" :)

>> No.9836431

When I was waiting for school to start (parents always dropped me off at school early), a kid was telling us how Santa came through and bought him the complete Exodia; everyone around ripped him a new one, and he defended Santa until the bell rang for class.

Was that you?

>> No.9836631

How does it feel knowing that the kid who was 'ripped a new one' was ultimately closer to the truth than you and your cohorts?