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9832594 No.9832594 [Reply] [Original]

>"Wow anon you Speak like a book"

>> No.9832601
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Actually, i am an unarticulate faggot. I literary speak like a dumb person.

>> No.9832600

And you speak like the roastie whore you are REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.9832605

Isn't that a line from 'Notes from the Underground'?

>> No.9832610

What can i do to be a Roberspierre tier speaker?

>> No.9832612

Good catch

>> No.9832615

Yeah. It's also un the picture of Dorian Grey.

>> No.9832617

said literally no one ever

>> No.9832629

You mean Robespierre tierre

>> No.9832635

I think you mean like a literary piece of fiction. Not just any book, my dear. The claim that i might speak like a piece of genre fiction trash, even indirectly is insulting. I no longer wish to speak with you.

>> No.9832637

>you remind me of a character from a book, anon xD

>> No.9832687

>'and you look like a picture, girl. well.. almost. take your clothes off.'

>> No.9832714

Alas, shan't thy be in the kitchen

>> No.9832722
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Because I'm mute and we only communicate through a written medium

>> No.9832724

never trust ANYONE who gives you compliments

we all know your mother was lying to you all these years

>> No.9832738

i could rape ur mouth and break your fingers and no one would know

>> No.9832740



>> No.9832743

s-so I don't have the biggest dick of any boy she'd seen?

>> No.9832751

so my Mom did love me after all and I wasn't a a huge mistake that ruined her life? Great.

>> No.9832857


>> No.9832861

You have to be born that way

>> No.9832865

Don't you ever feel that you are not saying What you really want to say?

>> No.9832882


>> No.9832887


>> No.9832940

Hush Liza how can you talk about speaking like a book

>> No.9832961

How did you feel when you realized that being a neckbeard is one of the oldest professions?

>> No.9833412


Demosthenes apparently sucked cock at public speaking when he was younger (into his 20s at least, I think), but literally stayed up late practicing speeches to himself, and now he's considered one of the greatest orators of all time.

>> No.9833418

Yes, you are inarticulate.

>> No.9833457

>dating a brain dead roastie

No thanks.

>> No.9833470

An obsession with romantic comedy;s as a kid growing up is what taught me to smoove move bitches.

I honestly sometimes drop a dopey line from some fucking movie when I'm getting a bitch into me. They end up thinking I'm such a romantic. I guess.

>> No.9833735

>And you speak like whore. Get to suckin, bitch.

>> No.9834486

Wow anon you speak like a retard
That actually happened

>> No.9834519

there's some truth to this. this is how women with borderline personality disorder lure you into their trap

t. someone with low self esteem easily swayed by compliments like a moth to flame

>> No.9834524
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>> No.9834528

Actually I've been told that on like 3 or 4 occasions or so. On several different other occasions I've been told that I have a poetic or archaic manner of speech.

>> No.9834541

Boring and a waste of time?

>> No.9834542
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People usually just tell me that I speak like a robot.
I mean they aren't wrong but it's a little painful honestly.
Being surrounded by chinese speakers from a young age must have confused my young unformed and thus easy manipulated mind into thinking that I was FOB/ESL.
>tfw have a race traitor mother

>> No.9835947
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>..This one from Lotr

>> No.9835953

yep. twas mere bants

>> No.9836086

Keep going

>> No.9836189

Wait is your mom white?

>> No.9836699 [SPOILER] 
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say people that only read young adult fiction.

This is part of why with growing up i became more and more silent and drunk at every social event.

>tfw be silent is my only way to be sincere

>> No.9836789

I don't remember that

>> No.9836798

but my grandma would never lie to me???

>> No.9838636

But books can't speak. I checked. They lack vocal cords

>> No.9838639

tfw bullied as a kid so now when people compliment me I think they're trying to get my hopes up and mock me
anyone else know this feel?

>> No.9838684

That's not a positive thing.

>> No.9838767


>> No.9839022

Had this when I was in college. I had grown so used to the endless abuse I had gotten in school that nearly all of my personal interactions were barbed with viciousness. Somebody would compliment me on my good work or just try to talk to me and, before I had time to think, I'd have responded with some cruel, petty response.

>> No.9839084

i literally started crying when i read this and think i finally understand what it means to be triggered.

>> No.9839112
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"Wow anon, you speak like a nigger."

>> No.9839114

I accept compliments but I dont think about it too much. I've had too many personal failures from my own hubris to walk around thinking I'm the shit; only what I actually do matters.

>> No.9839115

>"Wow anon you spook like a beak"

>> No.9839177

wub wub bix nood mufugga.

>> No.9840862

as if samefag