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/lit/ - Literature

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9830672 No.9830672 [Reply] [Original]

>“Achilles glared at him and answered, "Fool, prate not to me about covenants. There can be no covenants between men and lions, wolves and lambs can never be of one mind, but hate each other out and out an through. Therefore there can be no understanding between you and me, nor may there be any covenants between us, till one or other shall fall”


>> No.9830696


>> No.9830768

It's this the Butler translation?

>> No.9830781

My diary desu

>> No.9830784

this shit needs to get memed

>> No.9831344

>you and me
You sicken me

>> No.9831347

Peer Gynt!

>> No.9831349

Ok then

*I and you

>> No.9831376

Between you and me is grammatically correct you brainlet.

>> No.9831485

American Psycho

Hot women throw themselves on him constantly. Lots of sex and misogony. He also constantly focuses on his appearance, working out, and checks his image constantly

>> No.9831499

Gravithy's rainbow

>> No.9831591


>> No.9831604


>> No.9831924
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Beowulf was the original chad

>> No.9831940

But isn't the whole point of American Psycho that Bateman is deeply insecure and has no lasting sense of self?

>> No.9832288

Fucking this

>> No.9832437

You honestly think the typical Chad has lasting sense of self? Also, by the end, he is much more secure and content with his life hence the "THIS IS NOT AN EXIT". He realizes that narcissism and materialism and bloodlust is not an escape from humanity, but rather a lens in which to view it. Chads choose this lens.

>> No.9832444

someone have the pic from the earlier thread today that got deleted?

>> No.9832484

A hero of our time

>> No.9832491

My Diary desu

>> No.9832520

How many girls have you fucked?

>> No.9832563

I fuck guys, like a real man

>> No.9832603

gilgamesh was the first chad, and the ultimate chad. none that came after could compare.
>tfw when you rape so many women and slaughter so many men the citypeople make you their king

>> No.9832660
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If I had a time machine I would go back to Ancient Rome and kill them all in a tank and then show the people who submit to me my iPhone nd show them a funny video on YouTube

>> No.9832665
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>> No.9833125


>> No.9833140

The Three Musketeers. D'Artagnan was Chad af.

>> No.9833145

epitome of nu-/lit/

>> No.9833303

He's the weird rich-kid tag-along to his Chad coworkers.

>> No.9833581

Achilles was /r9k/ as fuck, he sure as hell wasn't a chad.

>> No.9834192

>Muh hu the king stole mah slave, the one I won, he, he, changed it for one of the same name boo, No! I won't fight, plz let me alone in my tent until book XX. Out I said! Boo boo. Take me to a safe space.