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9830597 No.9830597 [Reply] [Original]

Will she be the next Zizek now that he is no longer with us?

>> No.9830612

would drill that thicc mouth

>> No.9830637

what happened to him?

>> No.9830638

He died.

>> No.9830648

I've seen "Kill all Normies" here sometime, but it seems nobody had yet read it. Did anybody now?

>> No.9830649

I'll buy it today on my kindle and read it. I'll get back to you.

>> No.9830670


>> No.9830683

Ah, a review by a frogman, thanks

>> No.9830686

Looks like suicide but will wait until inquest

>> No.9830689

Good, thank you as well, looking forward to it

>> No.9830700

>Nietzsche's fetish for physical male strength, hierarchy and the exertion of will, which his Nazi followers were attracted to in his writing, contrasted in a similarly pathetic way to the realty of his physical state—myopia, nervous prostration, chronic ill-health, digestive disorders, and of course the bitter rejection by women.”
Woah, is Nietse BTFO'D?

>> No.9830733

>woman cannot help but to see a man in his individuality and physical failure instead of his ideas

No wonder they belong to the kitchen.

>> No.9830737

Do the people who think that sexual failure is a driving force behind the Alt right go deeper and think about why these feelings of failure are becoming more prominent? Incels aren't a phenomenon that popped up out of nowhere without any sort of economic or cultural impetus.

>> No.9830746

I personally doubt that it is a driving force. But here's the other part of what Nagle said:
>The sexual revolution that started the decline of lifelong marriage has produced great freedom from the shackles of loveless marriage and selfless duty to the family for both men and women. But this ever-extended adolescence has also brought with it the rise of adult childlessness and a steep sexual hierarchy. Sexual patters that have emerged as a result of the decline of monogamy have seen a greater level of sexual choice for an elite of men and a growing celibacy among a large male population at the bottom of the pecking order.”

>> No.9830754

Pointing out that something exists and then shrugging your shoulders about it isn't the same as addressing it and its implications honestly. You can write entire books on that massive shift in human sexuality and how it affects men, but her analysis relegated to a single paragraph in a book that's basically about the psychological effects of that problem.

>> No.9830755

>Sexual patters that have emerged as a result of the decline of monogamy have seen a greater level of sexual choice for an elite of men and a growing celibacy among a large male population at the bottom of the pecking order.
Houellebecq makes similar claims and I always wonder if there is any research that supports this?

>> No.9830758

One of the biggest problems of our time, and no one's written a single book about it.

>> No.9830761

I talked to Zizek last night, he's fine.

>> No.9830763

As any good 21st century narcissist, she's incapable of seeing the social and political implications of the family unit and instead merely addresses as a 'shackle' for both men and women, good God.

>> No.9830765


>> No.9830770

Personal freedom > societal order according to these people.

The left is inherently anarchic. They don't care about equality, they care about being able to exercise their own will.

>> No.9830774

Not a novel, but one of those pop-social science books that sells thousands of copies. It's an idea that needs to be promulgated.

>> No.9830802

>they care about being able to exercise their own will.
It's not even that in reality, they think they are exercising their own will but this will inevitably fall to the pressure of the society they live in ANYWAY, and the main ideology nowadays is institutionalized narcissism (be yourself, enjoy) which paradoxically enough is the national duty of an American.
Somewhere in the 60s, they exchanged the concrete and universal individuality of the family, which guarantees enjoyment but also a promise of universal connection and development for the future, for an atomic and abstract sense of identity of the self alone in its bodily form, with its immediate worries of survival, sex and auto-validation independent of any activity towards the whole.

>> No.9830849

>degrading a man's psychological attempt to stay alive through all of his serious illnesses.

Fuck her, her period is probably the worst thing she's ever experienced

>> No.9830854

coke-addicted retarded communist.
how can anyone who understands basic economics support that guy?

>> No.9830945

He doesn't talk about economics much.

>> No.9830959

This is a fucking great review. Did not expect a pepe-shit to be capable if writing something like this

>> No.9830990

How can anyone familiar with the Marxist critique of political economy still parrot "basic economics"? Neoclassical equilibrium models are disconnected from reality.

>> No.9831020

It is well-written, but I disagree with the premise, and no, I do not agree with Nagle either

>> No.9831090

>hah you are a virgin!

Women literally can't look beyond sex and gender, can they? Are they retarded?

>> No.9831102

They are domesticated animals, left to their own devices they can't think of concepts such as universality, history or objectivity.

>> No.9831160

>'He for God only, she for God through him!'
Women have to think in terms of relationships. It's their biological imperative to find the best mate and live under his protection.

>> No.9831195

They are walking portals. They bring forth more portals, men and madness.

>> No.9831214


>Next Zizek
>No sniffing
>No Hegelian-Marxist complex
>Not making analogies to anal sex, even though her central point is literally driven by anal sex and other transgressions

Yeah right. Try harder next time

>> No.9831218

I think it was meant in the sense of a leading leftist figure

>> No.9831230

And that's why they can't meddle in philosophy and politics, otherwise you get people like Nagle.

>> No.9831245

>t. believes in historical materialism

>> No.9831246
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>> No.9831248
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What are the weirdest novels ever written?

>> No.9831255
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>great freedom
yeah, women craving & enjoying harmless fun, like she acknowledges, is great freedom according to her

>> No.9831482

I never read Nietzsche as being all that bitter towards women. I mean, I'm pretty sur I remember him calling Schopenhauer out on that on more than one occasion in his books.

>> No.9831497

spotted the dumb commie.
get a fucking job you NEET

>> No.9831599

>guarantees enjoyment
>what's spousal abuse

>> No.9831615

That goes both ways and it hardly a common thing.

>> No.9831624

Women are simply inferior to us as white men. What have they truly accomplished compared to us as white men? Nothing. They are mere holes that they shut off from superior rational and logical beings, and are stupid enough to offer them to savages. They get what they deserve, and we're better off without them. Schopenhauer was right

>> No.9831981

>can't tell the difference between a leftist and a liberal
the illiterate literature board.

>> No.9831986

abducted by aliens

>> No.9832023

fuck you i checked

>> No.9832028


>muh nazi strawman

Women truly are a meme

>> No.9832037

Hello, roastie.

>> No.9832063


I mean we can't even have babies anymore. What good is a society that is unable to replicate itself?

The "sexual revolution" has been more damaging than a war or plague.

>> No.9832067

Shut up, loser.

>> No.9832204

No you

>> No.9832472

Read "The American Sex Revolution" By Pitirim Sorokin

>> No.9832602

I want to fuck her brains out and then never call.

>> No.9832678

People also don't have the time or money to have children. Work hours can be rather long if you work a salaried job, everyone is in debt (except me), rent is high anywhere you can earn a good wage, and there exist few non-college job opportunities since jobs have all been outsourced (in the US at least). More successful people are also being crushed by having to pay welfare for brown subhumans.

>> No.9833154
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it's so obvious you are a woman.

>> No.9833199

big baiter require

>> No.9833222


Check this out

>> No.9833244

It's not fair to generalize. While there are a number of leftists who cling to the politics in order to gain power, a good amount of them genuinely desire equality.

>> No.9833253

Any man who's not positively ugly can get laid without too much problem. The whole phenomenon of average-looking men complaining about being unable to get laid is ridiculous. Most of them just aren't trying, and/or are being retarded. If you are average-looking or better, you can get laid plenty.

>> No.9833263

It's not about getting laid, can you read?

>> No.9833270

>Sexual patters that have emerged as a result of the decline of monogamy have seen a greater level of sexual choice for an elite of men and a growing celibacy among a large male population at the bottom of the pecking order.
>a growing celibacy among a large male population

>> No.9833364

>Any man who's not positively ugly can get laid without too much problem
Apparently that isn't the case.

>> No.9833424

Real talk: how many girl friends have you had? What is your sexuality? What are you basing this on?

>> No.9833436

>millennials have less sex than their parents, on average
>meanwhile tons of people (some men, most women) getting laid constantly via Tinder and other social media tools
>average age of men being virgin increasing
>average age of women staying the same

No direct research but the data surrounding the issue appears to point in that direction.

>> No.9833442

people who point this out expose themselves as charlatans, in that they've obviously never read nietzsche. If they had read literally anything he wrote they'd know that Nietzsche was well aware of this apparent contradiction and spent time on it in his works. For instance, it's the subject of the preface to The Gay Science.

What an idiot. How does someone this dishonest come up with the idea that they have the right to call *others* pathetic?

>> No.9833460

I'm /fa/ and clean. I've asked women out maybe 50 times, and have never gotten laid.

>> No.9833475

The fact that the you're '/fa/' is the first thing that comes to your mind surely doesn't help your case.

>> No.9833477

how is that even possible? you must be really autistic, delete your oriental cartoons and rare pepes and stop being a dweeb

>> No.9833492


you thought letting 4chan dress you would help you get laid? haha ha

>> No.9833526

I'm not even that autistic irl. It's just that women will never forgive me for being a manlet

>> No.9833534

yeah, everyone knows short guys have all kinds of weird insecurity issues, dressing like a fag probably doesn't help either, might as well just become a tranny at this point

>> No.9833547

Doesn't "insecurity" suggest an irrational, changeable belief? It's not insecurity if the belief has been confirmed by other people throughout your entire life.

>> No.9833590

Kantbot is more /lit/ than /lit/ could ever be.

>> No.9833619

Insecurity is to personality what diseased is to health. Both completely side-step any notion or reason or argumentation; instead you must simply "cure" to make normal.

Kind of the same thing going on in Nagle's argument: you don't have to actually reason with the Alt-Right because they are just a bunch of insecure virgins. You don't argue with a sick man, you medicate him.

>> No.9833705

What would "reason" consist of in my case? Just bear the loneliness and alienation? There's a real lack of empathy in Nagle's argument. I despise the alt right, but it''s impossible not to be pathologically insecure in the world described here>>9830746
In a culture dominated by media portrayals of sex and romance, not being able to participate in that causes a sort of alienation comparable to extreme economic inequality.

>> No.9833747

"bearing" it is one way. I meant reason in the sense that the problem is legitimate and not caused by some sort of uniquely personal failing. You have to tackle it like you would any other legitimate problem.

In my own case, I tried to reason with my problem of needing approval from women by minimizing its importance as an aspect of self worth. I know that you cannot choose to stop caring but eventually that is what happens. You're not alone in your alienation, so it can serve as a means to a new sense of being. You are already on 4chan so you are surrounded by like-minded people.

>> No.9833777
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saw this coming a mile away. why is it so impossible that women value height? why is it impossible for men to be disqualified on things beyond their control?

>> No.9833786

Coupling is one of our most basic and fundamental biological urges. I don't think that it's possible to live a psychologically healthy life involuntarily removed from sex, especially in a culture that's so dominated by it. You can attempt to disconnect yourself from that media culture and rely more on internal methods of validations like you suggest, but the problems with that are that A, that's an anti-social way to live; and B, the urges are sub-rational and can't be reasoned away.

A new "sense of being" can't really take root when sub-rational and uncontrollable emotions like shame, envy, and loneliness introduce themselves whenever you walk outside or turn on the television and see people who are younger than you in relationships. I know that this is an SJW thing to say, but the feelings are legitimate and have to be viewed as such.

>> No.9833806

Height implies dominance and strength.

>> No.9833809

Youth implies fertility, yet a 40 year old man wanting to marry a 16 year old is considered creepy. Not being obese suggests health and self-control, but fat-shaming women is wrong.

We live in a world where male selection preferences are shamed, but female selection preferences are seen as perfectly legitimate.

>> No.9833816

>she thinks the "Altright" is defined by Milo Yiannopoulos and Richard Spencer
>she thinks Yiannopoulos "started" the Altright, rather than cashing in on it
>she thinks Spencer is a hardcore Ben Garrison meme made flesh and not a pathetic dickless poseur

Wow. So she actually has no fucking clue what she's talking about. This is why I don't read women, as a general rule.

>> No.9833821

why is it impossible for men to be disqualified on things beyond their control?

>> No.9833824

I don't think that anyone is saying that it's impossible.

>> No.9833838

this gentleman here did >>9833534, that's what I was responding to.

>> No.9833871

>tfw all you want in life is a girl who loves you and who won't leave you
>tfw society has made this dream impossible
Rooting for global warming to destroy everything so we can start over

>> No.9833915

>>Coupling is one of our most basic and fundamental biological urges. I don't think that it's possible to live a psychologically healthy life involuntarily removed from sex, especially in a culture that's so dominated by it
yes, this is the rhetoric of the hedonists

>> No.9833935

The classical philosophers who attacked hedonism were rich men who had all of their most basic desires fulfilled, and who lived privileged lives compared to the toiling masses.

>> No.9833945

you gotta not be so rustled by your mating situation.

>> No.9833969

you gotta be rustled by your mating situation so it propels you to change it.

>> No.9834008

Fuck off, STEMsperg.

>> No.9834023

You can't perceive the world as being separate from the biological processes that drive it when biology imposes such a great limitation on you. People who live with the prospect of dying alone due to physical circumstances that are beyond their control can't help but view the world through a biological prism.

>> No.9834029

>this is what STEMspergs actually believe

>> No.9834059
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you can never perceive the world separate from the biological processes.

>> No.9834090

Nice rebuttal faggot

>> No.9834132

>i got pussy, so everyone can get pussy

>> No.9834689

I seriously believe that's why the epidemic of trannies happened: thousands of men who can't bed an actual woman have to resort to either turn into one or to fuck another man with make-up.

>> No.9834725

Traps are extreme homosexuals. Not desperate heterosexual males. It has nothing to do with this kind of selection pressure. Besides they are extremely rare. But everyone makes a huge deal about them.

>> No.9834755

overdosed on dialectical materialism

>> No.9835163
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>People who think Nietzsche was just an edgy pre-/pol/ /pol/ack
>People who don't realize that Nietzsche was actually one of the most positive people ever to have lived

>> No.9835178

Yeah but he said mean, muhsogynistic stuff!

>> No.9835196
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Subhumans who ARE having children, at that.