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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 55 KB, 350x250, 100books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9829415 No.9829415 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to a pretty large bookstore soon and I need to have a ready-made list of books I know I'm going to buy.

It's because I'm going on vacation with my family but they promised they would stop buy a bookstore and let me buy some books before we got to the beach. I need to know which books I'm going to buy.

Any recommendations?

>> No.9829442

What do you like to read? That would probably aid in getting yourself some good recommendations.

>> No.9829455

Post pics of your sisters bathing suit

>> No.9829460

Anything, really. But the stuff I normally read is:

Literary Fiction
Fantasy Fiction / Sci-Fi


Political (often Marxist)
Religious texts

>> No.9829461

where can i subscribe to your blog?

>> No.9829465

She's only 14 though...

>> No.9829470
File: 127 KB, 800x586, 1451521469611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post it.

>> No.9829474

do it, faggot

>> No.9829494

What do you mean by that?

>> No.9829569

We still don't go on the trip though. I'm compiling this list because we haven't gone yet. When we go, I'll buy the books and she'll be in her bathing suit. I can't get a picture from the future.

>> No.9829574

Any pics of your mom or dad?

>> No.9829578
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>> No.9829588

Is that your dad? He looks like a detective.

>> No.9829601

Girls always buy new swimsuits before going on vacation. Whether you know it or not your sister has recently done this. Now go in her room, make her put it on, and take a goddamn picture of her wearing it.

>> No.9830743
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>I'm going to a pretty large bookstore soon and I need to have a ready-made list of books I know I'm going to buy.
>Political (often Marxist)
Invest in a good rope.

>> No.9830862

Modern Library Top 100 is a great list desu

Man Booker winners after 2000 for more recent works of note.

>> No.9831276


I'll give one of each

Stoner by John Williams
A Scanner Darkly by Philip K Dick

Gulag by Anne Applebaum
Violence by Zizek
I am Ozzy by Ozzy
Fear and Trembling by Kierkegaard

>> No.9831282

the gulag archipelago by aleksandr solszneitzen :^)

>> No.9831290

/thread. Also this reminds me of the thread about the poster whose doctor weighed him in a pool. Does anyone have that?

>> No.9831356

>modern library top 100

editors list
>The best and most influential novels from a variety of world acclaimed writers and philosophers

readers list
>top ten includes 4 novels by ayn rand and 3-4 by l. ron fucking hubbard

Starting to understand how autistic and linear the average human thought is.
How to break the cycle of stupidity? Start with the Greeks?

>> No.9831456

>Starting to understand how autistic and linear the average human thought is.

>> No.9831611

The request is a pic just of the bathing suit.

>> No.9831660


Great read; edgelord tier /lit/fic masquerading as pulp fiction.

>> No.9831781
File: 418 KB, 747x1417, 1365475090228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go. I'm not crazy for the lord of flies, though.