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/lit/ - Literature

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9828592 No.9828592 [Reply] [Original]

Any conspiracy books that are factual and not Alex Jones-tier nonsense?

>> No.9828662

Firewall: The Iran-Contra Conspiracy and Cover-up by Lawrence E. Walsh

The Trial of Henry Kissinger by Christopher Hitchens (not very conspiracy though)

No Place to Hide: Edward Snowden, the NSA, and the U.S. Surveillance State by Glenn Greenwald

Bad Blood: The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment by James H. Jones

>> No.9828675

Tragedy & Hope by Quigley

>> No.9828721
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>> No.9828743

the bible

>> No.9828811
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War is a Racket by Smedley D. Butler might be what you're looking for. This is the general that says he was approached by Businessmen to overthrow FDR.


It's hard to make too many recommendations on this subject because conspiracy theorists are literally retarded and are attracted to narratives on the merit that they CAN'T be proven or disproven.

>> No.9828814

The Assassination Complex
Foucaults Pendulum

>> No.9828818

You won't find anything for conspiracies unproven.

But there's plenty of stuff out there as some anon's have been posting about past conspiracies that have been exposed.

>> No.9828836

The word "conspiracy" as a propagandistic term implies non-factual. That's why it is filtered down to the plebs to get them to police each other instead of going after the ethnic clique with disproportionate power that is conspiring. Just look into the jewish problem and read the Culture of Critique to understand what most "conspiracy" books are getting at but are too afraid to truthfully break down.

>> No.9828866

Devil's Chessboard
The Politics of Heroin
Nafeez Ahmed's books are supposed to be good, only read his articles though

>> No.9828867

He asked for books that arn't Alex Jones tier nonsense, ya doofus.

>> No.9828871

What I always find ironic is that Jewish conspiracies often end up just being critiques of capitalism

>> No.9828893

>Culture of Critique
Oh dear

>> No.9828935

And I gave him the name of one.

Capitalism has little to do with the fact that tribal jews have disproportionate power in western institutions like finance, media, NGOs, and political lobbying, and it's not a theory that they use that power to advance an ethnic agenda at the expense of whites -- it's simply a fact of reality.

That's correct. A must read for every young white man.

>> No.9828992

Evolutionary Psychology is pseudo-science. Why did I eat a peanut butter sandwhich, call my mother, and go for a run? I guess EVOLUTION TOLD ME TO. Why are many Jews commies?

MacDonald is a hack

>> No.9828995

Yes all those liberal American Jews who marry Goyim, don't raise their kids Jewish, and support BDS are acting in Jewish Tribal Interest.

>> No.9829022

Going by what I'm able to glean from your capacity to think critically, I agree the book is perhaps not for you.

Jews have remained a cohesive unit living in other people's countries for thousands of years because they are the most tribal-minded people on the planet. Since you used the word goyim I assume you are jewish and trying to downplay this by making people who don't understand jewish behavior think jews are going to suddenly disappear in now of all times. No, jews are as big a threat as they've ever been and jewish behavior is genetic.

>> No.9829026

Confessions of an Economic Hitman

>> No.9829040

Is Focault's pendulum a conspiracy novel?

>> No.9829055

This, but Quigley misses a lot. Also read Quigley's "Ango-American Establishment"
Once you've digested that read everything Antony Sutton has ever written. That guy dedicated his life to his work, and lost his jobs and tenure in the process.

>> No.9829061

Jonathan Swift - The Conduct of The Allies
Samuel Morse (morse code guy) - The Present Attempt to Dissolve the American Union: A British Aristocratic Plot

>> No.9829077

I was trying to remember the name of this one when I clicked on the thread. Good job anon. Angloid bankers are behind virtually everything evil in the world.

War Is A Racket is also excellent reading. The moment we stopped hanging anybody who made a profit from conflict was the moment we ensured there would never be a remotely just war ever again.

>> No.9829339
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>> No.9829354

>quoted by fucking Brzezinski
Holy shit. Sutton was the real deal.

>> No.9829429

>Why did I eat a peanut butter sandwhich, call my mother, and go for a run? I guess EVOLUTION TOLD ME TO
No, your brain did.
Genetics, environment, and how you perceived and recall past experiences. You had little choice, if any at all. You didn't even have the choice to choose, for it was made for you before you ever acted upon anything outwardly.

>it's simply a fact of reality.
The people don't like reality, they do everything they can to avoid it. Why would this be any different?

>> No.9829479

You better believe it. Only book I can find that calls out the bankers and industrialists and yet their role was so obvious.
Without the technology and patent for synthetic oil that Standard Oil gave to IG Farben the war wouldn't have happened.

>> No.9829520

Honestly there should be a gentleman's redpill chart that consists of General Smedley, Anthony Sutton, Quigley, Noam Chomsky (manufacturing consent), pat Buchanan (death of the west), Kevin macdonald, Charles murray, Thomas Sowell (on the welfare state), something on militarized police, something on the intelligence agencies (think Gary Webb), some good books on neoconservatism and neoliberalism, a book on bureaucracy (has max Weber aged well?) and perhaps a few "playbooks" for insight written by key figures like Brzezinski, Kissinger, etc.

Would be an epic chart.

>> No.9829530

Also I am leaning very right on these suggestions I think so anything to counter balance that would be helpful.

>> No.9829543

also a more professional version of "confessions of an economic hitman" detailing modern corporate imperialism

>> No.9829560

and let's not forgot a good introduction to international relations theory and an introduction to the geopolitics of oil

>> No.9829576

I think we need to lay off the theory for a bit. I was all caught up in theory and then I read Sutton, who sticks to hard facts, and that transformed me the most. Sowell is better than reading Weber for that reason in my opinion.

As to intel agencies, just show people Operation Northwoods.

I think redpilling also requires knowledge of what happened in the lead up to the American Revolution, and then the infiltration that took place afterwards:

For 1550-1770 read: "How The Nation Was Won" by H. Graham Lowry (my favorite book ever)
and then read Jonathan Swift's "The Conduct of The Allies" (basically shows how much of a piece of shit John Churchill and the rest of the House of Marlborough was... completely sold out England for a few dollars)

Then about the Civil War read Samuel Morse (morse code guy) - "The Present Attempt to Dissolve the American Union: A British Aristocratic Plot"

If you want a quick summary of the infiltration into the US from 1776 on read "Treason In America: From Aaron Burr To Averell Harriman" by Anton Chaitkin

>> No.9829594

You're generally right on theory if they become too divorced from the most important motives and from the facts of who has what to gain and what they have gained. A little theory does help though.

Also, I see you're into the Larouche crowd. Are their books really that good? I was always skeptical of their grand narrative of history and I don't know of anybody who has seriously critiqued it.

>> No.9829653

I'm not really into Larouche but his crowd really does their research. At first I thought they sounded crazy but I fact checked everything I read and at least like 80% of it was provable. They also include a ton of primary sources, like from people's diaries and letters, which is nice.

So I'd highly recommend reading it, but don't believe anything you can't prove yourself.

>> No.9829764
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I guess this is a decent place to ask, what does /lit/ think of pic related and RAW in general?

Would I be wasting my time reading it?

>> No.9829891

Final Judgement - Michael Collins Piper
Politics of Heroin - Alfred McCoy
Cocaine Politics - Peter Dale Scott
Douglas Valentine
Gary Webb
The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy
The Terror Enigma - Justin Raimondo
In Search of enemies - John Stockwell

In short: Intelligence agencies participate and control organized crime in order to fund black OPs which serve to profit transnational corporation.

Oh, and Jews.

>> No.9829896


>> No.9830088

There's a big redpill mixed in there with the present heroin epidemic, the CIA bringing it in from Afghanistan, and the jewish family that started the Sackler oxy empire that has led to it (if you are white and haven't yet realized jews are the main problem here, you're a fucking idiot).

>> No.9830100

>1960s: CIA targeted upcoming young boomer resistance with LSD... student riots of 1968 weakened
>1980s: CIA targeted black communities with crack cocaine... race riots of 1990s weakened
>2000s: CIA targeted white middle class families with heroin... Trump barely elected president and demographics continue downward
Hmmm... makes you think.

>> No.9830118

dubs have spoken

>> No.9830122

curious, where does legalization of marijuana come to play in this "muh jewish heroin" theory?

>> No.9830123

muh cia heroin rather

>> No.9830303
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>> No.9830351

>conspirancy books

Pick one, Anon.

>> No.9830355

Bleeding Edge
The Crying of lot 49

>> No.9830383

The Pinochet File - Peter Kornbluh

A lot of primary documents about America's involvement in the Chile coup were declassified, so the book gets deep into America's involvement in the Chile coup. They also tried sabotaging the Chilean economy to reduce local support for the government.

>> No.9830399

The Powder Keg at the Center of American Democracy by Samuel Whitcomb Hyde

>> No.9830408

a conspiracy is a felony, not a theory. you're thinking of conspiracy theory, something OP explicitly stated he didn't want. you stupid bitch

>> No.9830432

How can people read the books they're listing and still think it's the Jews? If you actually read this shit you would know about Nazi rat lines, and see that the deep state is who you would expect: white racists. Certain Jews are only one part of a larger system of white supremacy and capitalism.

>> No.9830434

>white racists
you couldnt be any more ignorant despite trying to speak with authority on an issue you have no idea about. for someone as enlightened as you, you sure use some pretty careless and stupid phrasing. i wonder how careless and stupid everything else about you is. your bias is clear, regardless.

race is merely another word, perhaps a more politically correct term, for "subspecies". now, for this tap experiment think of racism as "subspeciesism". i prefer my species of human, caucasian, over other species of human, such as negro or mongoloid. this is what "racism" means by definition. in this context - its only context - i can logically conclude that racism is a naturally occurring form of ethnocentric cooperation, and to state in any way that therefore "racism" is bad is to say that facts and evolutionary traits are bad, respectively.

>> No.9830436

That would be "The Globalization of Poverty" by Prof. Michel Chussodovsky - documents IMF and World Bank reforms.

>> No.9830437

>Certain Jews are only one part of a larger system of white supremacy and capitalism
jews dominate the financing sectors in all western (white) capitalistic countries despite being an incredibly small percentage of the world population. your post reeks of misinformation. clearly you are a zog cog

>> No.9830438

I would add all books by F. William Engdahl, Prof Michel Chussodovsky..and more will come to me

>> No.9830442

From my reading the western elite money power is something of a Anglo-Jewish collabo. But the Jewish banking dynasties like the Rothchilds have intermarried with European and British aristocracy to such an extent over the past couple of centuries that you would hardly call them Jewish anymore.

>> No.9830445

The operators

>> No.9830450

>Frances Stonor Saunders - The Cultural Cold War: The CIA and the World of Arts and Letters
>Daniele Ganser - Operation GLADIO, NATO's Secret Armies
>Scott & Jon Lee Anderson - Inside the League: The Shocking Expose of How Terrorists, Nazis, and Latin American Death Squads Have Infiltrated the World Anti-Communist League
>F. William Engdahl - Seeds of Destruction, The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation
>Edwin Black - War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America's Campaign to Create a Master Race
>James Bamford - The Shadow Factory, The Ultra-Secret NSA From 9-11 to the Eavesdropping on America

>> No.9830451

Oh /pol/

>> No.9830456

I heard an interview with F. William Engdahl recently and he had an interesting tidbit from a source he couldn't name, so take it for what its worth - Quigley made some deal to not mention the Rockefellers in Tragedy&Hope and the A-A Establishment - their absence is glaring. Engdahl is usually pretty trustworthy IMO.

>> No.9830460

You give them too much credit

>> No.9830462

"Fire in the Minds of Men - The Origins of the Revolutionary Faith" by US Librarian of Congress James H Billington covers the revolutionary history of Europe from the French to Bolshevik Revolutions. Very scholarly and covers Illuminism and many of the masonic and other fraternities involved in subversive and revolutionary activities in Europe during the period.

>> No.9830469

he gives one of the most powerful governmental agencies in the world, with unlimited resources and power and no oversight, "too much credit"? i bet you think the CIA didn't really know where osama was all that time, either (even though CNN journalists got to interview him repeatedly in his mancave)

>> No.9830472

"Freemasonry and the Birth of Modern Science" by Robert Lomas documents the founding of the Royal Society in England in the 17th century. Pretty good at illustrating modern sciences occultish roots. Also "The Rosicrucian Enlightenment" by Oxford scholar Frances Yates for more of the same.

>> No.9830476

Drugs as chemical warfare against civilian populations has been a thing since the East India Company in China dude. Also a great income source to fund programs off the books.

>> No.9830480

Some top-tier book choices in this thread gentlemen congrats, a bunch of factual and scholarly work by credible researchers and academics. Good shit.

>> No.9830487

>geopolitics of oil
Those books would be "A Century of War - Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order" and "Myths, Lies and Oil Wars" by F William Engdahl.

>> No.9830500

Literally life changing, at least for me

>> No.9830501


>> No.9830507

If it wasn't for this karmic justice, I would doubt God. Jews drink the poison they sell, so don't buy.

Jews can not be in charge of their own lives. They can claim or pretend to be atheists, but they will cut their penises like slaves nevertheless.

>> No.9830511


Nearly all of history is the story of a small group of people conspiring against the public for personal gain.

A critical reader looks at history the way a conspiracy theorist looks at the world... paranoid, unwilling to accept the story as it is originally presented to them, and always looking for the angle.

>> No.9830598

"Between Two Ages" and "The Grand Chessboard" by the late great illuminist Zbigniew Brezinski are worth a read as blueprints for Anglo-American global hegemony, also "Clash of Civilizations" by Samuel P Huntington.

>> No.9830601

An excellent book called "The Pentagons Brain" by NYT bestseller Annie Jacobsen is a great read about DARPA, the Pentagons' research agency. Covers some great topics, I brought it for the chapter on the CIA, NSA, GCHQ's etc. infiltration of MMO games like Second Life and WoW and using them as social laboratories. Jacobsens other books sound decent as well - Paperclip, Area 51 etc.

>> No.9830753

Manufacturing Consent by Noam Chomsky

>> No.9830769
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tfw the high level conspiracy was just CIA guys doping low level schmucks with LSD

>> No.9830771

Levinson's Vodka-Cola

>> No.9830787

The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra

>> No.9830943


>> No.9830947
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>> No.9831012

Is this stuff what pynchon was reading when writing gravitys rainbow?

>> No.9831239
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If you want to see how deep the rabid hole goes

>> No.9831277

but youve been keeping your genepool fresh and tapping dat culture since babylon

>> No.9831354
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Prometheus Rising is a paradigm shift in a book. I highly recommend RAW.

>> No.9831513

They are still completely jewish in their actions. Because the problem is genetic. If elite jews had become Anglos they wouldn't be the central force destroying England.

>> No.9832143

If you want more formal books on neoconservatism, I recommend:
Neoconservatism: Biography of a Movement – Justin Vaïsse
The Road to Iraq: American Neoconservatism and the Iraq War – Muhammad Idrees Ahmad

I don't know if it's necessary to include neoconservative philosophical thought because honestly ideology is a smokescreen when it comes to international politics.

>> No.9832764


>> No.9832810

If you get all the way to the top, it's mysticism, as it always has been. This level of power and co-ordination could not be achieved by ordinary men.

>> No.9832818

They tried it on the Chinese first. Opium Wars were Jewish as well.

>> No.9832884

Shadia Drury on Straussianism

"The CIA and the Cultural Cold War"

"The Politics of Apolitical Culture: The Congress for Cultural Freedom, the CIA and Post-War American Hegemony"

>> No.9832888

Correct, the jewish Sassoon family had a lot to do with that. Ridding the west of jews is essential for its survival, they are such a destructive and murderous force, complete subversive psychopaths, and its hard to even think about how many people have died as a result of their influence and behavior.

>> No.9832944
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Are you interested in government biowarfare experiments gone wrong?

The Extremely Unfortunate Skull Valley Incident.... & it's sequel The Brucellosis Triangle - The Neuro-degenerative/Systemic-degenerative Diseases... Summaries can be found here: http://www.anapsid.org/cnd/activism/skullvalley.html http://www.anapsid.org/cnd/activism/brucellosis-scott.html
Lab 257 - The Disturbing Story of the Government Secret Plum Island Germ Lab
Osler’s Web - Inside the Labyrinth of the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Epidemic
Clouds of Secrecy - The Army’s Germ Warfare Tests Over Populated Area
Germs Gone Wild - How the Unchecked Development of Domestic Biodefense Threatens America

>> No.9833820

>Nearly all of history is the story of a small group of people conspiring against the public for personal gain.

Jim Marrs says, "If it's not an act of God, it's a conspiracy."

>> No.9833888

It's sad more on a literature forum don't get how language is used in various ways against them, and take these words at face value. "Conspiracy" is such a perfect example of this. You better believe these jews are conspiring against you and that that's precisely how they've obtained so much control over your nation's institutions. And you should be going after them instead of being a dolt by not only being unaware of that fact, but literally using the inverse of the real term to go after the people pointing fingers at those jews who are conspiring. This is industrial scale gaslighting further hampered by European people's evolutionary-based need to be seen as moral in a jewish culture that presents any noticing of racial difference or highlighting of jewish behavior as immoral.


>> No.9834155
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Only the greatest.

>> No.9834219

Buckminster Fuller, critical path.

>> No.9834239

You know what's particularly scary? This particular train of thought:
1) Quigley is intimate with top government organizations as a top political scientist
2) Quigley publishes research on "Anglo-American" secret societies
3) At Georgetown, Quigley befriends and mentors Bill Clinton
4) Bill Clinton goes on to win a Rhodes Scholarship despite his unlikely background
5) Bill Clinton goes on to... possibly commit Arkancide (if you believe in that) but certainly to become president.
Can't trust everything that Quigley says because he is, at best, what theorists call "a limited hangout". But he provides perhaps one of the most tantalizing glimpses we have beyond the simulacrum that we may get as plebs. And that gives me a small, but unquenchable, sense of anxiety.

>> No.9834281

Alex Jones would never call out Jewish influence, and the Culture of Critique is pretty well researched compared to other books that cover the topic.

>> No.9834299

Alex Jones rhetoric is steeped in allegory. When he talks about interdimensional satanic pedophiles, he's really talking about the jews.

>> No.9834308

Unfortunately, he doesn't make this fact more clear, and has spent many years covering up the jew problem, so his talk has become cheap and a lot of people have moved on.

>> No.9834318

>Alex Jones rhetoric is steeped in allegory.


What did he mean by this?

>> No.9834335

Which is why he married a Jew right? Get real. You sound like a lunatic yourself.

>> No.9834341



>> No.9834342

Digitally fuck yourself. Let's be real here ... jews are the problem.

>> No.9834346
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>> No.9834360

I'm glad these pathetic individuals exist ... oh, you thought you were being newborn. There are love life people and then there are.

>> No.9834377

I’ve started to compile and organize a list of books for those seeking insight into modern politics and the forces that forge it, i.e., “the gentleman’s redpill”. Honestly, this is an ambitious reading list and I could use the collective help of this board organizing it into something systematic, comprehensive, and yet readable and no more expansive than it needs to be.

It's quite lengthy, so it will be a response to this post.

>> No.9834383

>An Introduction to Conspiracies: Possibilities, Foundations, and Limits
Bad Blood: The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment
- James H. Jones
Silent Spring - Rachel Carson
Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism: A Study of ‘Brainwashing’ in China - Robert Jay Lifton
1984 - George Orwell
Brave New World - Aldous Huxley
Foucault’s Pendulum - Umberto Eco
An Atlas of World History - Patrick O’Brien

>Globalism: The Socio-Economic-Political Framework of the Modern World
A Brief History of Neoliberalism - David Harvey
The Globalization of Poverty and the New World Order - Michel Chussodovsky
Confessions of an Economic Hitman - John Perkins
Losing Ground: American Social Policy, 1950-1980 - Charles Murray
The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life - Charles Murray
The Clash of Civilizations - Samuel P. Huntington
Neoconservatism: Biography of a Movement - Justin Vaïsse
The Road to Iraq: American Neoconservatism and the Iraq War - Muhammad Idrees Ahmad

>Culture, Media, and the West
Manufacturing Consent - Noam Chomsky
The Culture Industry - Theodor Adorno
The Culture of Critique - Kevin MacDonald
Edward de Bernays - Propaganda
Jacques Ellul - Propaganda
The Disappearance of Childhood - Neil Postman
The Abolition of Britain - Peter Hitchens
The Death of the West - Pat Buchanan
The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam - Douglas Murray

>Special Interests and their Role in Public Policy
The American Deep State: Wall Street, Big Oil, & the Attack on U.S. Democracy
War is a Racket - Smedley D. Butler
The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy
Wall Street and FDR - Antony Sutton
Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler - Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution - Antony Sutton
Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development - Antony Sutton

>The Rise of Intelligence Agencies
The Sword and the Shield: The Mitrokhin Archive & the Secret History of the KGB
The Venona Secrets: Exposing Soviet Espionage and America’s Traitors - Herbert Romerstein
The Devil’s Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government - David Talbot
The Pinochet File - Peter Kornbluh
Firewall: The Iran-Contra Conspiracy and Cover-up - Lawrence E. Walsh
Dark Alliance: The CIA, the Contras, and the Cocaine Explosion - Gary Webb
The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade - Alfred W. McCoy
No Place to Hide: Edward Snowden, the NSA, and the U.S. Surveillance State - Glenn Greenwald
The Assassination Complex: Inside the Government’s Secret Drone Warfare Program - Jeremy Scahill
The Phoenix Program: America’s Use of Terror in Vietnam - Douglas Valentine
The Terror Enigma - Justin Raimondo

>Miscellaneous: A Possible Divulge?
Tragedy and Hope - Carroll Quigley
The Anglo-American Establishment - Carroll Quigley
Diplomacy - Henry Kissenger
Between Two Ages - Zbigniew Brzezinski
The Grand Chessboard - Zbigniew Brzezinski

>> No.9834385


>oh, you thought you were being newborn. There are love life people and then there are.

Such a cryptic post.. what did anon mean by this? It's a conspiracy within a conspiracy thread. We're through the looking glass here, people.

>> No.9834394

To be honest, despite the amount of books, I don’t think this is a fully complete list. I didn't include the full amount of works suggested by this thread because I'm not sure how to best incorporate them or because I felt that they were redundant. Feel free to offer alternatives or correct me if I'm wrong while I'm offering my input.

I need more scholarly books on:
1) the iron triangle, both in theory (how it works) and the practice (name the figures behind it)
2) the nature of bureaucracy and its tension with individual liberties
3) the industrial prison complex, the militarization of police, and the destruction of the black family
4) the nature of the deep state, or put more loosely, the rise of the greater Washington DC economic area in a time of generally declining prosperity and its consequences on wealth distribution and government policy in the United States (all of those think tanks, lobbyists, government contractors, etc.,)
5) a history of Wall Street and its political influence, nationally and worldwide
6) any introduction to predatory financial practices such as those that caused the 2008 recession
7) if possible, a history of major special interest groups in Washington DC and how they’ve changed the course of politics
8) anything that explores the topic of how the “globalization” we have received is not the “globalization” that we have been sold, looking at how both the underclasses of America and foreign nations have been gutted, rigging markets in favor of the wealthy
9) any in-detail books on the structure of American government, European Union government, etc., as to better understand the inner-workings of policy and the differences of how things ought to be as stipulated by law and how things are generally carried out. A detailed, “big picture” overview of the entire government or each branch of government. Maybe even very detailed books for the most important procedures such as Robert’s Rule of Order - Henry Martyn Robert.
10) more insight into the sociocultural phenomenon of the “Davos men” as famously described by Samuel P. Huntington (maybe the Coming Apart of White America by Charles Murray, but less editorial or with another book to balance its perspective)

(continued in the next post)

>> No.9834399

(continued from last post)

I need more scholarly books on:
11) the latest CIA shenanigans as exposed by Wikileaks in Vault 7 (probably not possible yet)
12) anything provides insight into the CIA’s LSD/MKUltra experiments in the 1960s and its potential relationship to the various dissident groups in the United States at the time
13) The CIA, the media, Operation Mockingbird, and the news consolidation into several corporations
14) more books on the rise of the Mujahideen and the United States’s role and reasoning for aiding it
15) more books on the perspectives of those who have fought American establishment policy and lost, whether they be individuals or entire nations (what was the story of Salvador Allende? Thomas Sankara? Jaime Aguilera? etc., other Operation Condor-like activities)
16) more books that expand on “the culture industry” and how it changes societies, why societies are changed, and perhaps some input on modern methods of altering psychology and culture, i.e., the Rivkin Project
17) more books that expand upon the economic and social problems of foreign countries, both those that are traditional and those that have been created by globalization
18) anything on politics, economics, history, sociology, psychology, and philosophy that can offer a stronger theoretical understanding of conspiracies.
18a) Anything historical that provides precedent to bloodthirsty, corrupt, and subversive activities that we see today, i.e., a good book on the Opium Wars, a book on Vietnam, etc.
19) Anything else that I may have missed, including a better way to organize the books into a coherent narrative or several interlocking narratives, to isolate topics more clearly, to gradually build into one another (like how I tried to have a "starter pack" for the skeptical), etc.


>> No.9834408

If you read Frankfurt school texts on cultural Marxism from a right-wing perspective, or even as though its satire/ironic, its literally Jewish Brainwashing: the book. They aren't even trying to hide it.

>> No.9834410

>start with dubs, end with dubs
Truly my autism has been blessed today.

>> No.9834451

You're mixing Adorno and Chomsky with the most stereotypical anti-semitic theories. This list is simply a demonstration that you recommend things to read without giving a damn what they say. Probably because you havn't read them. Either way you are a fraud.

If you know anything about good conspiracy literature you know about several things: counter-insurgency, strategy of tension,rat lines (Nazi, takfiri or otherwise). The real plots mostly come from the ideologies of white supremacy and capitalism. This a fact that separates the wheat from the chaffe.

>> No.9834453


JIDF back at it again.

>> No.9834464


>The real plots mostly come from the ideologies of white supremacy and capitalism. This a fact that separates the wheat from the chaffe.

Do you think all of this started in the 1930s? The Venetian Black Nobility were all white men were they? Interdasting.

>> No.9834469

Because they both have useful things to say about how society is run. Your type of thinking is exactly the kind of blue-pilled garbage that will prevent you from having insight into the complexities of world affairs. Did you think that there was only one faction involved in political intrigue? Do you think that all thinkers belonged exclusively to one secret society, race, etc.? To ignore good thought from an author because of their background is excruciatingly naive and narrow-minded—if you have a problem with their motives, then read critically as you always should anyway.

I have read Chomsky's Manufacturing Consent, Adorno's The Culture Industry, Buchanan's The Death of the West, and parts of MacDonald's Culture of Critique. They all seem to be describing the same of globalist monster from different angles. Liberating yourself from ideology allows you to explore world events with rigor you've never thought possible, since we're otherwise compelled to overlook a few critical cogs in the machine by virtue of principle or language.

>> No.9834491
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also, obligatory Zizek for my last paragraph

>> No.9834493

If you have really read all of those, then you are simply declaring you do not understand the difference. Adorno and Chomsky argue that "western civilization"'s problems are inherent and self-inflicted; Macdonald and Buchanan argue the opposite. To understand globalism, means to understand capitalism and colonialism, as those part of its nature.

>> No.9834494


>> No.9834503

Leftists say" Oh, it was inevitable that capitalism was going to commodify itself to death and then destroy the world through the actions of some very specific factions attempting to subverting the free market and the peoples who live in it." is what I often hear from blue-pilled leftists. That's a great way to set yourself for the inevitable "communism never works because it's against human nature, see the millions of deaths due to starvation and execution" counterargument. I'm not interesting in debating the elements of historical materialism because, frankly, it's irrelevant to real world affairs. If you continuously rely on ad hoc, unfalsifiable, vague, and frankly unnecessary explanations of history based on ideology and not concrete details of how various forces enact changes within the world, then you'll be consistently be spooked no matter where you go by people who deceitfully say they're trying to help you when they are in reality working against you, whether intentionally or not.

Look at the books that I've selected carefully through the lens of a murder scene. Harvey, Vaïsse, and MacDonald identify some of the conspirators in the murder, Adorno, Chomsky, Sowell, and Bernays identify one of the murder weapons, and Murray, Buchanan, and Orwell describe the murder scene, i.e., the consequences of the murders enacting their brutal murder successfully from the investigator's point of view. I like to say that Occupy Wall Street and the Tea Party were fighting against the same enemy, but were unfortunately too divided by ideological constraints and identity politics to recognize it. If you're constantly kowtowing to some radical line of thinking, then you'll never get the complete picture.

>> No.9834527

Mao and Stalin were in fact very successful and saved millions of lives. That's a fact. Occupy Wall Street and the Tea Party are the same. Not because they share the same counter-cultural ideology, but the opposite: they are both tools that affirm white supremacy. Understanding how fake social movements like these are manipulated is one part of serious study. And in the end, literally all you need to do is acknowledge that the 80% of the world that isn't middle class is human and learn about their history. That's why Amerikans are disconnected from reality: they are parasites. Reading good conspiracy theory seriously (Talbot, Mccoy, Chomsky, Marxists in general...) you would see that. But you don't because you don't study.

>> No.9834532

Last Word: My Indictment of the CIA in the Murder of JFK by Mark Lane

>> No.9834534


>> No.9834537

>Mao and Stalin were in fact very successful and saved millions of lives. That's a fact.
>Occupy Wall Street and the Tea Party are the same. Not because they share the same counter-cultural ideology, but the opposite: they are both tools that affirm white supremacy.
I think I know that I'm dealing with either a sophisticated troll or a hopelessly brainwashed person. Forget about the obvious projection where I never even mentioned Mao and Stalin and yet you felt the need to defend the massive losses of life that occurred under their regimes, whose systems couldn't even last beyond their lifetimes, let alone the test of time. For fuck's sake, Occupy Wall Street brought modern progressivism to the forefront of American politics, and yet here you talking about how it was a symbol of white supremacy.

You need to read this list more than anything, perhaps with a good critical thinking book like Creative & Critical Thinking - W. Edgar Moore. Trigger Warning: it uses JFK's defusing of the Cuban Missile Crisis as an example of creative problem-solving, so you may need to prepare yourself mentally before reading that passage, lest you get caught by surprise and feel violated.

>> No.9834538

Quoting these posts to raise awareness after being buried in a deluge of shitposts.

>> No.9834551

Amerikan politics doesn't matter. For example, the biggest conspiracy of our time, the rat lines that go to Al Qaeda and other Islamic terrorists are only seen by a minority of the Amerikan left. But the global left sees it. You're just ignorant so you don't understand and the proof is that you cannot respond to my arguments.

>> No.9834559

Who authentically supports Hezbollah and Assad on the Amerikan scene? The majority of them are communists. /pol/ tries to support Assad and Trump at the same time: this only betrays their ignorance.

>> No.9834569

>For example, the biggest conspiracy of our time, the rat lines that go to Al Qaeda and other Islamic terrorists are only seen by a minority of the Amerikan left.
I provided books on the Asian drug trade and asked for more books regarding our involvement with the mujahideen. Either put up or stop concern trolling.

>> No.9834573

Yeah, and I'm saying you can't possibly understand those. You either acknowledge why gangsters need to be payed off or you don't.

>> No.9834577

>Yeah, and I'm saying you can't possibly understand those. You either acknowledge why gangsters need to be payed off or you don't.
But I did. You're just upset that I don't exclusively listen to one ideology's perspective. Every power structure, every state, etc., is vulnerable to gangsters who need to be paid off, and anybody who fails to recognize this is beyond spooked.

>> No.9834579

If you can't see how the Asian drug trade and mujahideen are the results of colonialism and white supremacy, you are a fraud. Communists effectively opposed them back then, as they do now. Unlike you, because you are a fraud.

>> No.9834583

Who opposed the drug trade in Vietnam and China besides the Communists? Who has opposed mujahideen then and now besides communists and their allies?

>> No.9834592
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Has anyone read pic related? Should I go for it?

>> No.9834597

>Either way you are a fraud.
>This a fact that separates the wheat from the chaffe.
>you are a fraud
>Unlike you, because you are a fraud.

This disinfo anon is so desperate to swing people, lol.

>> No.9834606 [DELETED] 
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Rome runs the world still you hysterical dolt. This has been and will continue to be a Jesuit game.

>but m-muh Communists

>> No.9834607

Plenty of communists engaged in the drug trade, are you kidding me? Are you totally unfamiliar with the history of Latin America and how communist insurgents generate cash? Even the United States dealt with communists and other nominally opposed forces if it was politically convenient, whether it was with the Iranian theocracy or the FARC. Money and power talk a lot more than ideology among the elite and the unspooked, maybe less so among the uninitiated peasantry who otherwise doesn't have to be concerned with those issues.

And here you are talking about "colonialism" while failing to ignore that the Soviet Union's occupation of Afghanistan provided the justification for the creation of the Mujahideen, since it's not a good look to be forcefully occupying another country to allow your own ideology to persevere. In fact, it reeks of colonization, just in the name of a different spook. Was Zbigniew Brzezinski operating in such a manner to subvert the Soviet Union? Of course. Was he operating out of white supremacy? Judging from the multicultural society he wanted to create and help brought into fruition... highly unlikely.

>> No.9834618

>And here you are talking about "colonialism" while failing to ignore that the Soviet Union's occupation of Afghanistan provided the justification for the creation of the Mujahideen

But this is backwards. US support for Mujahideen began in 1979, before Soviet invasion. There are some examples of communist drug trading, the most significant being FARC. But FARC is a very small example compared to Vietnam and China's revolution, whose entire basis was opposition to the drug trade. FDR married into opium drug money. China put a stop to that, although Amerika tried to stop it. If you think communist and amerikan involvement in the drug trade are equal, it's just proof that you don't take Webb or Mccoy seriously.

>> No.9834637

Christopher Andrew's books are fantastic. Particularly, I'd recommend these two:
- The Sword and the Shield: The Mitrokhin Archive and the Secret History of the KGB
- The World Was Going Our Way: The KGB and the Battle for the Third World

The World Was Going Our Way is even in my book 3x3. I also like these ones of his:
- Intelligence and International Relations 1900-1945
- KGB: The Inside Story of its Foreign Operations from Lenin to Gorbachev
- The Defence of the Realm: The Authorised History of MI5

Now, no matter your position on Israel, you should agree it was created through a string of conspiracies. I mean, there's no denying that, no matter which camp you're in. There's just the camp that thinks those conspiracies were smart and just moves to give some land back to its rightful owners (I disagree, but w/e), or the camp that thinks those conspiracies were cunt moves to steal land from poor retarded shitskins by crooks who had been expelled from that land by someone other than said shitskins for being crooks, almost two thousand years prior to the start of the zionist movement so the statute of limitations was long expired (the opinion I agree with), but no matter what camp you align with, the conspiracies themselves were thoroughly researched and documented, with proper bibliographic reference to the jewish journals from the late 1800s/early 1900s where said information was gotten from, in Alison Weir's "Against Our Better Judgement".

But maybe the most interesting book on a conspiracy is one that actively celebrates it. Jennet Conant's "The Irregulars - Roald Dahl and the British Spy Ring in Wartime Washington" not only celebrates, but thoroughly documents how british spies were sent to America to influence them getting into WWII, with a heavy focus on Roald Dahl, of course, but there's hundreds of names in it, with a detailed portmanteau of the roles they played, and in many cases the motivations they had, in influencing America's into the war.

>> No.9834641

>But this is backwards. US support for Mujahideen began in 1979, before Soviet invasion.
Idiot, the divided country was already on the radar of international politics by 1978, and the Soviets invaded in 1979. You disproved nothing.

>But FARC is a very small example
You mean one of the primary sources of the American cocaine trade? The cognitive dissonance is real. This isn't about capitalism vs. communism you knucklehead.

>If you think communist and amerikan involvement in the drug trade are equal, it's just proof that you don't take Webb or Mccoy seriously.
Literally not my argument. Try harder to straw man. Go on. It will surely improve your ability to persuade both your interlocutor and audience.

>> No.9834655

Ayy speaking of neoconservatism "Soldiers of reason - RAND Corporation and the Rise of the American Empire" by Alex Abella is a great history of the Trotskyites who came to the US and took up residence at U Chicago, RAND and the Pentagon and eventually steered US foreign policy.

>> No.9834658

Juri Lina's Under the Sign of the Scorpion is an excellent read. PDF available online plus a documentary based on the book on Jewtube afaik.

>> No.9834663

I keep seeing this around, maybe I'll add it to the list I posted earlier.

>> No.9834678

Some great books in here, a few i'm not familiar with but mostly solid, scholarly and worth reading.

>> No.9834685

So, is there enough consensus to create an intelligible chart (possibly divided per argument)?

>> No.9834690

What about Scandinavia?

>> No.9834691

Honestly it seems like we might need a few threads talking about organizing the texts in an intelligible manner and discussing what is left out, since we largely agree on what titles should be included.

>> No.9834695

Keep up the good work, anon.

>> No.9834699

>Foucault's Pendulum
>Atlas of World History
>Antony Sutton

Yeah, that list is not even entry tear. It's pure mishmash thrown together based on title names and probably of some other guys lists. And it's poor even at that.

I've two book for you guys. No bullshit, no high strung claims, just well documented factual work that I personally went through, and can recommend.

Dirty Wars: The World Is a Battlefield - Formation of CENTCOM, it's powers and uses by Bush and Obama.
Emanuel Swedenborg, Secret Agent on Earth and in Heaven - The power of secret societies in 18th century. Banking, Black rooms [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_room], Masony, you name it.

>> No.9834715

There is a solid purpose for including those books.
>Foucault's Pendulum
Foucault's Pendulum is meant to be a warning of getting too involved in unverifiable threads and taking a schizophrenic bent as a result. I would pair it with a book on critical thinking like Creative & Critical Thinking by W. Edgar Moore.
Come on, do you really need a reason? This does the conceptual heavy-lifting for understanding some of the endgames of conspiracies. It plays well with Lifton when discussing how language is manipulated to mask meaning and sabotage discussion, too. I find it weird that you dislike 1984 but still found no reason to get rid of Brave New World.
>Atlas of World History
You need some historical background to understand how everything fits together. I found that it was a comprehensive introductory book for world history. I'm open to alternatives.
>Antony Sutton
Antony Sutton did amazing research, or "well documented factual work" as you would call it, on the birth of the Soviet Union to the extent that even Zbigniew Brzezinski cited Sutton in his written works.

But thank you for your recommendations. I'll check them out.

>> No.9834723

Good list, you could add Ellul's Techonological Society.

>> No.9834726

Needs more classical sociologists.

>> No.9834771
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Quigley is most definitely a limited hangout. Honestly, I strongly disliked Tragedy and Hope... it almost seemed like a purposeful psyop.

He flat out said the influence of bankers died with Morgan and was supplanted by monopolistic interests. How could anyone with even a cursory knowledge of the activities of the banks believe that?

>> No.9834778

>Steinem the spook

>> No.9834815


>He flat out said the influence of bankers died with Morgan

Yikes, what?? And I was planning on checking this out soon. I probably will at some point, but that doesn't inspire confidence..

>> No.9834819

Peter Goodgame;s study, The Globalists and the Islamists , available online here, is well worth a read: http://www.redmoonrising.com/Ikhwan/Clash.htm

>> No.9834827

>He flat out said the influence of bankers died with Morgan and was supplanted by monopolistic interests. How could anyone with even a cursory knowledge of the activities of the banks believe that?

After the great depression industrial interests had more leverage over banking institutions than the other way around well into the 1970s when financial liberalization began to tear up elements of the New Deal reforms.
After WWII you get the Rockefellers becoming extremely powerful and the Rockefellers represented different interests than the Morgans.
All the old guard of the post-WWII establishment order are dying off now from old age. Alex Jonestards might celebrate that but it probably means we're heading towards something potentially much more dangerous. See: http://visupview.blogspot.ca/2017/03/the-end-of-era.html

>> No.9834848
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>> No.9834868

This is literally Alex Jones/Ron Paul tier, avoid it, if you want an actual interesting serious work on the origins of the Fed read "Origins of the Federal Reserve System: Money, Class, and Corporate Capitalism, 1890-1913" by James Livingston

>> No.9834871

>mommy da joos are at it again

>> No.9834885

what are some good books about the growth of popular conspiracy belief in the 20th and 21st century? conspiracy theories seem to be the primary way by which the uneducated, low-income masses conceive of their discontent. there used to be a uk magazine called magonia that was all about analyzing the mythology of ufo believers, is there something like that but for the black obsession with the illuminati or the redneck jew fetish?

>> No.9834895

this, but also the patriarchy for women, white supremacy for beta males, and capitalism for communists

>> No.9835025

I recognize this but the way he described the change from Morgan to Rockefeller interests proved he was protecting Rockefeller

This poster says Quigley made a deal not to mention the Rockefellers, and his books definitely provide evidence for that

>> No.9835047

desu all the white kids I encounter are rude and ignorant just like black kids.

>> No.9835063
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Great blog link, that guy's a good researcher. FDR definitely had his faults though (read Sutton's FDR and Wall Street).
But he did great things: Tennessee Valley Authority built some of the greatest infrastructure this nation still relies on today, and inspired many other nations to embark on the same project. Led to Brazil's Volta Redonda Project which is still Brazil's largest iron mill today. He also helped Mexico seize their oil reserves from BP.

Notice how the establishment cleaned house follow WWII. For example, Laurence Duggan, the guy who authored the Good Neighbor Policy, was murdered (thrown out a window) and then labeled a communist in the NYT posthumously.

>> No.9835066
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>Poor gg Duggan

>> No.9835741

Maybe becouse of sympathy to commies

>> No.9835802
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>> No.9835857

>Prometheus Rising is a book by Robert Anton Wilson first published in 1983. It is a guide book of "how to get from here to there", an amalgam of Timothy Leary's 8-circuit model of consciousness, Gurdjieff's self-observation exercises, Alfred Korzybski's general semantics, Aleister Crowley's magical theorems, Sociobiology, Yoga, relativity, and quantum mechanics, amongst other approaches to understanding the world around us, and claiming to be a short book (under 300 pages) about how the human mind works and how to get the most use from one. Wilson describes it as an "owner's manual for the human brain".
Are you guys serios? It sounds literally schizo-tier.

>> No.9836149
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How very blue pill of you

>> No.9836193
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>muh joos

>> No.9836208

Just don't take it seriously and enjoy the ride.

>> No.9836333

Because it seems like the worst abusers of capitalism happen to be Jews who use their resources to subvert traditions that were otherwise keeping the march of commodification and centralization in check.

>> No.9836561

Bumping again for visibility and to check these sick dubs.

>> No.9836906

Damn I just nobody wants to talk about conspiracies anymore.

>> No.9836948

Likes like the Jews deleted one of the words in this post...

I'll put it up on my conspiracy wall.

>> No.9836952


god damn lizardpeople

>> No.9837032

Crowley? Leary? Fucking lol why on earth would you want to read the sophistry of a woo-woo British spook and a Harvard PR hack? Sounds like nonsense.

>> No.9837117

The bankers influence is still there today, though there are more hedge fund managers like Soros in the mix. Most of their influence is enacted through tax-exempt foundations these days.

>> No.9837132

>Would be an epic chart.
You blew your cover reddit

>> No.9837159

If I were reddit I would be suggesting Gorilla Mindset and Barbarians as good books for the chart.

>> No.9837186

The Creature from Jekyll Island - G. Edward Griffin

It's about the creation of the Federal Reserve.

>> No.9837534


>> No.9837589

I've been planing to read it for some time.
Anyone has an epub file?
Already googled and looked on IRC, all I found was pdfs.

>> No.9837617


>> No.9838668

Total BS. See>>9837032 and>>9835857

>> No.9838673

Wilson is the "crackpot consipiracy nut" in the best way possible.
Read the Illuminatus! Trilogy

>> No.9838674

>posts by someone who openly admits he hasn't read any part of the book

how is that relevant?

>> No.9838685

Lol who knows dude why don't you find some of these woo-woo books and post them for us? I'm sure some sophist kooks like James Randi or Michael Shermer have churned something out, sound right up your alley.

>> No.9838692

>Emanuel Swedenborg, Secret Agent on Earth and in Heaven
Wow this sounds excellent, going to strive to get a hard copy.

>> No.9838864

Like who?

>> No.9838909

wtf this isn't a conspiracy booklist, this is a mastermind booklist

>> No.9840262


>> No.9841710


>> No.9841876

how does it feel to be a tauri brainlet, anon?

don't answer that, it's rhetorical

>> No.9841941

I finished the chapter in Prometheus Rising on the third circuit and he kind of sounded like a shill to (((them))). I really liked everything before it but is it just trickery?

>> No.9842016

Bump for OP.

Decent thread so far

>> No.9842904


>> No.9842911

four essential books not mentioned yet

>Colin A. Ross - The C.I.A. Doctors: Human Rights Violations by American Psychiatrists
>Martin A. Lee - Acid Dreams: The Complete Social History of LSD: the CIA, the Sixties, and Beyond
>Christopher Simpson - Science of Coercion: Communication Research and Psychological Warfare, 1945-1960
>Stanford Research Institute - Changing Images of Man

>> No.9842960

Léon de Poncins' The Occult War

>> No.9842982

Anyone read Mindwar?

>> No.9843030

The one about mass transportation and General Motors is insanely believable without being too ridiculous. In profit-driven capitalism it's so easy to fathom.

>> No.9843033

by Aquino? No but I have read of it and is worth considering adding to the master list

>> No.9843047

Excellent suggested additions here - >>9842911

>> No.9843066

>>Culture, Media, and the West
consider adding:
Operation Hollywood: How the Pentagon Shapes and Censors the Movies - David L Robb

Frances Stonor Saunders - The Cultural Cold War: The CIA and the World of Arts and Letters

>> No.9843071

>the jews did it

It's the bourgeoisie, you dumb shits. It doesn't matter what ethnicity they are. You think they give a shit? Stop falling for the bullshit of dividing us against them.

>> No.9843077

>>Globalism: The Socio-Economic-Political Framework of the Modern World
A great overview work, covers some topics of US foreign policy perhaps not in other volumes here - Color Revolution technology, NGO's for regime change, psychological and economic warfare etc. "Full Spectrum Dominance - Totalitarian Democracy in the New World Order" by F. William Engdahl

>> No.9843078

Except it actually is the jews. It's their ethnic networking and talmudic hatred of the goyim. Come on, everyone should get this by now.

>> No.9843091

>Except it actually is the jews. It's their ethnic networking and talmudic hatred of the goyim.
It's definitely a thing bro, but its not everything.

>> No.9843094


>It doesn't matter what ethnicity they are.

Of course it does, to them at least. But you're really politically correct which makes you terrified of looking at the situation as it is. Even if you don't support this kind of mindset you are still terrified of admitting that they in fact do. You're so scared of seeming bigoted that you've become an intellectual eunuch who refuses to call out those who actually are.

>> No.9843096
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Ultimate red pill friend o

>> No.9843099

It's everything. Jews have cultivated a crop of commie goys they make filthy rich by going along with the destruction of their homelands but those traitors are still working for jews. The problem is a racial problem that begins and ends with the jews.

>> No.9843101

Fuck you. You're just trying to manipulate that poster into joining your paranoid hivemind.

>> No.9843109

Good stuff - we may have to consider some new categories - Social Engineering and Social Control possibly? This is a huge topic though branching into many disciplines - BF Skinner, Marshal McLuhan, Jose Delgado, Kurt Lewin etc going back to Pavlov, Wundt, Gustav Le Bon etc. Some synthesis books would be great, any recommends?

>> No.9843113


Nope. You lack critical discernment.

I'm not even white, by the way. I have no racial hatred. But (((they))) do. This is patently clear to anyone who does even the most cursory research into geopolitics without any emotional blinders on. Only someone in legitimate denial over the matter would contest this.

>> No.9843119

>I'm not even white
What are you then?

>> No.9843120



>> No.9843124

Gay. Another one of these Africans that have been popping up?

>> No.9843125

>cursory research into geopolitics
This is just /pol/speak for shitposting on 4chan.

>> No.9843128

People like you piss me off. You try to hurt people's self-esteem, by making them feel like they're an idiot for not taking your word for "how things really are." This is how bad ideas spread. It's better to spend the time comparing information that is as unbiased as you can find, and coming to a conclusion on your own.

>> No.9843130


*clickitty-clakclakk* to you too, muthafucka.


The median age on /pol/ is the same as /tv/: it is full of young kids who barely read. Write me off as le paranoid /pol/ boogeyman if it makes you feel any better, though. Truth is you're too emotional for this arena.

>> No.9843133

>Quigley is most definitely a limited hangout.... it almost seemed like a purposeful psyop.
Quigley is most definitely and unashamedly an apologist for the Atlanticist elite. Still essential reading though.

>> No.9843137

Well, he's right about the jews. We're on the internet, anyone can look into it and figure it out. All of the info is out there and available. There's very little that's debatable about the jewish question these days, but some people just refuse to look at it and continue to deny its veracity. On you though.

>> No.9843143

You're projecting. In the actual sense. How could you possibly know anything about me?

I'm >>9843128. Do you disagree that it's unreasonable to come to conclusions on your own, with careful study? Or should I just take your word--the word of an Anonymous 4chan poster--as fact, because you're undermining my criticisms of you with attacks to my character (saying that I'm "too emotional.") It'd be pretty fucking idiotic and /pol/-esque of me to do the latter.

I know nothing about the Jews and I'm not going to pretend to, so I'm in no position to just take anyone's word.

>> No.9843145

My doctor is Jewish and she's very empathetic and has provided me the most quality treatment of any primary care provider I've had so far. Why should I harbor resentment to someone who has been nothing but a positive figure to me?

>> No.9843146

> I know nothing about the Jews
So read the culture of critique and change that.

>> No.9843147


Simply pointing out blatant Jewish tribalism in power oligarchies doesn't mean that you yourself approve of tribalism or racial bias like they do. I'm so tired of emotional people like you who just want to fee fee your way through political discourse because saying anything even nearing a polemic statement makes you uncomfortable even if it's actually decrying that much in others. You are "can't we all just get along?" guy.

>> No.9843151

You're not "simply pointing out" anything. You're saying controversial shit that you expect uninitiated people to believe because YOU'RE saying it. It's narcissistic behavior. Why should I give a fuck about your meaningless opining on Jews? I'll figure it out myself. Fuck off with your "fee fees" shit. This is just /pol/speak for "I don't know how to argue with you."

You're acting like because I don't immediately take your word for this controversial issue, I'm an idiot. What the fuck is wrong with you? That's not how it works!

>> No.9843152


>You're projecting. In the actual sense.
I am now, am I?
>I know nothing about the Jews and I'm not going to pretend to
You're another nervous neville who wants to silence talk that makes him feel uncomfortable but admits to not even caring enough to research into the matter properly. Typical.

>> No.9843153


You are gone. There's nothing in your head. You think anyone who doesn't take anything you say as fact is "one of them." You may as well be in a cult.

>> No.9843154


>Fuck off with your "fee fees" shit.

>> No.9843157

I think one of the main reasons jews were kicked out of Romania was because their doctors were killing and doing weird experiments on the goyim fyi. Your personal experiences mean nothing though. I've dated jewesses and worked out of jewish people's houses, but that doesn't mean I'm incapable of understanding how they're genetically wired to behave tribally against the people they live among.

>> No.9843161

Yeah, and white people held human slaves. What's your point?

>> No.9843164


>You think anyone who doesn't take anything you say as fact is "one of them."

At no point did I ever say that, nor even imply it. I just said you were overly emotional. Keep in mind that you've literally admitted to knowing nothing about this issue, and now you're emotionally posting in angry caps over and issue that you freely admit to knowing nothing about.

>> No.9843166

If you are going to count them as human so did black people in Africa ya dip

>> No.9843167

If I shot you in the head, memes would come out. That's how fucking gone you are. You have no identity outside of this website. You're a typical narcissistic aspie who is taking out probably some childhood trauma on an anonymous forum, where it's safe and daddy can't hit you.

>> No.9843173

They were brought over on jewish slave ships. My point is that jews are very bad people who do things like blame white for slavery when they ran the whole show. Lehman Brothers got their start in the slave trade.

>> No.9843179


It's very telling that you become increasingly unhinged as this exchange continues. If anyone is lacking maturity and composure here it's you. I know this topic is uncomfortable, and if you don't want to have it then don't. No one is forcing you to post. But this snide character assassination is nothing to me. I have no issue with everyday Jewish people - contrary to some other posters, I'm sure - but if you refuse to see what is happening in the higher strata you are in fact in denial.

>> No.9843182

>At no point did I ever say that, nor even imply it.
Yes you did, dumb fuck.

>You're another nervous neville who wants to silence talk that makes him feel uncomfortable but admits to not even caring enough to research into the matter properly. Typical.

It's right there you stupid fuck. I'm "one of the typical ones." Because I didn't immediately agree with you, I'm "trying to silence anything that 'hurts my fee fees.'"

You don't know anything about me. People like you are so fucking quick to paint any sort of dissent as ENEMY!! ENEMY!! ONE OF THEM!!

Because I don't IMMEDIATELY AGREE with the inconsistent opining on a matter as controversial as a Jewish conspiracy, I'm "overly politically correct." Well fuck you. I'll figure it out on my own.

I REFUSE to end up like one of you clones.

>> No.9843186


>I have no issue with everyday Jewish people - contrary to some other posters, I'm sure - but if you refuse to see what is happening in the higher strata you are in fact in denial.

Cool caps, though.

>> No.9843189


>I'll figure it out on my own.

No you won't: you're the kind of guy who will never challenge his views enough to allow himself. The terrified caps attest to this.

>> No.9843192

I just haven't looked yet. All I did was point out some obvious guilt tripping someone was trying to do on another poster who had some doubts about the reliability of the information your hive is trying to cram down the rest of our throats.

And I got called, essentially, "one of those typical people who is overly PC and wants to silence things that make me uncomfortable."

It's like any time someone like you has their opinion challenged, you go nuclear and completely disparage them as "typical SJW's who can't handle the truth."

"Terrified caps," huh. Whatever the fuck you say, retard. There's just no sense with you fuckheads. But I don't owe you anything. Just know that the sensible population hates how gullible you are, and maybe that's why we get angry.

>> No.9843194

Jews seem to be a disproportionate amount of the offenders. It seems that while whites prefer to keep their Christian institutions, Jews have no qualms tearing it all down for an extra shekel.

>> No.9843200
File: 237 KB, 668x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes there is nothing wrong.

>> No.9843203

In other words, they have destroyed the artificial mental barriers that keep humans from bringing their nature to the final conclusion.

>> No.9843204

So if Jews are nationalistic, what's the problem? Isn't it good for a culture to protect itself?

>> No.9843208

>you are dishonest because you attack people's characters to spread bad ideas
>Jewish people did nothing wrong you stupid damaged sperglord!
What did he mean by this?

>> No.9843209


>"Terrified caps," huh. Whatever the fuck you say, retard.


Honestly at this point you don't even know what you're freaking out over. You've literally posted "I just haven't looked yet". So why don't you? Wouldn't it behoove you to become informed before you become outraged?

>> No.9843212

You're just a clone of another type. Preventing yourself from figuring out the truth out of spite is a childlike behavior that only helps the powers that be, whoever they may be. Nobody here is truly your enemy in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.9843216


It's unpleasant to seriously confront a paradigm that you've been comfortable living with. He's probably just young. I'm not taking any of this personally. But he does need to watch the emotion. It won't help him here.

>> No.9843217

Everything is artificial. The thing is that we used to have a powerful conservative faction that was willing to use political force to preserve traditional institutions. Then the Jews and Atlanticist elites began their culture war to demolish the very fabrics of society over the course of a century. I don't care how artificial you feel a "barrier" is because the outcome of tearing it down is far more synthetic because no civilization has had the gall to embrace the liberation and deviation we do today.
They can do it in Israel. Or in a chamber. Not as expatriates in a foreign nation where they operate out of a code of domination and resentment.

>> No.9843240
File: 14 KB, 220x332, Numero_Zero_(by_Umberto_Eco)_--_book_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9844774

I read it. Very interesting look into the psyche and also very short. Definitely a smart but evil man.

>> No.9846167

>muh spooks
>but like, not in a Stirnerian sense

>> No.9847241

>The problem is a racial problem that begins and ends with the jews.

>muh race
Funny how alt-right people hate Marxist social justice warriors and vice versa, yet they think and behave exactly the same.

>> No.9847270
File: 15 KB, 727x1188, proofs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont think anyone has recommended this as of yet, i haven't read it so i cant really 'recommend' it. however, ive been told it is a great resource for separating fact from fiction when it comes to the Illuminati and other secret organizations.

Proofs of a Conspiracy
Book by John W Robinson

>> No.9847272

Marxism is the jewish method of dismantling of white culture and values; white nationalism is a counter force seeking to restore and rebuild those things. They are polar opposites.

>> No.9847338

Good stuff, I have a pdf of this but never read also..have seen it cited in secondary literature often. Since he is Secretary to the Royal Society he seems a credible source..even though the Royal Society is a masonic organisation!

>> No.9847355

It's a shame this excellent thread is being sidetracked though. I have no problems with critiques of Jewish power and influence, but many of the posts in this thread are counter-productive. Post moar books!

>> No.9847397

>Jennet Conant's "The Irregulars - Roald Dahl and the British Spy Ring in Wartime Washington"
This sounds excellent gonna check it out.

>> No.9847410

My step-dad mentions the ills of fluoridated water multiple times whenever I see him, despite having no knowledge of chemistry or biology whatsoever.

>> No.9847574

Ghost Plane: The True Story of the CIA Rendition and Torture Program by Stephen Grey

It basically investigates the US out-sourcing torture and imprisonment of suspected terrorists to other countries in secret so the government can have their cake and eat it too. Maybe not so compelling in the current year with how much other shit has been revealed at this point but it's a decent read.

>> No.9847588
File: 31 KB, 331x499, programmed to kill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Programmed to Kill by Ion Mihai Pacepa. The book is just straight facts from the investigation and no Alex Jones/Jim Mars type assumptions or Illuminati crap. Well researched.

>> No.9847592

It's not. It's dull and not well written work, but it shows the power of secret societies behind governments and their secret services in a time where nobody thought they had much effect.

>> No.9847609

Ok that's a shame. The $400 price tag makes it beyond my means unfortunately.

>> No.9847614

Dude the only "Programmed to Kill" you should be posting here is by the late great Dave McGowan, whats this imitation?

>> No.9847654

>epic is reddit now

>> No.9847663

Two different subject matters...dude.