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/lit/ - Literature

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9823810 No.9823810 [Reply] [Original]

Nietzsche once claimed that when it comes to philosophical talent, India is first, and England is last (worst). He also claimed that Europe has not yet reached the level of spirituality that India had reached thousands of years ago.

/lit/ likes to talk about the Bible a lot, it's become almost a meme, we all seem to agree Bible is a source of wisdom.

But comparing the ancient Indian Indo-European civilization with the Jewish one, to see the spiritual level they were at.

Genesis was written in 5th century BC (according to scholars). It has stuff like:

>In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth.

A veritable pearl of wisdom.

TWO CENTURIES before that in the 9th century BC, the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad had already been composed. Sample from the text:

>"That (Brahman) is infinite, and this (universe) is infinite. the infinite proceeds from the infinite.
>(Then) taking the infinitude of the infinite (universe), it remains as the infinite (Brahman) alone."

One text deals with stuff like what you can eat and where you can put your penis, the absolute retardation probably due to excessive exposure to sun of the desert man can be felt on every page of the Bible.

On the other hand, the Indian text of the time show a philosophical depth of a Kant or a Hegel. Schopenhauer said that the re-discovery of the Upanishads by Europe is comparable to the rediscovery of ancient Greek materials in the Renaissance. He said it's by far the most profound material he's ever read.

Question: Why do we still waste so much time & energy with Desert Trilogy when our own, Indo-European heritage, is so much more richer and profound?

>> No.9824172

Short answer: Slave morality

Western civ was utterly cucked by the social revolt of early Christian women and slaves. The Greco-Roman mystery religions had long since lost the thread inherited from Egypt, becoming political tools or branching off into fruitless (in terms of spiritual wisdom) pursuits of rationality and empiricism. There was no defense against the Abrahamic poison in large part because there was little organization and the threat was underestimated until it was far too late to root out. Resentment is a powerful strategy to undermine a culture. Just look at the furious uproar that Trump, who only criticizes some of slave morality's symptoms--never the causes, creates.

>> No.9824493

Because there is more to Christianity than the Bible. This meme is in no small due to Protenstatism, a movement which insisted on people reading the Bible on their own and make their own interpretation. Philosophical traditions are manifold and complex and require long and serious study to comprehend on their own terms.

The problem is that the East/West dichotomy came about with colonialism; to put it in very soft terms, the West was considered rational, scientifically rigorious and well ordered while the East was considered strange, mystical and exotic.

This is classical Enlightenment polemics. With the Scientific Revolution, the West had memed itself to forget it's mystical traditions, seeking it somewhere else, in a place more "barbaric". The New Age movement, with it's gullible audience feasting upon shitty scholarship - more a crude caricature than anything else - reveling in a twisted understanding of made up notions that has no basis in tradition, all the while calling it "spirituality", is all too evident of this.

I do not decry the value of Eastern philosophy, I just lament the fact that people all too quickly dismiss something they barely understand, happily approaching something new and exciting with a retarded naivety and clumsy methodolgy.

>> No.9824549

It was just fashionable German contrarianism.

I heard a story about how a German society of Hinduphiles had a bunch of statues shipped in from India and when they were unveiled not as the work of sophisticated Aryan race but retarded street shitting pajeets with dumb expressions and multiple mutant arms they straight up realized how dumb they were to project this mystique onto India and straight up unironically quit the hobby altogether. It was astoundingly stupid and goes to show the limits and downfall of German autism.

Leave it to NEETche to take part in the exact same Weeabu tier pathetic idoltry

>> No.9824561

There's literally nothing wrong with slave morality

>> No.9824568

Abrahmic religion = blue pill
Eastern religion = red pill
Western civilization = cypher

>> No.9824582
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continentalets, when will they learn?

>> No.9824601

Western religion reached its pinnacle under Christianity. You may lament or forget the lack of rapist bulls in your circus arenas, but we won't.

>> No.9824608

Western civilization*. However, it does apply to western religion as well. We are seeing a downfall in both.

>> No.9824611
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>> No.9824620

>blames others for being autistic
>bases his worldview on "I heard a story once"
truly impressive

>> No.9824628

Im not saying rapist bulls are better. Im just saying abrahmic religion is a packaged deal philosophically speaking. Everything is figured out you just have to behave to claim your eternal bliss ticket.
There is no individual enlightment or self discovery

>> No.9824629

Because in the end, it's still religion.

>> No.9824635
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