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/lit/ - Literature

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9822706 No.9822706 [Reply] [Original]

Post opening sentence to your book. Mine:

A seemingly strange thing happened to Bridget that was actually quite normal.

>> No.9822708

He detests the pull but dare not fly.

>> No.9822717

And so it began; the greatest story that Billy Lee Jones Junior would ever experience

>> No.9822736

Wow if I ever read that line the book would get frisbeed out of the nearest window/door

>> No.9822738

I was standing on the balcony of an old opera house, hollowed out to make room for angry music and angrier sex.

>> No.9822744


>> No.9822748

Please refer to me as Ishmael.

>> No.9822750

I'd read until I got to the "strange but normal" part, then make a fart noise of disbelief when it unvariably was either not strange or not normal, and then throw it out the nearest window.

except I wouldn't because I can't throw out books. I'd take it the nearest bookswap, asap tho

>> No.9822753

I spend a lot of time in waiting rooms, similar to this, with high ceilings and long hallways.

>> No.9822754
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It was only seemingly strange, but actually quite normal. Illiterate nigger.

>> No.9822768

>was either not strange seeming or not actually normal*
I don't have a lot of faith in your writing.

>> No.9822803

>was either not strange seeming
I don't have a lot of faith in yours, because you didn't write this.

>> No.9822812

It's was a fucking goof post. don't get fucking assblasted because your first sentence is shit, you mooseknuckle.

>> No.9822839

Please be patient, I have autism.

>> No.9822882

The preferred pronouns of the protagonist in this book are left as an exercise to the reader.

>> No.9822884

I like this a lot anon

>> No.9822912

thank you

>> No.9822917

This is dope

>> No.9822935



>> No.9822976
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She came over, accusing my bulemic mother of being anorexic, she was abrasive and loud, wearing a shirt made by two mentally retarded women. She begged to use our dryer, complaing of a date she had with the supervisor of her workplace, a fast food chain. She quietly shrieked about being destitute, no longer wishing to be "used by her poor neighbors". An irony that was not missed. Her name was Pam. She had for some time been scraping the grout out of the brick walls in her home, insisting that some organization had been quite literally pumping poisonous gas into her house through a tunnel below. She had ripped out a load bearing wall, and other varied fixtures in her home. It became a nuisance to see the piles of drywall, wood, wires, and other detritus laying in her yard. I later scolded my mother for allowing her to use the dryer, noting that the woman was legitimately insane, and it was completely unknown whether she had parasites.

>> No.9822981

I'd actually read it. Mention it on /lit/ when you publish it.

>> No.9822992

oh i was just frustrated while reading this thread with her coming over. She's real. All of this is real. sorry it's not part of the theme.

>> No.9822993


If you're going to write something this morally bankrupt then you should at least aim for aesthetic potency. You're running on fumes here.

>> No.9822999 [DELETED] 

"Back from his radical adventures in hell, Monty Spulko was on his way, blazing past at 200 miles through the highway inferno, to reach the doomed wedding hall before sundown. Spulko is a cosmic revenger, or a vigilante of metaphysical proportions, to be more specific. He’s capable of traversing the boundaries of all realities in order to accomplish his justices."

>> No.9823002

Oh. Well, damn. Sorry about your crazy parasite neighbor. If she tore out a load bearing wall you have to tell the housing inspector or something to fix it, because that's dangerous.

>> No.9823003

moraly bankrupt? i suppose you let your schizophrenic neighbors use your amenities constantly eh? fuck off.

>> No.9823011

I am a strong believer in the prime directive. the less i interfere, the better. i'll just quietly fume and wait for the cracking of brick and mortar as the house implodes on her. I'll look forward to informing the local newspaper of exactly what happened.

>> No.9823020


You don't even understand what I'm talking about. Christ what is with the rampant idiocy on /lit/.
It's a thread about the art of writing. By morally bankrupt I'm not talking about the choices of your characters obviously I'm referring to your choice of writing this.

>> No.9823023
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"Back from his radical adventures in hell, Monty Spulko was on his way, blazing past at 200 miles through the highway inferno, to reach the doomed wedding hall before sundown. Spulko is a cosmic revenger, or a vigilante of metaphysical proportions, to be more specific. He’s capable of traversing the boundaries of all realities in order to accomplish his justices."

>> No.9823027

oh, if it's not any kind of double house or apartment building, then it's fine. Though you could get her evicted if they tell her to clean up and she won't

>> No.9823050

writing about reality is morally bankrupt? i suppose when someone travels to africa and recounts the sufferings of the locals, that's morally bankrupt too. what a fucking dipshit you are. No one in the world knows who these people are. No one ever will. Later. I'm off to morally bankrupt myself by writing how much of a dipshit you are.

>> No.9823060

And then...

>> No.9823061

wait, are you such a dipshit that you're not even complaining about the moral ramifications of what i'm writing, but rather the bullshit sanctity of
>muh thread
jesus fucking christ. Who gives a shit about hollow opera houses and whatever lame shit you guys come up with? If I kill this thread, I will have done a morally positive act, saving you mental munchkins from reading more swill than you have to.

>> No.9823067
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>first person narration
>OMNISCIENT first person narration
>"quietly shrieked"
>paragraph, not a sentence


>> No.9823070

Hey! My lame opera house didn't do anything to you!

>> No.9823077

i'm sorry, you're right. it was a good sentence. just annoyed. going to go disinfect my dryer now.
if you heard the woman's voice, you would know how accurate that description is.
why thank you. i didn't know i knew everything.

>> No.9823079

This isn't Star Trek, dummy.

>> No.9823086

It's okay, I kinda figured that. I know how stressful neighbors can be. I hope everything works out.

>> No.9823105

Today, I killed a little girl, or so I believe, she was most likely the age of my son, the first thing I remember was the grey sky above me, the sensation of raindrops pouring down my left cheek from a crack on the ceiling, I was standing in what I presumed was an abandonned warehouse, spaced out before slowly regaining awareness of my surroudings, she was lying in a pool of blood in front of me, I was never good at dealing with blood, the smell was too strong for me, my first reaction was trying to cover my nose, only to notice I was holding an emptied revolver in my right hand, I could only assume the worst.

>Narrator is an army veteran suffering from dementia, so extremely unreliable

>> No.9823110

I just started it,nothing interesting

>> No.9823112

i know, just the first thing i thought of.
going back, i don't know how it's omniscient. i as the narrator know all of the things in the paragraph. nothing to give reason to believe that i know things outside of myself. I've been in her house, I've seen her yard, I scolded my mother, I listened to her talk about her date, her not wanting to be poor anymore, her quiet shrieking. no omniscience there.

>> No.9823119

How are there hallways inside a waiting room, you dolt? I know that's not what you mean, but it's what your sentence is implying.

>> No.9823141

The town of Awning was a grim sight.

>> No.9823151

Holy comma splice

>> No.9823162

'Niggers be tripping', Tyrone said

>> No.9823164

there is as much comma's in what you typed as in a McCarthy book

>> No.9823169

fuck out of here britfag

>> No.9823173

Awning is a good word. Very imposing.

>> No.9823307

only post so far that might make for a good book

at-least-you're-trying-seriously award. Unfortunately, it's too melodramatic to be intimate, and too faux-gentle to be interesting. The kind of thing I'd expect from someone trying to take themselves seriously who might someday write something really good if he keeps practicing.

>> No.9823321
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>> No.9823322

Did they ever tell you the meaning of madness?

>> No.9823366

It was a bright, cold day in April and the clocks were striking thirteen.

>> No.9823384

I sat on a stone and watched my companion smoke a cigarette. I wanted to ask his name, but I felt that it would have been too awkward at this point.

>> No.9823389

>first sentence comma splice and its not for aesthetic reasons
>prose is bad
>quietly shrieked is an oxymoron that could have been better described
>what that other anon said about 1st person narration omniscient
>"An irony that was not missed."
>"Her name was Pam."
>"quite literally"
>that edgy file

>> No.9823390

Everybody says that my waifu isn't real.

>> No.9823397

mysterious, but somehow overwrought.

Interesting. A little bland, perhaps, but it has that potential for a nice black humor adventure/mystery.

>> No.9823401

But I'll show them! I'll show everyone!!

>> No.9823412

Ehhh, doesn't really capture a scene invoking someone shot to death. I like the idea though.

>> No.9823559

Lol. Would read.

>> No.9823606

it's not first person omniscient. i explained that above.

>> No.9823643

Good premise, average writing.

>> No.9823651

I was busy taking down plate numbers of every car that left the bureau that afternoon when the Old Faithful cold-sweats of junk withdrawal began to burn my eyes.

>> No.9823654

does he work for the fbi or is he paranoid-delusional? Because both have potential, honestly.

>> No.9823660

To the east of the town was an alizarin-brushed forest of sugar maple and tulip poplars which harboured the property and many others in a clouded pool of underbrush and litter fallen burgundy and orange from the molting trees.

>> No.9823662

Underground revolutionary, actually. I was modelling him as a composite character of some members of SDS/WeatherUnderground.

>> No.9823673

It's not done though, of course. It's just a disjointed series of notes that are currently stored in two separate locations. Lucky me, I have an incredible memory. For all other writers out there, I didn't always have a good memory. Doing yoga/meditation helped tremendously. Also, look up "art of memory" if anyone is interested.

>> No.9823679

It was a cold grey morning when Stephen Thompson drove his mother's 1998 Ford Taurus to the north side of town to buy a gun.

>> No.9823680

Make him an unreliable narrator and have it all just been in his head. A very excellent twist that most people are too chickenshit to implement.

>> No.9823696

I had a farm in Africa

>> No.9823701

This is the worst fucking idea ever

>> No.9823710

Not if the guy is a junkie. Live a little.

>> No.9823715

Let me start off by saying that it was never my intention to hurt anyone.

>> No.9823718

Just so you know,>>9823701
is not me, and I am
However, having been one, he'll have to be a hell of a lot more than a dopehead to be delusional.

>> No.9823719

Pretty sure that's how Woad to Wuin starts, which starts off with a gimp (MC) killing a dwarf.

>> No.9823727

Uh, isn't junk black tar heroin?

>> No.9823730

Junk is pretty much any opiate/opioid, but usually refers to any variety of heroin.

>> No.9823735

She ripped my heart out with her teeth.

>> No.9823738

Thanks. Yeah I looked it up, but really, if he's on heroin, he's already on hard enough drugs to be delusional. If you want him to be "fine" but still a junkie, you better just stick to college drugs.

>> No.9823744

by which I mean weed and ritalin. Adderall can fuck you up if you take too much.

>> No.9823747 [DELETED] 

I hugged the ground and found safety in its embrace.

>> No.9823753

Please show me research that shows heroin causes delusions in the mentally healthy? Like I said, I'm speaking from personal experience. Even the worst of withdrawals *can* make on temporarily insane, but remember, he's just beginning to withdraw. Everybody has this weird conception of heroin like it's not just souped-up vicodin. The only difference between "heroin" these days and "diacetyl morphine" is whether you get it on the street or by prescription.

>> No.9823757

Ritalin is at LEAST 10x more likely to induce a state of psychosis than even the highest doses of opioids in a mentally healthy person. Like I said, they're going to have to be mentally ill, or a methhead or PCP user in order for that plot twist to work. Even if the average joe doesn't know shit about drugs (as you have exhibited) I still want my novel to be accurate in all the non-fictional aspects

>> No.9823758


hi please post contact info, preferably skype

>> No.9823765

Technically more than one sentence, but I don't think the first sentence alone stands on its own.

I hugged the ground and found safety in its embrace. In that, I was thankful for the soil which covered half my world, preventing the sky above and sky below from coming together and overwhelming me.

>> No.9823783

>Even if the average joe doesn't know shit about drugs (as you have exhibited)
Excuse you, I know pretty goddamn much about drugs. My point is, is that if someone's on drugs, shit gets bad, quick. Shit gets cut, they start mixing and matching drugs, and then you want a mc that takes heroin and has withdrawls to just be otherwise fine? That's not what happens, even if it's just psychosomatic and not a direct symptom of the drug itself. I've watched a guy shoot up before. He's dead now, too. He was what? 24? 25?

>> No.9823804


>> No.9823812

>he'll have to be a hell of a lot more than a dopehead to be delusional.
>if he's on heroin, he's already on hard enough drugs to be delusional.
Hmm, it's almost like somebody already said heroin alone doesn't do that, right before (and after) someone asserted it does.

>> No.9823839

Ya know what? I'm sorry for arguing with you about stupid shit. You take your conjecture from your limited experience, I'll take the conjecture from my extensive personal experience with the stuff, and we'll shove 'em up our asses on the count of three...

>> No.9823855

"What the hell are we going to do with this goddamn orb?" Fryhal asked me while I looked unconsciously staring at him amidst a 10 mile radius of broken knives and swords that came out from god knows where, caused by the broken spell of a recently-dead Carach sorcerer.

>> No.9823918

actually good

>> No.9823956

Okay, I'd like to apologize too. I don't know what came over me, since it doesn't even matter. I get kind of weird over stupid shit and I'm sorry.

>> No.9823971

>yet another thread where literally no one fucking responds to my work

>> No.9823974

I've been in this shithole for 6 years, and it's the first time I've seen people apologize with each other. Kudos to you people.

>> No.9823976


living with NPD must be tough anon

>> No.9823978

improve then

>> No.9823994

I keep running into people with the aim of not running into people and I haven’t left the house all day. Who are these people in the house—my house!—or rather my quarter portion of the house shared, nonetheless: get them out! I can hear a corpulent mass of deliberate gluttony smacking his lips against something; is it my food? My fucking food! I will assuredly murder him in front of whoever is out there and return to my room and consciously wait to be arrested.

>> No.9824051

See this is an example of someone using words they know the definition of but still can't properly string into a sentence. "Amidst a 10 mile radius of broken knives and swords" makes enough sense to let the reader understand what you mean, but if you think about it, is retarded sentence structure. The circle of swords and knives has a radius, but the circle is not the radius.
"Caused by" also just sounds incredibly clunky and weird. What you're stating is that the swords and knives were caused by the spell. Using a phrase like "placed there by" or "pulled here by" or something would be better.
Then again, you're writing some kind of edgy fantasy that still uses kitschy tolkien-clone-style names, so this is orobably about the level of writing your target audience will expect.

>> No.9824056


>> No.9824071

You seem to be forgetting one little thing, that I'm not a native speaker and I don't intend to publish anything in anytime, at least in English anyway.

>> No.9824072

A very poor notes from underground imitation
Your second sentence splices a question and a statement together in an awful-sounding way and you threw in a bunch of random overwrought words that don't fit well at all. It sounds like you wrote it then decided to just throw in big words in random places.

>> No.9824075

So? If you post an excerpt in english, expect people to critique your use of the english language. Hopefully it doesn't sound so shitty in yours.

>> No.9824077

>adverbs are bad

What's it like working as a very good dick sucker?

>> No.9824085

For a moment, he thought about asking her to lick the rim of his asshole and to squeeze on his scrotum so hard the puncture marks would bleed red on her fingernails and face, but he opted for what he always said to her, which was "Paper. Paper, not plastic" and hurried home to start dinner prep for his family.

>> No.9824094

>expect people to critique your use of the english language
Change critique with autistic sperging, and it actually fits much better with your description.

>> No.9824133

>being this triggered over a single sentence
God, that's why I hate these threads.

>> No.9824149

Shut up dickhead.

>> No.9824199

"Yummy cummy in my tummy; fuck me mouf and call me mummy," I screamed, killing my wife's boyfriend during coitus.

>> No.9824203

>Current book
A final look back was given at the face-down corpse, a bullet through its head, and a cloth covering the exit wound on the back of the skull.

>1st book
The stench was the worst part, he had thought.

>2nd book
Leaning back on the rolled up blankets tucked into the corner of his dorm room’s bed, thereby propping up his body to be in a more comfortable position to work at his laptop, he went about typing.

>3rd book
With a grunt of annoyance, he lay himself down on the ridge of a cliff, left arm reaching forward for the smooth wooden stock of his decades-old rifle to rest on.

>4th book
“Oh just one more…” he stammered as he rested against the bar, figures whirling around him as he looked up at the bartender.

>5th book (sequel of the 1st)
She couldn’t quite stomach the process of him skinning the gutted deer, but was more than favourable of the outcome.

>6th book (third in the series)
The smoke continued to rise on the horizon, the house that had become Richard and Tiffany’s home lost to flames and the undead.

>7th book (fourth)
“Da-” a small voice whispered, but was cut off.

Also, the current book I'm writing is the fifth instalment of the series. So, to what extent does faggotry flood my writings, /lit/?

>> No.9824221

The shot rang out like a mocking howl against the screams as his body fell against the cold pavement. It's over, I thought, it's all finally over, the last slope-headed nigger on Earth was dead.

>> No.9824243

As my dog smacked her lips, I cleaned the remaining peanut butter and wondered how it came to this.

>> No.9824272

Hahaha holy fuck!

>> No.9824294


>> No.9824303
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>> No.9824304

Prerequisites for installation:
- Java 8. The latest version can be downloaded from java.com.

...OK it's not great literature but at least it's going to be published

>> No.9824323

Clarity and blueness unfolded in the pool as it caught the last of the true light, a thin sunset bled out from its horizon, which might be forever diminishing outside of experience.

>> No.9824326


>> No.9824372


>> No.9824378
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Still an idiot.

>> No.9824701

I can see improvement

>> No.9824722

Nice, I'd read

>> No.9824730

What are your reasons for disliking omniscient first person narration?

>> No.9824738

Sure the language is subpar but the biggest issue is "I could only assume the worst" which is cliche first of all and secondly is usually followed with *3 days earlier* which is shit-tier and lazy af

>> No.9824816

The world has been broken and she does not care.

>> No.9824829


There were two bags--vomit and poop--neatly placed by the door.

>> No.9824849

Magnus realized, with a sort of laugh, that all the jokes he had recently heard were told by himself, to himself, and at his expense.

>> No.9824858

It was pretty dark.

>> No.9824871

There was a shifting, a lens dropped down, a voice crooning "one, or two," as suddenly things came into focus.

>> No.9824875


Well at least they're Christians.

>> No.9824908

A bit dark but I like it

>> No.9824923

Unfortunately, I woke up.

>> No.9824998

Private Dick Elmore Sniffly was starting to suspect by the trail of bread crumbs aligned through the city streets that the serial loaf snatcher either wanted to be caught or was getting cockier than a rooftop poised prize rooster shrieking the arrival of the sun once again.

>> No.9825573

did he kill his wife's boyfriend with the power of his coitus, or did he use a weapon?

>> No.9825585


>> No.9825699

The fisherman watched from the banks of the Tiber; five men wading through the shallows, one pulling a row boat by a nub of twisted, fraying rope, the other four pushing from the sides, their breath rising in forceful bursts of vapour into the rapidly fading winter sunshine.

>> No.9825926

Thank you very much, I've been told that my writing style has been improving with each successive book. I think my best one yet has been #7. Not quite sure if the current one is turning out to be as good but even if it isn't I don't think it's far off. Got some pretty awesome scenes in it.

>> No.9827330

nice bait

>> No.9827672

what if tom video taped godiva and jerked off to it later

>> No.9827689

Uggh, can't stop moving my hips...

>> No.9828297

The first sentence is always the hardest, so i'm glad we got that out of the way.

>> No.9828354


Meta, humourous, but not cringy. It's not perfect, but the fact that it's not cringy is a success in and of itself.

>> No.9828361


On screen it said:
Initializing filters...

>> No.9828647

For the first time sitting on a plane, grasped to the chair amidst a suffocating atmosphere held by the exotic smell of a corpulent foreigner beside him, he saw distant dunes from the window, way below any skies.

>> No.9829589

Upon the blazing corals, where crab and sea shells boil.

>> No.9829791

That's not a sentence.

>> No.9829842

"Has anyone ever wanted to just throw their computer out the fucking window?"

>> No.9829869

Her daughter was gone.

>> No.9829909

>that photo
uh anon you want to talk about something buddy?

>> No.9830243

"Your waifu is trash." he said. I looked at him and smiled.
"Is that so?". I reached into my back pocket and pulled out the gun. "No one says that and expects to live."

>> No.9830517

>it was all in his head plot twist
that is terrible

>> No.9830524

Not if it's done right and he's just been a crazy person killing random people.

>> No.9830530

"Only one enemy remained; two if you counted God."

>> No.9830565

Damn it, now I want to know what happened to Bridget.

>> No.9830592

*you're waifu

>> No.9830693

Corrado had a Corrado.

>> No.9830695

Way too spooky for me, tone it down on the darkness

>> No.9830704

I would close your book immediately

>> No.9830705

I bet you're wondering how I got here

>> No.9830726

Down the road came the breadman, with his bready hands. Now came the breadcrumbs from this dreaded man. The rats and the poor bums follow the breadtrail. The cats and the steel drums follow the rat tails.

>> No.9830742

Valeri Samsonov woke with a jolt; his orderly had never knocked on the door to his quarters to prepare for the officer's ball in _________stok tonight!

>> No.9830821

It was pretty dark. Pretty cold as well. Shivering. No sign of light. Soon it will be over I thought. Soon enough. Soon.

>> No.9831110

I'm currently writing the spiritual successor for Ego and its Own. As per request,
>Bugs, easy on the carrots.

>> No.9831191

>I hold myself to a very high moral standard. One that I, at times, admittedly struggle to keep up with but I've found that it helps to define some strict rules. For one, talking about myself is prohibited, god forbid I commit the sin of self indulgence and egotistical gluttony. This eases us into the absolute and inflexible abstinence from magical thinking and the likes; after a lengthy period of introspection I've determined that such whimsical, self inflating garbage is only damaging to my mental health. Yes, I do consider myself to be a robust moral fiber, so you really must imagine my shock when I woke up one morning on the cold kitchen tiles in a rather demeaning pool of sweat with gore up to my elbows.. Oh yes, and upon discovering the dead child in the closet under the stairs.