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9822512 No.9822512 [Reply] [Original]

When will I outgrow existentialism?

>> No.9822525

When you finally get a job, snowflake.

>> No.9822533

When you reach six feet.

>> No.9822534

>a job is the meaning to life

Fuck off wageslave

>> No.9822540

When you seek Christ and become a Catholic.

>> No.9822543

After you read my upcoming book:
My diary desu

>> No.9822544

>thinks dwelling in his mother's basement, going weeks without exposure to sunlight, masturbating to porn, is good for his health

I'd rather be a wagecuck than a manchild any day, snowflake.

>> No.9822585

When you die.

>> No.9822588
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When you reckon with the primordial truth under threat.
Self-sufficiency is part of the meaning of life if your life is any good.

>> No.9822614

Good little wagie, i'm look to buy my third yacht, don't forget to work hard!

>> No.9822618

>Self-sufficiency is part of the meaning of life if your life is any good.

Being a slave isn't self-sufficiency. Someone posting Aristotle aught to know this.

>> No.9822646

When you stop caring so much about "I"

>> No.9822651
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Being a slave isn't being self sufficient, but twisting the meaning of "slavery" to the extent that it applies to willingly delivering pizzas with opportunity for such luxuries as listening to music or youtube videos while driving, and simultaneously making several times the wage of most of the world is completely melodramatic and characteristic of a self-described existentialist. There are legitimate critiques to this lifestyle regarding the dependent nature of having a job or paying rent, but being completely dependent on your family and in essence extending your adolescence indeterminately is not a valid counter-lifestyle to "wage slavery". I need to make changes, but virulence coming from someone who wants to be a boy for the rest of their life is not valuable to me.

>> No.9822655

>larping this hard


>> No.9822668
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When you realise the meaninglessness of life isn't an eternal truth but rather the product of our socio-economical system and existentialism just the expression of man alienated from his Gattungswesen.

>> No.9822680

Wrong, it's a product of our increased stock of knowledge. No amount of self-deception will ameliorate the fact that we live in a tiny, insignificant blue dot.

>> No.9822693
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When you read Ecclesiastes.

>> No.9822698


>> No.9822702

legitimately embarrassing.

>> No.9822713

"Earth is little therefore life is meaningless."
It's almost like this is an emotional philosophy for depressed people or something.

>> No.9822735

When you realize surjective meaning is absolute meaning. (Surjectively of course)

>> No.9823017

When you realise that the meaninglessness of life does not mean it is not worth living.
t. Camus

>> No.9823029

>Reducing the superstructure to the infrastructure
Here we go again.

>> No.9823034

When you turn 18, kiddo.

>> No.9823358

I vainly approve

>> No.9824198

Could you elaborate?

>> No.9825002

What do you propose makes things inherently meaningful?

>> No.9825425

when you quit surrounding yourself with people who jerk off to philosophy

>> No.9825436

Aristotle also knew that for some to be really free other have to be slaves.

>> No.9825468

It may come out as a meme answer, but this.

>> No.9825498
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When you learn to make your own meaning in life.

Or reach nirvana.

>> No.9825503

i am a stream enterer.

>> No.9825510

You honestly think you're not a manchild? You're dedicating your life to making money for someone else. You're worthless on the eyes of your employer and even more so to society. I say this as a long time wageslave. There's nothing noble in hard work, nothing to be proud of. It's not hard to see just how much the propaganda has worked, convincing millions that giving away all of your time like everyone before you is somehow honorable. We'll all be wishing we had more time when we're lying on our deathbeds, more time with our families, our hobbies, or just more time alone. Sleeping and working, that's all you do. That's all I do. I'm no longer convinced this is the way to live, yet I'll fucking get up again tomorrow morning to hand the only thing we ever truly have - time - to some assholes who'd replace me immediately if I were standing in the way of their plans. Give up the bullshit act, friend. It sounds pathetic, you're not special and you never will be.

>> No.9825523

>more time with our families,
but you're a beta numale who will never have a family

>our hobbies,
no one ever wished they spent more time playing pokemon on their deathbead

>or just more time alone.
said no one ever

if you're that angsty about your shitty job, get some fucking skills that are respectable then

>> No.9825559

I am positive that I make more money than you and, to be honest, you seem like someone who just got their first office job and still thinks it's great. My hobbies don't include video games, it's your own Damn fault if you're that pathetic, don't project - this board is for adults. I very much enjoy my time alone, and I don't get enough of it. If you're the type of person who needs others around to feel good about yourself then I'm sorry, I'm not. I'm married, but I'll never have kids, so you're half right about one thing, almost.

>> No.9825564

>I am positive that I make more money than you

probably not per hour since you seem to have to spend every waking moment in an office to make it, i write code from home when i feel like it, stay salty cuck

>> No.9825577

married without intending to have kids.... and u spend time on /lit/. Can only imagine what kind of miserable bastard u are irl

>> No.9825582

You're the type of person who uses both "salty" and "cuck" as insults, and you still feel superior to anyone? That's incredible. I'm interested in how much someone as clearly idiotic as you is managing to make an hour, from home. So whip that dick out kid, what do you make?

>> No.9825587

who cares, i love my job meanwhile you cry like a little bitch about having to go to work, fuck off

>> No.9825590

How is being alone forever and spending time on 4chan any better, friend?

>> No.9825608

You're obviously a child, since you're purposefully misinterpreting everyone I've said to position yourself at an advantage on the discussion. Either that or you're just that pathetic, truly, which I refuse to believe. I don't hate my job nearly as much as I hate people dumb enough to feel superior to others for having one. If that'd what keeps you going, more power to you. Any person who talks down to people for being a lonely loser who'll never accomplish anything besides having a job (what?) and being somehow proud of that is clearly attempting to make up for something. So drop the act and realize that the time you spend working doesn't make you special. I'm incredibly happy with my second job and what I do when I'm not in an office, so I'm not really sure what your point is.

>> No.9825612

Why do Marxists think they sound smart when they reduce everything to class

>> No.9825619

Labor is slavery in the age of usury. The other side of the slavery is consumerism. It's not a question of one or the other, the answer is both or neither. Be honest.

>> No.9825629

you were telling some kid he should just say in his mom's basement wacking off instead of becoming a "wagecuck" meanwhile you have two jobs, you sound just like all those stupid youtube professors who tell alt-right frogbois not to get an education meanwhile they have a stack of grad degrees

>> No.9825637

Why are the posters here all so obnoxiously stupid they need to twist people's points so they can have manufacture some footing in the argument? Absolutely pathetic. I never once advocated being a NEET. In fact, my life plan is to continue saving until I can quit my shitter job and just write full time. My point has nothing to do with how anyone should be living, i just think it's ridiculous to feel superior to anyone for doing the bare minimum. It's a necessity, I never argued that, but it's not fucking honorable, it's nothing to be proud of. If having a job is enough to make someone place themselves above anyone else on their mind, they're a lost cause.

>> No.9825642

sorry dude but in a century when there isn't enough work to go around complaining about having a job seems really dated, if people want to read some book whining about how having a job sucks they'll read some 20th century crap

>> No.9825649

You can't live the literary lifestyle with children, anon.

>> No.9825652

you also can't live the literary lifestyle if you're not a writer, just like you can't live the rockstar lifestyle if you're not a rockstar, grow up and leave childish fantasies behind

>> No.9825659

I'm complaining about retarded anons thinking they're hot shit for working. Again, why not confront the issue I'm presenting rather than twisting it to fit whatever trite, preformulated argument you have on deck? If we're really going to go off topic, I'll mention that I spent 2 years homeless, and I honestly miss that time in my life quite often. Still, I will continue to go to work, to support me and my wife, until I've saved enough to love the life I want, pursuing whatever unattainable goal I want. I work as hard as I can handle, and I've reaped the monetary benefits, but I don't feel better than anyone for doing so, mostly I feel time disappearing.

>> No.9825669

>slaving away supporting a wife who refuses to even bear a child for you

oh boy...

>> No.9825682

Why would you assume that every man wants children?

>> No.9825685

i didn't assume that, i'm aware there are many betacucks who are now self-conscious of the fact that their genes are not worthy of reproduction

>> No.9825690

Too bad your dad wasn't one of them.

>> No.9825691

>calling anyone else beta when you constantly need to defend sucking your bosses dick, because it's your only source of pride in your life

>> No.9825695

>assuming everyone sucks their bosses dick like you do

not everyone does that, just the kind of guys who support wives that refuse to have their children, the reason you're so resentful and angsty is because you're a pussy aka betacuck, hope that helps

>> No.9825698

Here we go, greentext and tired insults. I knew it wouldn't take long. I refuse to have children, at least for now, because I plan to travel once I have a comfortable savings. There's no way for me and her to pursue our goals if we're taking care of a child. She works two jobs and is in medical school, I think she's okay with not getting pregnant for now. Even if you're idiotic statement had some truth, I'd rather have a woman who loves me and refuses to breed than be so lonely I need to insult anons with greentext like I'm 16 years old.

>> No.9825700

i'm gonna lol when you wife finished medical school and divorces you, if you think you're an angsty little bitch now, just wait lmao

>> No.9825701

You're setting the bar incredibly high for stupidity right now, that post wasn't me. There's apparently some other anons here now seeing this legendary idiocy. Why argue with anyone at all when you're this pathetic at it? You change your point every response, because you have nothing intelligent to say if you're forced to actually respond to what's being said. I'm legitimately looking forward to your next post friend.

>> No.9825703

Not everyone is as unattractive - in both looks and personality - as you are, bud. She proposed to me. We'll see what happens.

>> No.9825711

you have no point other than "i hate my job so if you like your job then you're a faggot" that is basically what you've spend the last who knows how many hours writing, reexamine your life, scrub

>> No.9825713

>She proposed to me. We'll see what happens.

of course she did, she knows you're the kind of beta provider that will take her all the way through medical school, quit the job you hate and see how long she sticks around lmao betacuck

>> No.9825715

I haven't said that in even one single post, you absolute retard. It had nothing to do with liking your job, it has to do with feeling as if you're a better person for having one. I've never seen anyone as dumb as you post on here, and I'm not exaggerating. You haven't once failed to twist my argument to make it easier on you. I'm glad you like your job, anon, because you're going nowhere.

>> No.9825718

if you were in a job with a future you wouldn't be such a crybaby about it, stop projecting

>> No.9825722

>knowing this little about relationships
I feel sorry for you, to be honest. I don't need to defend myself, but just to further show how incredibly idiotic you are: she makes nearly as much as I do, is paying her way through college, and pays half the rent. The majority of my salary goes into savings, an account only I have access to. I know you've never been in a relationship, but try to understand that not everyone gets used by women while they fuck other guys. I'm sorry you were hurt, anon.

>> No.9825723

when you get a gf

>> No.9825724
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>the wagies getting upset in this thread

tick tock, don't forget to go to bed early tonight so you're all refreshed for tomorrow

>> No.9825733

This is really the only thing you have to say? Damn. So, let me get this straight, you misinterpreted my original point, and continue to repeat the exact same thing over and over with slightly different wording, and feel like you're right? I'm embarrassed for you. Feeling like I am losing time I'll never get back seems perfectly reasonable, considering I'll be working 70 hours per week for at least the next three years. I know for a fact you have no idea what that's like, but I find comfort in the fact that you'll also never know what owning a house, having a wife, and saving enough to travel for years feels like either. Just give up, man.

>> No.9825736

Damn what career are you working in?
I'd imagine it'd have to be either a wagecuck or an extremely high responsibility and high paying job for you to work that long.

>> No.9826600
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>this board is for adults

>> No.9826603
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I'm happy.

>> No.9826625

When you realize that Sartre's ontology is fucked.

>> No.9827700

Lol sounds like your wounds are self-inflicted. If you simplified your lifestyle you could work half of that at a decently paying job and have much more time for your creative pursuits. Not trying to be disingenuous but your posts ITT are basically the epitome of ressentiment--I felt this way when I was 19-20 but I grew out of it. If you really loved whatever it is you feel inhibited from pursuing you would structure your life around it.

>> No.9827969
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Once you sort yourself out.

>> No.9828288

You have a point, and it's not a bad one. The thing is that I used to work less and pursue my goals more, but now I'm set on working my ass off for as long as it takes to travel for 5-7 years without worrying about money. It's worth it to me for now. I don't resent my job or the necessity of it, I resent the fact that there's genuinely people out there that believe this life is the crux of life, when I'd feel much better about myself working to get out of it than feeling proud of myself for staying in it until I die or retire.

>> No.9828304

I do have a lot of responsibilities in one of my jobs, which centers around writing and data, but my second job is a little easier and is mostly menial, though high-stress nonetheless. I'm absolutely a wageslave, and it does take away a lot of my life, but barring any major catastrophe I'll be able to take a long time away from this lifestyle to see if there's any way for me to make a living doing what I love: music and literature. I've had minor success in both but, due to some shit that went down over the past 5 years, I was never able to dedicate myself fully to either. Now that things have opened up for me, I've decided that working as hard as possible now will lead to a little more freedom down the line.

>> No.9828762

As opposed to? What are your options. You either make a meaning for yourself or you believe that life is meaningless

>> No.9828829

This is the right answer.

>> No.9828878

Never. Existentialism is truth, and to out"grow" truth is implausible, for that is degeneracy.

>> No.9829368

When you stop existing.

>> No.9829403

I see, I guess I can appreciate the sacrifice you're making. At least you're plan is to get out of the rat race. I don't think I could do that personally but more power to you if you've got a goal you're working towards.

It is pretty saddening to see so many people settle for a mundane and normal existence, particularly when some of them openly acknowledge the absurdity of it all, but I suppose it's better to be the exception than the rule.