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File: 37 KB, 214x300, FreezePeach_DontTakeMah_Bk-214x300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9822455 No.9822455 [Reply] [Original]

>describing someone's words as droning parrot-like utterances rather than actual concepts, like "freeze peach"

Is there a name for this rhetorical device/ad hominem?

>> No.9822475

Being a retarded little faggot

>> No.9822483

Did somebody hurt your whittle feewings OP? Yeah that shit is obnoxious. The only people that I ever see doing it are the SJW types.

>> No.9822504

Altwoke faggots are much more obnoxious than SJWs. At least the former know not what they do.

>> No.9822511

It's a rhetorical tactic that allows degenerates to avoid understanding the consequences of their own actions so they don't have to struggle with the cognitive dissonance of openly promoting an illiberal and authoritarian society.

"freeze peach" - freedom of speech, you'd think that nobody would brag about stripping people's rights that we used to die for, but they've found a way to make it seem evil to allow people to speak their minds

"buttery males" - obstruction of justice, the death of accountability for politicians, you'd think this would be a major issue among the Occupy Wall Street crowd but I guess that's old and fake news hah

I could go on and on, it's really just childish behavior and you should just call your interlocutor a fucking retard, a terrible person, and a useful idiot if they employ it, because it means they've never advanced beyond a high school mentality.

>> No.9822513


Why do you get defensive when somebody talks about SJW's? Nobody was talking about the alt-right but for some reason you felt the need to bring them up and I can only assume its because you identify strongly with the one side.

>> No.9822572

Alt woke is a separate thing from both, my uninformed boardmate. I am not defensive about anything and don't really have an identity.

>> No.9822577


What's the point in bringing it up?

>> No.9822578

WTF is a freeze peach? I mean, I don't have any social media accounts or watch TV news, but am I really this much outta the loop?

>> No.9822603

Free speech

>> No.9822605

I forgot no one on this board reads...

>> No.9822611

"Free speech" whenever a straight white male brings it up.

>> No.9822632


You never answered the question.

>> No.9822650

Because the answer is in the article. I'm sure you'll figure it out.

>> No.9822654


I have to read an article to find out why you brought it up in the first place?

>> No.9822669

This meme rapidly died after Trump got elected, I wonder why.

>> No.9822704
File: 1.34 MB, 262x323, 1499155661734.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't have to do anything but I'm not going to spoonfeed you.

>> No.9822714


Don't act like this is some important subject that needs to be studied. I'm not asking you to do my homework, I'm asking you to explain why you brought up the "alt-woke" when nobody was talking about it. Why is this question so difficult for you?

>> No.9822805

He brought it up because he's a leftypol retard sureptitiously sliding the thread. What else?