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/lit/ - Literature

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9821792 No.9821792 [Reply] [Original]

the fact that this book of "poetry" is a best seller is proof that poetry is dead.

>> No.9821800

I honestly prefer prose poetry but so many people just post the first paragraphs of a failed novel and call that a prose poem its insane

>> No.9821925

I used to hate this book because everyone in freshman lit read it. I read the other week, it's bad, but not in the same way I thought. If I were to do a book of poetry it would be similar, just some brief flashes of inspiration but never fully work through the compositions. I felt a lot of sympathy for this book because of that fact, that I felt that I would have produced the same book.

(Some of it is pretty comfy if still a bit cringy)

>> No.9821929

People don't care about poetry anymore. They just want 5 lines that really makes you think for 10 seconds.

>> No.9821955

I've always hated the contradiction of prose poetry. What's the point of writing poetry if you're not going to challenge yourself with meter and rhyme scheme?

>> No.9821963

everyone I work with is obsessed with it. I'm a professional writer and write poetry in my spare time, so when people find out I write poetry, they always ask me what I think about this book. I try to not be too much of a dork when it comes to poetry and lit in everyday life scenarios because you can alienate yourself pretty quickly. but I've never been able to hold in my contempt for this book of "poems" that resembles something written by an untrained 7th grader with nothing to say.

I understand there's an audience for it, but it's objectively crap.

>> No.9821988

Prose has its own subtle ryhms, but you also have stuff like sentence length and variations you can use to wildly different effects. Nobody said you couldn't apply meter or ryhme scheme either, it happens. The sheer level of possibilites make it so interesting.

>> No.9821993
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the fact that this book of "poetry" was a best seller is proof that poetry died more than a century ago

>> No.9822009


>literally using a cliche as your title

jesus how does this stuff even clear the editors?
you couldn't get away with that in a freshman comp class

>> No.9822022

>"milk and honey" threads are the most popular poetry threads on /lit/

I tried to start an alfred lord tennyson thread the other day and you fuckers thought I was posting about mike tyson.

poetry has been a fringe interest for a long time

>> No.9822033
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>> No.9822042

>that resembles something written by an untrained 7th grader with nothing to say.

An untrained 7th grader would have a vague idea of what rhyme or form are, if not meter. These are literally tweets with enter pressed at random. Jaden Smith unironically has more insight than her.

>> No.9822090

>Vinceposting became legit

>> No.9822126

i tried so
hard and got
so far but in
the end it didn't even

>> No.9822133

did nothing

>> No.9822147

i was a poem but you
took a shit on my street

>> No.9822244

rupi rupi face so droopy
hit the streets and make a poopy

wipe it bind it milk and honey
white girls buy it get that money

no matter words of jewish gallants
bindi bimbo has no talents

>> No.9822251

you can't always
get what you want but
you get what you

>> No.9822262

if i
write like this
all the
will i
a bestseller?

>> No.9822263

i was a hard drive
full of naked schoolgirls but you
were the fbi

>> No.9822277

two roads
diverged in the woods
and i
took the road less travelled by
and that has
made all the difference

--new poem.

>> No.9822297

what are you attempting to convey?

>> No.9822311

gas the fucking
kikes race war

>> No.9822319
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>> No.9822520


>> No.9822566

she has some decent stuff, to be fair:

i am the size
of what i see
and not the size of
my body

>> No.9822576

Unironically better than most poems in the book.

>> No.9822584

Biologically, menustrating is the same thing as taking a shit or piss. You're literally expelling waste from your body and thinking this is something people need to see.

>> No.9822607


>> No.9822657

Viciously beautiful.

>> No.9822757
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Everything is a NYtimes bestseller though.

>> No.9822796
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>> No.9822815
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>> No.9822821

/lit/'s poet rival to Rupoo in loo Kaur.

>> No.9822823
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>They say two wrongs don't make a right. Thing is, three rights make a left and I've been driving without a map my whole life.

>it's a dog eat dog world out there, Ray, ans guess what? I'm the fucking Chinaman

>> No.9822826

women are memes

>> No.9822863

to be
on the internet
is fun

>> No.9822872

I need more of this.

>> No.9822879

I think Dante had it right.

>> No.9822886

I cant read old Italian so I wouldnt know.

>> No.9822893

all i have bookmarked

>> No.9822894

fucking kek'd, what a pleb

>> No.9822905

Even if you can't, I'm talking about his form of terza rima. It's like you get a taste of rigidly structured poetic verse that flows like prose thanks to the terza rima.

>> No.9822918

I see it now. Thanks!

>> No.9822939


it's this entire damn spoken word/slam poetry mentality of poetry that makes this so cringeworthy. revive poetry by getting lost in the language and metaphor of its almost unobtainable meaning.

enter the void

>> No.9823084

My daddy
didn't love me that much
now i write

>> No.9823123

you see, milk and honey is actually a metaphor for sperm

>> No.9824504

Holy shit before I read the comment I thought it was a "poo in loo" meme photoshop.

>> No.9824556
File: 45 KB, 357x359, 1494849393442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>childish book filled with cheesy inspiration quotes
>look at reviews
>"so raw and beautiful"
>all women
>tfw nietzsche was right

>> No.9824595


holy shit I remember Vinceposting

good times

>> No.9824645

This gives off a really unnerving 'cultist' or 'TV evangelist' vibe.

>> No.9825788
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>> No.9825794

>tfw you're a big brain boy

>> No.9825802
File: 78 KB, 699x485, IMG_8767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a dog eat dog world out there, Ray, ans guess what? I'm the fucking Chinaman

>> No.9825932


I don't know shit about poetry. Why do poets break up their poems line by line in what seems like a nonsensical way?

>> No.9826228

it usually isn't nonsensical and most free-verse still has a basis in meter. but disregarding that line breaks force the reader to pause at the end of each and this emphasizes the last word of each line.

>> No.9826234

who is paying to fill /lit/ with these threads

>> No.9826284

If I posted me in my jizzed boxers after my wet dream will Instagram allow it?

>> No.9826327

>best seller list
Are you sure it isn't you who is dead?