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/lit/ - Literature

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9821580 No.9821580 [Reply] [Original]

>book is written in a language you don't know
>there are translations available in 2 languages that you do know
>no way to know which one is better

>> No.9821585

And what book would that be?

>> No.9821586

The Name of the Rose.
The choice is between Russian and English

>> No.9821626

name of the rose is eco's most famous work, and I've seen it in no less than 6 languages personally. where the fuck do you live?

>> No.9821683

Read the OP again you dingaloid
OP speaks Russian and English. He doesn't speak Italian. So if he wants to read Name of the Rose he has a choice of two languages and doesn't know which one is a better translation. Yeah, he could buy it in Afrikaans or Cherokee but that wouldn't be much help.

>> No.9821688

but yeah, you're right. I read that wrong. Haha. I was wondering why he posted in english if he couldn't read it anyway.

>> No.9821689

Read whichever one is your native language. You foreign idiots can't understand certain nuances of English

>> No.9821761

>You foreign idiots can't understand certain nuances of English

lel, maybe if you were talking about some actually sophisticated language, but english? why do you think the best english prose stylist of the 20th century was a russian immigrant? how can a polack like joseph conrad become one of the greatest english novelists of all time when he only learned english as his third language and didn't even like it? let's face it, they could do it because english is much less nuanced than the complicated slavic tongues these people learned at home.

so what subtle intricacies of english do you expect to see in a translation of the name of the rose that only a native speaker could parse? it's a laughable idea.

>> No.9821919

>Anglos think this highly of their """"language""""

>> No.9823422
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>he thinks english is a complicated language

>> No.9823486

nigger a kraut went insane and wrote a literary masterpiece about the process of translating ONE english work into his language

>> No.9824065

which one?