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9819556 No.9819556 [Reply] [Original]

Spooks in Fiction Edition.

>list instances where authors snuck spooks into your sff
>what sff book has the most spooks you ever read?
>chase spooks from our general


Science Fiction

NPR's Top 100 Science Fiction & Fantasy Books:

Previous Threads:

>> No.9819603 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9819612 [DELETED] 

fuck off

>> No.9819693 [DELETED] 

Wanna breed

>> No.9819868

>/sffg/ finally realizing that Bakker is garbage
>second apocalypse is just fantasy Evangelion (christian faux-symbolism and all) with gay rape and cannibalism
who >woke here?

>> No.9819873

Evangelion is too good to be mixed up with Bakker.

>> No.9819893

Egan is an interesting person.
>doesn't attend cons
>doesn't sign books
>no pictures of him in existence

>> No.9819920

Mech kino recommendations?

>> No.9819930
File: 131 KB, 1200x1721, David_Gemmell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss my Gemmell senpai

>> No.9819974

Not really kino. Bv Larson Mech series.

>> No.9820156

>i legitimately don't understand how you've gotten this far if you hate the prose and think everything is edgy for the sake of it.
Because the writing has plummeted off a cliff in quality. The first book was amazing, the first trilogy excellent, then the first book in the second part was good, the second okay, the third acceptable, and the fourth shit. It's like watching a man slowly get sick and die while writing. Every book is worse than the last. The edge is pounded into your skull so often it becomes blunt and boring. I don't give a damn how fucked up shit gets, if it's repeatedly described for HUNDREDS of pages, it gets fucking annoying! By the end of the book I just didn't give a single fuck about any of the characters anymore. Edge only works if you actually CARE about what happens!
In the entire book, there were only a few moments I actually was interested: Kelmomas's insanity progressing, trying to figure out what the hell was going on with Kellhus and the Demons, and for a very brief moment being interested in Moenghus's mental break. Everyone and everything else was just bland uninteresting filler.

>> No.9820157

what are some books that mix scifi and fantasy, and feature behemoth, gargantuam sized creatures? the devouring the fabric of space and time-type.?

>> No.9820375

oh yeah

>ib4 the bible
>inb4 terry pratchett


>> No.9820382

Book of the New Sun

>> No.9820412

Oh wonderful, I have the Shadowof the torturer and claw of the concillator two volume paperback. thanks.

>> No.9820441

He looks like a James Bond villain.

>> No.9820586

>Should I read Mistborn or start the Stormlight Archive next?
Asked right as the other thread died.

>> No.9820593

Best vampire novels? Anything with the Shakespearian, melodramatic feel of Symphony of the Night?

>inb4 /v/ gtfo, I read more than most people on /lit/

>> No.9820666

I'd also like more things in general with the general feel of Castlevania. Nothing else really has the same atmosphere.

>> No.9820673

Stormlight is better

>> No.9820914

I just finished Quest for Lost Heroes and really enjoyed it. Unconvincing romances are the worst part of his books so the unrequited crush this time around was refreshing.

>tfw audiobooks for 1/2 of the Drenai Saga are only available in frog

>> No.9821011

>in frog
??? Do you mean french? Wouldn't it be snail then?

>> No.9821047

Tsukihime remake (not out yet tho)

>> No.9821059

Library at mount char
Roadside picnic

>> No.9821072
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>I read more than most people on /lit/

>> No.9821095


How can I read more books like you? I tend to play computer games on the weekends and browse 4chan for 5 hours before work on the weekdays.

>> No.9821221

Am I weird for preferring audiobooks? I just got audible because I think I'd use it more than other methods of getting into Lit and I don't think I'm gonna go back.

>> No.9821254

Is this a memelist or have you been taking /sffg/ seriously?

It's not weird. Audiobooks are super popular at the moment. I get bored easily so I like listening to them while doing other things.

>> No.9821267
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I just finished reading the Sabriel saga. I really liked it. Can you guys please recommend me something similar?

>> No.9821344

The infamous BLACKED scene with Sorweel makes a little more sense in context since he had to wear that nonman helmet, and most nonmen were gay out of necessity. Add up millenia of nonman gay sex and Sorweel probably got a little confused. As for Zsoronga, he'd been eating that meat for so long, it's a miracle he didn't kill Sorweel first before raping him.

>Everyone and everything else was just bland uninteresting filler.
I wouldn't say that. What I would say is that 85% of the philosophy stuff and 50% of Proyas's scenes could have been axed outright to make room for other characters, and even Bakker admitted that he dropped the ball there. IIRC, he got to the end of TUC where Kayutas and Moenghus pop up more and was like "Shit, this could have been something interesting..."

What we needed more of:
>foreshadowing of Kellhus and the demons
>Consult scenes two chapters was just not enough, and most of it was fucking Dunyain
>Akka doing cool shit (being a failure is his shtick, but come on, throw him a fucking bone)
>Cnaiur doing cool shit instead of dying like a chump what the fuck
>Esmenet getting BTFO for being a jealous, hypocritical retard
>Aurax freaking out

>> No.9821353

> best books in sf genre

>> No.9821385

So basically Bakker just shouldve just not sent his first draft

>> No.9821395
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I read genre fiction, but my name's pronounced like pee-noose. Let me know what you think.

>> No.9821420

What books have you read that had the best written characters? Probably my biggest problem with sci-fi/fantasy is that the characters are rarely interesting or written well.

>> No.9821427

In terms of fantasy, Robin Hobb has some of the best written characters in the genre imo. That first assassin trilogy. Awesome stuff.

>> No.9821434

More time in the planning stage would have been preferable.

Splitting TGO and TUC probably would have been fine had he spent time revising both books afterword. As it stands, both have serious pacing issues.

I'm still going to read the next two books. I want to see how this turns out.

>> No.9821482

Not him butt,
Try browsing 4chan for 4 hours instead of 5 and read the remaining hour.

>> No.9821533

Malazan. It's a grey, grey world. Just get past the first book (which, imo, isn't bad either, but it's common to place it as the worst in the series).

>> No.9821661

What? How is it symbolism when the god and gods are real in the universe? Moral good and damnation are also objectively real. I mean if you're gonna trash it, at least know wtf you're talking about

>> No.9821669

The gods may be real, but the religions and philosophy sure as hell aren't realistic.

>> No.9821697

>religions and philosophy sure as hell aren't realistic.
I don't know what you mean by that. Why aren't they realistic? Damnation is definitely real. Morality is definitely objective (judging eye). Unless you mean that the religions don't make any sense in the fiction? In which case you gotta make some arguments

>> No.9821728

The book was a mess. It had some interesting ideas but the execution was fucking terrible compared to the other books. It seriously felt like 75% filler. And the thing is, I understand the philosophical ramblings, but they were just endless, and seemed so fucking crackpot this time around that they had my eyes rolling. I think Bakker really needs to learn the value of showing, not telling. Except he's good at that when it comes to building his mysteries.

I didn't even mind the fact that Zsoronga BLACKED Sorweel, but it came out of nowhere, and on top of the aforementioned 200ish pages of necrophilia, rape, cannibalism, incest, etc., it was just the last straw. I was just so frustrated with the book by that point. When Kellhus came back it picked up a little more but still, what a waste of Sorweel. He was building up to be such an interesting character, and then he gets shanked after anal rape and finally getting his waifu (their sex scenes were painfully pootly written).

The entire book needed a better editor to trim the mounds of useless fat. Yet Bakker's most rabid fanboys will still claim it's the God of God's gift to Men because it has some sophomoric philosophy, "deep" shit, and cringeworthy self-fellating, ludicrously over-abundant pseudo-medieval prose. Maybe it's just the fact that it's been a year since I marathoned all of the books and my tastes have changed but TUC just left a bad taste in my mouth. His writing is so clumsy and cringey.

>> No.9821772

I have those same feelings after reading TGO, its pretty clear he's just shitting things out. Reading this makes me glad I dropped him before wasting anymore time.

>> No.9821827

TGO at least had the god-tier dungeon delve of Ishterebinth and the whole battle at Dagliash; and even though it was by far my least favorite sub-plot, the Momemn storyline had some good moments like Theliopa's death and the shit with Inrilatas. It at least felt in some way unified with some measure of pacing. But I agree, that's where he started shitting the bed. While I loved TGO it obviously had a lot of problems compared to previous entries (TJE and WLW especially were pretty damn good), like way too florid prose. It was ridiculous in TGO but I just reached my breaking point with it in TUC. And it even looked like he was going for a more streamlined style starting in TJE. It's "how many adjectives and adverbs can I use" the prose. If I read "masticating" or "knifing" again I'm going to wretch.

I might skip the next series as well but I predict it's just going to drag me back in so I can see how badly a train can wreck.

>> No.9821841

>Yet Bakker's most rabid fanboys will still claim it's the God of God's gift to Men because it has some sophomoric philosophy

Most Bakker fans (me included) were disappointed with it. Almost everyone thinks it should have remained as a part of TGO with the padding trimmed out. And yeah, he definitely needs a better editor. Who the fuck would read all that philosophy shit and think "yeah, send it through to print"?

>Except he's good at that when it comes to building his mysteries.
This too. The world building and character interactions are fun, but holy shit are they swamped in philosophic rambling.

>> No.9821843

Oh yea, the dungeon and crawl was great, and honestly Inrilatas was my fsvorite of all the characters, his death scene was great too.

Hopefully Bakker gets his head out of his ass, he really can be great if he learns a little restraint. I remember wanting to throw away TGO due to how choppy the Sorweel/Serwa pov switching was inside the nonman mansion.

>> No.9821853

Some of the people I've seen on the Second Seas forum and Reddit have been sucking his cock for the latest book/defending the decisions he made. Which I mean, is fine in-and-of-itself, but I don't know how anyone can defend that prose. I saw a thread called "Do you ever get stuck for the tragic beauty of the prose?" and its contents were thus:

>Finished Chapter Six of TUC perhaps ten minutes ago... lost that interval of time re-reading its conclusion a myriad times, simply reveling in its splendor, its *weight*, its near *perfection*.

>Happen to anyone else? Any laments over how many profound moments you might have lost in hurried reads, eyes skimming the page, beauty offered but not *seized*?

>Anyone else perpetually delaying a tattoo of a quote from the series for inability to select just one?

The fact that someone has this opinion makes me want to kill myself.

>> No.9821861

>Anyone else perpetually delaying a tattoo of a quote from the series for inability to select just one?

Lmao i'll grant some lenience on this one

"Do you have your mother's bones?" Was 10/10

>> No.9821922

>Yet Bakker's most rabid fanboys will still claim it's the God of God's gift to Men because it has some sophomoric philosophy, "deep" shit, and cringeworthy self-fellating, ludicrously over-abundant pseudo-medieval prose.
There is no argument in the world that you can make for what is good prose in this scenario. You might hate it because you think it's "sophomoric philosophy", but others will like it because they think it's contemplative and breathes air into the thoughts of multidimensional characters. It makes them seem like people with fully fleshed out thoughts.

So I don't know why you're so butthurt about people liking it. I can certainly tell you that no one gives a shit that you hate it.

>> No.9821930

>It's like watching a man slowly get sick and die while writing. Every book is worse than the last. The edge is pounded into your skull so often it becomes blunt and boring.
I don't think you understand grimdark and why some people enjoy it at all. Whereas most people get boners out of moments of epic heroism and moral validation, people like me that enjoy grimdark get boners off of tragedy and degradation. This is why I'm legitimately confused as to how you made it this far into the series because the entire thing is just a mythological tragedy, similar to Illiad or Agamemnon.

>> No.9821939
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I can already tell there will be many things I am unable to comprehend throughout the Orthogonal trilogy.

>> No.9821954

I mean, check this shit out:


Fuck. I just wanted to find a fucking list or description of Yalda's physiology. I grasp that she has four eyes instead of two (is this common or unique to her?) and she can change parts of her body like growing an extra limb and so again (again, unique or common?) but I'm not sure what else is abnormal from our kind of humans--besides the weird birth thing.

>> No.9821968

hood's breath, hood's breath, hood's breath, hood's breath, hood's breath, hood's breath, hood's breath, hood's breath, hood's breath, hood's breath, hood's breath, hood's breath, hood's breath, hood's breath, hood's breath, hood's breath, hood's breath, hood's breath, hood's breath, hood's breath, hood's breath,

>> No.9821970

>the entire thing is just a mythological tragedy, similar to Illiad or Agamemnon.
lets not get ahead of ourselves

Besides that anon was talking about the quality of the prose and Bakker's shoddy plotting (see: grimdark is most effective when you actually give a fuck) not about the mere presence of grimdark

>> No.9821987

You don't get it man, you're not a REAL grimdark fan. I can't enjoy it unless I develop a deep emotional connection to characters who then get brutally raped, murdered and eaten. If it's just a pile of worthless soldiers I don't give a fuck. Not even Sorweel himself cared about getting assraped! Non-characters suffering isn't emotionally strong. Esmenet breaking down as more and more of her children get brutally murdered was dark, Moenghus being tortured into insanity while his sister totally disregard and ignored him was dark, Proyas being brainwashed into total loyalty, lead to commit horrible atrocities, then REBRAINWASHED to realize his god is false and he's an unspeakable mass murderer doomed to hell, all for the purpose of being forced to lead a death march halfway across the world so that he can then be betrayed AGAIN and left to slowly and painfully die in infamy with the certain knowledge that not only is he going to hell but his entire family is probably going to be tortured to death is dark. Random soldeirs from bumfuck nowhere bumfucking eachother isn't dark, it's just filler.

I'm really arguing two points here.
1) It's not a tragedy if you don't care about the characters
2) Things lose their shock value and become bland and annoying when repeated too often
An army killing and eating itself could have been inetersting, if it hadn't be described again, and again, and again, over , and over, and over again in endless walls of text for several hundred pages. By the end I wasn't even paying attention anymore, just hoping it would end soon and we could get back to the story.

>> No.9821992

Cugel the Clever is my favourite character out of all of the /sffg/ crap I've read.

>> No.9821995

If he was criticizing the plot, then I did not see any specific comments other than bawwing about cannibalism and necrophilia.

If you want to talk about plot, then let's talk about why you think it's terrible. Frankly, I think the march across agongorea makes perfect sense. You have a total badass assemblage of the greatest armies of the world sent to save the world being battered into oblivion by a a million rape goblins and then by itself. Where in that plot is that "bad"? If anything, it's really straightforward.

>> No.9822008

just read >>9821987

I'm the guy saying Bakker was already slipping around TGO. The dude needs to seriously read his shit over once or twice before sending it in. Once I noticed him recap the same thing twice like five chapters apart.

>> No.9822017

>if it hadn't be described again, and again, and again, over , and over, and over again in endless walls of text for several hundred pages.
It was like 10-20 pages maximum. Go back and skim through the sections again. You're misery is just being amplified.

> If it's just a pile of worthless soldiers I don't give a fuck.
See >>9821995

And to cement it further, the cannibalism and necrophilia directly ties in with Proyas' and Sorweel's tragedy

>> No.9822030

TGO is his fucking peak, imo. Ishterebinth, Dagliash, Momemn, Ishual is my jam. That and Cil' Aujas.

>> No.9822036

We get that the entire thing is a mythological tragedy. We get that the plot in and of itself isn't bad; it's actually really good.

But it's padded to hell and covered up with horrendous purple prose and poor philosophizing. We don't need the fact that this is a massive tragedy to be shoved down our throats to realize that it's a massive tragedy. That's the entire point. There's next to no subtlety or beauty to it.

I don't mind that there is a contemplative air to it; in fact, that's what made the series good in the first place. But the entire point is that it took 300 pages to advance the plot because it was bogged down in its own contemplation and the muck and mire. Plus we've already had 6 books of fleshing out the characters.

And if you want to talk about fleshing out characters, where exactly did that happen in this book, other than Proyas and Sorweel? Fucking Malowebi's severed head got more screentime than half of the main cast and that was "May Likaro burn in the Hells" x 10000.

Bakker is so entirely stuck up his own ass that the pacing, narrative, and character development are lost.

>> No.9822047


>> No.9822054

imo once again the big mistep was the splitting of TGO and TUC. Someone convinced Bakker that TUC needed to be its own shit, so he had to fill up more pages of random bullshit. That's why everything seems stretched out, almost meaninglessly so.

I'm pretty certain that the original "TUC" was something more like 600-700 pages, with the march being much shorter. The prose is honestly the same as it's always been, if not better, on a sentence by sentence basis. bakker was always good at terse but momentous descriptions. But he wrote too much shit for TUC because of the book splitting.

>> No.9822074

This is the editor's responsibility. I think it's blatantly obvious that whoever the new editor is (since TUC/TGO), he's shit and doesn't give a fuck about the books he's editing, unlike the last one.

>> No.9822079

imo Bakker should just do a "definitive" version that merges TGO and TUC, writers have redone shit before

>> No.9822080

>It was like 10-20 pages maximum.
Are you fucking kidding? 10-20 pages of what? You mean eating the Scalded? Fuck that, I'm talking about the ENTIRE BOOK being one NONSTOP ENDLESS FUCKING description of the soldiers going srancy. Raping eachother at night, fuckig eachother in the ass with swords, murder,murder, more murder, etc... I GET IT! THEY'RE GOING FUCKING INSANE! I DON'T NEED TO BE REMINDED EVERY FIVE FUCKING SECONDS! AND WHEN YOU DO MENTION IT HOW ABOUT NOT SPENDING AN ENTIRE CHAPTER REITERATING IT IMMEDIATELY AFTERWARDS?
And oh God the FORESHADOWING! It was laid on so fucking thick it's like everything happened three times! By the time we got to the Scaled I was just waiting for it to be over.

Think for a second what 90% of the "state of the army" chapters were ACTUALLY COMPOSED OF. Fucking 90% was "death came swirling down", "mouths like wrinkled sphincters", "greasy beards", and "erect phallusses". STOP IT YOU FUCK! STOP DESCRIBING HOW ROCK HARD, HAIRY, DIRTY, MUSCULAR, AND WRINKLY EVERYONE IS! I GET IT! PLEASE STOP!

Each thing was described in full once, then copy pasted fucking 20 more times to pad things out.

"The man had a massive hardon, and he walked into the room licking his scrotal, moist lips, his penis was gigantic and hard as he glanced from side to side at the pile of hot sweaty men covered in grease grinding against eachother. Slowly he walked forward with a large penis, his penis being erect as it was large, when suddenly a large sweaty man, as musled as he was covered in oil blocked his path. Grabbing his large, erect, pulsing cock, he grunted and glared at the man's wrinkly anus face, slowy lowering his eyes until they met the hard and erect manmeat emerging from the thicket of his girthy loins. For a moment he paused, cock erect, judging his situation, before grunting once, grabbing his large penis, and exiting the tent. Tonight, things would be different."

Now imagine that for 300 pages and you've got TUC.

>> No.9822102

You're addressing the potential weakness of the medium. SF+F writers should ideally construct interesting settings, as well as a good plot and characters. Most writers can only do two out of three of these in a given work. Other writers are also a lot stronger in one area than the others. Robert Silverberg (Dying Inside) is definitely a character writer, so is Walter Tevis (The Man wHo Fell To Earth), Gateway by Frederik Pohl is a good character study.

In my reading, Jack Vance and Ursula Le Guin are great 'setting' and plot writers - their characters are not as full of depth as somebody like Silverberg. The great prose and everything else disguises this somewhat.

Somebody I can't quite make my mind up about, in terms of character writing, is Philip K Dick. A lot of his protags are basically the same blue collar guy with confidence issues, surrounded by more domineering influences (spouses, bosses,) But he has some memorable minor characters like the flipper-boy in Dr Bloodmoney.

>> No.9822112

yeah this entire post is a gross exaggeration. I just briefly skimmed through my ebook: Most of (Chapter 6: The Field Appalling), parts of Chapter 5, and parts of Chapter 7. Everything past that is the Proyas getting betrayed and buttfucked/Achamian and niggers arriving at the scene and then Golgotterath.

>> No.9822154

>All these people whinging about there being too much ponderous philosophy in Bakker
>Conversely, all these people whinging about there being too much action

I've gotta give it to this guy, he ignites passionate responses to his fiction.

>> No.9822177

First trilogy is legit good
Second one, which is being discussed, has moments of pure gold with some really fucking silly self-indulgence

have fun

>> No.9822185

Also, with each new release most readers seem to be disappointed or angry, an yet they continue reading. What is their goad?

>> No.9822192

>Is this a memelist or have you been taking /sffg/ seriously?
I'm one of the founding fathers of sffg. You can say I'm the wet nurse who feed it and kept it from dying until it became independent. Of course it's gonna look like "a meme list" when I was shilling the ones that were good for years.

>> No.9822215

>have fun

I just finished TUC. I'm having a lot of fun. This aint no JK Rowling shit.

>> No.9822298


What do you like about Gemmel?

I read Legend and found it pretty boring and superficial.

>> No.9822322
File: 61 KB, 800x600, GRI APPROVED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't sound like you belong here friend. SFFG was built on GRI APPROVAL.

>> No.9822368

So basically a yaoi doujin then.

>> No.9822396

>mfw I realize how right you are
Like >>9822102 point out it feels like sci-fi and fantasy often have mediocre characters disguised by a interesting setting. One of the characters I thought about was Severian, but when I think about it it might very well only be the outstanding setting reflecting on him. Same for the other, good, characters in the book.

After thinking some more about it The Three-Body Problem (fuck me, I'm turning into a shill) feel like a book with many interesting characters. There's a quite big cast but most characters feel unique but realistic realistic and behave consistently.

Another book I thought of was Howl's Moving Castle.

>> No.9822426

Severian is definitely a good character. I do agree character is typically underdone. John C. Wright had managed to create a few memorable characters; at worst he at least differentiates them well.

>> No.9822446

worldbuilding was a mistake

>> No.9822453

blame the ancient jews

>> No.9822641

Bad writing is the only mistake there is. Everything else is literally spooks.

>> No.9822643

explain this meme

>> No.9822662

Sarbat in Children of the Dragon.

>> No.9822731

Book of the New Sun desu

>> No.9822801

So is it safe to say (seeing as 90% of this thread is about him) that Bakker's new work is filled with spooks?
Any other recent spook filled novel?

>> No.9822822
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>What is their goad?


>> No.9822830

>>tfw audiobooks for 1/2 of the Drenai Saga are only available in frog


>>I read Legend and found it pretty boring and superficial.

They're okay to listen to while doing yard work.

>> No.9822889
File: 100 KB, 800x680, 1501327266141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Theliopa's death

She was best girl.

>socially awkward
>asperger's syndrome
>wore nothing but her own bizarre and hideous self-made clothes
>hated being touched
>was still human enough to legitimately care about her family
>stuttered and repeated herself constantly

Why did she have to die, lads?

>> No.9822979
File: 50 KB, 316x475, 20518872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sffg is The Three Body Problem actually good, or is it just meme?

Will I like it if I generally enjoy Vance, Wolfe, Asimov, Dune, etc.?

>> No.9822984

Too bad she didn't get the dick. Or did her brother (who bakker took from that movie where a son used to watch his mother in the eyes and fap) fuck her? It sounded like he diddled her regularly

>> No.9822986

Thanks to recommended Going Postal by Pratchett. I'm having a great time.

>> No.9822989
File: 174 KB, 640x352, The Chaws is Yaws.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually thinking of falling for the meme

>> No.9823044

Wizard of earthsea cause that's the book my mom read to me and the book I'll read to my child

>> No.9823049

Do elves ever actually get the BOC outside of erotica?

>> No.9823072

not that anon but I've enjoyed every sffg meme I've tried (sanderson and rothfuss specifically). maybe I should start seeking out things sffg dislike.

>> No.9823096

What book or book series has really great characters? Looking more for that instead of epic adventure. Although, both would be nice

>> No.9823203
File: 1.74 MB, 948x1244, Avoid All Of These Authors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go ahead.

>> No.9823212

fantasy with traps? I really like traps. anything is fine.

>> No.9823217

Why? Have you ever thought to seek help for your disorder?

>> No.9823226

That seems like a list that actually tries to annoy sffg sensibilities though

>> No.9823229

Help where?

>> No.9823235

God, church, family, therapist

>> No.9823240

All of these see it as a non-issue desu

>> No.9823244

Then you aren't praying the the right and true God

>> No.9823261

Idk, the christian one seems alright to me.

>> No.9823285

>avoid Jack Vance


>> No.9823292

Bartimaeus trilogy by Jonathan Stroud

>> No.9823300
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I like traps too. It's only because they look really female, would probably let me approach them with my penis in my hand, and I'm a sexless virgin. I'm sure if I was getting real pussy this wouldn't matter.

>> No.9823301
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What book (series) is most similar to the Phantasy Star game series?
I could use a sprawling science fantasy.

>> No.9823357

It's a few years since I played Phantasy Star IV, the best RPG I played. Aside from the soundtrack I remember that it mixed futuristic and older tech, so that's a lot like a dying earth kind of setting. So there is Jack Vance's first Dying Earth which has quests, wizards, dungeons and demons, as well as flying cars.

>> No.9823368

That's not my reason, I just relate to them better.

>> No.9823413

Just getting into fantasy. Can anyone recommend something similar to The First Law trilogy? I really enjoyed the morally ambiguous characters as well as the whole grimdark aspect. The subtle, dark humor was also a big plus.

>> No.9823416


>> No.9823417

What are the best new normie fantasy series/books (meaning not weird GRI meme shit)?

>> No.9823425
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>> No.9823437

How new?

>> No.9823457

Within the last two or three years

>> No.9823472

wow, that's really narrow. I don't know. Most fantasy books really take many years to garner recognition if they're not from established superstars.

>> No.9823474

You want "new" shit?
Will Wight

>> No.9823517

Blindsight, actually.

>> No.9823548

What are some books that will change my life as a creative writer?
Is Gene Wolfe good?

>> No.9823554

yes he is.
That's not easy to say though, a formative state of mind is more important.

>> No.9823570

There's nothing quite like Song of IaF. You can argue its writing style (not even that bad) but I can't think of anything else that has historical realism with just a spice of fantasy that makes it interesting. Whenever I try to think of "something like IaF" its usually historical fiction that's kind of too dry. That is NOT Malazan with 1000 races, full blown magic and thats definitely not something like WoT either or even The First Law. And then there's IaF with all the good characters that live in perfectly logical medieval world faced with things such as distant empires to the east and appearence of dragons.

>> No.9823572

I'm reading "The Reality Dysfunction " and have just read a chapter that involved a guy with a nanite boosted cock fucking an attractive woman that turns out to be an amarphous demon slug that kills the guy in a sexual way.
The scene went on for around 50 pages and was described in excruciating detail. This Peter F.Hamilton bloke is deranged.

>> No.9823580

Actual roman republic did it better. Something like masters of rome is great.

>> No.9823581

I'm halfway through the last book (I wrote >>9822396) and I think the serie is really good. There's fresh ideas, the author is an engineer so the science is believable, the translation seem good and it's really interesting that the book is based in the chinese cultural identity. Some knowledge about china and the cultural revolution in particular make the reading more enjoyable.

For reference I enjoy Vance, Wolfe and Dune. I've not yet read Asimov.

>> No.9823588

By Colleen McCullough?

>> No.9823613

yes. it's not like the thorn birds but I could imagine it isn't quite as broad appeal as asoiaf

>> No.9823628

My dad read her Rome books, said they were really good.

>> No.9823636

they are really good. and it's very educational, if you're willing to look up what the fuck is going on. It makes a lot of references to republican culture but it's not edutainment, so you'll have to refer to a glossary or google. Or maybe I was just a stupid child when I read it.

>> No.9823656

It's not historical realism at all. That's what makes the worldbuilding gripping enough to carry the barely-adequate writing and swollen volumes. GRRM plays fast and loose with elements roughly inspired by history from wildly different time periods simultaneously. He has a lot of actual historical knowledge but willingly chooses to write anachronisms to spice the story up and give it more variety. I think it's effective so there's really nothing wrong with doing that, but it's not strictly necessary.

I think I, Claudius is about as exciting as any ASOIAF storyline, and it was written by a famous historian (who didn't skimp on "historical realism"). Only somewhat related, I wonder if I, Claudius appeals more to fantasy or science fiction readers?

>> No.9823711

Looking for a book with historical realism

>> No.9823720

>I read Legend and found it pretty boring and superficial.
But it's neither of those.

>> No.9823723

>historical realism

What did you mean by this?

>> No.9823726

Read it. Pretty good! But definitely doesn't fit my criteria aside from vampires.

>> No.9823743

Well basically just some historical fiction but with slight fantasy elements. Nothing too flashy and I want things to be accurate and have a tad bit of realism. No anime tier powers or anything like that. If there is magic then I want it to be explained like there is a science to it. If there is fantasy creatures then I want whatever cultures and civilizations are around to reflect it. Maybe they developed some sort of special armor in case a giant fire breathing nigger swoops down onto the village.

Maybe "historical realism" isnt the right term. Just "realism" then?

>> No.9823754

In that case, I recommend The Man in the High Castle by PKD and the Latro novels by Gene Wolfe. If you don't know what those are about, just ask and I'll give a short description. Or you can ask the internet.

>> No.9823764

Anyone know any story that fits >>>/wsr/355059

>> No.9823769

Huh, I didn't think to include alternate histories as well. Thanks

>> No.9823799

Man in the High Castle is alternate history, yes. And one of PKD's more accessible books, with not much in the way of sci-fi or fantasy at all.

Latro follows the story of a Roman mercenary in the period of the Greek-Persian wars in ancient Greece. He's been cursed by the gods, he can see and interact with the gods but forgets everything each day, so his only way to keep track of what's happened to him is to write it down and read it over the next day. But the reason I recommended it is because it's an excellent immersive experience in the ancient Greek times, their societies and so on. You can tell that Wolfe "started with the Greeks" and knows his shit. You get a proper historical experience with the additional "fantastical" element of "what if the Greeks gods were actually real and manipulated people/events".

>> No.9823817

Divine Cities

>> No.9823840 [SPOILER] 
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Fevre Dream
Joe pitt casebooks
Let the right one in
The strain trilogy by del toro
Stookie Stackhouse
I am legend by Matheson
Salem's lot
and pic related

>> No.9823854
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>shill is actually getting through to me
Stop that

>> No.9823865

>polely but will still help
Try Jonathan strange and mr Norrell

>> No.9823895


>> No.9823901

Its actually in the book man.

>> No.9823985

I don't doubt you, but you seem to know which buttons would activate my almonds.

>> No.9823998

>Bakker is garbage
Agree with that part, at least.

>> No.9824104

Genres were a mistake.

>> No.9824165

I've read far weirder hentai.

>> No.9824169

So I'm about 6 chapters into The Way of Kings and I'm really liking it alot. What should I check out after this and Words of Radiance?

>> No.9824213

Anyone here read Don Pendleton's Mack Bolan adventure novels? I'm curious about them because I just spent good while sorting and shelving someones collection of adventure books. There was an almost complete run of The Executioner 95-350ish.

>> No.9824291

>what are some books that mix scifi and fantasy, and feature behemoth, gargantuam sized creatures? the devouring the fabric of space and time-type.?
A Fire Upon the Deep

>> No.9824317

>Tsukihime remake
Yeah right. Maybe in 5 years it will be released, and then we wait another 3-4 years for a translation patch.

>miniskirt Arc

>> No.9824422


I need helping remembering the title of a book. It takes place in the future (vaguely), and it's about a pedophile that gets sentenced to work on some kind of installation at the bottom of the sea. The book ends with a woman ascending to the surface while philosophizing about the awful things people do at the bottom of the sea.

I've been meaning to read it for ages but I forgot the title of it.

>> No.9824435

Rifters by Peter Watts? I don't remember there being a pedophile but the rest sounds spot on.

>> No.9824436

is there any mention of gunpowder in aSoIaF? like at all?

i mean, I guess dragons stood in place of gunpowder for a while, but it's exceedingly strange that there isn't even a mention of it. cannons saw some usage in the Wars of the Roses, you'd think big georgie would have them stashed away somewhere in the world.

>> No.9824440

Fantasy writers have no idea that guns predate plate armor and were used throughout the middle ages.

>> No.9824447

THANK YOU, yes, Rifters.

>> No.9824466

No problem, anon. It's a good book. Some people think Watts is a hack for whatever reason, but he's one of my favorite authors.

>> No.9824467
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I need your help, /sffg/.
So, I've been worldbuilding a setting for a few years now that's based on medieval west africa. Basically I befriended the history department while I was doing janitor stuff to pay for college & developed a mentor relationship with an african history professor.
The setting has sentimental value for getting me through a rough time, & now I have a story I think is perfect for it. The setting is a collection of city states based primarily on west africa/nigeria. It's super fun and I think it's relateable enough without just being the same rehashed forgotten realms cookie cutter shit all over again. But now it's occured to me that current year has legitimate real-life effects on my project.

Long story short, I'm a white guy writing a story set in fantasy africa during a time when race relations in the west are a fucking clownshow. Any advice or words of caution as far as how to proceed? Am I a moron for writing this?

>> No.9824482

Get a deep tan, put your hair in jerrycurls, and speak in ebonics. It worked for the head of BLM, it can work for you!

>> No.9824487


Just write the damn story

T. Black

>> No.9824496

That's kinda what I was thinking anyway. I mean, fuck it right? I'm already righting genre fiction for fuck's sake.
I'm honestly just glad the first response wasn't
Meme is stale as fuck.

>> No.9824499

If you're that concerned just use a fucking pseudonym.

>> No.9824523


>> No.9824525

Sit down and read all 10 Thomas Covenant books in a row.
Then you'll be able to read literally anything.

>> No.9824532

Did so. Didn't alter my perceptions.

>> No.9824541
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>tfw jacket so pretty, wallet leapt from pocket (image doesn't do it justice)

>> No.9824580

you forgot hood's hoary balls

>> No.9824626

It doesn't matter what you write about if you're white, everyone who's a leftist will hate your guts. As for the Africans the ones over there will probably not read it and they have genocided their whites. Over here they'll probably pick it up if you're a transracial fake nigger. Just say that you feel black and you are.

>> No.9824656

Are there any fantasy books (preferably epics) that have a female lead that DOESN'T defy gender norms?

>> No.9824661

Ooga Booga, my name is Nigus Louis .

I’m a 49 year old American reverse-coconut (Black culture fan for you crackers). I draw cuckold porn on my tablet, and spend my days perfecting my cave painting art and playing superior African games. (Chuck the spear, Hunt the boar, Rape the toddler)

I train with my spear every day, this superior weapon can stab clean through wood because it is smoked over fire over a thousand times, and is vastly superior to any other European weapon on earth. I earned my chucking license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.

I speak Ebonics fluently, both Ethiopian and the Nubian dialect, and I can´t write at all as well. I know everything about African history and their bushiiiieeedo code, which I follow 100%

When I get my African visa, I am moving to Kenya to attend a prestigious Shaman School to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become a revolutionary warrior for colonel Kony or a witch hunter!

I own several loincloths, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to Africa, so I can let others fit in me easier. I bow to my Nubian superiors and seniors ass-forward and speak Ebonics as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.

Wish me luck in Africa!

>> No.9824687

Watch out for Tsunamis, Nigus Louis. God speed.

>> No.9824703

Get the opposite of a ghost author

>> No.9824706

this the absolute madman, railto havent shit on him

>> No.9824729
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I just want a female lead in a setting with established gender roles that isn't characterised by defying them

>> No.9824750

Pride and Prejudice

>> No.9824767

That's not fantasy though.
Great book however

>> No.9824775
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Maybe this one?

>> No.9824783

I always felt like that series was strongly influenced by the Earthsea trilogy by Ursula K Le Guin.

Also Garth Nix is still writing novels set in that universe, even though the quality has dropped off (a prequel one about Chlorr of the Mask, and, most recently, one set after Abhorsen that I haven't read yet).

>> No.9824789
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I'm just gonna dump my old list again.

>> No.9824804

I'll look into it, ty

>> No.9824809

Are the Dunyain super inbred? Is that why Kellhus's children are so fucking retarded? I don't buy the idea that eugenics-bred ubermensch plus common filth equals someone that can't handle their own genes.

>> No.9824839

>vampire novel

The Suicide Motor Club by Christopher Buehlman was pretty darn good.

>> No.9824938

Kiln People by David Brin is awesome
Biography of a Space Tyrant by Piers Anthony is the most ridiculous over the top pulp bullshit ever written. The main character is unironically named Hope Hubris
Armor by John Steakley is great
Grunts! by Mary Gentle is retarded but fun
Otherland by Tad Williams is good but War of the Flowers is more readable
Stress of Her Regard by Tim Powers is good for Vampires if you're willing to make an investment of time and energy
Garret PI series by Glen Cook who you're more likely to know for Black Company is fantastic and you should read it

Random list of books I think people here would like but might not know about.

>> No.9825108

It's good, probably most comparable author of those you mention is Asimov.

>> No.9825112

An elf got raped in one of the Silmarillion stories but I don't think by orcs. Arwen's mom possibly got ORC'D but the reference is pretty obscure.

>> No.9825130
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How many do you have?

>> No.9825156

like all of them

>> No.9825194

5 or 6

>> No.9825375

well first of all you probably shouldn't be asking for help on 4chan.

>> No.9825391

What are the current meme book recommendations. Last time I was recommended "the way of Kings"
I liked it

>> No.9825548

My mother is the same way, but she really liked A Song of Ice and Fire.

>> No.9825589

aSoIaF is just a poor man's Book of the Long Sun. Martin has always looked up to Wolfe for a reason, because he's a much better writer. Wolfe did more in 1400 pages than Martin has in whatever the hell he's on and counting, looking back on aSoIaF now it just feels like so much bloat. The Dunk & Egg stories are better.

Ready Player One

>> No.9825611

>Ready Player One
You monster!

>> No.9825615

Sanderson readers deserve worse

>> No.9825620

just write it. you don't have to make your skin color known if you're worried about it. it sounds like a fun setting. I've read a lot of chinua achebe and spent some time studying african oral history, it's relatively fertile ground to write on and really interesting stuff.

just write.

>> No.9825628

I remember inkheart being kind of like this but it's children's isekai.

>> No.9825644
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guns don't predate plate armor, they just predate plate armor's widespread use, which in turn predate the widespread use of firearms. the semantical narrowing of what "plate armor" is ignores lots of early examples both found in the east and west as far back as the bronze age.

guns were also not used whatsoever throughout the middle ages. they started to appear towards the very end of them, and didn't see significant use until perhaps the last century. gunpowder hadn't even been invented for more than the first half of the middle ages, let alone made it's way to europe.

I'm just nitpicking the accuracy of your statement, though, I don't care what writers do. basing something off of the hundred years war without including gunpowder would be a little strange but it is fiction after all.

>> No.9825670

>not having gunpowder embedded plate armor

>> No.9825704

>What are the current meme book recommendations.

Meme of the New Sun by Meme Wolfe

>> No.9825778

>Wolfe did more in 1400 pages than Martin has in whatever the hell he's on and counting,
So true its not even funny

>> No.9825920

Just got done reading Angles of Attack by Marko Kloos and I was wondering if there is any other series (sci-fi or otherwise) that has similar circumstances with the current situation regarding humanity being hopeless and all.

>> No.9825979

>Are the Dunyain super inbred? Is that why Kellhus's children are so fucking retarded?

Dunyain inbreeding was a crapshoot since there wasn't a large gene pool to draw from. The monks wound up with tons of defective Dunyain and would either kill them or dissect them for study.

Dunayin outbreeding is also a crapshoot, but for different reasons. Since they'd been isolated from the rest of humanity for two millennia, the rigorous artificial selection had practically made them a separate species at that point, so when they bred with regular humans, you wound up with shitloads of monsters, and the ones who weren't physically deformed were usually batshit crazy.

>> No.9826016
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>Want to write a novel because doesn't everyone
>Dusting off my old DnD GM notes and building a setting from that
This is going to be some long ass road anons

>> No.9826035

If you're american >>9824499, otherwise just write the damn story.

>> No.9826208
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Don't get stuck in the prep phase.

>> No.9826268

I'd reccomend starting off with some characters and themes you'd want to explore then building a setting round that. Worldbuilding in a vaccum is costly and inefficient imo.

>> No.9826507

Is it still a meme if it's the undisputed best of the genre?

>> No.9826516
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Sword of the Lictor > Claw of the Concillator > Citadel of the Autarch > Shadow of the Torturer

>> No.9826521

I see them all as one whole so idk senpai, Lictor did have the most "action" to it though

>> No.9826535 [DELETED] 

no bulli

>> No.9826571

Are there any good alien occupation/invasion stories? its something i fancy reading but can't think of many beyond War of the worlds

>> No.9826605

how is the translation?

>> No.9826630

Good enough to have inspired Vampire Hunter D, allegedly.

>> No.9826639
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japanese covers often look nice. I feel like I'd probably have read even more if westerns covers weren't super lame half the time.

>> No.9826651

Citadel of the Autarch > Sword of the Lictor > Claw of the Concilliator > Shadow of the Torturer

The more sub-stories the better.

>> No.9826654
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True. Also so far as New Sun I think I prefer Obata's covers (of Death Note fame)

The subtle details he puts into them really adds a nice touch.

>> No.9826657

Pic >>9823840 related

>> No.9826672
File: 158 KB, 1600x800, nfi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some sci-fi books that heavily feature big spooky spaceships? Something like Revelation Space, Unto Leviathan, or Blindsight. I didn't enjoy Hull Zero Three.

>> No.9826673

If it were just the nice background stuff I could dig this but Obata's faces are unforgivable. He's incapable of drawing anything but edgy fucbois.

>> No.9826684

edgy fuckboys don't look like edgy fucbois to japanese people though.

>> No.9826701

That's why they're a country of shitty artists.

>> No.9826712

they're not though. it's a matter of sensibility, not capability, they churn out more classically trained, well rounded artists than pretty much anywhere else.

>> No.9826717

I'd say the only other country that can compare is Russia.

>> No.9826720

maybe france?

>> No.9826722


I read Stormlight Archives first since it is the better work overall due to the maturity of his own style, but if you like him after Mistborn is a lot of fun yet a bit more streamlined - sometimes you can see that it's a work that predates SA in regards to his inner style, but the character dynamics more than make it worthwhile (as well as the world building that happens in the second era trilogy tl;dr Steris is my waifu.

>> No.9826725

>I didn't enjoy Hull Zero Three.
That's what I was gonna rec.. You on your own pham.

>> No.9826732

Man she is a freak. You know Wax lucked out with her. She would do anything for him. I hope when the dick down starts Sanderson doesn't fuck with it.

>> No.9826820


Mistborn series

>> No.9827013
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I'm gradually working through the big book ol' science fiction I got out of the attic.
what should I read next? Just finished The Genesis Machine

>> No.9827022


>> No.9827128

It helps if you just dive into it. If you spend too long planning stuff out you never start writing. You might think its important to get stuff right the first time but it isn't. You can always go back and edit things to make sense.

>> No.9827282

Cornwell's King Arthur trilogy and Gemmell's Troy trilogy.

>> No.9827431

>Sufficiently Advanced Magic

Man the protag is kinda a neurotic whiny bitch isn't he?

>> No.9827542

>Genres: Young Adult

well what did you expect?

>> No.9827550

Of these, Alfred Bester's book at the bottom left is the standout. The others are by-the-numbers hard SF with the exception of Brunner and Ballard, who are authors people have strong opinions about.

>> No.9827556

I just like the whole overcoming odds shit with the occasional OP protag but all of them have to be emo and whiny for some reason.

>> No.9827575

Good luck anon, remember that it's all worth it in the end if you enjoy the process.

>> No.9827729

Kushiel series might be? Have it on my reading list but haven't read it yet so can't say for sure.

>> No.9827887

10/10 feet

>> No.9827952
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Maybe the Great Ship books by Robert Reed?

>> No.9828049
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germ is a fat fuck hack whos just a real life troll, comparing himself to Tolkien just to piss people off and get more attention, with his dumbest fans actually believing it

literally the biggest weakness of his books is how unbelievable and inconsistent they are, declaring that hes realistic is just him recognizing his weakness and trying to guard against it. works like a charm on retards which is 90% of the world anyway

also its a poor (very poor) mans worm ouroboros, not lord of the rings and i dont get why people speak his and Tolkiens name in the same sentence so often. Tolkien didnt write anything like that dick wart

>> No.9828066
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>tfw non-english native language
>tfw everything you try to write that can be called sci-fi sounds fucking stupid


>> No.9828131
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>start reading it based on the recommendations of a friend
>after 25 pages drop it and go to re-read Book of the New Sun
Literary fantasy has absolutely fucking ruined me.

>> No.9828228

It does seem to have made you into an insufferable bore.

>> No.9828339
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What books you guys expecting this month?
>tfw they will be released till the end of August

>> No.9828379

The Stars My Destination hands down. Bin the rest.

>> No.9828388

The only book releasees I'm waiting for are Oathbringer, Winds of Winter and A Dream of Spring. The first I'm not that interested in, and the last will most likely never be released.

>> No.9828512

So you are admitting that you will be reading only one book for this year (Oathbringer) and nothing afterwards? Seeing as GURM will never finish the series.

>> No.9828519

Sometimes people ask for comfy recommendations, on here as well as outer /lit. This made me think about what makes for a comfy read. As I see it, it's a matter of deploying familiar and easily understood conventions of character, style and setting. The wizened old mentor, the evil witch/mother, the wholesome and chaste love interest, or the cunning seducer, the boy on the edge of manhood who is learning the ways of the world.

Castles, quaint hamlets and farmsteads. Market towns of hot food vendors, exotic wines, colourful textiles, and bartering tradesmen. Things must also be picturesque, where the sunlight is diffused by overhanging boughs of tall oaks, willows, and beeches, and the hills roll benignly into the distance - terminating at the foreboding edifice of the deserted black citadel on the far horizon, the subject of many local whisperings and rumour. What lurks over there: a macabre history, forbidden knowledge, a malevolent apparition, or untold riches of gold, ruby and sapphire? A local lad, perhaps sickly, pale, and ridiculed by his contemporaries, wants to impress a paramour; or perhaps he is only a unusually inquisitive young fellow. He might venture there with stolid childhood companion, and there is the genesis of a comfy fantasy tale.

>> No.9828527

Can we talk about horror here since there is no horror general?

>> No.9828550

I doubt I'll read Oathbringer this year. We might have misunderstood each other, I'll read many other books this year but I'm quite sure they're all already released.

>> No.9828616
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What does /sffg/ think of All Tomorrows?

>> No.9828635

Sure why not.

>> No.9828672


I found "Let The Right One In" genuinely both disturbing and disgusting.

>> No.9828782

I like the Worm but it's nothing like ASoIaF or LotR (tho personally I think it's better than both). & Mistresses of Mistresses is superior.

>> No.9829029

I just read the tor article on what's coming out and download everything I might be interested in

>> No.9829293

any good booktubers?


>> No.9829345

Is that the one with the loli vampire?

>> No.9829349

>bin the rest

why? Pournelle and Niven-teir sci-fi is fun.

>> No.9829427

not watching that

>> No.9829446

Because that's all the idiot's actually read

>> No.9829468

>In spite of a fatigue that increased upon us toward the end of the day, our trip was a pleasurable one, and we found much to divert us in the varying landscapes through which we passed, and in their people. Some of these people, I am sure, must still remember us with regret, for we did not deny ourselves anything procurable that tempted our fancy or our appetites.

Clark Ashton Smith goes a bit Clockwork Orange

>> No.9829501

Is that an admission of taste? Please enlighten us, do you weigh the same as a duck?

>> No.9829524

Just read book one of The Magicians, the Lev Grossman one.
God I hate these drunked fucked-up assholes. My only consolation is that the author also seems to hate them. Nothing like an ending where the most likable character suicide-bombs the most interesting character, leaving only the boring, unpleasant, incompetent, alcoholic homos alive to star in the next two books.

>> No.9829525

>everything that is popular is bad
jej. Lucifer's Hammer and Oath of Fealty are top notch buddy

>> No.9829570

Two issues I have with fantasy right now.

Traveling, every fucking book people are fucking traveling and traveling and traveling and traveling. It's all slow shit too.

Sailing. All the authors seem to be competing on who can nerd it up about their boat knowledge the best. I do not care and people that deal with boats at that level probably don't want to be reminded either.

>> No.9829584

thats like trying to find some sci-fi that never mentions space ships

you sound like you just dont like fantast very much

>> No.9829607


I like a lot about it just not those two things in particular.

>> No.9829613

what did you guys think of the new GoT episode?

>> No.9829617

I got HBO now to watch it but haven't even seen the first episode of the season yet

>> No.9829657

I have both of these on autodownload and reserved, but the hold queue is really long so it's more likely it will be uploaded before then.

>> No.9829661

why not friend? :)

>> No.9829682

Conceptually interesting, but needed more to it.

>> No.9829710

Not him, but it was pretty basic. I will say that Green Rider was a nice read.

>> No.9829823

Euron is enjoyable.

>> No.9829905

Anything like rainbow's end? Near future? No space shit pls

>> No.9829939
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Yes but the book the movie is based on is actually pretty gud.

>> No.9829951

There is apparently a small but Twitter-vocal group of fantasy-boat enthusiasts largely responsible for the second point.

>> No.9829954

I should give it a read then.

>> No.9830067
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A friend recommended this to me. Is it worth a read /lit/?

>> No.9830127
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What is the best Steven Erikson book?

>> No.9830180

Never read it but I've had it recommended as well. Read it and tell us what you think.

>> No.9830197

Try audiobooks. You can speed the play rate since sometimes narrators pause a lot.

>> No.9830636

Any recommendations for scifi that isn't full of weird psychic bullshit?

Fantasyfag here who has been trying out SF lately for a change of pace and lack of reading material, I thought I'd be bothered by all the fake science and technobabble trying to explain everything, but I'm actually having the opposite problem, they all have weird psychic and telepathic bullshit they don't even bother to try to explain. So far I've tried Dune and the Saga of Seven Suns.

Can anyone recommend some SF that reads a little like fantasy, lots of adventures and exploration, but without fucking psychic bullshit for no reason?

>> No.9830663


>> No.9830741


Jesus christ yes. They all desperately want to be sailors. I don't get it. Every fantasy series has one book at least that's like "we're on a boat going into enormous tedious detail about being on a boat"

I don't mind if there's boat travel like ok we're on a boat, the crew is doing boat things while I learn how to astrally cuck someone or something. But it's never that. It's always learning to sail. Look how much fucking boat shit I know.

>> No.9830822

Dune's "psychic bullshit" is there for a reason.

>> No.9830888

Softer SF tends to have psychic shit, also a lot of Golden Age "hard" SF does for historical reasons I don't have time to explain. That being said some hard SF do Have telepathy or mind-computer interfaces using plausible tech. I mean, even good old radio would look like psi to someone from 1700.

Try Baxter, Watts, and Niven.

>> No.9830892

What did you think of Saga of Seven Suns? How would you compare it to Dune?

>> No.9830924

What do you people think of the Rivers of London series?

>> No.9830955

keep meaning to try it

>> No.9830975

It's breddy gud.
It has a nice take on magic in a modern real world setting.

Thiugh it is best appreciated by a Brit or someone well versed in British culture because of references and such, being written in the first person

>> No.9831005

>also a lot of Golden Age "hard" SF does for historical reasons I don't have time to explain.
You talking about John Campbell being really into psi?

>> No.9831231


This bastard dissed our thread. Diss him back so I can feel better about myself.

>> No.9831334

Library at mount char
Iron Dragon's Daughter

>> No.9831515

Where is the geomancer shill? Is this book about a 20 year old virgin who need no man?

>> No.9831532

>tfw botns and too like lightning shills singlehandedly killed the general
>no one wants to discuss anything when your responses are only two books
I hope you two are happy with yourselves. I mean Aram likes Wolfe and even he doesn't push it all the time. I seriously hope you consider an heroing

>> No.9831539

It was only mentioned like 3 times itt you dumb whore, bring up other books now if you want to.

>> No.9831616

>I've done my job fucking up the previous generals
>don't need to do shit this time
>try reviving it if you can
Take a short walk under the thrusters of a space rocket achieving liftoff.

>> No.9831646


>> No.9831804

tfw running out of good military scifi

what do you do when you've exhausted your favourite genre?

>> No.9831828

Experiment and lower your expectations.

>> No.9831830

play Halo

>> No.9831835

could try The Expanse. It has a little psychic bullshit later in the series but its rational for the setting.

>> No.9831954

>what do you do when you've exhausted your favourite genre?

You read, or re-read, the Book of the New Sun


>> No.9832366

>The creator of Alice, as I later came to see it, was a symbol of psychic supremacy, the sterling ideal of an unstrictured mind manipulating reality to its whim and gaining a kind of objective force through the minds of others.

This quote wouldn't be out of place in a Philip K Dick novel, because PKD was very interested in the way a domineering psyche can shape a weaker person to their own pleasing. But it's from Thomas Ligotti, who on the evidence of the half dozen stories I have read, is similarly preoccupied with these matters of influential minds + imaginations. By his overt allusions elsewhere, Ligotti has also clearly read Carl Jung and Heraclitus. Anyway, I'm enjoying his stories as a change from my fantasy+SF reading - although some of these stories qualify as speculative fiction IMO.

>> No.9832392

>he replied to my post
What a tool. But I'd rather that thread die now that it's been established what an idiot the op is.

>> No.9832406

Meta whining will not revive a thread. Discussion will.

What's the last book you read, what are you currently reading and what are you going to read next?

I've just finished Death's End like 10 minutes ago, the last parts were a wild ride and it did not end up where I expected it to. All in all it was a great read. Next I'm going back to fantasy to read Jonathan Strange, I've been meaning to read it for almost a year since I saw it recommended in this thread.

>> No.9832418
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What the fuck was that ending?

>> No.9832435

>tfw Wolfe dies before giving us closure

>> No.9832569

Try Timothy Zahn's Blackcollar series. It's about a team of genetically enhanced ninjas fighting a geurilla war against the aliens who conquered humanity.

>> No.9832669

Jonathan Strange is an EXCELLENT book, you're in for a treat anon.

I finished The House on the Borderland last week, I'm currently reading The Wizard Knight, I'm planning on tackling The Book of the New Sun when I'm done.

>> No.9832765


Are those really Dunyain?
The Truth spoke with but one soul

>> No.9832773

Hmm... that could work. If it's true I think that redeems that part of the ending.

>> No.9832821
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Are there any worth while fantasy books that are like Dark Souls? Meaning the main appeal of the world is that everything in it is hateful, dangerous and wants to kill you. Basically like being in Mordor all the time

>> No.9832838


new bread
