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/lit/ - Literature

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9818087 No.9818087 [Reply] [Original]

What can literature do to help me stop being a deeply flawed person?

>> No.9818093

Learn to read and tell stories about deeply flawed persons

>> No.9818110

gives you something to focus your attention on beyond self-hatred

>> No.9818116

Won't I just perpetuate teh creation of deeply flawed persons?

>> No.9818122

How are you deeply flawed?

>> No.9818146

Literature alone don't help you become a better person, you need a better person around you to show and teach what it's to be a better person

>> No.9818164

Do a tab of acid and read some Freud, you'll figure something out.

>> No.9818181

This. Theory is important but not more so than practice. A lot of autists think they can learn how to be less autistic by reading about it in a book. The best a book can teach you is that a book can't teach you that but here I'm sparing you a lot of reading by telling it to you straight out.

>> No.9818215

It will guide you and feel less scared

>> No.9818546

I too have been thinking about my deep flaws as you have. The only solution I can think of at the moment is putting forth a concerted effort to be a positive force in the lives of those around you. Now, don't lick people's assholes or be a pussy, but try to contemplate what it means to be good and aspire to that ideal. I'm not sure if I'm totally succeeding right now, but I'm going to keep trying and you should too.

>> No.9818971

"We purge to pollute, we purify to make filthy
But I know that I'm good 'cause when I'm bad I feel guilty"

If you realise your shortcomings and u ironically believe that you can do better, you're well on your way to your aims.

Read Tomasi's The Leopard if you're looking for some type of structure - it talks about duty to community and how to react to changing social tides. The context is outdated (unification of Italy) but the concepts remain the same.

Alternatively, Stefan Zweig's 'Beware of pity' may have a message for you. 'Goodness' as humans understand it is often misguided

>> No.9818997

>'Goodness' as humans understand it is often misguided
I think I know what you are talking about but can you put it more specifically.

>> No.9819000

>le pint man

Kill yourself

>> No.9819013

In Beware of Pity the protagonist's curse is that he feels a deep pity for behaving a certain way towards someone (even though it was a mistake) and he overcompensates to make it right. The result is catastrophic for everyone involved. Luckily the First World War starts and his sins pale in comparison, but to allow ourselves to be so shackled by our mistakes is a curse which destroys us and would prevent us from actually doing anything meaningful.
Our own goodness can and does preclude us from doing good. It's good to understand when we aren't as good as we should be, but if this stops is from continuing as we would normally then everyone loses

>> No.9819022

He feels a deep shame* not pity. The pity is linked to that though

>> No.9819035

>thirty pints in a day
wew nelly. i dont know if i could do thirty in a day but i have been know to have around 20 in a night. i remember i brought a twelve pack and a six pack for myself and had to go out to get more

>> No.9819153

This is just common sense. If you've done a mistake it makes much more sense to fix it than emo around about it. But I feel that accepting such a thing as an absolute truth is a slippery slope that ignores the precise mechanism of social relationships.
It is a more complicated moral and ultimately epistemological issue.
1.Morality is intent-based and not goal-based.
2.Our perception of truth depends both on our personal perception and on the perception of other people
This means that (1) the morality of our actions cannot be objectively measured, (2) our intent cannot be objectively proven and needs to be acknowledged, (3) if it is not, we are not allowed to assume that our perception is more truthful than that of other people.
Of course we can disregard those guidelines and convince ourselves that we are objectively correct regardless of what other people think but precisely this choice to dismiss the opinion of other people defeats the purpose of social relationships. This way we are effectively severing the two way connection and just arbitrarily deciding what's good or bad on our own accord.

Which means that even if we do something with good intent if we were to be emotionally honest we cannot believe that that intent as good until its goodness was acknowledged by the target of our good intent.
Of course, I am not advocating sitting home and doing nothing.
I am simply saying that there is no absolute moral solution. People are not self-sufficient. We are always dependent on other people. I think a lot of people don't like that and constantly try to find some ultimate answer that lets them be good while being independent.

I can understand that. Being dependent on someone that can't emotionally support you leaves you feeling insecure so those people associate dependency with anxiety, fear and a feeling of meaninglessness so lot of people would dismiss this sort of thinking, that there is no absolute moral guideline, no magical rule that gets you straight to heaven once you know it, as nihilism. To me it's the opposite of nihilism.