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/lit/ - Literature

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9818029 No.9818029 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: /lit/-related concepts that really flare up your existential angst.


>> No.9818052
File: 66 KB, 750x462, jung-scapegoat-shadow-750x462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck, same. i was literally just looking at this exact same thing yesterday.

& that Capital/Outside/vampire debt cloud is the shadow i am fucked up on

clean your room intensifies

>> No.9818082

I learned of it today and can see how it played out in my life but I'm such an unenlightened pleb that I can't make heads or tails of what to do with the information.

>> No.9818083

Thinking about Shub-Niggurath and how if she exists, I've been unknowingly serving her my entire life.

>> No.9818124
File: 67 KB, 450x276, eros & thanatos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unenlightened pleb
forgive me for playing armchair psychtard here but does not compute. b/c imho that's the whole thing. if you *knew* what to do that might very well be *just more ideology.* if you *know* you don't have all the answers you're already beyond the law. hate is the new love & manifestly uncynical not-knowing is the new fucking coolness imho.
>tfw you are attempting to cross the jungian/freudian streams
>tfw you sound like the Hortator

i won't give any advice but i am 100% convinced that there is a polarity/circuitry thing going on between Orpheus & Hades over there in pic rel. it's not one or the other, it's fucking *both.* or whatever mythological allegory works best for Jung. has to be. dive deep w/freud, come back up w/jung. but only once the shadow/animus is *fully* disclosed and you can actually fucking *identify what it is that is triggering you.*
>tfw it's not even that complicated. just read literally *all* of the shit that connects to your thing and eventually you don't have to do fucking *anything* except state what you have therein learned. there is no other. there is only the extant knowledge of the problem & you there looking at it. whatever it is. whatever

petersoning so hard right now. deleuzifying also but j-pete has some seriously dope shit going on. i think he's right. but it only makes sense for him to be as right as he is once a certain threshold is crossed. and someday in the not so distant future when universities are full of jung-quoting ideologues instead of marx-quoting fucknuts it will be time to go back to freud again. how could it be any other way.

idk my man. but here's to synchronicity in the meantime. sorry for sounding like an overly-excited goofball, it's just that a few things unlocked for me recently & i'm feeling slightly unclenched. good luck w/the animus. few things are more fucking interesting or more relevant. good luck

>> No.9818767

Hey, thanks a lot for this