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File: 3.81 MB, 4526x3416, William-Adolphe_Bouguereau_(1825-1905)_-_The_Wave_(1896).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9817705 No.9817705 [Reply] [Original]

The Cucking of Apollo

Tender is a night that loves, and lays,
And lets astray lover’s hands. Leaving
As though the sun were brimmed in it
To style flesh against ebony. Let
The lovers learn they are, again, again
Until the dusk sinks in their skin
And even then, let them persist
To drink the draught. Fears hove in
To the cradle which they might lay
To bear love’s illusory, listless in spring.

From the morning that Apollo stretched
And held Daphne. Her arms were raped
By the wooden veins that spurned him in
To a tyrant, now meek as kin
In lust-ness, hard and suppliant
To will bereft from those – his own
Cry broke the pallid dawn. His ears
Sought voices illuminant. Venturing
Into the underworld of himself, in gold
As a babe rising to meet the sin.

In Abyssal depths, did stroke his load
Though much ascended – nothing gained
But loathing himself. Zeus bemused
And Leto manifested on the lucid plane
Of Apollo’s sight. His knees were wrathed
By the edging of the grit, and hovered
Above the longing caul. He suffered
Through the marking of his mews
Until doves, white and pastel skied
Un-urged his heaven, limned the sun
To colour modes and wine-dark seas
And between his fingers, mortal dripped
Into the come-coming craft of clay.

>> No.9817725

it sucks

>> No.9817727

I swear my shadowbolt did 12k

>> No.9817944

Well, I had to go down and see a guy named Mr. Goldsmith
A nasty, dirty, double-crossin', back-stabbin' phony I didn't want to have to deal with
But I did it for you
And all you gave me was a smile
Well, I cried for you, now it's your turn to cry awhile
I don't carry dead weight, I'm no flash in the pan
All right, I'll set you straight, can't you see I'm a union man?
I'm lettin' the cat out of the cage, I'm keeping a low profile
Well, I cried for you, now it's your turn, you can cry awhile
Feel like a fighting rooster, feel better than I ever felt
But the Pennsylvania line's in an awful mess and the Denver road is about to melt
I went to the church house, every day I go an extra mile
Well, I cried for you, now it's your turn, you can cry awhile
Last night 'cross the alley there was a pounding on the walls
It must have been Don Pasquale makin' a two a.m. booty call
To break a trusting heart like mine was just your style
Well, I cried for you, now it's your turn to cry awhile
I'm on the fringes of the night, fighting back tears that I can't control
Some people they ain't human, they got no heart or soul
Well, I'm crying to The Lord, I'm tryin' to be meek and mild
Yes, I cried for you, now it's your turn, you can cry awhile
Well, there's preachers in the pulpits and babies in the cribs
I'm longin' for that sweet fat that sticks to your ribs
I'm gonna buy me a barrel of whiskey, I'll die before I turn senile
Yes, I cried for you, now it's your turn, you can cry awhile
Well, you bet on a horse and it ran on the wrong way
I always said you'd be sorry and today could be the day
I might need a good lawyer, could be your funeral, my trial
Well, I cried for you, now it's your turn, you can cry awhile

>> No.9818310



>> No.9818495

>From the morning that Apollo stretched
And held Daphne. Her arms were raped
By the wooden veins that spurned him in
To a tyrant, now meek as kin
In lust-ness, hard and suppliant
To will bereft from those – his own
Cry broke the pallid dawn.

tis nice

>> No.9818567

that's one hideous washed up corpse OP

>> No.9818699

>not appreciating the real-to-life aesthetics of the European people's as painted centuries ago
Excuse yourself from this board. I think /v/ is more your speed.

>> No.9819030
File: 3.52 MB, 3257x2631, taktak2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm no good at critiquing poetry, but I'll critique any prose posted from hereon out


>> No.9819156

unironically not horrible, the second stanza is a little weaker twoards the end and i feel in the third you do a little too much of these deliberate line breaks in the middle for the sake of enjabment. (still better than 90% of stuff i see here though)

Would love any criticism on the following three sentences i've been playing with today :

How gentle a thing a thought, passing unnoticed through the mind like light beneath the door, giving sway to nothing.

For a moment everything is still and the stars shine defiantly against the blackening sky, suspended in the dark like nails fastening the firmament. Then the fog comes. It rolls into the streets past Grangeville and Twelfth and down past the Christian school with the sign out front advertising God to his disciples with an exclamation point, and down further past the building with no windows where the Jehovah Witnesses congregate five days a week.

That night she could not sleep.
She paced back and forth in her room to calm her anxiety, and, seeing as it made no difference,
lay in bed and seemed then to pace in her mind, swaying to and fro with the thought of him as the film between two worlds, both vast and unfamiliar.

>> No.9819372

>In lust-ness,

why not just "in lust"? lust-ness is a no-go bud

otherwise your flow isn't bad but i don't get why you're trying to write like its 1817. there are other ways to Hellenize

>How gentle a thing a thought,

is that second "a" supposed to be an "is"? if it isn't, its distracting. if you're going to break the rules you have to break more of them to get away with it. a single stream-of-consciousness style departure within an otherwise grammatically normal sentence reads like a defect

> passing unnoticed through the mind like light beneath the door,

this part aint bad, although two "the's" in close proximity imparts a long-winded feel

> giving sway to nothing.

this part of the sentence also gives *sway* to nothing. dud

'nothing' is a dangerous word. it can easily have an effect like "i walked outside under boring clouds." if nothing happened then why did i just read this sentence

>> No.9819518

I'm trying to write dialogue for a project, please tell me if it 'works'
>"Does suicide mean anything to you? That man just tried to kill himself!"
>"So what, now I have to treat him like a saint because he tried to neck himself? He's still a shit bag, just because he got all sad doesn't change the fact that he constantly putting a knife in every one's back!
>"He's in desperate need of help!"
>"No, he's in desperate need of a better rope.'

>> No.9819525

Seems a bit unrealistic, especially the last comment. Maybe you could include some of the asshole statements as dialogue, some as thought?

>> No.9819535

Thanks for the perspective, I want to get across a strong hatred towards the mentioned character. I'm not much of a writer, but I want to make good dialogue. Any good resource for that?

>> No.9820005

Rate my triolet:

Nay; I’ll weep in the sun’s arms now--
No more shall I float in love’s shallows;
To say the sun has no such vow. . .
Nay--I’ll weep in the sun’s arms now,
And sink the oars as mine eyes trough,
And, in my trek through this blithe lake,
No more shall I float in love’s shallows,
Nay; I’ll weep in the sun’s arms now.
I'd like to critique any classical/traditional poetry that anyone may have.

>> No.9820011

I am listening to the perfect song for this

>> No.9820027

Yeah. Awful painting. It's not even painted in period blood. Op is such a pleb. True art is an expression of the sufferings of oppressed women, PoCs and or homosexuals, everything else is trash.

>> No.9820747

what are you cucks doing
get in here

>> No.9820813
File: 62 KB, 479x452, sonnet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

warning: just read up a little on the form

You're voice feels like it is a bit antiquated, but I'm not sold it is working for the emotive punch you could have in the piece. I think if you wrote in more natural speech this could be more direct, and the form itself might feel less constricting (allowing you to adhere to the rhyme completely, which I don't think is necessary)

The primary grievance I have is with the 'nay' and how almost silly it sound. The other repeated line is p darn good though.

>And sink the oars as mine eyes trough
this is hard to parse and not especially rewarding when you do

the use of swimming/rowing/walking simultaneously is interesting, and I think I would find a way to push this even harder if you could.

finally, don't be afraid to enjamb dude. i really did like the piece p well though, I just think you'd benefit more from me bitching

pic-related's a sonnet (Vanilla, I know, but I most write in free verse or my own forms)

Title is bad,

>And lets astray lover’s hands
you mean led?

>love’s illusory, listless

the alliteration is grating

>In Abyssal depths
this kind of purply language feels boring. depths by itself would work just fine

>wine-dark seas

at least use wine-dark on something besides the Ocean if your gonna allude to Homer like that. too on the nose.

>> No.9820828
File: 37 KB, 500x375, DE5JalmW0AEniM0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sample first paragraph: With the immediacy of a shut off faucet, the street din mellowed out as he closed and locked the heavy door behind him. He entered into the dimly lit foyer, the stench of yeast on his lips. Solemnly and slowly he hung his dreary coat, and having it secured, grazed his hand across it. Rough, dry, bumpy with lint. This was no way to present himself. He had been lucky enough to be invited to such a distinguished event and yet he still disappointed. Appearance is everything; that is the law of business and even life itself. The old mantra of the company. What does it matter to feel, mortally? He looked about the wide display of lined coats, possessed by full figures of men and women elsewhere, and lamented the fact that he was neither professional nor as suave as his peers. He envisioned them now, underneath the strung levitating lanterns’ urine leer, brows shaded and giving way gleaming perfect teeth, grinning at some obscure joke told in such elegant accents, their forms intermingling until they became indistinguishable and eternal. No, he was neither professional nor suave and he could not fake it. A woman should've dressed him, but he had no wife and he could not live with his mother at such an age.

Full story here

>> No.9821039 [DELETED] 

Here is some literal, (obviously) unfinished garbage

I just wanted to see if you guys liked some of the lines

I dreamt a well-worn, patient cabin,
In hold a stately, hell-shorn maven.
From the tidings to the terror,
My air faulted unborn error.
And there, rapt upon my door,
I would again be wise once more
Should I, could I, breathe gardens into my lungs,
While wasp-eyed men speak burly, stinging tongues;
And with I not stung, the wind up there,
Would shake me out while sailors rout;
Then huff-ho we would go,
Merrily abbots into our unborn cave.
The earthly sprouts to bear or bring;
The shoots of roots, while bushmen shout
To spear nor hear me in the reading room.
It never ends, my fate presumes.
Could I sing then? A straining keet’
Spoke back to me a fly-like loon,
“Walok men and monsters!”
“Walok men and monsters!”
Unfeathered when I found him there;
A corpulescent fairy beaked
Is rotten in the summertime,
Or timing, would my chiming consul chime
For lively-lovey living lime:
The world wept in azure wails,
I thought my shores abreast; my ingratiate horizon;
Mine eyes spied my men’s tired pleas and risings.
For all the fruits that satiate
The fatal pangs of salted seas,
We’ve no guava, of Java then,
Sold by foremost merchants, shy Balinese men.
For I’ve stopped for fruit but fell daft dead,
With the shave of waves and month-old tack.
Draped on my skin the galling sack,
Enamored free, from hooks and cleaves.
Dismantled pay! Leviathan curst!
Then only might I’ve a penchant thirst
If fishing mangoes in a tree,
trickling juice and tepidity,
split Venus-cleft imparity,
sated, traitorous insincerity,
an island-moisture rarity,
decomposing fertile charity.
The sameness in my stomach,
A dictionary worth comeuppance.
If I had words inside me, they’d waste in dated fashion,
Dissected ill and ashen;
With a canticle of passion
For my scorched-earth, scurrilous days.

>> No.9821150
File: 421 KB, 1440x960, firetruck5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>memegereau turboplebs get mad someone says their shit is shit
and truly, it's cute one of you starts the same old whataboutism about period blood, yes, your knowledge of visual history amounts to period blood paintings and degenerated academicism, that's why you like what you like

>> No.9822217

Rhythm is tough on my inner conscious

>> No.9822335

rather diffuse and sluggish. lots of articles, prepositions and pronouns, so it becomes hard to forgive the repetition of nouns. the latter isn't necessarily a no-go, but it doesnt feel like much happened by the time i reach the end. something about day and night, and the sky, and color (or lack of color). your adjectives seldom do much to add texture - 'nightworn' 'steelborn' 'reborn' feels plodding, like filler - there isn't enough sensuality to this language, not enough density. last line is a dud.

on the plus the structure's good and you seem to have a good ear for enjambments.

>> No.9822857

Yeah, I've been getting that alot. Too many adjectives?

>> No.9822891

Excellent post

>> No.9822911

Yeah and adverbs. I'm also not really prose writer so don't take my word. It just seems, from a reader's POV, really unnatural

>> No.9822924


you have a great ear dude, almost every sentence charges with an anglo saxon gallop, like middle english poetry. maybe you should be writing verse

cause as it stands it kinda reads like dostoevsky acquired an inexplicable chaucerian accent after a bizarre epileptic brain attack

>> No.9822926

>To drink the draught.

This kills the rhythm. You need to work hard to get it back for the "Fears hove" part. It's too abrupt.

Otherwise pretty good. Some of the enjambment just confuses the rhythm where you have obvious full stops.

>> No.9822965
File: 26 KB, 450x320, stock-photo-attractive-black-guy-deliberates-a-decision-all-on-white-background-127099157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how to take this.

>> No.9823526

I gave the first couple pages a read over. You have potential if you do what you're doing once in awhile when you have a particularly strong comparison, metaphor, or image. Tighten that shit up.

>> No.9823553
File: 44 KB, 531x720, Untitled2 (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9823823

Yeah finish it senpai

>> No.9823830
File: 25 KB, 588x577, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this probably isn't very good, but it was mostly just a practice in blank verse. So critique about the meter and such is much appreciated

>> No.9823881

I can't because it's just the same mistake over and over again. You're too loose with your words, you want to cram every cool word you can into it and you don't care how many past progressives you use. What you don't realize yet is that your prose actually takes away from your story. I could make a hundred suggestions to tighten it up, as I had started to but I have my own work to worry about and I'd get pissed watching you pick and choose which of my advice to take.

>> No.9823912

Stylistic difference? I did take a lot of your advice but I'm unsure what you want from me. I'm guessing you want me to cut?

>> No.9823965

I'll think about it.
I would say the abundance of your flourishes hurts readability. You introduced the point of his narration, about the woman, at the right moment to keep me reading but you continued to obscure things by getting a little too fancy. I don't need bare bones but sometimes making a sentence or a thought sound shorter or read shorter will be better.

>> No.9823970

Oh and I understand when you're too 'close' to the writing, been looking at it too long, you're thinking all those descriptions in the exact way you wrote them are essential. But They're not

>> No.9824001

I understand what you mean. The original draft had way shorter sentences and I compounded alot of those sentences. Also I realized I used "as if" way too fucking much. I can show you the original draft but it's really rough.

>> No.9824256

I like it. Mostly the idea is nice. I think you can trim it down to about 4-5 lines though. Try removing most of the proper nouns, especially Yellowstone, that's such a shitty word and the title, along with American Vesuvius, makes it clear enough what you're talking about.

The Count of the Saxon Shore

I am the Count of the Saxon Shore
Bound to toil in hopeless war
Upon the sand with shield and spear
Awaiting death in helpless fear

Until the end, that fateful day
I must protect the Roman way
The women strong, the children tall
Soon all we feel Britannia fall

For now appear the demons' sails
The women weep, the children wail
I muster arms against the tide
Let my poor fate the gods decide

When vict'ry sings her precious song
If time and nature proves she wrong
I'll raise my voice and cry once more
"I am the Count of the Saxon Shore!"

But if in blood I'm doomed to drown
I must put low my sorry crown
Then strike out West to fight no more
Forgotten, the loss of the Saxon Shore

>> No.9824309
File: 45 KB, 500x500, DF1oTOEXUAA4E6d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Soon we all feel Britannia fail" is a bit on the clumsy side.

>> No.9824421

I recommend the naturalists in translation, they basically do what you're aiming to do

>> No.9824444

Thanks, can I critique whatever you're working on?

>> No.9824667

Nice quads
Read the first page or two of Germinal online. It's a good example of how to put all that description in while still giving the reader a very concrete visual and not detracting from the story at all.
As for me, I'm still doing my own editing, then I'll send it to my friends then I'll let it get memed on. If you ever read about a strange jam, you'll know it's mine.