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9817401 No.9817401 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9817404
File: 118 KB, 1600x1019, conan2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if i pray and then win? conan did it

>> No.9817451

Woo did all the Greeks and Romans who ever won.
Still, to pray is to put your faith in God to do whatever is in his plan, which is to accept defeat if that is what he gives you.

>> No.9817461

why does it matter that defeat is accepted if you still win?

>> No.9817472

>conan preyed to crom

i don't think you've watched the movie, read the books or the comics

>> No.9817475

he did in the movie

>> No.9817477

Praying wrong: god please do me this and that favor etc
Praying right: god be praised etc.

>> No.9817602

Why is it wrong to pray for help?

>> No.9817610
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>> No.9817618

You don't deserve help. You should ask that His will be done. If He wills it to help you then He will. If he doesn't ad you ask the omniscient to change His mind that makes you a cunt.

>> No.9817654

It's not, but there's a difference between praying for help and praying for selfishness. For instance I recently prayed because a friend of mine in Australia, his wife's been ill, and she couldn't see the surgeon because he had an emergency so she has to wait a few more days to find out what's wrong with her. I took a few seconds to pray for her, and I think I also thanked God for giving me the gift of writing. Whether or not He had a part in it, why not thank Him for it? Maybe He did, maybe He didn't, I don't know, but after all the hardships I've experienced in my relatively brief life thus far perhaps it's something He's been guiding me towards ever since I was a kid. Who knows?

Now, on the flip side, when I was about 12-13 years old and particularly angsty for a variety of reasons, I prayed for God to give me Spiderman powers (Sam Raimi's Spiderman had come out fairly recently) or I would hang myself. Neither happened. Similarly if I prayed for a million dollars, that's just greed. Even if I promised to give every last cent of it to charity, it's just wrong to pray for money. Though he's an interesting story; I used to get really bad stomachs on occasion, sometimes so painful that it would drive me to tears. Well one time it came, I was sick of the pain, knew I was in for an entire DAY of absolutely debilitating discomfort. I fell to my knees and just prayed to God to take the pain away. Almost instantly it went. It did come back again many years later, but I definitely haven't been experiencing it much at all. Ever since that day, perhaps 10-13 years ago, you could pretty much call me a believer. Never been particularly devout or religious, never was much of a church-goer, but I tried to be a good person so I could go to Heaven when I die.

So no, I don't think it's wrong to pray for help, and CERTAINLY not wrong to pray for the goodwill of others, but don't be selfish about it. I wouldn't mind getting traditionally published and getting a $5000+ advance (quite standard), but that would be selfish. I'll continue to write, and I will let the publishers decide whether my work is worth publication or not based on my own abilities.

>> No.9817833
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But if G*d is dead, who am I losing to?

>> No.9817841


>> No.9817846
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I thought Nietzsche was dead too?

>> No.9817854

Nietzsche is God

>> No.9817880

He'll be back

>> No.9817938


>> No.9817948

"He come to me with money in his hand
He offered me, I didn't ask him
I wasn't knocking someone's door down, I was running from that
When I got out, I was in that
I was already through that, I had that
I had the studio, I went to the studio
I went to Vox Studios. I had it all, and I looked at it and said, 'This is a bigger jail than I just got out of.'
I don't want to take my time going to work
I got a motorcycle and a sleeping bag
And ten or fifteen girls
What the hell I wanna go off into -- and go to work for?
Work for what, money? I got all the money in the world
I'm the king, man
I run the underworld, guy
I decide whos does what and where they do it at
What am I, gonna run around and act like I'm some teenybopper somewhere, for somebody else's money?
I make the money, man, I roll the nickels
The game is mine
I deal the cards."

Truly, the great lyricist of our time.

>> No.9818037

Good thread.

>> No.9819103

>praying having a right and wrong way

jesus christ you christcucks are really something

>> No.9819109

But God wins regardless of what you do. He's God. He's omnipotent and omniscient. You can't beat him.

>> No.9819142

doesn't some dirty homeless autist go around bellowing this?

>> No.9819259

I prayed for these dubs

>> No.9819266

In any scenario of the eternal return I will be alive when Nietzsche is dead so why would it matter? :^)

>> No.9819281

Life is ultimately a defeat, prayer is an acceptance of that. To fight against that is delusion.

>> No.9819307

I close my eyes and seize it

>> No.9819322

I clench my fists and beat it

>> No.9819447

I light my torch and burn it

>> No.9819472

i am the white man's burden

>> No.9819504

I am the beast I worship