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File: 9 KB, 350x490, harold-bloom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9817331 No.9817331 [Reply] [Original]

>In 2004 author Naomi Wolf wrote an article for New York Magazine accusing Harold Bloom of a sexual "encroachment" more than two decades earlier, by touching her thigh. She said that what she alleged Bloom did was not harassment, either legally or emotionally, and she did not think herself a "victim", but that she had harbored this secret for 21 years. Explaining why she had finally gone public with the charges, Wolf wrote, "I began, nearly a year ago, to try—privately—to start a conversation with my alma mater that would reassure me that steps had been taken in the ensuing years to ensure that unwanted sexual advances of this sort weren't still occurring. I expected Yale to be responsive. After nine months and many calls and e-mails, I was shocked to conclude that the atmosphere of collusion that had helped to keep me quiet twenty years ago was still intact—as secretive as a Masonic lodge." When asked about the allegations in 2015, Bloom stated, "I refuse to even use the name of this person. I call her Dracula's daughter, because her father was a Dracula scholar. I have never in my life been indoors with Dracula's daughter. When she came to the door of my house unbidden, my youngest son turned her away. Once, I was walking up to campus, and she fell in with me and said, 'May I walk with you, Professor Bloom?' I said nothing."


>> No.9817336

>She said that what she alleged Bloom did was not harassment, either legally or emotionally, and she did not think herself a "victim", but that she had harbored this secret for 21 years.

So she admits herself that even if it's true there wasn't actually any misconduct but tries to peddle it as such

>> No.9817350

I admit that I've only skimmed Wolf's wikipedia page but it seems more than likely that she is in the wrong here.

>> No.9817364

so did this really happen or is Harold's right and she is just writing fanfiction about how her crush totally made a move on her?

i mean i can believe both stories, it's the right amount of retardation for most men and most women to follow any of those 2 stories.

>> No.9817380

>Wolf was born in San Francisco, to a Jewish family.
Who cares?

>> No.9817390

>implying you have never played the old thigh game before
Admit it, anon. We're all guys here.

>> No.9817418

Silly woman, doesn't she know Bloom is only interested in boipussy

>> No.9817430

>I admit he did nothing wrong
>why won't he apologize after I slander him?

>> No.9817523

let them settle this with weapons somewhere out in the desert so no humans get hurt.
Then send in the army to bury any survivors

>> No.9817743
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Literally the girl who cried Wolf.

>> No.9817749
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tfw ywn be canon but you are bigger than a cannon.

>> No.9817760
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>> No.9817762



>> No.9817764

>as secretive as a Masonic lodge
Why can't dumb people be executed?

>> No.9817777

she's kinda hot desu. I'd touch her thigh

>> No.9817842
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Hey girl, wanna see my canon?

>> No.9817847
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>> No.9817987

>Naomi Wolf
Holy shit this is her? hAHAHAHA

>> No.9817991

Her interview with Ali G

>> No.9817992
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>> No.9818904

hahaha it's Luis Aragonés lol

>> No.9818918
File: 120 KB, 442x269, BloomCannon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a whale! Man the Canon cannons anons!

>> No.9819811

Wolf... easy on the three little pigs.

>> No.9819823

>T H I C C

ya if ur into fupa

>> No.9820047

Is it really a big deal if he touched her thigh? I mean come on, it's Harold Bloom.

>> No.9820488

What a typical fucking woman to make a public scene about being touched on the thigh two decades earlier.

>> No.9820513

I know it's cliche but she is really making a mountain out of a molehill to get her writing in a magazine.

>> No.9820522

> I was shocked to conclude that the atmosphere of collusion that had helped to keep me quiet twenty years ago was still intact

Bitch you were the sole person ultimately responsible for that silence. I had some homo fucking feeling me up when I was young. Did I stay silent because of the conspiracy of silence against me? No, because that would have meant staying silent about some gay guy feeling up kids and would have made me a cowardly bitch.

Saying nothing about it, and then bringing it up over two decades later after Bloom had become a senior citizen and thus likely had no libido anymore on top of probably having changed otherwise thus making all this drama pointless is probably the absolute worst way anybody could have handled this and is not brave at all. It's basically making a fuss of things after shit did not matter anymore. Naomi wolf expects Yale to take action based on a report about who didn't commit a crime based on unproven allegations from two decades ago, what the fuck?

Fuck Naomi Wolf. Boo hoo my thigh got touched. Fuck you. Women and men get groped all the time, they don't get a fucking article in New York Magazine bitching about how they were victimised by a conspiracy of silence, especially if they contributed to that "conspiracy" by never fucking saying anything. It's a minor transgression and it's pointless as shit to bring up a minor transgression regarding somebody who is not a senior citizen two decades later. This is all assuming she didn't completely make it up and that Harold isn't telling the truth that she made it all up because she had a crush on him and is expressing sexual frustration in a weird way.

>> No.9820526

*who is a senior citizen

I'm drunk and this pissed me off though. Holy fuck, nobody gives a fuck you were touched in the thigh two decades ago, boo hoo, go fucking see a shrink about it.

>> No.9820532
File: 19 KB, 598x376, 957846-1295858009.jpg?itok=cnMq2O6u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This woman claims to have been raped for 6 months straight by a smelly brutish ISIS member. She decided to, as soon as she was free, tell her story immediately.

Oh boo hoo though, Naomi Wolf, she had her fucking THIGH touched and she was too afraid to talk for two decades! Shut the fuck up!

Holy fuck I can't believe something this petty got printed in a magazine.


>> No.9820557


Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

>> No.9820714
File: 393 KB, 736x1055, hunting the white whale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's just like one of my japanese animes

>> No.9820737
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>> No.9820761


>> No.9820896

It's like she wanted to sue him for sexual harassment but she knew she didn't have a strong enough argument and half-assed it.

>> No.9820999


>> No.9821014

never change /lit/

>> No.9821015

how can such a vapid accusation 20 years later be taken so seriously by so many people

is it cos he's a white old man

>> No.9821108

THIS is proof Bloom is still important!
false sexual assault charges are always the last ditch effort by the establishment to destroy those who become powerful enough to challenge it

>> No.9821230


>> No.9821231
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HOLY shit, that was her?

I don't she should mistaken Bloom for simply touching her inner thigh. I fucking do some nasty shit to her.

I'd watch her molten rotten aged mommy pussy get ravaged by the most built, primal, unwashed group of black Übermensch, to get the chance to just admire the inside of her upper thigh region

>> No.9821243

>I have never in my life been indoors with Dracula's daughter
How do you go to a university with somebody and never be in the same building as them, especially somebody presumably studying English alongside a professor of English?

>> No.9821244

Old hag lovers belong in the fire.

>> No.9821273

Not saying that I would fuck her at her current age(especially with the recent pics that other anons posted in this thread). But women in their 30s, post pregnancy are prime fucking material.

I would definitely run on a treadmill, coated in sandpaper while naked, just to sniff Naomi Wolf's onion and garlic chutney scented BRAPS.

>> No.9821286

You're fucking disgusting. Women aren't attractive past 15.

>> No.9821303

>dealing with a Hebephiliac
Of course. Hebephiles and Pedophiles are just men who like young boys but need the vaginal entrance to pleasure themselves with.

Fucking man up and gets some real patrician taste you closet fag

>> No.9821310

Stop projecting, you adolescent. If you weren't so riddled with Ressentiment, you might be able to spend enough time with an adolescent girl to see their subtleties.

>> No.9821332
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I have several times during the period of my life, 30s post pregnancy women are better

>> No.9821347

Because you're delusional and full of Ressentiment. You're settling.
You never have, don't delude yourself further.

'falling apart' isn't attractive.

>> No.9821371

>Because you're delusional and full of Ressentiment. You're settling.
Ever wonder why MILF is a popular category? Women hit sexual maturity at age 30. The 18-21 meme is just a meme
>You never have, don't delude yourself further.
but i have though...

All in all, I had fun shitposting with you dude, but I have to take a nap nap

>> No.9821374

18-21 is just as fucking disgusting as 30. Sexual maturity is a meme made up by Ressentiment-filled brats forced to settle.
>but i have though...
Stop deluding yourself.

>> No.9821381

itty bitty babby beeds a bap

>> No.9821472

Fuck, middle-age hit her like a sack of bricks.


>> No.9821609

Women are disgusting by late adolescence anyway,

>> No.9822766

Interesting take.

>> No.9823558


>> No.9824851

Lol this thread and these lil milky freaks.

>> No.9825096

Yes they are. They peak at 13 too.

>> No.9825136

Women deserve to be raped.

>> No.9825597



>> No.9825607

Would love to wash her dishes while she cucks me with a nigger.