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9812489 No.9812489 [Reply] [Original]

Do you understand this?

>> No.9812492

where is this from?

>> No.9812495

No I don't

>> No.9812514

Can't tell if this is Deleuze or string theory.

>> No.9812524
File: 798 KB, 1488x2337, 91XIC8I+29L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic rel


>> No.9812527

Why would I understand it OP?

It's like asking a random guy on the street if they understand advanced chemistry.

>> No.9812819

some sort of AI model?

>> No.9812834

Lol. The French are hacks. Read the Greeks and Germans.

>> No.9812841

Not even the guy who wrote it understands it. The Frogs man, they purposely obscured their basic ideas behind bullshit. Not even in a good way like Plato, but in an purposefully obtuse way so as to achieve celebrity, not knowledge.

>> No.9812846

what the actual fuck. how the fuck do you understand this shit? can some patrician please enlighten me, I'm serious. It can't be that the French were all actually just complete charlatans, can it? I'm sure there's more to it

>> No.9812849
File: 475 KB, 680x474, F8hIAON.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some sort of AI model?
legit interesting af. for pic rel the answer would be unconditional yes

maybe not for guattari. & for deleuze possibly something like the blueprint for a society of control. just speculating tho

>> No.9812860

I had a class at uni where the lecturer tried to explain it but did a pretty bad job. She then spent a lot of the rest of it talking about queer phenomenology.

>> No.9812890

Brainlet general?

>> No.9812899

This shit looks like classic sophistry

>> No.9812900
File: 79 KB, 957x611, DeleuzeGuattari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deleuze: everyone can talk about his memories, invent stories, state opinions in language; sometimes he even acquires a beautiful style, which gives him adequate means and makes him an appreciated writer.
>but when it is a matter of digging under the stories, cracking open the opinions and reaching regions without memories, when the self must be destroyed, it is certainly not enough to be a 'great' writer, and the means must forever remain inadequate. style becomes non style, and one's language lets an unknown foreign language escape from it, so that one can reach the limits of language and become something other than a writer.

psychoanalysis & language. nobody *really* knows what the fuck they are talking about. anxiety/guilt/meatbag weirdness makes people say things they don't understand: freudian slips, tics, all the rest. we are governed by forces, drives, all kinds of weird shit. maybe it makes sense to think of it in terms of Oedipus, maybe not. for D&G: mos def not.

so wat do? make something new, go places people hadn't been before. things always seem crazy at first, and then later they aren't. for all kinds of reasons. einstein > newton. copernicus > not copernicus. it's like this. this book is definitely weird, but D&G were a bro-team w/o peer when they found common ground. however unusual guattari's work seems, it was good enough for deleuze; and deleuze was a god-tier metaphysician.

continental theory + psychoanalysis is like doing psychic alchemy. shit is weird. but weirder still imho to keep doing the same thing.

>tfw you are literally referring to a meme speech made by a psychopathic killer from a videogame to make your points
>tfw this is probably not going to turn out well is it

tl;dr start with the greeks

>> No.9812934

WTC works on assemblage theory that don't require total deterritorialization and schizoid-affect disorder to even half understand?