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9811593 No.9811593 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best characters in pic related and why are they chaplain and major major major major

>> No.9811596

I've never read it.

>> No.9811600

You're missing out

>> No.9811612

I hate this shitty book so much. I don't see how anyone enjoys it.

>> No.9811716

Major major major is funny and all but Yossarian is the best character.

>> No.9812314

It's been a few years since I've read it but the "Feather in my cap" general is definitely one of the best

Also the one guy who cares so much about the weekly marches

>> No.9812505

>not the Milo chapters where he capitalizes on the war to build the greatest business empire the world's ever seen

>> No.9812515

Note: I misread OP's post as "what are the best chapters" instead of "the best characters". However, the answer is still Milo

>> No.9812704

The chaplain is the worst fucking character in the book, he's the only sympathetic one but he's just a caricature for Heller to go "LOL you believe in god I'm gonna show you how very silly that is." I ain't even religious but a good way to gauge a person's character writing is how they treat people of belief and Heller just gets it so so wrong because he wants to douse it in his fedora atheism.

>> No.9812829

I do agree that Heller's atheism is extremely fedora-like, but I stil enjoyed the book nonetheless. It's alright as long as you don't take it as an argument for atheism.

>> No.9812975

Ex-PFC Wintergreen

>> No.9813010
File: 76 KB, 480x454, o shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw that was the first book I read at the beginning of this year and I barely remember anything about it besides Yosarein not wanting to be in the war and Milo being a psycho capitalist bastard

there were like 50 characters how am I supposed to remember them all???

>> No.9813026

Nately's whore is my absolute favorite.

But the obvious choice would be Milo or Yossarian

>> No.9813029

What was the deal with her? How come she did love Nately in the end?

>> No.9813306

How come you literally didn't remember any other characters or events?

>> No.9813366

Didn't he save her little sister or something. It's been a few years so I might be wrong

>> No.9813445

He did, but she always ignored him (Nately, not her sister).

>> No.9813816

That's just how women work

>> No.9813866

Washington Irving was my favorite desu

>> No.9813951


I remember certain events, just not many specific characters.

>> No.9813971
File: 44 KB, 800x600, 9957562549c64276b6eb1edff6ef9f73[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because it's associated with fedora athiesm now means it was shit back when it was written

>> No.9814012

>The greatest egg supplier the world has ever seen, Milo

>> No.9814079


but then again, reading the same shit fifty times in two "different" ways makes you dislike almost everything about this three-hundred too long book

>> No.9814085

Did Yossarion have personality outside of wanting to get out of the war?

>> No.9814357

Cathcart and Schiessekopf

>> No.9814371

This book is really just the same joke over and over again, but it's so good.

>> No.9814404

light kek

>> No.9814411

He was a womanizer, and seems to have a sense of humor

>> No.9814429

he wanted to get laid and not die. If that's not empathetic, I don't know what is

>> No.9814443

Irving Washington was my favorite

>> No.9814452

Aarfy did nothing wrong.

>> No.9814540

Some parts were repeated, but I still think a lot of it was original and the book isn't too drawn out.


>> No.9814545

Yes he did

>> No.9815090

and he started caring less about her which made her want him all the sudden.
(I really hope I am not remembering this wrong or jsut prijecting)

>> No.9815778

Orr was my favorite

>> No.9815798

I don't know, every character I got to in the 60-70 pages I could tolerate were fucking horrible

Why didn't anyone tell me this was just "whose on second" for hundreds of fucking pages. Trash

>> No.9815897

Either way, Milo is the answer.

>> No.9815924

Is Nately a prediction of the future of man?

>> No.9816673

Dunbar for loving doing things he hated every minute of donig (them) because the time passed so slowly that he accumulated it to extend his life and (maybe) live forever.
And not givnig a fuck.

>> No.9817009

Chief White Halfoat

or Major Major Major's father