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9809839 No.9809839 [Reply] [Original]

Why is there something rather than nothing?

>> No.9809896

...meanwhile, in the Negative Plane...

why is there nothing rather than something?

>> No.9809900

Because something won the format war

>> No.9809906

How do you know there is? The Eastern Mystics say all is Maya.

>> No.9809923

How could there be nothing, when there is the potential for anything?

>> No.9809924

In science we have to be particularly cautious about 'why' questions. When we ask, 'Why?' we usually mean 'How?' If we can answer the latter, that generally suffices for our purposes. For example, we might ask: 'Why is the Earth 93 million miles from the Sun?' but what we really probably mean is, 'How is the Earth 93 million miles from the Sun?' That is, we are interested in what physical processes led to the Earth ending up in its present position. 'Why' implicitly suggests purpose, and when we try to understand the solar system in scientific terms, we do not generally ascribe purpose to it.

One thing is certain, however. The metaphysical 'rule', which is held as an ironclad conviction by those whom I have debated the issue of creation, namely that "out of nothing nothing comes," has no foundation in science. Arguing that it is self-evident, unwavering, and unassailable is like arguing, as Darwin falsely did, when he made the suggestion that the origin of life was beyond the domain of science by building an analogy with the incorrect claim that matter cannot be created or destroyed. All it represents is an unwillingness to recognize the simple fact that nature may be cleverer than philosophers or theologians.

Forget Jesus. The stars died so you could be here today.

>> No.9809955

Is this some Hitchens' pop-science for special kids?

>> No.9810007

If that is the case then life us utterly pointless and we all may as well kill ourselves now and get it over with. Not that my sentence actually makes any sense because its all just constructions of illusions.

>> No.9810009

Shut the fuck up, you sound like a prententious asshole.

>> No.9810010

Why do you think that pointlessness should lead to suicide? Why do you think that someone must have a point to justify its existence? Maybe it just is.

>> No.9810032

When I rape and kill your mother in front of you and you look at me with seething rage, frothing at the mouth, barely able to utter the words 'why did you do that?' would you be satisfied with the response 'I dunno man, it just is'?

>> No.9810040

>In response to Leibniz's ontological query "Why is there something rather than nothing?" Morgenbesser answered "If there were nothing you'd still be complaining!"

>> No.9810044

>In science
Stopped reading here

>> No.9810049
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Why is there nothing rather than something?

But i like the selection of Monet with these questions, since he's the first real attempt to disappear the image in favor of paint.

>> No.9810052

Nothing comes from nothing


>> No.9810085

As time goes on possibility turns into probability which turns into an eventuality.

If the big bang did happen, its hard to conceptualize how long it took for time to come into existence.

>> No.9810159

You've shifted the goalposts. So now it's not: existence is unbearable if it's pointless, but SUFFERING is unbearable if it's pointless.

Well, to answer your question, I would probably deal with you as I felt motivated to at the time and carry on. I would prove that it was bearable.

Humans are pretty resilient in the face of suffering and pointlessness. How would some imposed external meaning help you?

>> No.9810171

Did you copy and paste this from reddit because holy shit

>> No.9810184

"Science can't answer 'Why?' questions and so we just change the question to one we can answer then claim we outwitted the philosophers and theologians"

>> No.9810214

>don't ask why
Shut the fuck up you wanker. Not only do I think your position that science should be used to dismiss philosophy is reprehensible, my hunch is that you probably don't even contribute to scientific enquiry either. Get over yourself.

>> No.9810222

Because (you) have functioning organs, senses. They expire and Nothing returns soon enough, however.
The short answer is because youre alive.

>> No.9810231

If there was nothing, then that question could not be answered. It is not that there is something rather than nothing, there is both.
>In somethingness that question can be asked(Here, right now, by you)
>In nothingness it can't be answered
There is literally no other alternative.

>> No.9810406

The property of "nothing" is that it does not exist. It is thus impossible for "nothing" to exist.

>> No.9810483

>nothing is a thing

This is your brain on continental metaphysics.

>> No.9810489

If the 'property' of nothing is that it does not exist, then it exists (for just that reason).

>> No.9810579

Nothing only exists in light of something. Nothing is a shadow.

>> No.9810585

What is 'contingency?'

You do realize no one after the 8th grade takes this question seriously.

>> No.9810689

Bacause you can ask a question as that.

>> No.9810779
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Putting the cart before the horse.

>> No.9810831
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'Nothing' is inconceivable without 'something'

The two are inextricably linked

>> No.9810856

Oi, that's what I said here >>9810579 you fuckin punk.

>> No.9810873

Can you expand on this and why it answers the question? I'm really interested.

>> No.9810893

Define the absence of nothing, or something, without using something that qualifies for its inverse. Then realize existence only stems from paradoxes because it is itself an aspect of what is the paradoxical and fractal universe which only really exists because something like us observes its, and our own, existence. Otherwise, the universe is just a wink within oblivion.

>> No.9810896

"speak english please" ;)

>> No.9810945

90% of my friends would applaud after reading shit like this.

>tfw they think I'm stupid for believing in God
>tfw they think only uneducated dummies believe in religion
>tfw they think humanity today is smart and humanity centuries/millennia ago was dumb

>> No.9810992

Key word: is.
Nothing can't 'be'. You can't describe nothing as something that is.
Does existence itself exist? Does it have a source? We know that there is this world, we know that we exist. We know things move. We can change the course of this movement, and we are indeed, part of it.

Efficiency. One action to do them all!

>> No.9810999

Because it is

>> No.9811091

Is this one of them forced memes?

>> No.9811120
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>Efficiency. One action to do them all!

>> No.9811171

The problem lies within the way this question is being asked. You can only define existence relative to something else in existence. With that said, the answer to your question is that things exist because we're here to observe it.

Of course what you really want to know is, why does existence exist at all. But at this point we have a problem: we're creating multiple levels of existence. Existence doesn't exist because existence is singular and isn't relative to anything other than itself.

So semantics and logic aside, maybe the best question to ask is: why is the universe full and not empty? The most likely answer to that question is that concepts like space and time, as well as matter and energy all function together in a net zero sum system. It is this system in which the field of physics and mathematics is desperate to understand.

>> No.9811185

>Existence doesn't exist because existence is singular and isn't relative to anything other than itself.

Sorry, allow me to rephrase this line. You simply cannot ask whether or not existence can exist or not. Existence is singular meaning there is nothing relative to it. If something is relative and definable to something else, then it exists according to that something else.

>> No.9811385

There is no "why" in nature, aside from the convenient abstractions that organisms ascribe.

As for how, then probability. There was likely nothing for an unfathomable amount of time before there was something.

>> No.9811513

>There was likely nothing for an unfathomable amount of time before there was something.

lol no

>> No.9811528
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>> No.9812544

Exactly. Nothing is not a thing (it literally breaks up into "no thing"). Thus it cannot exist. Existence actually MUST exist. It is impossible for nothing to exist because nothing inherently DOESN'T exist. Non-existence doesn't exist.

>> No.9812549


>> No.9812552

This thread needs Whitehead.

>> No.9812562

Ill-posed question. Be more precise with what you mean by 'nothing'.

>> No.9812572


"Nothing" as pure abstract negation is a product of reasoning that does not predate homo sapiens.

>> No.9812574

So how is there something rather than nothing?

>> No.9813013

Maybe the question "Why is everything not just an endless empty void?" would be easier to answer.

>> No.9813022

No because that still means there's a space which is empty.

If there was truly nothing then there wouldn't even be a space to be empty.

>> No.9814379


Don't know yet.

>> No.9814405

how can this thought be made by nothing?

>> No.9814432

We have the ability to recognize and classify things as "something."

If we're going down the abstract route, it's just because.

>> No.9814466

>they think only uneducated dummies believe in religion
This is true though. Given all the facts and philosophical arguments surrounding theism, it's only those who haven't read any of it or those who have but are stupid that choose to believe in God.

>> No.9814549


>> No.9814874

>Positing a bad metaphor that pretends living isn't primary by tabbing 'life' a cart, the 'inanimate' a horse.

>> No.9814961

nothing needs something to become nothing

>> No.9815028


>> No.9815044

>he's a real nowhere man
>sitting in his nowhere land
>making all his nowhere plans
>for nobody

In all seriousness we have something because lolsorandom said so

>> No.9815421


>> No.9815525

Quite the opposite. Something from nothing. For no reason. Consciousness being natural.
You are rather dumb, you just need to realize it for the gates of knowledge to open to you.

>> No.9815547

Quantum fluctuations of nothing... BOOM.

Big Bang.

>> No.9815550

pale whilte people in the everglowing sun would sing and danc but not for too long. They would sing the song of being and the music and the music would drive them with it's melodies from which their words emerged, singing like birds imitating a melody, singing trilili and tralala. Jumping jacks and wheelies, a carniwill of joy. But in the grasses a tiny woman is hiding and in her hands the fate of the world. Her name is Vanessa and in her eyes the heads of man spin in many ways and diagonally. The truth is that Vanessa was only 3 centimeters large and that her hair was consisting of fingernails hanging down beyond her hips touching the ground so that she could actually do a backflip utilizing only her hair, swaying her weight over it though being careful as to not let it break which was not something usual to happen because the material was rigid and stern like her heart which knew nothing of the spirit of music. Vanessa was excluded, in her eyes the glimmer of hatred shined into the world, a golden band moving like a wave across the field, purifying the darkness. "if only i could be" vanessa shouted into the darkness and madness of all that is. Vanessa could not do any backflips. She was a statue planted on the ground and all thoughts of jumping and backfliping and breaking were feverish dreams born from her despair of not being. "I think but i am not." she wrote into her diary. And the golden waves of light uncovered naked beasts called men, copulating and dancing under the silent mon caressed by godly clouds who embodied the metamorphosis of all that exists. The skin of the beasts was smeared with dirt and spit was sprayed as man and woman screamed in agony and lust. Man rammed woman with expressions of pain and most vile desire, there tongues elongating several metres and riding through the grass and there eyes almost exploding from the tenso. And the woman were screaching in pain there spines being broken as their bodies were thrusted into the air by the pulsating phallic male appendages and there full and hard breasts were swaying in the wind there teeth biting the air there tongues twisting painfully. And men were fucking men, the faces of the weak and submissive dragged into the ground while their asses were being ravaged. And woman on top of woman their limbs twisting from ecstatic joy, tongues circling lips and teeth biting tits. - The golden waves had uncovered the beastly orgy of those who were and in graceful silence stood Vanessa, quiet and serene bathed in it#s own light, lnging to break free and yet destine to stand still withing the swaying grass and fingernail hair rigid and stern under the sky and the empty space of the universe. What was it good to be she asked herself following with unmoving eyes the deeds of mankind, lost in it's depravity, all too human and all too wild as to ever return to that golden home of non-being. Silenus words echoed from the foreworlds. The best thing is to never have been, the second best to die

>> No.9815560


This is peak STEM insecurity. Please peddle that shit on /r/NewAtheism or Neil DeGrasse Tyson's twitter feed.

>> No.9815586

"It dances in me" a man wrote on his lips and walked down stairs in a building spanning a thousand miles into the sea but having only 3 floors. In my eyes the world must perish everyone and their mother would say in secret and eye the others with bitter jealousy. But there a man with two legs ran around a corner and stumbled, he rolled three times on the floor and then broke a finger but he didn't cry ouit loud as he remembered when his father once mocked him for being a crybaby when he was 5 and was crying because he was tired of walking so he bit his lips and endured the pain. A woamn walked up to him and he stood up then and showed perfectly white teeth which sadly were arrranged wrongly rather than having an organic natural order they were orered by size, the biggest teeth starting it the top left corner and the smallest in the bottom right and he handed his ahnd to the woman and greeted her and talked about the weather and that he had just broekn his finger but it didn't amtter because he was a strong big boy anhd not a crybabby and he would laways work hard because only hard working people were real people and the rest were leeches and in his eyes if people didn't work they could fuck off and didn't deserve any help by the state and also foreigners shouldn't get any help either. She said: Hello, i'm Madonna and greeted him back and talked about the weather and mentioned that she hatred womans football because the womans were ugly and undesirable and what mattered about mans footbal was the way the man looked and that kingsley coman was quite attractive but manuel neuer had a good body but a shit head and she had read this in a womans magazine but she didn't tell that. And he nodded and then told her about the one time he was almost hit by a car but he reacted superfast and in that moment felt animal instincts taking control over him and he had felt really alive then while recently he felt dulled by life and tried to seek some sort of excitement and trying out systemtically new genres of video games, tracing their history and game design innovations and she laughed at that thinking he was making a joke and said "good one" and told him about her favourite tv show named Shadow Brokers which was about political people being selfish bastards lusting for power and how she lve spending times with her girls on the top of buiildings and also she said:"I really drink coffee every day" being proud but behind that pride was also insecurity, questioning whether what she had just said would maybe come of as patholigc as if coffee was really important to her life so she added:"but i do the same with water too... and sometimes ia slo drink pure milk" and now she cringed, realizing she had been talking about drinking stuff for the last 15 seconds and said"oh well whatever" and laughed loudly and he said:"i also drink coffee" and his eyes sparkled and her eyes sparkled too and she felt secure and safe now, no longer being insecure because she could clearly s

>> No.9815604
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>> No.9815616

>Quantum fluctuations of nothing... BOOM.
>Big Bang.

But according to the Big Bang theory, "all matter was compacted into a very small ball with infinite density and intense heat called a Singularity. Suddenly, the Singularity began expanding, and the universe as we know it began." https://phys.org/news/2015-12-big-theory.html#jCp

So, according to the Big Bang theory, there *was* something - very dense matter compacted into a very small ball - rather than nothing.

Assuming that something, that dense speck of matter, evolved over ~14 billion years into our universe, the question still remains -- why was there something pre-big bang rather than nothing?

Or, to state the matter simply: why was there something rather than nothing?

>> No.9815628

It wasn't a bad metaphor, you just clearly did not understand it.

No, it's stupid to say that everything is here because you can ask the question. It's the other way around: You can ask the question because everything is here. The fact that you CAN ask does not answer why you are here to ask.

>> No.9815637


stop right now.... you stem shittter or otherwise i will sneak behind your house and throw autoaiming darts into your head so that the doctors will come and attempt to heal you but i will then strike and kill you and say to the doctors: He bllieved in science, but life didn't believe in him" and then run away while throwing away my clothes into the river of minnesota so that nobody would find it. I would shave my hair and also completely dress differently and take up a low paying under the radar kind of job like for example milking cows or being a shepherd.

And now you can try to ask WHY, because i explained HOW i fucking would kill you if you ever started to talk again in front of me or my family or my friends from 4chan which i igh five in pleasant recognition and i wink at alex and also paul and also the camera and the audience who has mixed reactions because they feel that maybe, maybe, i've been letting you off way too nicely for spouting such coimplete bullshit. And remmber: The audience is KING SO hey buddy why doodn't you take your miserable little dick and shove it into a smoothie maker and then drink it and write a review on goodreads about that and also then let your mouth be fucked by Neil the Grass-Tycoon.

Why? Why? Why? Why? you god damn IDIOT. We don't know why. We can't know why. How? How?! Who cares about how, my god every idiot can find explanations for how stuff works, for millions of millenia now it's nothing scientific. It's prolific at most but it's certainly not Splentific. If you were a horse i would be your wanda. You're just a tool to me and then i'd turn around and jump up the hills and scream I AM THE GOD OF THIS WORLD AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH and climb back down and sip a cp of hot coffee and write down notes as to why the camera signifies the audience and why clapping noises are to be forbidden in the next act of legislation and also i would scatch my ears and whisper: Is there a bug in it and then i'd get a knife and try to scatch the insects out of my ears butth there would only be one and it turns out that it would be you, having assumed your true form, that of a small, insignificant roach and i would pick you up and grab you by your feelers and do loopings with you and also juggle you and do other things and then i asked you: Why don't you and your depraved clan open a fucking youtube channel in which you rant about Doald Trump you enlightened humanistic midget fucking insect and you'd respond like a dumbass "uhhh i love michale jackson" and gave you a roundhouse kick and the nuts and flew in circles into the sun where you landed and then died from starvation because thee's no water on the sun. "pssh nothing personal, science" i'd say and walk into the sunlight but then walk back because i realized i would also die on the sun but i didn't know this because of science, it's part of my dionysian heritage and the fact that my studies of philosophy taught me ki

>> No.9815648

This. The true concept of nothing cannot be grasped by human minds because we have to frame things in terms of our senses and nothingness would entail no thing to sense

>> No.9815852

It's probably more than likely because, when there's possibility for something there's rarely nothing.

>> No.9816126

This is space.

>> No.9816928

Nothing is impossible.

>> No.9816946

Where did this possibility come from?
Where did the potential come from?

You're just moving the goalposts.

>> No.9817001

nothing doesnt "need" anything, nothing never did and never will, because nothing has nothing to need in order to become what it is, which it cant do because nothing can "become" anything if theres nothing to become nothing.

>> No.9817008

>choosing to have "faith" in something that is made up by people far smarter than him
>not making up his own mind about what deserves actual consideration as a believable possibility
>letting others who are long dead dictate his beliefs
You are the scum of the earth

>> No.9817016

False. We can easily grasp the concept of nothing. It is actual nothingness that we cannot understand.

>> No.9817022

"possibilities" and "potential" dont "come" from anywhere, theyre innate characteristics/attributes of the universe we exist in.

True nothingness cannot exist, because for it to exist there would have to be nothing everywhere, because true nothingness lacks anything to be compared to (otherwise it would be relatively something i.e something(nothing) in relation to something(anything)). If anything exists at anytime at anypoint in any position, it can be compared and contrasted to with the "nothing" that came before it. Thus time now exists, because there are two states of what exists, nothing and something. If time exists that means that nothing ceases to exist, because true nothingness implies that even time would not exist.

>> No.9817069

>tfw relatively speaking the last second of life is every second between then and the heat death of the universe.

>> No.9817118

What is there to understand?

>> No.9817143

That question will only be asked by those living in something. Also it's a false question, physicality is answered through How not Why.

>> No.9817429
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Quantum fluctuations, bitch.

Pic related.

>> No.9817568


>> No.9817576


There is nothing... in some scales of existence

look at the atom, it's 99% empty matter.

Only energy holds us up

>> No.9817589

"empty matter" is not nothing

>> No.9817594

>op asks philosophical question
>"well science can't answer that so don't ask it"

>> No.9818000

Seeing as what exists is something, not nothing, (and in fact, concepts of nothingness can only exist because there is something) you must accept that the idea of nothing is ridiculous, albeit exciting. Just as with its twin brother infinity, 'nothing' can be sketched lightly within the bounds of the human imagination but not truly envisioned or accurately discussed, because it is ridiculous.

>> No.9818013
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Three days later, why is this thread still running? Haven't you grown sick of all the pseudo-mystical formally unsound edgelord responses? You are all saying the same thing but in a real shitty way.

>> No.9818847

>Why is there something rather than nothing?
IS there, though?

>> No.9819777

Even the post below yours figures 'nothing' as does for instance 'zero.' There could be no conversation otherwise.

>> No.9820788

Holy shit, the lesson of this thread is that /lit/ pseudo-intellectual wankers will type words just to fight off the thought that there's something they don't know.

Why is there anything? You massive faggots, read the question repeatedly until it penetrates. Why is there anything? No one knows.

>> No.9820823

I know where I run.
Then merciful ants enter
My ember'd spirits

>> No.9820972

You too, eh?

>> No.9820981

What makes you think there is something?

>> No.9821195

Who is asking the question?

>> No.9821378
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When did /lit/ become so stupid?

>> No.9821405

You must be pretty dense if you think those points can only come from others.
Or that something self evident requires "faith".
Maybe one day you'll start using that atrophied brain of yours.

>> No.9821552

You could just say "I don't know"

>> No.9821711


>> No.9821912

*I am.

>> No.9821928

Everything is information.
The eternal idea of existence is implicit within itself.

>> No.9822351

>True nothingness cannot exist... If time exists that means that nothing ceases to exist, because true nothingness implies that even time would not exist.

This implies that time can not not exist. But time began with the Big Bang. Therefore there was a point at which even time did not exist.

>> No.9822764

>Forget Jesus. The stars died so you could be here today.
- Christopher Hitchens and Lawrence Krauss

>> No.9822811

>The eternal idea of existence is implicit within itself.

And that idea exists in the mind of God. But the idea would remain an idea only unless God chose to instantiate it, to speak it into being.

Let there be light, and so forth.

The Big Bang and all that.

The rest is history.