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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 2.06 MB, 4032x3024, BookStack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9809159 No.9809159 [Reply] [Original]

Stack thread!

>> No.9809169
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Smug liberal retard posters and their bait.

>> No.9809190
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>The painted bird

>> No.9809327
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Didnt even want to buy books today but local bookstore had an insane offer so I bought 11

>> No.9809344
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>> No.9809350
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>being this Patrician

>> No.9809411
File: 3.84 MB, 5312x2988, Book Stack July 2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Murakami & Demons

My dude!

>> No.9809423
File: 92 KB, 352x400, 1376298856294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh not that Murakami. That book seems neat though, will have to check it out!

>> No.9809431


>Demons, The Gulag Archipelago

>Trevor Noah
Stopped reading right there

>> No.9809641
File: 937 KB, 2560x1440, DSC_1031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got these.
Leftmost is a collection of Chinese tales,dramas and short stories.(They were translated by the same person, hence his name on the cover.)
Middle one is "The Republic of Wine" by Mo Yan.
And the rightmost one is War and War by Krasznahorkai.

>> No.9810716

>Mo Yan.
Nice to see someone else with his work. Good interesting pick ups.

>> No.9811041
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My copy of The Gulag Archipelago V1 still hasn't arrived.

>> No.9811059
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Today's bookstore haul. I still need to buy the first Don Juan.

>> No.9811153

>carlos castañeda
my nugga

>> No.9811229

Can I just read what I have or do I need to read "The Teachings of Don Juan" first?

>> No.9811273
File: 3.08 MB, 4032x3024, 20170727_005655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend bought these as a gift for me. I now have most of the core Faulkner books and his collected short stories.

>> No.9811294
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Cool stack bro.

>> No.9811748
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Non fiction stack from last couple of months.

>> No.9812022
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how sorted am i?

>> No.9812034


>> No.9812038

>The Freud reader
>Edited by Peter Gay
Ebin :D

>> No.9812044

not the worst choices

>> No.9812655

Judging by the first few pages it's pretty funny and lighthearted, if I may say that.
Not something I expected from something described as "post-modern".
It was one of those "what can go wrong?" purchases. Old Chinese literature becomes samey after a while, there are a lot of tropes. Not to say it's bad, it is rather comfortable to read actually, the "bureaucrat doing stuff" resonates with me, but it gets a bit tiresome, so I lay it down for a bit.

>> No.9812681

nice choice

>> No.9812822
File: 19 KB, 295x320, ah_farrakhan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stawberries with the Führer
I rate you total-pol-pleb/10

>> No.9812889

>naomi klein
top kek

>> No.9812894

i meant it for the next post**

>> No.9812901

you got scammed

>> No.9813191

big fan of your show, james

>> No.9813237


>trevor noah
>soylent aka generic all-purpose tranny feed

When's the transition?

>> No.9813243

Frolic is his best book

>> No.9813325
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Rate my humble stack

>> No.9813357

>Krúdy Gyula
Never knew he got translated.
Strange to see.

>> No.9813479
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Not a stack
just lock me up and throw away the key senpai

>> No.9813601
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Got into reading in earnest only this year. How am I doing?

>> No.9813795

>Trump book
>Needing an actual paper guide in 2017
I'd say 6.5 out of 10, Understanding Comics is really cool, and you have some good stuff there.

>> No.9813798

how much did that milkbottle h cost you?

>> No.9813936


>> No.9813965
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>> No.9813992
File: 3.12 MB, 3264x2448, 20170727_212803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grapes of Wrath might be the best thing I'll read this year

>> No.9814006

That Quixote looks kinda small, is it a condensed edition or maybe just part 1 or 2 alone?

>> No.9814024

It's just insanely small font. About 600 pages

>> No.9814060

>How to Read a Book
lol I have this stashed away so I don't look like a dummy

>> No.9814106

really juggling those 4 dune books eh anon?

>> No.9814135 [DELETED] 

Nice, don't listen to the nu males

>> No.9814375

About 25 eur inc shipping I believe

It's not that expensive, try bookfinder.com

>> No.9814395

Where do you get Bantam classics? The only ones I can find are in the library....

>> No.9814412

Have you actually read Kierkegaard? I've always been interested in his novels.

>> No.9814415


Nozick is good, hard to argue with his points, but you know in your heart he's wrong

>> No.9814438

Tы гoвopю пo-pyccкий? я peвнyю

>> No.9814442

certainly gonna try

>> No.9814810

i actually saw one of these books authors Douglas Valentine interviewed by a youtuber called James.

>> No.9815101

always appreciate Corbett's recommends.

>> No.9815110

>Reading abridged versions

>> No.9815164
File: 276 KB, 1471x673, 0727171946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last purchases for a bit since I'm catching up on a lot of rereads and these will occupy my time for awhile as well.

>> No.9815241

ITT: Pretentious fuckwits that think reading = buying the most obscure history and political books so that they'll be "patrician" on an underground web forum.

Just read what you want to fucking read.

>> No.9815260

who is posting "obscure history and political books" and how do you know they're not enjoying them? there are also plenty of uni people here who are probably picking stuff up in an academic context.

>> No.9815295

It's pretty well known that on /lit/ you're considered the scum of the earth if you don't "read the greeks", constantly argue about who was a better dead writer than who or flame people who read simpler fiction.

>> No.9815314

It's weird. I've been browsing /lit/ for years and it seems that people on here ONLY ever talk about obscure philosophical texts... There's more to books than Soren, Albert and whoever else you pricks talk about.

>> No.9815318
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I'm always reading excerpts from Meditations so it never leaves my stack

>> No.9815329

This is the only Bantam I have and my friend gave it to me. My librarian mom loves them tho.

>> No.9815335


The sad thing to me is that many people (not just here) want to learn and become better people, but they have no chance against the overwhelming mass of works composed by the blind-leading-the-blind.

They want to understand the world and find satisfaction and meaning in life, but one can't just up and recommend lesser known works that possess the ability to lead the way forward. As Jesus said, "do not cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them. under their feet, and turn again and rend you."

They need to find their own way out of that pit of confusion. One can only hope that more people begin to wake up to what really needs to be learned, and that they find the strength to be willing to do what it takes to see things through (e.g. the Golden Rule).

>> No.9815354

You're sort of proving my point. Whilst, I'm all for reading for the betterment of one's self it's just...reading. It's not some transcendental experience of the soul. I read because I like to learn and figure out my place in the world (I mainly read natural history, non-fiction stuff) but I don't think I'm going to become a god if I read all of the most deep and brooding works out there. I do think that reading is objectively a good thing, but all you're doing is scanning your eyes across some text.

>> No.9815363

>I mainly read natural history, non-fiction stuff

your problem is that you're a pleb

>> No.9815373

Please explain how reading natural history is plebeian...

>> No.9815377
File: 3.70 MB, 4032x3024, 20170727_163500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just had a birthday. These are from my mom. Some I'd already read but they were thoughtful.

The bottom is The Wealth of Nations

Also fuck Coetzee

>> No.9815395

Right, the transcendental experience (and true understanding of the world) cannot be spoon fed through books, although many believe this to be so. It is most convenient to read something, agree with it, and have it shape your view of the world.

But unfortunately, this process does not have anything to do with the kind of transcendental or "higher knowledge" experience which provides the peace, satisfaction and control over one's life which many are searching for.

These matters are beyond the outside world and must be found within, attained by the various methods of internal focus that have been taught and preserved since ancient times.

>> No.9815503
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Did Greek myth a couple years ago. Returning to the Greeks to do history

>> No.9815584
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The first six are for a course this semester. The other three are gifts.

>> No.9815591

What's up with the book covers? Where'd you get them?

>> No.9815594

I'm jealous of that Lovecraft collection. I'll have to pick that up one day. Similar to that I have the complete works of Poe by Modern Library which is pretty sweet.

>> No.9815612
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>> No.9815640
File: 3.13 MB, 3456x2304, IMG_0704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's an old lady who lives near my house who makes these covers. It's kinda hard for me to get Oxford books (and Nortons), so I buy covers.

>> No.9815697

>It's kinda hard for me to get Oxford books (and Nortons),
Why's that? Are they subject to an importation tax where you live?

>> No.9815851

Nah, I'm just poor.

>> No.9815875

Those are very nice covers and its nice to know they're made by a local old lady. Its good that you're patronizing her.

Personally I love it when I get my hands on an ex-library book. Especially the paperbacks where they laminate the cover and make it stiff. That shit is awesome.

>> No.9815898

leftists really suck at memes i thought you guys are supposed to be creative

>> No.9815906

Poster possibly does, but you certainly don't.

>> No.9815946

Is the gift-giver a /lit/-poster, or did you ask for them? Either they're quite patrician

>> No.9816114

I know, dude. These covers have some flaps inside, so I write little notes and hide them there while I read.

No, and no. Patrician? You think so?

>> No.9816128




>> No.9816229

Read Plutarch late, and get the 2 vol Modern Library complete edition.

He's surprisingly advanced/difficult to read, because he assumes his readers are already largely familiar with Greek/Roman history in general, along with the broad strokes of the biographies he focuses on. He jumps from era to era, skipping centuries without warning or warmup, and if you don't already know what's going on, you'll be lost.

He's "simple" in that his biographies are not particularly complex; they're personal and moral tweaks of existing stories. But simple ≠ easy, and a lot of people get tripped up by that.

Also check out Xenophon's Hellenika (aka Penguin's "A history of my time") for his continuation of Thucydides.

>> No.9816320

mein neger

>> No.9816428

The sad thing is that you assume I don't read what I buy.

>> No.9816486

Please only read the first 3 Dune books.

>> No.9816494

Would be friends with

>> No.9816575

I'm reading Plutarch in concurrence with an online course, which I think will help with context. And thanks for the tip on Xenophon, i'll check his work out too.

>> No.9816578

How do you make sure you read "How to read a book" correctly ?

>> No.9816681

I dont advocate for her or her fem/climate change/SJW activism, but Shock Doctrine is an excellent book. I couldnt speak on any of her other books as im not familiar with them.

>> No.9816686
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>tfw too poor to buy a single book

I can't stand reading on my computer.

>> No.9816689

Libraries exist for a reason

>> No.9816691

What if I like reading obscure history and politics books more than anything else? You're not making any sense.

>> No.9816693

I live in a third world country and libraries are kind of far away from home but yes you're right

>> No.9816695

>Gifting M&M
My Tovarisch! I've given it as a gift several times.

Great stack/10. What is the course you are taking? I have studied almost all of those in the past few years.

>> No.9816697

There is a book that addresses your concerns, I cant quite remember what its called right now

>> No.9816699

You could always buy used.

>> No.9816727

Here English is, using technical terms, a foreign language, so it's English Narrative (I). We read some chapters from Ulysses, not the whole thing though, and we also read The Call of Cthulhu and Young Goodman Brown.
I haven't read M&M yet. What should I expect, my dear Tovarisch?

>> No.9816792


>> No.9816798

>A Frolic Of His Of His Own


How did they fuck up that bad

>> No.9816895

Y-y-you too

>> No.9817295

2nd hand book shops are goldmines. I got five books for 9 smackaroonies the other day. A school moved into a larger building and cleaned out its stock of old library/textbooks, probably in favour of tween-fiction and barebones common-core style textbooks!

>> No.9817304

>the majority of these books

u wot m8?

>> No.9817318

>but they have no chance against the overwhelming mass of works composed by the blind-leading-the-blind.
Exactly. One of the double-edged swords of modern culture is the low bar set to be taken as an "intellectual".

>it's just...reading. It's not some transcendental experience of the soul.
That's where you're wrong kiddo. Even if it doesn't feel like that, it is.

>> No.9817327

The Freud Reader. I'm pretty sure there is a decent timeline of Freud's life just before the book begins.

>> No.9817722

The Lovecraft collection is from Barnes & Noble. They have two Lovecraft collections one focuses on the Cthulhu Mythos and the other which, is what I have, is the complete fiction.

I'm looking to get a collection of Poe's works I'm just being picky about the cover. I might resort to one of Barnes & Nobles books but I find the covers are usually a little too gaudy.

>> No.9817802

Wow i never noticed it. Probably why it cost 3 bucks.

>> No.9817812
File: 2.84 MB, 4160x2340, IMG_20170728_160116237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oxfam haul for a tenner

>> No.9817923

Pretty good stack anon

>> No.9817973

What's wrong with the fourth? a friend recommended them to me

>> No.9819150

Shot on film?

>> No.9819178

>What's a photo filter?

>> No.9819198

The Painted Bird is so obviously not true that you'll be shocked anyone took it as K.'s real life story. Kosinski clearly hated the Polish gentiles, only about 1/3rd of the horrible things he writes about having seen have anything to do with WWII or the holocaust, the rest is just "look at what degenerate antisemitic monsters these stupid peasants are." A girl fucks a donkey

>> No.9819302

none of these have been that obscure stop being a pleb

>> No.9819436

The way I recommend them to people goes something like this:

Book 1: I can recommend this to just about anyone who will stomach the genre and political atmosphere. It's a great book.

Book 2+3: If you LOVED Dune's plot, go ahead and read book 2 and then 3. They're tied, you really can't stop at book 2 (unless for some reason you hate it). These continue the plot, but don't have the same gravitas about them. The last chapters of book 3 start to get a little weird (anyone who has read them will remember the salmon) but it's tolerable.

Book 4: If you LOOOOOOOOVED Dune 1-3, consider stopping there, though no one listens to that advice. If you must, read book 4. It is very weird and different from the previous books. Ideas are present, some good, some bad. I have mixed feelings about this one.

Book 5: Please don't. Herbert is going through some shit in his life and it is bleeding into his work at this point. Little here is recognizable aside from a few references and a single character's name. Solid thematic deviation from the past.

Book 6: I've never met a person in real life who finished this book. I made it 70 pages in before I finally realized how much of my life I was wasting.

Book 7: Herbert died, thank god.
Read book 4 if you want, but my personal opinion is that Dune+Messiah+Children make a solid full circle trilogy. I can hesitantly recommend God Emperor to anyone who is starry eyed about 1-3, but it functions as the bridge to the egregiously inferior final two books, so I don't mind forgetting it exists.

I'm rambling, forgive me for not prettying up my writing but this is an anonymous image board and it doesn't really matter.

>> No.9819459

who cares if it's true?

>> No.9819464
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Are you the same guy that posted pic related?

>> No.9819607


>> No.9819629

Yeah I agree with this. 1 can stand alone, 1-3 are a great trilogy, 4 is still very cool but VERY different and there's no guarantee that you'll like it if you liked 1-3; and if you DO like 4, it won't be for the same reasons as 1-3.

5 was fucked; I don't remember anything about it beyond being kind of confused. Never bothered with 6, let alone any of the offshoot novels.

>> No.9819632

>want to participate in these threads but own an ereader.

>> No.9819700

These threads are just posturing

>> No.9819834

No, dude.

>> No.9819854

>De Quincey

>> No.9819875

Why did you save that guys stack?

>> No.9819985

His photography skills are remarkable.

>> No.9820017
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overwritten by the insane plebness of having trevor noah in the stack.

he ends in negative digits 2bh.

>> No.9820150

Didn't even recognize the name.
OP, there are much cheaper things you can burn for warmth.

>> No.9820203
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I would rather read The Audacity of Hope 2bh than black trev

>> No.9820315
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I'm awfully sorry comrades, but I really wanted to participate in one of these.

>> No.9820362

Hotline memes are always fresh

>> No.9820405

I loved grabbing cheapo paperbacks at my local used bookstore.
Federalist Papers for 55 cents
The Spy Who Came In From The Cold for 1.10
A Hegel anthology for 2.00
On The Road and a bunch of other Le Carre novels for 2.30 each

My government went full austerity and slapped a big VAT on all book sales so prices have gone up though

>> No.9820407
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What I'm reading right now. Considering the Italy section in V. these all somewhat coincide unintentionally.

>> No.9820456
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Tы из Poccия?

>> No.9820475
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>> No.9820833

I don't see how. It's not impressive to have bought a book, it's just people sharing what they've got because we're all enthusiastic about reading.

>> No.9820842

Why do you hate the holocaust anon

>> No.9820843

>A Frolic of His of His Own.

>> No.9820848

thats comfy as fuck

>> No.9820849

Are you my middle aged German philosophy professor?

>> No.9820895
File: 35 KB, 251x251, 1323750338847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A Frolic Of His Of His Own

>> No.9820942
File: 450 KB, 1080x1920, firstc&gedition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got this for a buck. First edition too.

What am in for? Looks interesting.

>> No.9821162

No, shot on digi w. cheap 50mm Nikkor lens from the 70's, iso way up because dark room

>> No.9821188

>Shot on film?
Lol imagine wasting precious film and the time involved in developing to post in a stackshit thread, kinda ludicrous when you think about it

>> No.9821424

>older technology is useless because it takes longer
Do you also hate vinyl records and physical books?

>> No.9821825
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>> No.9821828

Which are the other writings?

>> No.9821850

I never implied that it is useless dude. However I would never waste film taking snapshits of piles of books.

>> No.9822268

I just bought confessions of an english opium eater. Looking forward to reading it soon. Trevor noah is fucking garbage though.

>> No.9822383
File: 1.75 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_9620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically just reading for pleasure between non-fiction

>> No.9822824

about 50 pages from the Discourses and some letters I think. Don't have it with me right now but it's only some supplementary stuff.

>> No.9824516

The left isn't funny because it doesn't understand reality

>> No.9825046
File: 992 KB, 434x640, bookstack 2 (434x640).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Current Stack.
Recently finished "Man Who Flew The Memphis Belle"

>> No.9825707

>Sam Harris
Back to rebbit

>> No.9825729

omg are you racist or something

>> No.9825770
File: 3.33 MB, 4032x3024, stacc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not stacking virtually

>> No.9825791
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It's kind of touching that you value your books so highly.

>> No.9826308
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>> No.9826326
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>> No.9826341


>> No.9826344

>Delicious tacos
Please murder thyself

>> No.9826424

this is sick

>> No.9826581

>fell for the "reading for pleasure" meme

>> No.9826611


>> No.9827663
File: 1.82 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_3363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished Crime and Punishment, what should I read next? I'm just started reading this month, so sorry if my taste is shite. I kinda want to get a break from existentialism, so I was thinking about reading something that seems fun, and fantastical, like Tolkien, but idk. I also have an HP Lovecraft collection, and the Metro books.

>> No.9827666
File: 465 KB, 2880x1920, DSC0012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go easy on me guys ;)

>> No.9827680

I legit got upset first time i saw that, you cheeky cunt ;)

>> No.9827805

Hemingway's existentialism is very different, the iceberg-technique or whatever you want to call his style makes the thematic aspect much less dense, and you obviously don't have chapter-length chats on religion/life/death/etc. like in Crime and Punishment or the Brothers K.
Personally I also think that Hemingway's simplicity gives some of his stories and almost fairy tale-like touch, he's definitely what I would read if I wanted something different from Dosto, although Hemingway might not be 'fun'. I wouldn't waste my time on Tolkien.

>> No.9827809

an almost*

>> No.9827845

Seeing Murakami in the OP, I wanted ask, did anyone else consider Kafka on the shore to be at once entertaining and engaging (the old man's passages) but also dragging on and boring (Kafka's passages)?
I read it some 5 or so years ago when I was still in high school, so I would definitely see much deeper into it now, but I don't know if I want to give it another try just to see if it is or is not better.

>> No.9827936

get a load of this dip shit

>> No.9827990
File: 41 KB, 500x500, 000138119788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck I forgot about Daisy Lowe. she was my waifu in 2010. https://vimeo.com/12280336

>> No.9827991

could you possibly sound any more english you complete and utter cunt

>> No.9828015

pease no. no want repalsing this time round

>> No.9828028

that's a different murakami

>> No.9828032

Oh shit, fucking gooks, not only they look the same, they also have the same names now?
Anyway, my question still stands.

>> No.9828033

sorry mate

>> No.9828774

Look at this edgelord.

>> No.9828787

Look at this ugly asian boy.

>> No.9829562

>fuck Coetzee
y tho?

>> No.9829872

Notes from Underground is really good. I'm halfway through it right now.

>tfw I somewhat relate to the narrator

>> No.9829993

How many good boy points is each one worth?

>> No.9830010


>> No.9830021

Do you need to know philosophy to read it?

>> No.9830059

> the right Murakami

>> No.9830138

good shit, although I think The Prophet is on par with The Alchemist in terms of pretentious new age pap disguised as serious literature

>> No.9830144

holy shit i've had that same copy for years and just noticed that

>> No.9830184

Honestly just found him excruciatingly boring despite having interesting themes and structure. I've only read Michael K though, so maybe I'd like his other stuff more

>> No.9830194

Being and Nothingness cost me 12 gbps which in our household is worth roughly 3 loads of dishes after dinner, 7 times taking the trash out (we like decimals), or 6 1/2 minutes of tongue kissing.

That was the most expensive and the others only cost between 2-5 minutes

>> No.9830205

Waiting for the Barbarians, Disgrace, and Elizabeth Costello should be your next choices. Haven't read Michael K.

>> No.9831148

>italo calvino
dammmn nigga

>> No.9831152


>> No.9831201

my niGAA

>> No.9831381

>the road
Had to read this for AP Lit, damn wasteful and unimaginative

>> No.9831385

yeah i am vaguely sceptical
it was recommended to me by a girl a while ago and i never took her up on the recommendation because it seemed like this was the case but there it was for super cheap so i figured i may as well get it and see for myself

>> No.9831387
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Mid atlantic country vacation reading.

>> No.9831390

God dang

>> No.9831481
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>> No.9831486


>> No.9831507

I'm not religious, it's more a cultural knowledge thing. As far as I know it was the one without pc nonsense. Redpill me on bible editions if you like.

>> No.9831524

>> low end theory
My man.

>> No.9831527

larp your way to a false sense of superiority today!

>> No.9831542
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What are you talking about? I just wanted to read the bock which layed the foundation for european culture while reading about the later.

>> No.9831547

>all those bookmarks stuck at the first few pages in
do you ever finish anything or what

>> No.9831552

>implying it's not his stack-thread intellectual show-off stack

>> No.9831573
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>> No.9832515

stay safe

>> No.9832618


>> No.9832682
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>> No.9832688

Geh schlafen NEET.

>> No.9832697
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I like my public library system, okay?

>> No.9832700

How's the Great Game?

>> No.9832706

>Forgotten Soldier

>> No.9832936

Why would you read Dickens in Russian and not in the language he wrote in, english. You're clearly fluent in both.

>> No.9833088

haha got him

>> No.9833093
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>tfw your last book to complete your stack is still stuck in post

>> No.9833358

1. Where'd you get the idea of me being fluent in english?
2. I just bought the Dickens translation cause i liked the book's make. Gonna read that in english though.
3. So, apparently the grrm book in russian doesn't concern you as much?

>> No.9833867

I read Christianity and Culture and retained none of it. All I remember is that I was confused the entire time about what Eliot was trying to argue.

>> No.9833873

What's The Elder Edda?

Also, Idk if you know the answer to this, but which should I start with: the Poetic Edda or the Prose Edda?

>> No.9833897

Thanks anon, I thought I was just too stupid to get the point. But I'm actually rereading the last half from "A Note on Culture and Politics" after getting into more religious literature. Maybe that helps this time.

>> No.9834052

It's the Poetic Edda. I'd say start with that.

>> No.9834628

Great. Easy to read and exciting, but dense with cultural, strategic and wider geopolitical detail. Lots of Russia vs East India skullduggery buying favours with local despots in Central Asia. Not exactly a great academic reference book, but the scholarship is of the quality you would expect from an Oxford Press publication

>> No.9834692

just kill yourself

>> No.9834717
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>> No.9834857

Sick, you read MZD's new series The Familiar?

>> No.9834910


It's nice to see some Murakami love for once. I understand why most of /lit/ dislikes him, but this man in my country he is everything.

>> No.9834912

>War & War

wow that typo fucking idiots.

>> No.9834953
File: 591 KB, 1811x2413, cackstack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just how shit is stacked on my desk. I'm not going to sort them to make them more photogenic for you /lit/.

>> No.9834996

quite sordid indeed

>> No.9835007

>buying a book for dorf fort

lmao pleb

>> No.9835338

How is that Sun Tzu book that thick?

>> No.9835410

1. You can read and respond to English statements on a predominantly English speaking forum
3. I didn't notice and I don't really care about translations of genre fiction.

>> No.9835443

contains the original and the text with added interpetations from multiple writers/scholars

>> No.9835686

Multilingual dutchfags rule the world.

>> No.9836020

I get somewhat sweaty hands holding things and the acrylic from those penguin hardbacks comes right off. Not a fan

>> No.9836179
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yeah i try to handle the spine and whatnot as little as possible. feels extremely fragile.
they do look really really nice though.

>> No.9836323
File: 281 KB, 1140x904, 20170801_121649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know about 'really nice' but they're better than the gaudy Barnes and Noble hardback garbage...

Here's my directionless stack, all acquired on my current 'vacation' except M&D (which I'm more than halfway through).

>> No.9836545

Gimmi a list of five books (don't go batshit I'm not Croesus) and I check if something can be done.

>> No.9836735
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Last piece finally came in the mail today.

>> No.9837126

king james nigguh

>> No.9837211

It doesn't include all catholic books and I don't care for old english.

>> No.9837853

that reads is horrendously edited, i have to say. the redactions give you a very bizarre idea of freud's main argument in the longer pieces toward the end, which includes chic and discontents and is usually what people are looking for. the case studies are usually fine but you may feel lost for context because gay dumps a lot of freud's very astute observational writing

>> No.9837867
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>> No.9837997

Damn. I guess if I like what I read from Freud I can pick up one or two full editions of his works. Like C&D or Interpretation of Dreams. I mainly wanted to read Freud so I can read later stuff that was influenced by him.

>> No.9838179

Lolita was good on Audiobook. The erections got kind of annoying though.

>> No.9838201

Let me sum it up for you: Momma's boy is a special savior and he wins at the end cause she says so

>> No.9838203

>what is social relevance

>> No.9838457
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>> No.9840189

beat me to it

>> No.9840411
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>> No.9840511

How is English opium eater? have you read it yet?

>> No.9840696
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>> No.9840946

Ohh, well thank you for the heads up. Hopefully I end up liking them.

Sam Harris is reddit tier? a lot of what he has to say is perfectly fair

I feel like I'm having a similar response, like there's just not enough to it? it's almost empty.

>> No.9840954
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>Sam Harris is reddit tier? a lot of what he has to say is perfectly fair
wtf I love muslims now!

>> No.9840966

Do you have anything more specific at all? just so I can kind of understand what you're going on about

>> No.9841138

What did you make of the new album?

>> No.9841160

Haven't listened to it to be honest. Is Phife Dawg on it or did he already pass?

>> No.9841175

damn, how much did that stack run you?

>> No.9841907
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just got these in the mail

>> No.9842033


>Abridged Gulag Archipelago

That's no joke bucko

>> No.9842915

Not much, been buying since 2002 before he got as much coverage so I got the majority as normal priced when they were released. I have all of his books, CD's and zines and all of his collected works from Creation . I interviewed him and got a free copy of MINE when he put it out as well.

>> No.9842925


Aren't these about raping kids or something?

>> No.9842957 [DELETED] 

As someone how has been on the four horseman trane in my pleb years: The problem with him and most of the new atheists is that he still think and argues in terms of christianity as his nemesis. WHile Hitchens in his last days has seen the evil coming and tried to tell the world about the rethoric and tactics the left and muzzies use to silence the world, Harris is still irgnorant to the size of the problem. He still thinks in terms of religion (the comfy way to think about it, meaning as an purely ideology, which is a very european thing to do) while in reality the problem of the near east isn't to be solved with secularity due to the fact that 1400 years of Islam has already been inprinted in their genetic code (read about incest and resulting birth defects in muslim countries and those european one were they move). Giving muzzie countries the enlightenment while they have been degenerated to something around 85 IQ points (sweet spot for all the bad things) you will only get chaos (like the the Arab spring, where due to low IQ and a vacuum of dictators the most radical islam has won over).

And explaining this I only scrap above the surface of this topic which has far to many layers to explain here. Therefore people who think like Harris in his silly apologia of terror and muslims and their solutions are reddit tier, because facing the true would neccessitate the acceptance of inheritant differences making a statement about our current imigration as well as aid laws to he world. They just don't want to open that bottle and rather sit and die in their comfy safe space.

>> No.9842969

Nice photograph but horrible taste in books.

>> No.9843263

Yeah, he's on it. Kind of bittersweet to hear his voice.

>> No.9843868
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I finished Seneca a couple of hours though.