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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 8 KB, 310x163, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9807712 No.9807712 [Reply] [Original]

>he didn't go to Oxbridge or top 3 ivy league university
>he thinks reading books at home or on a commute compare to reading the books in an intellectually edifying environment where you have your critiques torn to shreds by world class academics
>he thinks he can have worthwhile career opportunities when committees, networking opportunities, public respect OVERWHELMINGLY goes towards alumni of the top few institutions



Keep reading Seneca on the conmute (LMAO) surrounded by single mothers and street sweepers. I'm sure it's really enlightening. And I'm sure your low prestige wagecuck job surrounded by third tier graduates and career plodders is so much more "real and fulfilling" than working in Silicon Valley / Wall Street / City of London / top universities.

>> No.9807716

Do you go to a top 3 university?

>> No.9807722
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>> No.9807724

why do I need to work in finance or tech? both are boring.

>> No.9807733
File: 26 KB, 383x313, You+get+this+one+_040ce8d25ae0dca254071cd4bada7cee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>graduate from state school, low tier
>get job in administration and marketing
>bear sterns hits
>interview tons of lawyers and mbas with ivy credentials
>"sorry, you are overqualified"
>occasionally told to hire some schmuck by my boss because he has a good voice
>put him on the phones doing cold calls
>walks out after a week with no commission and 300 bucks.

>> No.9807734

Does /lit/ count as an intellectually edifying environment where you have your critiques torn to shreds by world class academics?

>> No.9807737

Because those two are amongst the best fields to make your boss richer by working as an officedrone.

>> No.9807738
File: 571 KB, 984x917, Liz Explaining Edited.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(((Elite))) education

Yeah no thanks Schlomo

>> No.9807740

>muh career opportunities
>falling for the career meme

Enjoy being a slightly better compensated wagecuck

>> No.9807741

Given the state of Academia today, yeah

>> No.9807742

>go to unranked state school
>declare for STEM
>graduate with EE degree
>get job 2 months after graduating making $100K right out the gate

litrally loling at this thread, tell me more about the ivy league meme

>> No.9807743

ugh, that sounds even more boring!

>> No.9807748

>he's a chantard

>> No.9807750

>tfw you will never make fun of lower class plebs with your fellow Etonians

>> No.9807751

Wer immer strebend sich bemüht...

>> No.9807758
File: 62 KB, 421x421, 1497242280789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw poor
>tfw will always be poor
>one chance at life
Fuck you, OP.

>> No.9807767

This is true to some degree.

I work in London and the lives of the privately educated people I meet (£35,000 a year schools) are surreal to me.

They need never fear unemployment. If they're unmarried / single they can easily be set up with someone from their own background. They have friends who are well-known actors, top businessmen, and other high-paying and high-prestige jobs.

It's contributed to my conviction that human society is largely a disgusting and very rigged system and that love is just a codeword for a socio-economic sorting ritual.

I fell for a posh Oxbridge graduate who seemed to be interested in me for a while. Who did she end up with? A wealthy Jew who has lived and will continue to live life on Easy Mode.

>> No.9807768
File: 174 KB, 1080x1080, 1497126229829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to top tier university then top tier law school
>get paid shit loads of money to exploit poorfags
>get any desperate 25+ pussy I want
p comfy :3

>> No.9807770

Is working for these elite institutions really fulfilling? Working like a monkey as a junior analyst for some bank at the city sounds real nice. And it's not like they look really happy when they hit 50. So can anyone redpill me on this meme? I might be mocking them because I'm some random loser who's struggling to accept that he's a failure.

>> No.9807776

>implying anyone cares about your undergrad
>implying it's not grad school that matters
Found the dilettante.

>> No.9807777

>I fell for a posh Oxbridge graduate who seemed to be interested in me for a while. Who did she end up with? A wealthy Jew

I wonder why. ur not exactly adjusted anon

>> No.9807778
File: 18 KB, 314x300, gothmog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder even Stanford only cost 18000$ per 3 years of tuition in the 1980ies.

Shit got too competitive to allow space for genius.

The age of ivy is over. The age of the autodidacts has come.

>> No.9807779

I literally can't express how much better my life has been since I attended Oxford. I went to a state school and gradually became the stereotypical moody, withdrawn sensitive type who both despises the quality of his immediate culture and feels a weird pride for having been raised in a sort of anti-intellectual and brutal environment. I was all set to take my Russell Group humanities BA and spend my life working as an anonymous, insecure wageslave forever thankful of being offered a job and forever too insecure to pursue my creative ambitions. The chip on my shoulder had become something of a wedge, and I felt too out of place regardless of my environment, too resentful and bitter to even attempt to make it in the artistic world. Then I finally applied for Oxford and got in to study an English MA, with reassurance that should I work hard enough a career in academia or within one of Oxford's affiliated companies would be almost guaranteed. I turned up as apprehensive as usual, and the first few days were spent regretting my decision and desperately feigning a cultured personality. But then I realized that the people there were just interesting and that the snobbery and exclusivity I had anticipated was just a myth borne out of my working class upbringing. I've since graduated, having spend the year dining in grand halls with groups of interesting people, dating several girls (one of whom, a petite Russian whose family traces back to the aristocracy, is now my fiancee). I work four days a week at a publishing company and earn £38k a year. I regularly meet up with friends from my college and visit Oxford for nights out and for meetings with my professors. The Martin Eden-esque novel I have been writing for two years has been selected for publication at a major British publishing house and, honestly, I could not have imagined a few years ago how great life could be. I come on /lit/ and see how pathetic you all are and just shake my head and chuckle. If I saw you guys on the street I would of course throw you a penny or discuss Bukowski or whatever "realist" writers you enjoy, but ultimately I would be able to tell within ten seconds if you're an Oxbridge grad and would dismiss you as a potential source of good company if you are not. I never thought I'd know what it was like to be objectively better than somebody else, for the value of my existence to be superior to the value of a stranger's, but now I do and I've never been happier. People are awed by power and prestige. All I need to do is mention the university I attended (if only for a year) and they immediately begin to hunch and look at their feet because they know they are in the presence of greatness.

>> No.9807782

>get any desperate 25+ pussy I want

Ew, enjoy your used up roasties

>> No.9807784

Finance isn't even good for that.

I feel sorry for Finance grads because they arguably worked harder for their degree than I did, but only get burn-out jobs, if any jobs at all.

Engineering is where it is at if you want to earn money for early retirement and come home to do some comfy reading.

>> No.9807785

>He thinks that young upper-class kids bother with grad school like those nerds do

>> No.9807787

Theres nothing wrong with an MBA tbqh.
If you go to an /elite/ school it's a super well paying and rewarding field.

>> No.9807788
File: 11 KB, 225x300, melville2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has returned my friend. We have always been what the world turned on

>> No.9807795

Of course I'm not, far from it. But the fact is this one example is by no means an outlier, it's entirely the normal thing to do for people from this background.

They go to school with each other.
They go to university with each other.
They work with each other.
They form "networks" with each other.
They breed with each other.

And thus the cycle is perpetuated. It's quite fitting really, as their behavior is typical of the way Jews behave.

>> No.9807796

It has been like that since the dawn of time, 'love' is just a Hollywood fake thing that they tell you for profit. Men are providers and women will flock to the better ones.

>> No.9807797

engineering is boring

>> No.9807798

You're mistaking correlation with causation. The fact the sort of priviledged urchins that go to ivy league MBA schools do well doesn't mean it has anything to do with the spooky horseshit they're thought

>> No.9807804

wowe so bitter. r u trying to be forever alone? or just a savant?

>> No.9807806

This is actually good. This creates an upper class of top genetics wealthy Überhumans and a lower class of shit genetics low-wealth subhumans.

In reality this socio-economic sorting doesn't work at all as well as you described. In reality most people will never find the correct match and their children, if they will ahve any, will be a bit messier in their heads than the previous generation. Maybe the system would work if divorce was less encouraged by society and lawmaker.

>> No.9807811

You can't even get into the best ivy league schools these days unless your parents went there, you're black/latino, or you're some kind of one in a million genius. You can get perfect grades in high school, ace the SAT/ACT, have well-rounded curriculars, and still get rejected from Harvard or Yale.

>> No.9807820

I realized this as well, but a job is a job. If you work in a field that you love, for example concept artist for some video game studio, you'll end up hating your hobby.

Better work on some boring engineering, take pride that you are employed because of your brain alone, take the money home and use the relative freedom a decent job gives you to enjoy your hobbies and studies without guilt.

>> No.9807821

Whether or not I'm alone for life is beside the point. If I am, I am. The point is that British society is something we should wet our pants for whenever we have the opportunity to is entirely absurd. Both the Jews and those privately educated at top schools (the Anglo Jews) have rigged this society in their favour. I have worked intimately with dozens of these people, and though their politics may vary to degrees, the fact is they are entirely ignorant (willingly or otherwise) to the reality of British life as it is lived by the majority of people. One of the reasons I admire Adolf Hitler as much as I do is that he was almost obsessive about the issue of tearing down the pretensions and class barriers in Germany that allowed the degenerate, sated upper class to live in luxury while those of Adolf's background suffered in poverty and misery.

>> No.9807823

>If you work in a field that you love you'll end up hating your hobby.

that's absurd.

>> No.9807825

Again, I agree to an extent in the sense that I am an elitist in the style of John Stuart Mill etc. However, if you actually spent extended periods of time with these people you'd realize that style, virtue and distinction are by no means inherited traits for the most part. I'm talking about people who did poorly in their overpriced schools, did poorly in the university they barely earned the grades to enter, fucked around for a while after graduating yet by the age of 27 are in a job that will allow them to earn twice the national average wage by the age of 35. They are loud, dim-witted, pretentious, close-minded, hypocritical, ill-mannered and much more yet they are allowed to succeed despite these things due to their upbringing and family background.

>> No.9807826

lol a tru savant. u dont even know what the point is anymore

>> No.9807831
File: 139 KB, 693x770, jewish privilege.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9807832

Wtf I love UC Berkely now!

>> No.9807835

I agree about Jews. Only recently have my eyes truly been opened to the question. And I have reached the conclusion that the Jews are a tribe of nepotistic rats who frankly deserve much of the so-called oppression they have suffered throughout history.

>> No.9807836

>Born rich, guaranteed to be rich
>Never does anything too hard
Really pickles my dickle

>> No.9807839

Really? Everyone hates some aspects of their job, no matter who much they like it, but I know people who are still very passionate about their careers, especially those with artistic/academic jobs. Having a boring 40 to 60 hour job a week leaves you exhausted after a couple of years and drains you of your energy. I understand your point, but do you really think you can devote yourself to your studies when you arrive home at 6pm, you're tired, and must go to bed early for work tomorrow? Maybe you could, but as a low-energy person, I sure as hell couldn't. My shitty part-time job exhausts me mentally enough. I want a job with at least a minimum of mental stimulation because I think that spending the majority of my day waiting to go home is a miserable existence.

>> No.9807840

It isn't merely a coincidence that they have been hated and persecuted in nearly every foreign society they've ever existed in.

>> No.9807842

You're entirely correct and the other Anon is another fucking retard who posts shit like this all the time on /lit/

The fact is barely any writers of renown have written anything worthwhile while working a full-time job, not least one they enjoyed.

>> No.9807845

just don't work so hard then. srsly, ppl think being semi-retired or neet would be so great but they'll end up jus wasting time. life's not that hard. earn enough to live and have fun. jeez

>> No.9807846

I agree. They truly are a despicable race of easily offended, virtueless parasites whose sole aim, it seems, is to promote degeneracy and acquire as much power and wealth as they can before their host country remembers its national identity and kicks them out.

>> No.9807848

How does one even become a full-time writer? There are no guarantees you get any money from it,except if you already published something. The only way is to work a well-paying job so you can save up for early retirement and work on your writing skills when you get home.

There is no other way. Don't tell me journalism prepares for writing. Journalists become writers despite their job.

>> No.9807850

Eh, I can't say I care much about the prestige of attending some specific college. Most all of my professors were Ivy and MIT honor grads anyway.

That said, if I could have attended anywhere it would have been Yale for no other reason than the university's architecture.

>> No.9807852

>before their host country remembers its national identity and kicks them out.

Or failing that, as it did in Rome and Byzantium, it collapses

>> No.9807853
File: 144 KB, 1125x1151, oy vey!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9807854

You get born to the upper class so you don't have to work and can work on your craft. Like most writers in history

>> No.9807855

While I do know that these institutions transform even the greatest young people into the scum of the earth, I am still incredibly jealous of those that attend them.

I think about it so frequently that it borders on obsession.

>> No.9807856

>The fact is barely any writers of renown have written anything worthwhile while working a full-time job, not least one they enjoyed.

nearly all writers have had daytime gigs. from carlyle to goethe to dfw.

>> No.9807858

>oup humanities BA and spend my life working as an anonymous, insecure wageslave forever thankful of being offered a job and forever too insecure to pursue my creative ambitions. The chip on my shoulder had become something of a wedge, and I felt too out of place regardless of my environment, too resentful and bitter to even attempt to make it in the artistic world. Then I finally applied for Oxford and got in to study an English MA, with reassurance that should I work hard enough a career in academia or within one of Oxford's affiliated companies would be almost guaranteed. I turned up as apprehensive as usual, and the first few days were spent regretting my decision and desperately feigning a cultured personality. But then I realized that the people there were just interesting and that the snobbery and exclusivity I had anticipated was just a myth borne out of my working class upbringing. I've since graduated, having spend the year dining in grand halls with groups of interesting people, dating several girls (one of whom, a petite Russian whose family traces back to the aristocracy, is now my fiancee). I work four days a week at a publishing company and earn £38k a year. I regularly meet up with friends from my college and visit Oxford for nights out and for meetings with my professors. The Martin Eden-esque novel I have been writing for two years has been selected for publication at a major British publishing house and, honestly, I could not have imagined a few years ago how great life could be. I come on /lit/ and see how pathetic you all are and just shake my head and chuckle. If I saw you guys on the street I would of course throw you a penny or discuss Bukowski or whatever "realist" writers you enjoy, but ultimately I would be able to tell within ten seconds if you're an Oxbridge grad and would dismiss you as a potential source of good company if you are not. I never thought I'd know what it was like to be objectively better than somebody else, for the value of my existence to be superior to the value of a stranger's, but now I do and I've never been happier. People are awed by power and prestige. All I need to do is mention the u

7/10 pasta

>> No.9807868

what are ur top 5 book recs

thank u o bountiful beautiful master

>> No.9807871

Well it's either that or you live like a homeless person who depends on friends to get by.

>> No.9807875

I don't know about Denmark but Sweden is certainly a Jewocracy:

Percentage of population?

Who owns the largest publishing house?

Who owns several of the largest newspapers?

Who owns the largest television station?

Who is head of the largest bank?

Who is head of the Swedish film institute?

Who have most of the editors for the largest literary / cultural magazine been?

Who owns the largest TV / Radio production company?

Who owns the largest consumer lifestyle magazine?

Who owns the largest Swedish newswire?

Who is the Swedish diplomat in the USA?

Who is the chairman of the Swedish author's association?

That's only scratching the surface.

Makes you wonder how 0.2% (20,000) of the population could hold so much power. It's strange also how so many are related either through blood or relation. A true mystery.

>> No.9807886 [DELETED] 

Not surprised at all that the person advocating for an über nanny (daddy?) state is a woman.

>> No.9807891

Not surprised at all that the person advocating for an über nanny (daddy?) state is a woman.

>> No.9807894

This is true for any Western country, though.

>> No.9807896

1. Sell-out and become a PR-friendly "nice guy" who shills garbage for money.

2. Scrape a living writing good stuff but spending most of your time giving speeches, teaching small workshops, attending literary festivals etc to sell your book

Oh wait you weren't seriously asking.

DFW, you FUCKING retard, barely ever worked a full-time job in his life. Here is his career history:

>Age 20: drives a schoolbus for a few weeks having taken a semester away from college

>Age 26: teaches creative writing part-time for a few semesters at Amherst

Age ~28: spends a week working as a security guard while living at Jamaica House halfway house before quitting due to weariness

Age ~28: spends a week working at a spa / country club before quitting because he saw a rival writer visiting there

Age 30-~38: writes freelance for magazines a few times a year

Age: 38 - death: teaches part-time at Pomona College and other colleges but takes entire years out and whole semesters to focus on his own work

You're fucking stupid if you think DFW represents the "working writer"

>> No.9807906

and you're a naif if you think he never put in his time. "few weeks" "a week" "a day" lol. then again must suck knowing all these writers got it done while working and you can't.

>> No.9807908

>Oh wait you weren't seriously asking.
Indeed I wasn't, because my idea of it makes more sense. Write next to a job. You can still "attending literary festivals etc to sell your book".

>> No.9807909

You're just a dumb fucking irritating troll kid.

Learn to actually stand for something in life. Learn to actually know what the fuck you're talking about.

You are everything wrong with nu-4chan, you fucking ball-less child.

>> No.9807914
File: 340 KB, 592x356, 2222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm still unemployed a year after graduation from Oxford

Shit's tough mate. The grass is always greener on the other side, but once you get there you realize live is still shit.

>> No.9807917








>> No.9807919

I don't believe this.

Did you graduate Gender Studies?

>> No.9807920

What secondary school did you go to?

>> No.9807922

>Learn to actually stand for something in life.

lol. so sad.

>> No.9807924

I studied international relations in combination with French and German, all in order to get a job in foreign policy consultancy / diplomacy related fields. But even with a degree from Oxford, I can't even get an internship without knowing the right people.

>> No.9807927

Let me guess, you have no connections?

>> No.9807930

>write like this

pssssht, nothing personell, kid. Good luck with your writing career, you'll need it.

>> No.9807939

Ouch. You chose one of the most connection-based fields, you made a dumb move. Do you still hope to get a job in your field or will you just settle to become a low-level civil servant?

>> No.9807941

I'm going to keep trying, and otherwise I'll probably end up in academia teaching some political science related subject.

>> No.9807947

>become a low-level civil servant?

sounds nice

>> No.9807952

If you are a manchild with no ambition, maybe.

>> No.9807953

Uh, the job market in academia is also cutthroat, do expect you'll just get offered a nice teaching job at a uni just because you have a bachelor's in international relations?

>> No.9807954

Try HR positions in multinational companies.

>> No.9807958

or you know, well adjusted.

>> No.9807961

Not really. I know it's really difficult as the spots are limited. But I do have 2 master's degrees and 4 degrees in languages other than my mother-tongue. Also, I'm willing to work abroad so any top-100 university in Europe, Australian, or North America is good enough for me.

>> No.9807966

This actually is a good idea, I haven't considered those positions yet as I'm not that interested in corporate positions. Thanks for the advice.

>> No.9807984

>any top-100 university in Europe, Australian, or North America is good enough for me
do you know fucking anything

>> No.9807985

Well that's what happens to most people who pick a meme major, they end up getting a meme corporate job, most likely in HR.

>> No.9807989

I wouldn't call ambassadors or diplomats meme occupations. And giving that I was born in a family without any significant connections, studying international relations actually was my best shot to get access to these positions.

>> No.9807990


> tfw being offered a software engineering job for a growing financial company

I think it's the best of both worlds but I am scared that in 10 years my nose will suddenly hook down and I'll suddenly give birth to a jap daughter, and not jap in the good, kawaii way

>> No.9807991

D-don't forget your roots when you are rich, anon. O-okay?

>> No.9808011

>Thread about literature or philosophy.
Ten to twenty replies.
>Thread about IQ, university, or any frog thread
Over eighty replies.

>> No.9808016
File: 75 KB, 600x406, sfv16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to world-renowned stem school for free on a scholarship
>study physics
>currently studying for the physics gre and looking into astrophysics phd programs
>read and write for fun and to have some kind of creative hobby that keeps me in touch with culture
It's not that hard to live a normal, well-balanced life, gang

>> No.9808027

>It's not that hard to live a normal, well-balanced life, gang

I kno right

>> No.9808035

>grad student
>normal, well-balanced life

>> No.9808042


>> No.9808046

Hey guys serious question here - I want to do my undergrad in EE b/c my sister works for an electronics company and can get me internships and a high paying job guaranteed once I get my bachelor's.

I'm really lit and interested in the humanities but when good things fall into your lap you take it.

I'm kind of a striver though and bored with ordinary experiences so after I get my degree I'd like to go ivy just to see what's going on over there.

question is what can I go to ivy for and what can I do to maximize my chances of admission?

As an applicant I'd be in my 30s with an engineering degree.

>> No.9808051


>> No.9808080
File: 62 KB, 900x900, IMG_4356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Manhattan attorney here. Graduated near top of my class at a State school, Ivy law school.

Mfw my office is on the fourth floor, so when I jump I probably wont even die.

>> No.9808095

>the only bad failure's at something you knew wasn't worth doing in the first place

>> No.9808108

Wallace has quotes talking about how he just took the job at Pomona because he needed more stuff to do during the day. Read his biography if you think he worked hard at anything other than writing

>> No.9808117

wait is this sarcasm or...

>> No.9808137

I remember the thread you made you fucking loser.

>> No.9808145

I also went to Oxford, and also struggled to find work. Oxbridge handing you a job is a meme.

>> No.9808146

yer, a neurotic pampered jock desperate to appear uber gen-x burnout is totally reliable. saint dave memes abound

>> No.9808162

You tell us Shlomo.

>> No.9808176

truly hideous

>> No.9808183

Would still impregnate.

>> No.9808186

Engineering is oversaturated right now though

>> No.9808282

whats good, my fellow T14er
poorfags eternally btfo

>> No.9808299

you realize melville went to a prep school and studied classics right? He was raised posh, and even if his standard of living declined as he got older, he was touched by wealth in his formative years, when it mattered. He was also extremely well-connected.

Despite this his fiction earned him little/no money and he started rent-seeking off of his wife (who he married as the result of a family connection)

>> No.9808302

good to know I'm not alone. It enables me to blame the system and not my own personal failings

>> No.9808306 [DELETED] 

>You can't even get into the best ivy league schools these days unless your parents went there
tough luck, should have had better parents :)

>> No.9808370

It was still highschool dude, I guarantee he was thought fuck all there

>> No.9808445
File: 206 KB, 215x395, 5145d9007fb03a1d6f9c5969b9c418414539a2378dd5316a9a193b2a9f188265.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Micheal Young was right
I only hope his last prediction turns out to be true

>> No.9808474

>where you have your critiques torn to shreds by world class academics
This sounds so damned depressing. Nobody wants their thoughts to be shat on by authority figures.

>> No.9809420

any board on 4chan my friend.

>> No.9809485

Mfw I go to LSE but I study philosophy, will get a 2:1 at best, never did any internship or part time job, haven't talked to careers service and will get no good references

Looking for a job stacking shelves or something once I finish

>> No.9809489

Also I'm a communist and wouldn't accept any job in management/finance/govt even if I could get one. What do lads? Inb4 kill self etc

>> No.9809493

>I'm a communist
Stop being a communist.

>> No.9809502

You're just an emasculated beta, that's why your girl left you for a kike, self-pitying faggot. Leave my board.

>> No.9809516

>t. newfaggot

>> No.9809559

Jews have very good verbal intelligence.

>> No.9809582

I will when you stop being a cuck

>> No.9811018

Immodesty is unbecoming. The best loved of the brightest have always tempered their brilliance with humility.

>> No.9811044

why the fuck did you think this thread was worth saving?

>> No.9811125
File: 138 KB, 1075x603, 1464665374936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading a humanities subject
>working in Silicon Valley / Wall Street / City of London

lel more like Starbucks lad

>> No.9811140

Finance blows. I did finance in school. All I got was sales jobs and contract/marketing work after graduation.

Now I'm a carpenter technician. Work with my hands all day, mostly outside, sometimes in a kitchen or bathroom, make twice as much.

It's a bit exhausting on the body, and it's not guaranteed work, but I'm pretty free.

Even my buddy who makes 200k a year in asset management is looking for ways out. He said he'll try and plod along for another couple years but he doesn't know if he's going to make it. Is already planning on going into teaching. Preferably a university but said he'll start at the bottom if he has to.

>> No.9811696

>Love is the codeword for a socio-economic sorting ritual

LeL someone forgot their history class, just fuck Hollywood

>> No.9811710

>that satisfaction the first week of college when you find out the other guys on your floor also went to private high schools and also hate poor people

>> No.9811715

fake and gay. Oxford don't do postgrad MAs

try again honey :)

>> No.9811728

She looks like a stressed out serial killer

>> No.9811831
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If ur so gr8 why didn't u go to Cambo

>> No.9811854

The degenerate aristocratic progeny is a pretty well understood phenomenon. If it's any consolation they are rarely able to extend their privilege another generation.

>> No.9811857

>If it's any consolation they are rarely able to extend their privilege another generation.

How fucking clueless are you m8?

You obviously haven't spent time with these people.

>> No.9811871

You studies languages beneficial to diplomacy and literature rather than intelligence, didn't you? Rookie mistake.

That being said I semi-frequently deal with people in politics/diplomacy/Intel and it's amazing how ignorant they are -- it's all connections to get a job with them I think.

Intelligence is your best bet to get by on merit though of you're trying to make it as an internationalist.

>> No.9811881

Joining a diplomatic corps to be an ambassador is like joining the Army to be a general.

>> No.9811888

Why do you keep making these threads?
Were you humbled by some high school drop-out waiter while trying to impress your dad?

>> No.9811892

I've got my BS and MS in EE. Go for it, much easier to be a /lit/ autodidact than for STEM.

How to get into an Ivy: do really well in undergrad and go there for grad school. Ivy undergrad for your BS is a meme and the deck is massively stacked against you if you're not a NAM.

>> No.9811893

>top 3 ivy league
HPY is for faggots. They just ride off name recognition. The rest of the Ivy league is way better, without the ridiculous grade inflation.

Columbia master race, btw.

>> No.9811945

You kid yourself of being one with intellegent "high class" people but you are really never important. God laughs while he watches little chicken moving wings.

>> No.9811967

it is true that life isn't worth living if you weren't born rich, attractive and went to an elite university.

but it's not the case that students at elite universities are particularly intelligent. the type of people who write about shit life white privilege for the new york times, vox.com, whatever, are mostly from elite colleges and these people are dumb as shit.

the math/hard sciences students at these universities are smart though.

>> No.9812114

>Work in an industry
>Get a shitty foundation degree from it
>Go to a shit tier university and make it a full degree
>End up getting a job in central government advertising because it was "CV blind" and I can talk well

Your life is what you make of it.

>> No.9812143

>The rest of the Ivy league is way better, without the ridiculous grade inflation.

Whatever makes you sleep at night.
>C-columbia is still a respectable and better school, r-right guys?

>> No.9812145

Apply to the civil service diplomatic fast stream. It's hard to get in but you're what they want.

>> No.9812149

If English, German and French aren't 'good' languages, than why do all the international institutions (United Nations, European Union, WHO, IMF, NATO, WTO, etc) all require proficiency in these languages?

>> No.9812152

They're all bureaucratic nightmares run by Europeans who think they're relevant?

>> No.9812168

>who think they're relevant?

Name me more relevant international institutions other than the ones I listed. I'll wait.

>> No.9812175

>tfw going to start at Oxford this year
do i still get the surreal lifestyle if i'm not from a rich family?

>> No.9812178

Were you privately educated / did you attend a top grammar school?

>> No.9812179

people care about your undergrad when it's oxbridge/top league tho

>> No.9812185

Nope. State school all my life + family income of about 30k per year

>> No.9812187

I went to Oxford and I always felt like an outsider. You'll never get into the upper-tier associations and clubs, and you'll probably never attain a high position in the associations you do get into. It felt quite strange to be honest. I always felt like a lot of important shit was going on, but I was never involved or even knew about what was happening around me.

>> No.9812190

That's the thing though, international institutions are fundamentally irrelevant. What matters is the foreign policy of nations.

>> No.9812192

>international realism

>> No.9812193

I'm only really interested in joining the Conservative Association (to network and do something I enjoy) and the Oxford Union. I feel like the former would be considered upper-tier, but I don't see why I would feel an outsider there? I'm not aiming for presidency or anything.

And this is all if I get the A-level results I want yet. Shitting it to be honest lad.

>> No.9812200

Good luck mate. But one thing, DO NOT FUCKING JOIN THE Oxford Union. It's a scam, and they specifically prey on new students because they don't realize it yet. You don't get to join debates, attend the most popular/important debates, or get any real concrete benefit.

>> No.9812205

This is interesting advice. How *do* you get to attend the popular/important debates? I wasn't planning on debating in it because my college has its own debate society which I'd feel more comfortable in.

>> No.9812210

>wouldn't accept any job in govt
Doesn't compute.

>> No.9812214

You get in by knowing the right people, having enough status, or after years of service to the Union. I also joined the debate club of my specific college and it is far better if you actually want to attend debates, participate in debates, have in say in what the debates are about, and save a lot of money on membership.

>> No.9812218

Cambridge here, probably similar
>conservative association
One way ticket to make everyone hate you, and it's full of absolute fedora weirdos
Huge scam, never joined, never regreted it.

>> No.9812226

Thanks for the advice. I'm still probs joining the Conservative Association though Cambro, I do not care if people hate me

>> No.9812241

What college are you at btw? I'm at Linacre.

>> No.9812253

Should be at University College. I say 'should' because I'm setting myself up for disappointment on the 17th August when results come out. Just got sent a fat reading list from my college though and don't know whether to dedicate hours and hours studying things I might not have to if I don't get in.

>> No.9812258

what results do you require? And tell me about it, I graduated summa cum laude at a top 50-university, and I still barely got accepted to a master's program

>> No.9812269

AAA, which is actually very achievable and the same requirements for many non-Oxbridge unis. But the easy entry requirements made me really complacent during A-levels so now I'm worried I fucked up. I literally revised for most of my exams when lying in bed in between naps, what a mess

>> No.9812443

Feel free to join, I did. Stopped going after the first couple of events because it was full of alt-right loons.
The student right doesn't exist.

>> No.9812452

This thread is fucking great.

What would be equivalent to ivy-league or Oxbridge in Australia?

>> No.9812454

>The student right doesn't exist.

They do, they just don't make a fuss about it. Unfortunately it can be social suicide at this point to be right wing so most just don't tell anyone.

>> No.9812459

>Goes to LSE
>Is a communist

wtf are you doing?

>> No.9812461

Learning the alphabet in itself qualifies you to become a member of Australia's cultural hierarchy.

>> No.9812476

Everyone that goes everywhere is a communist now.

It changes when they get a job. If they get a job.

>> No.9812485

I actually went to a top 50 university once. I wasted like a whole year of my life applying
and trying to get good grades, but the university turned out to be complete shit. Everyone was autistic or smug, I didn't feel comfortable asking questions during lectures, etc. Now I'm studying at a local top 500 university and it's much better. I chat with my professors and the entire class consists of 20 students. Thankfully I live outside the Anglosphere where university rankings really don't matter. I get much better grades now, too.

>> No.9812493

You sound like a sperg who doesn't know how to think strategically.

>> No.9812520
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Yeah, my entire political experience at uni is occasionally disagreeing with people over dinner, before switching topics to something more interesting.
Political engagement from the right is not quite possible. CUCA/OUCA are full of posh echo boxing male nerds who want to be career politicians.
Tories are generally, unironically called evil, if talking about someone, dropping their a CUCA member is the equivalent of saying 'this person is not worth talking to'.

Oxbridge made me less political, if more right wing (and racist).

>> No.9812531

I think that's the experience of everyone who has gone to university who isn't a fuggin gommie.

The funny thing is I think it does rub people the wrong way. I'm more right wing than I was for having been told how wrong I am for thinking it. I don't see why accusing people of being evil is likely to make them agree with you.

>> No.9812585

So the only point of reading is to get a prestigious job or to study literature professionally? And here I was thinking most people do it cause they enjoy it...

>> No.9812630

Every single one of those orgs is primarily about patronage. Even a job as a low-level "technical" translator or the like is a crapshoot without an in.

The other problem is that French, German, and English are very common. Nobody cares if you can speak English and German. Practically anybody hired off the street in Germany can do that.

Instead of piling up similar European languages, you should have gone for a Slavic or Asian or Near Eastern language. Government agencies would have literally come after you if you had demonstrated proficiency there. You didn't though, because it was hard and you had visions of an easy life flouncing around European capitals instead. You think those jobs get handed out to any schmuck who can read French? Lol.

>> No.9812643

Not only are European diplomatic postings hard to get (because people who can speak the languages are a dime a dozen) but you'll be locked out of the upper echelons because they're all taken up by political appointees. If you really want to live in Europe, study a Scandinavian or non-Russian Slavic language.

>> No.9812646

Learning French is much more worthwhile than German. Less French people speak English than Germans, and French is a relatively common language in Africa.

>> No.9812649

You can get other countries though. It's clear that he wants to work in international diplomacy.

I applied but couldn't get it due to no languages. I ended up getting into the Government Communication Service instead.

>> No.9812658

Agreed, but someone thinking of making a living out of knowing French should expect to spend the rest of his working life in Gabon or Congo, not Paris or Brussels.

>> No.9812666

"International diplomacy" for someone without connections generally involves living in the ass end of the world for extended periods. If you want to have a decent life in a Western diplomatic service, learn Chinese or Russian, according to preference.

>> No.9812673

This. English is the lingua franca anyway.

>> No.9812674

Expecting to make a living out of knowing another language alone is silly, but it's worthwhile addition ot one's other credentials.

>> No.9812677

IDK man. It is more about prestige for the privileged than anything. Whether you can get a good job or not doesn't matter. But it would make more financial sense to do what you did.

>> No.9812686


>> No.9812701

The original anon who was talking about knowing "4 other languages" (probably all DLI Tier 1&2) and was willing to go "anywhere in North America, Europe, or Australia" (rofl) didn't sound like he had any other useful skills. The willingness to take a shit while squatting occasionally would probably open up his job prospects considerably.

>> No.9812719

Hmm oh well.

Knowing 4 languages is more of an asset at home than it is overseas, seeing as English countries are largely monolingual. He could become a language teacher.

>> No.9812739

You don't have to be rich to study the classics anymore. Pretty much any book you could possibly want is available in a cheap paperback that can be shipped to your house in a few days, and if you can't even be assed to do that you can just download it for free from Gutenberg or Libgen.

If you're not educated in the classics in 2017, it's your own fucking fault.

>> No.9812745

>language teacher
Steady employment, maybe. But if we're talking about school level then he could have just as easily gotten another degree and taught English or arithmetic.

>> No.9812751

i want to slap her tits

>> No.9812764


Why would I learn a regionally specific language to give myself a competitive advantage? If I study Russian, and there are no spots open for Russian speakers, then I'm fucked hard. Studying languages like French is far superior as it is more widely spoken, more relevant (thus more available opportunities and employment flexibility) , an official operating language of many institutions (NATO, EU, etc), and more closely related to my mother-tongue (making it easier and faster)

>> No.9812773

Well congratulations. You've learned a language lots of people can speak, and probably not to the standard that they're able to speak English.

>> No.9812787

>You've learned a language lots of people can speak

And this is supposed to be a bad thing? Also, neither French, nor English are my mother-tongue so I'm still ahead in employability.

>> No.9812794

Well, good luck I suppose. Just don't be surprised when you get ignored because languages aren't actually as important as competence.

>> No.9812800

True. But you won't even be considered if you don't speak these languages. All the job openings that I applied for specifically state proficiency as a requirement.

>> No.9812935

What is even competence in the corporate world. Its all meme jobs anyway.

regarding diplomacy you'll probably have to be trained by the government anyway.

>> No.9813575

Russian is a very needed language at the moment, by the way. Not many people are learning it but it's never stopped becoming less important.

>> No.9813588

Getting a job should turn you more communist if anything

>> No.9813604

You'd have to deal with Russians though

>> No.9813742

>being this beguiled by 'le autodidacts'
youre not getting the same experience at all lmfao
literally read about how anyone who was anybody was schooled prior to wwi

>> No.9813926

Its obviously better but there are audodidactic greats of course. Orwell (alot of other working class artists) Don delillo i think.

>> No.9813956

>modern colleges
>intellectually edifying environment

>> No.9813959

>people hate me for being right wing that is why I became more right wing

>> No.9814014

On a different note, I sort of had a wave of emotional pain when I saw "age 18 -21". Seeing that as an age area that ive already missed and wasted.

>> No.9814023

Is top 50 supposed to be really good? I barely even passed HS went to a CC for two years smoking weed everyday and now I transferred to a top 50 school by bullshitting everything. Not particularly impressive anon

>> No.9814501
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>> No.9814514

I wasn't right wing, probably still aren't.
But being anything even slightly right of centre gets you labelled as an elitist monster who wants to murder the disabled.
But in the end it was the oppression olympics that got me to check out of politics.

>> No.9814539
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Even if he got the economic calculation problem wrong, this thread has convinced me he was more right than ever.