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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 159 KB, 427x648, underdatcano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9806391 No.9806391 [Reply] [Original]

How come Under the Volcano isn't in /lit/'s top 100?

>> No.9806439

It's shite

>> No.9806466

It is

>> No.9806499

It's in a couple of them

>> No.9807506

because its really good

>> No.9807525

The first few chapters are boring as fuck and most people put the book down.

>> No.9807578

Only the last three chapters are good.

>> No.9807593
File: 1.31 MB, 1500x3500, littop100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9807646

I will end your life faggot
How would you like to be shot and thrown in a ditch?

>> No.9807691

because /lit/ is shit.

>> No.9807874
File: 26 KB, 600x375, cmonnow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>IJ falling from #1 to #42 this quickly

/lit/ you are a fickle, memeing mistress.

>> No.9807895

The consuls brother is kinda dull.

>> No.9807901

maybe /lit/ finally got some taste

>> No.9807907


>people still haven't learned this is a fake list

Dooesn't the absence of voting counts throw you off?

>> No.9807996

Not a bad list, but the bad part is they're the only books you see on /lit/

>> No.9808034

i have literally never 1/3 of these books on /lit/

>> No.9808218

Sounds like the Recognitions.

>> No.9808410

A part of that book that really touched me is when early on the french guy briefly talks about his relationship with the consuls brother. And that even before knowing the consul, his brother or the french guy.

Great book, top 3 reads for me of the year so far

>> No.9808432

Where did catch 22 go? Did all of lit turn into boring cunts?

>> No.9808451

>no voting counts at all

Yeah this shitty list seems legit.

>> No.9808580

What was the point of the loud american in the beginning? (When the consul is the bar and his wife arrives.)

>> No.9808696

2015 chart had no vote counts either

every chart except maybe the first one gets ballot stuffed anyway

>> No.9809571


>> No.9809653

Has to be a fraud for many reasons. One of which is that V. has been heavily represented since January, and doesn't appear at all. Forger's oversight. I could list many other instances (Wake #6-- really?) but it's not my job.

>> No.9810581

theres barely any V discussion here what are you talking about

>> No.9811139

Man, I lost my copy and can't find a free ebook copy of it anywhere. I haven't had a chance to read it for quite some time, but I want to finish it. It's really good. I tried to get my grandpa to try reading it because he loves Hemmingway, and thematically it's very similar, but he was put off by the first few chapters and the prose.

>> No.9811466

You guys are pathetic

>> No.9811476
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>Where did catch 22 go? Did all of lit turn into boring cunts?

>> No.9811477

I feel like writers such as Henry James are oddly neglected on this board. Is he not memey enough or something?

>> No.9811556

>Is he not memey enough or something?
Yeah, also not enough cowboys, edgy speeches, and parataxis abuse.

>> No.9811578

Why is the trial there? Thought it was amazing the first time I read it but then went back and re read it and it was terrible.

Even as I think of this its an amazing book but not super helpful on the answers front

>> No.9811591

He uses a lot of semi-colons. He also constantly reconsiders his thoughts and clauses- sometimes multiple times in the same sentence. He could be semi-colon guy. That's something right? We could also deliberately misinterpret 'A Portrait of a Lady' as the book where roasties are btfo

>> No.9811747


god /lit/ has such a hard on for Joyce
what is wrong with you people

>> No.9811761

They like to pretend that they understand it

>> No.9811772

I've been posting James the heads every so often for a little over a year now trying to get more people here to read him with no luck. More people read Arno Schmidt (not that he's a bad writer, just comparatively obscure)

>> No.9811802

Because like the top 100 itself, no one on lit has actually read it.

>> No.9812885

I had the feeling that all the the main characters knew that the consul was doomed from the start, including the consul. And that they were all just playing pretend.

>> No.9812897

I didn't like it.

>> No.9813249

Um What? The first three quarters were the best of the book..kys

>> No.9814936

Far more than usual since January, thread up now, reading group starting in August, etc. Compare to Nabokov's Invitation to a Beheading, in the 60's, for instance, which somehow made the list....

>> No.9814939

I can't get passed the first thirty pages or so, it's just a snooze fest.

>> No.9814964

It's great but it's also boring. Wouldn't quite like rereading it