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9803892 No.9803892 [Reply] [Original]

Libraries are shit. A controversial opinion but undeniably true. I can't think of a bigger waste of our taxes.

How did Amazon become one of the largest companies in the world selling books when supposedly you can get books for free at the library?

The answer is simple: libraries have an awful selection of books. They stock thousands of terrible books by literally who tier authors and somehow don't bother with the classics. Walk into your average library and I'd be surprised if you can find even half of /lit/'s top 100 in stock, or a decent variety of philosophy, or must-read STEM texts, or anything else that actually matters.

So what the fuck is on all those shelves? Genre fiction. Shitty horror, sci-fi, and fantasy fills these buildings. And cookbooks. For some reason we need every country's dumb cuisine represented. Your average leftist argues that libraries are good because education of the public is important. Tell me exactly in which way reading this crap is preparing the next generation or educating anyone?

Second point: libraries are for bums -- homeless people go there to charge their phones and use the bathroom. With the price of books now so low, especially in second hand stores, only the homeless are poor enough to need libraries. Start an drug addiction help programme if you want to help them, don't give them a place to nod off when it's too hot outside.

Lastly, there used to be a good reason for libraries to exist. The law should be accessible to everyone, so a good place to store legal records and legislature was the library. But today with information being so easily accessible via the internet, why are we still printing and taking up with space with books? For octogenarians?

I hate libraries so Goddamn much.

>> No.9803894

i live in the middle of a hick shithole and the local library has most of the western canon and they separate lit from genre fiction so I don't know where the fuck you're from but i can tell you're probably lying through your teeth.

>> No.9803897

>libraries have an awful selection of books
Stopped reading

Use interlibrary loan, you cant pirate everything, and unless you live in the mountains of slovakia, you are going to have a university library on your network. I have Dartmouth and University of New Hampshire

>> No.9803899

Libraries vary in quality, you must be going to some really terrible ones, the ones in my city and other cities I've been to are great.

>> No.9803900

I think the library is only as good as the town where it's located. Rich towns have sweet ass libraries and shitty places have shitty libraries. And of course they have genre fiction because news flash: that's what the majority of Americans read.

>> No.9803902

The money would be better spent on free gyms.

We have an obesity epidemic. Over half of the western world is severely overweight. No matter how much you read, if you're obese then your bad nutrition actually hinders you from being intelligent and doing anything useful.

>> No.9803910

OP here. I travel a lot for business and usually stop off at libraries to do writeups of meetings. Sometimes I have a couple of hours to spare and will browse the shelves.

>> No.9803939

>No goy the food industry is fine, just let fat people go to the gym
>Yes of course I make sure the goyim can buy my wheat protein

>> No.9803954

I actually work at a library (i'm "working" right now, in fact) so i don't know where you travel to but it can't be good.

I do agree that most libraries should at least have the canon though, as least their national cannon. We're missing some p important books here (no Paradise Lost, per example) but the selection on portuguese classics is rock solid.

>> No.9803957

how is the book selection made?

>> No.9803974
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you are american what do you expect

>> No.9803980

What an amazing counterargument! That's even if it were true... I'm actually not American. Suck it brainlet.

>> No.9803990

you're not certainly from western europe since libraries are good over there
everyone knows public services in the usa are shit btw

>> No.9803999

we look at the writer, see his nationality (books are separated between the brit/amarican/french/italian/portuguese/greek/etc lit). We have a section for sci-fi, fantasy and mistery/crime noir/pulp stuff so that doesn't get mixed with the other stuff.

More recent books are put on a table at the front of the reading room.

Philosophy, history, science, biology, physics, etc is all separate from fiction and no the writer's nationality is not accounted when we shelve those books, so if you're looking for, say, Georges Bataille, you have a copy of Eroticism in the Anthropology section and a copy of Blue Of Noon in the French Literature section.

We also have a separate room for local archives.

We put repeated books (as in, more than one copy) in the basement for donations or in case a copy gets damaged/stolen.

>> No.9804004

I've lived in North America, England, Norway, Finland and Portugal. Shit all around the globe.

>> No.9804005

I'm from western Europe and my local library has a pretty shitty selection. We only really have our national canon, and the few books we do have are subpar translations since the library insists on not having English translations but just national translations meaning some literal who translated it, often poorly.

>> No.9804013

Right but who decides which books to buy next? Do you all pick together, or is there a catalogue that each library must have, or does the library manage just decide?

>> No.9804016
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>enter library
>hit with the stench of homeless people 2 steps in
>nothing but Harry Potter and Twilight on every shelf
>every computer occupied by a geriatric trying to login to AOL
>huge line to checkout with the 1 non-English speaking librarian
>turn 360 degrees
>steal a copy of New Moon
>leave and throw it into the first refuse bin I see

>> No.9804021

really? I'm from a 15k suburb in italy and the local library has like 25k books plus I can order a book from any other library in the province
I always found there what I was looking for
I assumed things like these were better in the rest of europe

>> No.9804022

I'm from the Netherlands and the philosophy section in libraries are horrid; full of all kinds of woo.
Something similar applies to bookstores; the psychology sections are horrid and full of self-help that has nothing to do with psychology as a science.

For non-fiction the library is a big miss, college has some alright non-fiction but I'm imagining university libraries to be much better.

>> No.9804025

Dove esattamente? A Roma no c'è un cazzo.

>> No.9804026

Most public libraries in the UK are shit. University Libraries are fantastic though

>> No.9804029

Most of the books here have been here for longer than the manager's been alive, senpai.

Regarding the new books that come in though? It's the manager who does it, though it happens pretty rarely (we're talking like a dozen super market paperbacks every couple months, if that).

He's also the one who orders a new copy online in case one is damaged/stolen and there's not another copy in the basement.

IIRC though, we have to at least have the copies of the obligatory books that are studied in highschool (The Lusiads, Message, Auto Da Barca Do Inferno, Frei Luis De Sousa, etc).

It's all archived digitally so it's pretty easy to know what we have and don't have and what is needed.

>25k books
shit negro, that sounds really fucking peachy

>> No.9804031

perfect description of my experience last time i went to the library. let's meet up a burn a few.

>> No.9804052

I agree with this

Education and access to knowledge isn't really much of a problem these days. Obesity and excessive healthcare costs (private/public) on the other hand is an epidemic.

>> No.9804053


University libs are fucking amazing, but even they aren't perfect.

Public libraries have almost nothing good. They're aimed at housewives and their children during summer.

>> No.9804067

Most people use libraries for the computers nowadays

>> No.9804071


>> No.9804083

Most people who come here are either obnoxious old people, actual tards or Gen X cunts with their horribly noisy kids who don't seem to know what a library is. They all have their own laptops, they just come here to browse their social platforms or, worse, play loud as fuck games/watch anime (the tards are the worst with this, because they seem to think that since they can't hear themselves anymore, we can't hear their loud, disgusting breathing). They're all here for leeching internet without paying, essentially.

When i used to be a hobo, i tended to carry a laptop with me to look for oddjobs and ways of selling my shit online, so that's pretty common too (plus public libraries are very common homeless hang outs).

>> No.9804105

The negro. Hence why they believe online job applications are racist because black people can't afford a computer to apply online.

I had an African guy come up to me and ask how he can apply for a job where I work. It's not even that they don't have Internet, every has a fucking smart-phone these days. They just don't know how to use the technology.

But it's really very important that we bring tens of millions of these low-rung, unskilled laborers into our increasingly automated Western societies. I guess I can salute him for at least expressing the desire to work rather than collecting welfare, but the market is really displacing these people and it will not end well in the long run.

>> No.9804116
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>I can't think of a bigger waste of our taxes.

Should've saved that sentence for last and maybe I would've read the whole post.


>> No.9804120

so real talk /lit/ is it possible to do some sort of small, simple, /diy/ homegrown library thing? what are the laws and shit for that?

>> No.9804131

Well you're not sanctioned to use state-backed force to reclaim your possessions when people don't return them so, good luck with that. Don't issue any of your co-op library cards to people with highly enhanced concentrations of melanin.

>> No.9804136

Why the fuck would you even want to start a library after you already have your books?
So people can steal your books and you get to have the thrill of looking for another good edition of said book?

>> No.9804170
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My library experience:
>always some white mom with 20 mulatto kids who wont shut up
>90's computers all occupied by homeless/old people
>poor book selection

The best thing to do is use the interlibrary loan system, in my state you can get a copy of almost anything if your willing to wait a week.

>> No.9804187
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You go to a shitty library you dumb fuck.

The one I go to have exactly zero genre fiction.

Pic related.

>> No.9804202

That's a pretty nice library, anon. But we can't all live in non-degenerate shitholes.

"This is why we can't have nice things" and whatnot. My local libraries are dogshit tier, they look like they're rented out in lease spaces in strip malls, and all along bus routes. You can imagine the type of dreg this would attract.

And this is in fucking Canada.

>> No.9804213

that looks bloody amazing, damn

>> No.9804216
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Every summer sound Americuck red-stater gets triggered by their shitty municipal library. You guys have never been to a real library. Florentines didn't intend the library system to be some genre fiction cuckfactory for cat ladies and homeless druggies. This is my fucking local library. It is meant to be a synergy of high art and high literature. Go back under your rock you fucking Americans.

>> No.9804232

Calgary is getting a new library next year. I have high hopes. The current one is a shithole.

>> No.9804236

Doesn't look like your library is doing you much good cus you clearly can't read.

>> No.9804243

> A controversial opinion but undeniably true

If it were undeniably true it wouldn't be controversial you genius.

The imbecility of this representative of the complete post.

>> No.9804418


>> No.9804437

>t. brainlet

Evolution was controversial but undeniable true.

>> No.9804447

Oh my fucking goodness. Look at this.

Evolution is not undeniably true. People are denying it.

>> No.9804449

>evolution is undeniably true

>> No.9804530

If it's anywhere outside of a primarily white suburb, it will go to shit fast. Doubly so if it's near downtown. All the libraries in """ethnic"" hubs" in Edmonton are fucking dumps. The one that does look decent on the outside is probably rotten inside, anyway. I was Googling for nice local public reading spaces and where someone recommended "hurr why won't you just go to a LIBRARY?" the response is that the libraries are filled with disrespectful, loud pseuds, as was similarly corroborated in this thread.

I just want to go somewhere that's quiet and has air conditioning.

>> No.9804538

Mass third-world unskilled immigration is a death sentence for welfare-state Western nations, and either welfare/entitlements or mass immigration needs to stop to prevent it from collapsing in the coming decades.

This is highly controversial, and absolutely true.

>> No.9804552

>I can't think of a bigger waste of our taxes
The taxes used to educate a retard like you was a bigger waste of money.

>> No.9804586


Vandweller here. I use the library because it's free unlike a coffee shop, and the librarians cannot kick you out even if you spend 8 hours straight here. They also don't block 4chan like a lot of coffee shops do. (Ironically starbucks doesn't block it either. Some you can use a proxy, but a few places banned proxies, too.) Of course I'm the 2-3 showers a week type, and I hate the smelly-type druggie hobo with the nine thousand bags and the seven eleven big gulp soda cup. Libraries are nothing but hobo daycare centers and librarians are now tard wranglers. I actually writefag here and apply for jobs when I'm not on the chan. Most hobos either watch movies or browse their phone or sleep. Well, some people are homeless and you can't tell though, typically college students, recent grads, and vandwellers. I really think it's a problem with the violent drug-addict type hobo, because my city's central library has a huge problem with them and now 100 policemen run around the place every five minutes. It's not comfy. I wish they would have some standards of entry, like a smell test. It makes the library stink like hobo and they do weird things in the bathrooms. I saw a nigress jiving in there the last time, water running like a fountain for no reason, she was half naked and had a bag of the grocery store precooked whole chicken that was half eaten. They go there to do drugs. I wish librarians could enforce common sense discrimination as to entry.
But that would probably trigger someone's fee fees.

I use the library wi-fi to pirate books. They don't have anything here that I want to read. It's all books for old ladies or children. Which is understandable, because if they had just the classics or specific nonfiction, no one at all would come. Libraries are the truest face of our democracy, and the people want Nora Roberts and Twilight.

There are 3 libraries in walking distance of me. The white one in the rich neighborhood, the middle-class family library, or the central downtown with all the hobos and niggers.

>> No.9804589

you're lucky. smack dab in southern IL here, and the three libraries in the county have exactly dick. to give some idea of the horror, they have not one copy of Don Quixote. not in any of the three.
I have asked them to address this, and they respond that there is nothing they can do about "shrinkage" and suggest that i order through the lending process online, where larger libraries lend to smaller ones. It works all right. I don't ageee with OP, he might as well say we shouldn't have roads because the one outside his house is shit. What we need are people who aren't incompetent. Guy should work in a librarian committee and change the process by which libraries are filled. We are the future.

>> No.9804694

Rutherford library at the UofA is nice and it's quiet.
Not sure if it's technically only for students/faculty but I've never been asked to leave.

>> No.9804701

If it's a public school library, you have a right to be there if you're a state taxpayer.

>> No.9804707

Aye, I've heard the Uni library is nice but I live on the North end, getting there is a bit of a pain in the ass. That and I don't know the campus so it's a bit labyrinthine to me.

>> No.9804717

The lrt goes almost directly to the library

>> No.9804731

Fuck, man.
I'm really confised, i live in Portalegre, in Portugal, and i though that my library was lame, because nobody cares about reading here, at fucking all. But i'm listening to some of the horror stories here and it's blowing my mind how little perspective i had regarding this.

I like to work at the library because i can essentially read the classics all day and i've gotten through a lot of the canon like that, but it's honestly hard for me to even believe what fucking shitholes most libraries apparently are. It makes me mad too, i may have redneck genes and not be the highest class lad out there, but i always saw the library has a center of cultural heart of a city.

>not one copy of Don Quixote
what the fuck, seriously?
We have two portuguese copies of Quixote (one is in two volumes) and one copy of it in it's original spanish

We don't have lending here though, and lending sounds really fucking useful.

>> No.9804738

>Free Books are shit.

say it with me: F U C K Y O U!

>> No.9804741
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I went to a public library in the late 2000s on a whim. The whole place was practically empty, save for the lone librarian who was working.

He was very surprised to see me at first, but was super friendly.

Pic related.

>> No.9804753

being so butthurt that he came here just to post this.
oh my god.

>> No.9804766


I'm a burgerstani. People here are aliterate. "Books are for faggots" etc. Most libraries have DVDs and CDs, computers for the old people and hobos, and seating for hobos. Few people actually read. Hell, I'm /lit/ and I have rented maybe 5 books from the library in the past 2 years. They just have complete garbage. Like our central library had a grand total of 5 books on Roman history, and none on the specific period I was looking for. They have 4 copies of Twilight but 0 of Gilgamesh. Mainly it's just a place for hobos to sleep and charge their phones, and the hobo-infested ones have free classes on remedial shit like how to use a web browser or how to apply for jobs, which no one goes to, and the family-oriented ones have reading circles for toddlers where they sing retarded songs and clap. Culture is shit here. People only watch the idiot box. Most people never pick up a book, and on the occasion you find someone who reads, it's genreshit like mysteries or game of tards or 50 shades of shit. Big city libraries have manga, too, so teenage weebs go there. That's about it. I don't even bother with them, I'll just pirate what I want. Faster and easier.

>> No.9804774

Former homeless person here, been homeless 2 times when younger and I have to say the second point is 100% true. Thank god for libraries otherwise I would've had to stay outdoors in blistering heat and be bored out of my mind.

>> No.9804775

That's pretty much a summary of libraries in the UK.

>> No.9804779

I took a class at community college a year ago, and my ID is good for 2 years. Even the worst university library is better than most public libraries, but this is due to underinvestment in the library system (they can't really buy new books, but can take donations, and what do people donate except shit they don't want anymore), university libraries on the other hand actually have a real budget and it shows.

But of course the people who are calling for the repeal of the library system are the same who defunded it in the first place.

>> No.9804783

Please clarify by saying "Public libraries"
They're implied to be public ("I can't think of a bigger waste of our taxes."), but call them what they are.

You aren't wrong. A lot of public libraries I've been to have been pretty poor, but are good for children.

Private libraries -- university libraries being the best example -- have a much better selection, and membership usually only costs around $100 a year.

>> No.9804786

i wish it weren't true, two of the three don't even have Moby-Dick.

>> No.9804791

shit, man
Funny you mention Gilgamesh, i have been looking for the ancient classics and i fount a copy there, along with two copies of The Ancient Egyptian Book Of The Dead.

I love my libraries kid section, they have old, abridged and illustrated versions of classics for kids (War and Peace, Pride and Prejudice etc). It makes me happy because those are the books that really got me into reading.

It's just so insane to me. Just from this year, i've read 15 books from my library, i'm used to take at least 3 home with me every month.

This whole thread is really making me grateful 2bh

lmao for real?
my fucking high school (this was poorfag public high school, mind you) had Moby Dick.
In fact, now that i think about it, my high school library had a lot of the canon (most of the greeks, and most of the essential epic poems) when compared to all the wastelands you lads described.

>> No.9804811

>audacious and arrogant post
>smug nigger for an image
>an drug
were you trying to get some sort of reaction from me from all of this?
You got it.

>> No.9804880

Yes it does, and it's full of people when it goes there. I hate public transit, the people make me sick. They're disgusting loud, and ugly.

Now beauty is subjective so maybe they think I'm ugly too, but I'm damn self-conscious enough to not act disgusting or loud.

I really need to get a car. I should be saving more but I just spent several hunnid dollars on .....books.
>this is your brain on /lit/

>> No.9804882
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>>enter library
>>hit with the stench of homeless people 2 steps in
My story usually ends there. The amount of bums in my local library is absurd, I don't know what they're all doing there. Studying for the SAT at the ripe age of 40? Reading Nietzsche won't make you unsoil yourself, christ.

>> No.9804891

Free gyms wouldn't help. You attack the supplier when there's an epidemic like this, not the consumer. Look at the relative success of the war on tobacco and cigarettes vs the disaster that was the war on drugs

>> No.9804906

i used to be full hobo (still got the beard) and i did actually read, i read and i read and i took three books to read when the library closed but for most hobos the library is just a shelter, it's where they go to charge their fucking phone and laptops, deal drugs and get high, get drunk, etc.

Public libraries are a hive for the homeless, anon.

>> No.9804928

I used to be homeless too and at the shelter I lived literally nobody read. I must have met a hundred people and they were all drug addicted morons whose whole purpose in life was to find their next hit.

I'd be interested in hearing about how you came to be homeless though. I personally suffered a bout of mental illness and had nowhere to go.

>> No.9804940

4chan charts

>> No.9804975
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>a bout of mental illness
I don't know why I laughed at this. It's pithy in a way.

>> No.9804996

i came from middle/lower class family in Portalegre. Mental issues started showing as a young teenager, and the psychologist hilariously pretty much said i showed signs of what seemed to be literally every mental illness ever discovered (including ones i'm dead sure i never even showed signs of, like BPD). Ultimately, only two things were diagnosed: autism (which i still hold was a misdiagnosis) and anhedonia. I should mention i've had a history of such mental problems as a kid (sound hallucinations were the most recurring ones, to the point where i couldn't sleep) and chronic pain, specially limb pain.

My parents were a horrible couple, and i say couple and not people because they both got much, much better after they separated. My mother become much more reasonable and far less histrionic and my dad stopped being a drunk lazy fatass and went to live to the camp where he got hardcore into middlebrow mystery lit (He got this huge, 6 volume collection of the complete Sherlock Holmes). Borrowed me a bunch of classic hardcovers which was cool.

Unfortunately, that happened when i was 18, and though my childish hatred for my parents was pretty much done with (i didn't even dislike them anymore), i begun to feel the most extreme of resentment towards them for bringing me into existence.
Anhedonia got so bad that i could not feel any pleasure from anything (this is what got me so hard into reading, since nothing brought pleasure and lit and other forms of art was the only thing that truly engaged me, i could and can read straight for 16 hours), and chronic pain got worse and worse, and pleas for painkillers got repeatedly denied.

So, after planning it for a while, i just left to Lisbon with some live cash. Told my parents i was alright when i got there and that i was with a friend.

Essentially, i just begun resenting my parents for bringing me into existence so much i could no longer be around them without letting my views on them and life in general be tainted.

>> No.9805024

Where was the chronic pain?

>> No.9805033

all the doctors said it was lack of sleep, but nothing ever worked because sleeping pills only made the pain worse

i haven't been to the doc in years

>> No.9805034
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i love my university library so much it is a giant ugly box of a building with everything you could ever want, and you can check shit out all summer which is so nice

it's not even that great of a university tbqh. the fact that universities have such amazing libraries gives me hope for humanity

public libraries a shit, good post

>> No.9805054

What's your health like? Could it be caused by lack of exercise and bad diet, or do you suffer from some physical illness?

>> No.9805059
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extreme malnourishment, likely, i'm very, very thin (pic related, it's my hand)

I do exercise though, i walk 45 minutes three a times a day to my work and i walk my doggo also three times a day.

>> No.9805098

Well in that case, you should really try to eat. Most of the hobos I knew would live off McDonalds or other fast food. Doesn't help the condition but at the same time it's pretty difficult to get the same amount of calories on fruit and vegetables at that price. But I think in places like Portugal you can get good stuff for an affordable price.

>> No.9805122

eating just makes me feel pain. i just go without eating until no longer eating is more painful than eating. It's the same for everything else. Sleeping is painful. If i'm not stimulating the brain, blocking that pain out, just being awake becomes painful. Masturbating is excruciating and, just like with eating, i just do it when my penis begins to hurt more if i don't get some release. There's not much to do, and i've decided that a stoic approach would be better to face my situation. Being morose and lugubrious about it just makes it worse.

>> No.9805138

those bootstraps aren't going to pull themselves up anon, get to it

>> No.9805191 [DELETED] 


Your brain on diabetes and high-fructose corn syrup. The post

Why is everything the American tries shit?

Their cars: Shit
Their food: Shit
Their culture: Shit
Their government: Shit
Their healthcare and public services: Shit

The only good things are their national parks, but they are ruining them too.

>> No.9805195

Can you imagine how disgusting free gyms would get after a while?

>> No.9805201


>bike is $100 and makes you /fit/
>car is $100 a month (insurance, repair) plus $4k upfront plus taxes and licenses plus gas plus parking
>car makes you a depressed fatass

Also I mostly agree, but there are differences in public transit. Bus is shit. That's where niggers go. Light rail is /comfy/ and mostly white. Yuppies use it. I avoid the bus whenever possible, but the light rail is a pleasure.

Get /n/ nigger.


Personal responsibility. Just let the free market take care of it, and when all fatties are denied jobs and partners for being disgusting, perhaps they will change their ways or fuck off to the trailer park. Why should the state take my tax money to gibs it to rehab fatties? Just let them be fat and disgusting until they're 40 and fall over dead.

I can't even afford enough food to get fat on. I have no pity for them. I can't even afford to eat three meals a day, and fatties eat 7 or 8 a day. Fuck them. They deserve diabetes.

>> No.9805207

Fat people take up space in hospitals and end up costing the taxpayer huge amounts of money. Unfortunately, they don't die slowly. Most die of chronic diseases that are expensive to treat and take a long time to kill you.

>> No.9805259
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I used to study and do homework at my local libraries because my house was noisy as fuck. They were wonderful places. My favorite had a musty 70s aesthetic that always got my brain chugging. The other one was newer but small as fuck and close to a high school, so traffic got bad. In the four years that I did this, they both underwent terrible changes:

>Mexicans using the former as a daycare center, abandoning their spawn there for hours at a time
>homeless people looking at porn on the computers (both places)
>city government section 8s the area around 70s library, making it dangerous as fuck past 6pm
>noisy fucking high schoolers congregating at the latter after a Starbucks opened next door
>removal of most desks and tables at former to shoo homeless, didn't work, bums just took up remaining tables
>giant black families (10+) who come solely to rent movies and are loud as shit

Libraries are great in theory. In a noisy fucking world, you need a place you can go that's completely quiet, but they've mostly been turned into gimmedat community centers where the goal is to abuse as much of the free services as you can.

County tore down the 70s library a few years ago after two cases of arson.

>> No.9805280

>after two cases of arson.
Was it you anon? There'd be something noble in the deed, if it were.

>> No.9805311

Nope. One of the cases happened right after the Zimzam trial though, so it was probably the section 8ers living nearby.

The one thing I'll always miss about that place is that musty smell. You just can't find that smell nowadays in most libraries.

>> No.9805316

Your best bet is to go up on the top of a rocky hill or mountain. Those loud people you just described are probably too plebeian and fat to make their way up anything that isn't concrete.

>> No.9805475

>live in a shitty east European post communist country
>live in the second shittiest quarter in the city, with gypsies and drug dealers, half of the houses were built illegally
>still have a library nearby that btfos any american one, judging from the posts itt

No hobos, no loud children, with a big and diverse collection of books that I found useful as a fantasy-obsessed kid and as an adult interested in literature and philosophy. It would be a waste of time to check each book individually, but it certainly has at least 90 books from /lit/'s top 100. And if a book isn't available here, I can search the database of all the libraries in the city and find it elsewhere.
USA is a fucking failure.

>> No.9805492


It seems like there are many more hobos as of late. The last 4 years or so it's been an apocalypse. I mean, I get it, rent is expensive, but so are drugs. I wish they would mix something lethal into the drug supply so they all just die. Hobos ruin everything. I've been targeted and harassed by them. One in particular has it out for me after refusing to give it money, so now there are a few blocks I can't pass through. Feels bad man.


Well, US isn't as great as it could be, that's for sure. kang negro did a number on us. Feels bad. Even our beautiful wilderness is being spoiled by sprawl. Mostly they take the good places, and soon all that remains will be the desert.

>> No.9805521

Carry a weapon. The one thing hobos don't have in your country is free healthcare. If he advances on you, make him remember what he is and that he should fuck off or catch an injury he won't be treated for.

>> No.9805566
File: 1.67 MB, 3000x2000, 161111-new-york-public-library-feature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw live in NYC
>tfw can request literally any book and get it via an interlibrary loan
>tfw can take refuge in the most majestic library in the world when the world ends

only poor counties have shit libaries slav-friend, America remains rich in its better parts

>> No.9805567

That's what you get for volunteering to pay for their healthcare. Don't like it? Don't vote for a system that steals money from you to pay for fat fuck's medical bills.

>> No.9805748

San Francisco anon reporting in. The libraries here are all either daycare centers for kids, or smelly and hobo-infested, depending on what part of town they're in. The collections are tiny and pathetic except for the collection of the Main library, which is decent but nothing particularly impressive. You can get books sent from the Main library to a local branch, at least, if you don't want to deal with urine stench. Luckily, we at least have Berkeley and Stanford in the area, so there are some serious collections available. For Berkeley you have to pay. Not sure about Stanford.

>> No.9806159

It costs more not to pay for it, since you can't deny people emergency service which, when the person can't pay, the cost of which is added on to local taxes.

>> No.9806190

Uh, the reason people don't go to the gym isn't cost, it's not wanting to work out.

There is already a free way for avoiding obesity and it's just going outside and walking running. Zero cost barriers to entry, just literally walk out the door and you're already doing it. But people aren't taking that option because "it's too hard".

Although some people can use the gym as a facility to avoid obesity, they really are much better served as an outlet for strength training where expensive/complicated equipment is necessary. As far as just burning calories is concerned, plenty of non-gym options are out there.

>> No.9806240

You know there used to be a time where a certain amount of hospital care had to be done charitably for the poor, but now "everyone" is entitled the health insurance meaning the insurance companies run the shebang. It's not in their interest for any healthcare to be charitable, or even cheap. As a matter of fact,
>In July 2016, UnitedHealth celebrated revenues that quarter totalling $46.5 billion, an increase of $10 billion since the same time last year

You sure are doing a fine job at being a good little goy for failed government policies.

>> No.9807192

Actually walking and running have almost zero effect on your weight. It's 99% diet. If you're eating 5000 calories a day, exercise won't do shit.

With free gyms however they could also incorporate free health classes where they teach people how to diet. This should be part of the curriculum in every school but unfortunately the big sugar industry has its cock in the governments ass and they don't want people knowing candy is bad for you.

>> No.9807196

>since you can't deny people emergency

Listen to >>9806240.

Moreover, if you really wanted universal emergency care you could preemptively tax anyone that's overweight through their employers (like they do in Japan) so that any money spent on health costs related to obesity comes from the pockets of the obese.

>> No.9807242

>Actually walking and running have almost zero effect on your weight. It's 99% diet.
It's 50% diet and 50% exercise. Every calorie you burn is a calorie that you effectively did not absorb, right? I agree with you that dieting is absolutely essential to losing weight but working out is also way better than not working out. Ideally both would be done. It's the first law of thermodynamics, if you try to take more energy out of the system (the body when working out), that energy has to come from somewhere and eventually it will come from the adipose tissue.

>With free gyms however...
You yourself just argued that working out has no effect on weight. So why the fuck do you want free gyms then? According to your own argument they're just a waste of money because they're not preventing obesity anyways. If you just want to have the "gyms" be education centers then just call them education centers.

> they don't want people knowing candy is bad for you.
I agree that sugar is bad, etc. but everyone already knows this, and they willfully ignore it because "candy tastes good". Obviously this kind of thing varies wildly from district to district but in my school there were plenty of scare tactics about dietary health, etc. The problem is that when the schools do stuff like that, people roll up to the PTA meetings with their emphysema tanks saying " The govt. is takin muh freedums! I have the right to be fat!" They're the ones you'd be arguing with, not the sugar industry.

>> No.9807270

You are right desu. My only problem is the marketing low fat high sugary food as healthy is straight up false advertising, and most people still somehow don't know this despite knowing that sugar is bad for you. This is a simple attack from the sugar industry (subsidized by the government) on the dairy industry.

>> No.9807295

Fair enough. Have a nice day, my dude.

>> No.9807352

I live in Melbourne Australia and over half the people I observe in public daily are not severely overweight. Fatties are a rare sight. Your cited statistics may be accurate, but in my direct experience they are not.

>> No.9807363

M8 they made it socially umacceptable to smoke cigarettes not impossible to get them. We need antiobesity commercials on tv

>> No.9807381

Neither one of you have ever read anything in either of these places

>> No.9807452

Australia is not know for having an obesity epidemic. You're living in a different world.

>> No.9807454

That would be offensive to fat people and therefore considered hate speech.

>> No.9807516

Most obese people are poor, hence being obese. Lack of access to affordable healthy food, time to exercise, etc...

Your solution is to make life even more unaffordable for them? Seems legit.

>> No.9807537

>Most obese people are poor, hence being obese

Sorry this is factually wrong. There's statistically significant obesity in every socioeconomic group.

>Lack of access to affordable healthy food

Another fallacy. This has been debunked over and over, it's just an excuse.

>time to exercise

Another, even dumber fallacy. Staying thin requires that you don't eat more calories than you expend. This does not take any additional time, in fact, it takes less time than overeating.

Fucking excuses everywhere.

>> No.9807543

this is mostly true, excepting for say, top 5% obesity rates in white women, which is basically non-existent.

>> No.9807572

>Nearly 33 percent of adults who did not graduate high school were obese compared with 21.5 percent of those who graduated from college or technical college. [2008-2010 data]
>More than 33 percent of adults who earn less than $15,000 per year are obese compared with 24.6 percent of those who earned at least $50,000 per year.18 [2008-2010 data]

If you examine the higher echelons of income, 100k+ you'll see the disparity is much much greater. Sorry but you're wrong. Income is tied to both education, which are both tied to accessibility of healthy food and exercise.

>> No.9807584

Also if you look at it state wise, the highest rates are in poor southern states like Alabama, Mississipi, Louisiana and the lowest rates are in wealthy north-eastern states like Vermont, Connecticut, and Massachusetts.

>> No.9807670

I can understand education plays a factor, but 21% obesity rate is still extremely high. Just because we've normalised obesity does not make 1 in 5 anything but a travesty.

>which are both tied to accessibility of healthy food and exercise.
You're repeating yourself without actually saying anything new. Healthy food is accessible anywhere, and exercise is accessible everywhere, even if it did make a non-negligible difference (which it doesn't, just stop eating shit and you'll lose weight, you don't need to exercise particularly hard).

>> No.9807725

>Healthy food is accessible anywhere
You've clearly never tried to buy fresh vegetables in America's inner-city shitholes.

>> No.9807732

That 21% is a bullshit number, as if making over 50,000$ isn't poverty. It's above the poverty line, but it's not at all indicative of what it's like to be wealthy.

>> No.9807780

It's got nothing to do with money, stop spreading myths.

Look at the fattest countries in the world, do you not see how the united states stands out?


This is a cultural problem.

>> No.9807814

really good point
congrats anon

>> No.9807819

>literally right next to the UK, Australia, Canada, etc
>stands out

>> No.9808131 [DELETED] 
File: 101 KB, 994x676, fat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are trolling me now.

>> No.9808307

Have you tried not thinking about it, m8?

>> No.9808331

How close to STL because all of our libraries are pretty decent? If not some of the colleges down there should have a decent selection.

>> No.9808678

>Just let the free market take care of it
If the free market decides, skinnies are gonna keep getting fat and fatties are gonna keep getting fatter because it's easier and cheaper to sell people artificially sweet and calorie dense but nutrient deficient food. Then the fatties will be the majority, and the fatties will not deny other fatties jobs simply because they're fatties. And when the fatties are the majority they will have the majority vote and will vote to make the place a better world for fatties. Free gyms wouldn't solve the problem either because like
>>9806190 said, the problem is that people don't want to work out, not that they can't. If efforts are to be made in decreasing obesity without infringing on anyone's rights, the best chance is through educating people on the harms of unhealthy habits and hoping that they make the right choices.

>> No.9808844

There's no such thing as a non-free market. All political and economic systems are an expression of collective will.

>> No.9809742

>you're not sanctioned to use state-backed force
You seem to be suggesting that public libararies do anything to retrieve overdue books. They issue fines, that's it.