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9803743 No.9803743 [Reply] [Original]

I like this board.

You guys aren't half as bad as they say.

and thinking things through is almost necessary, if you want your assertion to survive academic rigour. People can be a little stuck up, but I don't consider it a bad thing.

This is a breath of fresh air, compared to some of the other boards I used to frequent.

Also, I noticed you don't have tripfags. Thoughts/opinions as to why this is?

>> No.9803830
File: 73 KB, 205x274, cute rage.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a nice post. T-t-hanks anon-kun

>> No.9803835

>Also, I noticed you don't have tripfags. Thoughts/opinions as to why this is?
In 2015 we all took a pledge to filter any tripfags

>> No.9803843

>Also, I noticed you don't have tripfags. Thoughts/opinions as to why this is?
There's butterfly and the jimmy something something guy. Anyone else?

>> No.9803847

Those are just namefags

>> No.9803863

Who says we're bad?

And the novelty will wear off eventually. This place is a much a recursive loop as the rest of 4chan, it just runs a little longer.

>> No.9803871

i miss sunhawk and Constantine