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/lit/ - Literature

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9802690 No.9802690 [Reply] [Original]

>"Anon, it says here that you enjoy reading 'Literature' in your spare time. Care to expand on how that will be beneficial for someone in this position? I'm a bit curious why you felt the need to include that on your resume."

What do you do, /lit/? Keep in mind this interview is for your dream job and the interviewer is staring into the very depths of your mortal soul.

>> No.9802697

It lets me brag about how patrician I am to strangers on an electronic Tuvan coffee klatch.

>> No.9802696

Why the fuck would you put a hobby on a resume? Do you idiots really do this?

You don't even put that shit in the Cover letter unless it specifically pertains to the job.

You discuss it with the hiring manager/person after and you still only name drop hobbies you know will impress them and you have studied.

>> No.9802712


>> No.9802715

t. never had a job

>> No.9802729
File: 26 KB, 310x386, 1992.161-Robert-Herdman_David-Robertson-ARSA-AP-774x623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> You see mister, I felt the need to add such quirk in my resume for two reasons:
> The first is to make sure that such plebs like yourself know that, even tho you may hold the power to give me this job or not, I have reached a state that is beyond this materialistic world, where I know that, even tho I may fail or downright suffer injustice, I can always feel relief that I am not the only one and that in the future, in some way or another.I will feel the eventual relief, be it reaching new hights by other means or by the sweet embrace of death.
> The second reason is for you to know I can write some pretencious shit without any true meaning while sounding deep and poetic.
>Now give me the fucking job you illiterate mongoloid.

>> No.9802748

"In reality, I couldn't give a damn about literature or philosophy. Its all an elaborate attempt to describe something very simple which is felt, and, if put forward as plainly as it can possibly be stated in words, it would be totally ignored. Everything I really want in my deepest heart is by now far out of my hand. Since I doubt I'll ever find the will to kill myself, I can only say this: I am deeply unhappy and anxious over my present, past, and future."

>> No.9802758

Well, obviously reading literature is important when becoming a professor, are you dense?

>> No.9802761

Bullshit, I know teachers who don't even finished middle school.

>> No.9802765

>not anxious over what is past, or passing, or to come.

>> No.9802769

Yeah, i said professor, though.

>> No.9802771

I went back to edit it before posting but thought "what's the point?"

>> No.9802774

>You see mister-
We'll give you a call(creep)...

>> No.9802779

once i namedropped kafka at a job interview and had a nice discussion about several of his works. fucker still didn't hire me though.

>> No.9802801

>tfw superior patrician

>> No.9802807
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Absolutely... so, many studies have shown that those who read literature tend to be more empathetic and have better command of language, which translates on the whole to better communication skills, which I think we can both agree are essential, both to the position and to fostering a diverse and inclusive workspace. I included it on my resumé because my last manager made a point of telling me how great he thought it was that even in my spare time I was focused on developing myself personally and professionally.

>> No.9802808

Should've name dropped someone who didn't spend his entire life writing against work and life in the industrial society.

>> No.9802814

>implying I care for the origin of images I use
anon plz

>> No.9802855

At my last job interview the guy asked what I'm into and I said I read. Now I get to clean a supermarket for a living and you don't. Jealous OP?

>> No.9802874


> on your resume

literally never fucking put anything other than skills, awards, education on your resume. Jfc

That being said I have been asked about "what I do" when I'm not doing something related to my career path. I just honestly tell them that I read a lot and, before the chance they ask how it affects my career, I tell them how I have demonstrated my writing abilities before and how I feel they would relate to the given position, and how I'm less spergy about English than most of their other hires will be (well, ok, not that part, but I imply it subtly in tone).

They're usually impressed. People are easily impressed. Just impress them.

>> No.9802893

oh boi good for u its person to person interfacing or he'd spot the pseud