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/lit/ - Literature

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979861 No.979861 [Reply] [Original]

How about a Roth thread? Or a general Jew writer thread?

Almost done with this, it's pretty amazing.

>> No.979868

I loved the dying animal

>> No.979899

Only read "The Plot Against America", "Portnoy's Complaint", "American Pastoral", and "Goodbye Columbus". He has such an extensive fucking bibliography.

>> No.979905

JIDF is in my /lit/ :(

>> No.979907

I liked "The Plot Against America" better when it was called "It Can't Happen Here" by Sinclair Lewis.

I liked "The Human Stain" better when it was called "Kingsblood Royal" by Sinclair Lewis.

P.S. Sinclair Lewis won the Nobel Prize for Literature, even though he was a comic/satiric American novelist. Phillip Roth is just desperate to win the Nobel Prize for Literature, and won't.

>> No.979914

Doesn't change the fact that Roth is the greater writer.

>> No.979937


The academy has been trying as hard as it can not to give the prize to an American for the last decade

>> No.979941

"It Can't Happen Here" has none of the complexities of American Jewishness, which is what I think makes Roth's novel so brilliant.

Never read "The Human Stain" so I can't speak for it.

>> No.979944

The Plot Against America sucked, infodumps everywhere and an emotionless, deus ex machina resolution (the latter part almost literally, because it's an airplane that brings it about). He should've just written another book about being a new york jew, it would've been more interesting.

>> No.979945


Get a new line, bro.

>> No.979949

infodumps? wtf? And how the hell was it not another book about being a (practically) new york jew?

>> No.979953


He progresses the plot by summaries of the action in the political sphere, i.e. infodumps

>> No.979956


Okay. Explain to me how "Operation Shylock" is a novel rather than a string of interesting but disjointed essays about the paradoxes of Jewishness, with a pretentious half-plot and some ghastly sex scenes stuffed in there.

Other than that, I'll get a new line when Philip Roth apologizes to Claire Bloom and her daughter for "I Married A Communist". Which is to say: never.

The stories in "Goodbye, Columbus" and "The Ghostwriter" are decent work. Beyond that, I think he's phenomenally overrated, and relies on late-night phonecalls to Harold Bloom to provide him with "intellectual" content.

--"Londsman! What should I call it?"
--"My dear, Yeats speaks of the soul being 'fastened to a dying animal'..."
--"I should call the book 'Fastened'?"
--"No, no, my dear..."
--"Ay-yi. Goyishcher kopf..."

>> No.979962

Yeah Claire Bloom is really a saint. It's not like she published memoirs detailing their relationship for the whole world to see.

>> No.979970

The Holocaust Industry by Norman Finkelstein

>> No.979971


Uh, she did that in RESPONSE to "I Married A Communist", not to mention the fact that---as one might expect from his fiction---he's an abusive misogynist.

And as far as I'm concerned, one Norman Mailer was one too many.

Good for Claire Bloom, sticking up for herself.

Have you read her memoir? It's called "Leaving a Doll's House" for a reason. Not only is she an actress who had played Nora in Ibsen's "Doll House", then she found herself living some kind of Woody-Allen-meets-Ingmar-Bergman-in-a-nightmare real-life version of it.

>> No.979978


I Married A Communist was published two years after her book.

>> No.979983


>> No.979985

This. Learn to read, idiot.

>> No.979997
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>> No.979999


Oooh, somebody's researching a dissertation.

Or else is permanently enamored of the writer who taught him to jerk off.

>> No.980001


I was fucking household objects long before I read Portnoy's Complaint, thank you very much.

>> No.980005


Yeah, well, as Sophie Portnoy would tell you, a chazzer bleibt a chazzer.

Claire Bloom found that out the hard way.

>> No.980016


Better a pig who knows than a Socrates who doesn't. :3

>> No.980034

white noise by my man don d.

umm kafka was a jew too. so was marx. einstein.

>> No.980036


What has Athens to do with Jerusalem? lrn2Tertullian

>> No.980065

you guys are fags

>> No.980075

Isaac Babel, now that's a good writer

>> No.980079
File: 28 KB, 331x425, Schneur_Zalman_of_Liadi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading that jew-speak is bad for your vision, like reading in a poorly lit room.

Pic very fucking related

>> No.980089
File: 131 KB, 399x263, 1270752054678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my favorite jewish novelist is walter mosley

>> No.980105

I don't like this guy's books because he's a big meanie jerk QQ

>> No.980112


no, he's just a shitty overrated writer

>> No.980133

well that's fair enough

By the way.. I just got the word schmisel in my captcha, sounds like it might be Jewish? idk

>> No.980136

And now I just got "of pastorals." What the heck?

>> No.980163

I've only read _American Pastoral_. I enjoyed it, but I can imagine the writing turning a lot of people off. The writing is so heavy and detailed that it's nearly bloated, but I think it all flows along rather nicely.