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9798364 No.9798364 [Reply] [Original]

How long do I have to shill HD until you guys recognize her genius?

>> No.9798385

She does too little.

>> No.9798387

You cheeky cunt, don't think your pun went unnoticed...!

>> No.9798391

I'd rather shill Akhmatova desu

>> No.9798411

Best translation? I love modernist verse, always looking for more.

>> No.9798412


>> No.9798419

I tried to like her when I was reading sea garden. I just can't see what's special about her work.

>> No.9798424

What's up with lesbians having strong jaws?

>> No.9798431
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>> No.9798436

Well she's always had this remarkable clarity for me, but she really 'clicked' after reading Trilogy. I don't think I've ever read anything that's attempt at directly addressing something so 'elusive' so successfully. The closest thing to compare it to (that i can think of) is Eliot's four quartets, but I think she was far more successful.

>> No.9798438


It's where they draw their masculine literary talents from like a mighty hermaphroditic Samson.

>> No.9799170


>> No.9800128

5 more times? I'll do it.

>> No.9800320

probably forever because I just don't give a shit.

>> No.9800324

forever? I'll do it!
(you must care a little bit, I can feel it)

>> No.9800359

Great modernist. Her and WCW are the best imagists.

>> No.9800361


>> No.9800718

post some more of her poems in this thread you like

>> No.9800896


Eurydice 1/?


So you have swept me back,
I who could have walked with the live souls
above the earth,
I who could have slept among the live flowers
at last;

so for your arrogance
and your ruthlessness
I am swept back
where dead lichens drip
dead cinders upon moss of ash;

so for your arrogance
I am broken at last,
I who had lived unconscious,
who was almost forgot;

if you had let me wait
I had grown from listlessness
into peace,
if you had let me rest with the dead,
I had forgot you
and the past.


Here only flame upon flame
and black among the red sparks,
streaks of black and light
grown colourless;

why did you turn back,
that hell should be reinhabited
of myself thus
swept into nothingness?

why did you glance back?
why did you hesitate for that moment?
why did you bend your face
caught with the flame of the upper earth,
above my face?

what was it that crossed my face
with the light from yours
and your glance?
what was it you saw in my face?
the light of your own face,
the fire of your own presence?

What had my face to offer
but reflex of the earth,
hyacinth colour
caught from the raw fissure in the rock
where the light struck,
and the colour of azure crocuses
and the bright surface of gold crocuses
and of the wind-flower,
swift in its veins as lightning
and as white.

>> No.9800899


Eurydice 2/3


Saffron from the fringe of the earth,
wild saffron that has bent
over the sharp edge of earth,
all the flowers that cut through the earth,
all, all the flowers are lost;

everything is lost,
everything is crossed with black,
black upon black
and worse than black,
this colourless light.


Fringe upon fringe
of blue crocuses,
crocuses, walled against blue of themselves,
blue of that upper earth,
blue of the depth upon depth of flowers,

if I could have taken once my breath of them,
enough of them,
more than earth,
even than of the upper earth,
had passed with me
beneath the earth;

if I could have caught up from the earth,
the whole of the flowers of the earth,
if once I could have breathed into myself
the very golden crocuses
and the red,
and the very golden hearts of the first saffron,
the whole of the golden mass,
the whole of the great fragrance,
I could have dared the loss.

>> No.9800902



So for your arrogance
and your ruthlessness
I have lost the earth
and the flowers of the earth,
and the live souls above the earth,
and you who passed across the light
and reached

you who have your own light,
who are to yourself a presence,
who need no presence;

yet for all your arrogance
and your glance,
I tell you this:

such loss is no loss,
such terror, such coils and strands and pitfalls
of blackness,
such terror
is no loss;

hell is no worse than your earth
above the earth,
hell is no worse,
no, nor your flowers
nor your veins of light
nor your presence,
a loss;

my hell is no worse than yours
though you pass among the flowers and speak
with the spirits above earth.


Against the black
I have more fervour
than you in all the splendour of that place,
against the blackness
and the stark grey
I have more light;

and the flowers,
if I should tell you,
you would turn from your own fit paths
toward hell,
turn again and glance back
and I would sink into a place
even more terrible than this.


At least I have the flowers of myself,
and my thoughts, no god
can take that;
I have the fervour of myself for a presence
and my own spirit for light;

and my spirit with its loss
knows this;
though small against the black,
small against the formless rocks,
hell must break before I am lost;

before I am lost,
hell must open like a red rose
for the dead to pass.

>> No.9800904

agree, the only modernist I think I'd count in their company is Eliot (but I prefer HD to him as well)

>> No.9800956

Sea Rose 1/1

Rose, harsh rose,
marred and with stint of petals,
meagre flower, thin,
sparse of leaf,

more precious
than a wet rose
single on a stem—
you are caught in the drift.

Stunted, with small leaf,
you are flung on the sand,
you are lifted
in the crisp sand
that drives in the wind.

Can the spice-rose
drip such acrid fragrance
hardened in a leaf?

>> No.9801026

Trilogy Book I (The Walls Do Not Fall) Canto 4

There is a spell, for instance,
in every sea-shell:

continuous, the sea-thrust
is powerless against coral,

bone, stone, marble
hewn from within by that craftsman,

the shell-fish:
oyster, clam, mollusc

is master-mason planning
the stone marvel:

yet that flabby, amorphous hermit
within, like the planet

senses the finite,
it limits its orbit

of being, its house,
temple, fane, shrine:

it unlocks the portals
at stated intervals:

prompted by hunger,
it opens to the tide-flow:

>> No.9801031


but infinity? no,
of nothing-too-much:

I sense my own limit,
my shell-jaws snap shut

at invasion of the limitless,
ocean-weight; infinite water

can not crack me, egg in egg-shell;
closed in, complete, immortal

full-circle, I know the pull
of the tide, the lull

as well as the moon;
the octopus-darkness

is powerless against
her cold immortality;

so I in my own way know
that the whale

can not digest me:
be firm in your own small, static, limited

orbit and the shark-jaws
of outer circumstance

will spit you forth:
be indigestible, hard, ungiving.

so that, living within,
you beget, self-out-of-self,

that pearl-of-great-price.

>> No.9801379

Amelie is that you?

>> No.9801932

No, that's H.D. (Hilda Doolittle) the modernist/imagist

>> No.9802509

nice poems, saving to check out a bit later

>> No.9803641


>> No.9804624

cool, I hope to gain some traction here and am willing to work to spread such a prodigious poet.