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/lit/ - Literature

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9796835 No.9796835 [Reply] [Original]

Any good protestant books?

>> No.9796841

The bibble and that Burpo kid's book, Heave is For Reals.

>> No.9796987
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>> No.9796989

Protestantsim is heresy, you heretic faggot.

>> No.9797053

Isn't Paradise Lost?

>> No.9797063

protestant ethic -weber

>> No.9797080

Catholicism is heresy in that it is rooted in paganism and materialism in some odd ways. Calvinism is far more "Christian" than any of the others types.

>Heaven is For Reals.

>> No.9797081

Rousseau - Confessions? I mean he was a protestant Im pretty sure.

>> No.9797093

Why does lit have such a boner for Catholicism? Theres no way half of you edgelords are even Catholic. Is it just because of Dante?

>> No.9797096
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>— Then, said Cranly, you do not intend to become a protestant?

>— I said that I had lost the faith, Stephen answered, but not that I had lost self-respect. What kind of liberation would that be to forsake an absurdity which is logical and coherent and to embrace one which is illogical and incoherent?

>> No.9797110

>defending Protestantism

Checks out

>> No.9797111

Nvm its Joyce

>> No.9797119

Rousseau converted several times.

>> No.9797140

HA. No. Never.


>> No.9797153
File: 1.51 MB, 1422x2159, QuakersOnABoat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. We've been over this, many times before.

I always laughed at this scene, as it showed Daedalus ignorance about the various types of Protestantism (Joyce is so wonderfully subtle). I'm always disappointed (but never surprised) to find /lit/ fags misunderstanding this scene.

>> No.9797156

Most of the second half of the Western Canon is Protestant.

>> No.9797166

I hate this image. It really should have Osteen as "Evangelical." Those freaks are simply not the same as old school mainline. Episcopalians built industrial America and made it the most powerful country this works has ever seen.

>> No.9797168

Harry Potter, because you're clearly looking for an excuse to live in a fantasy world.

>> No.9797218

Moby-Dick, The Magic Mountain, Buddenbrooks, Emma, Pride and Prejudice, Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, Bleak House, Great Expectations, The Pickwick Papers, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Absalom Absalom!, The Ambassadors, The Portrait of a Lady, Tristram Shandy, Molloy, Malone Dies, The Unnamable, The Scarlet Letter, The Red Badge of Courage, The Grapes of Wrath, My Antonia, The Last Chronicle of Barset, Robinson Crusoe, Waverley, Nineteen Eighty-Four, The Last of the Mohicans, Uncle Tom's Cabin

>> No.9797251

Paradise Lost, fag.

>> No.9797269
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>I always laughed at this scene, as it showed Daedalus ignorance about the various types of Protestantism (Joyce is so wonderfully subtle). I'm always disappointed (but never surprised) to find /lit/ fags misunderstanding this scene.

Don't kid yourself. /lit/ is not the place for theological debates, but the Bible teaches neither sola scriptura nor sola fide; in fact, it expressly teaches the opposite of both (see 2 Thessalonians 2:15; and Galatians 5:6, 1 Corinthians 13:2, and James 2:20, respectively); nor would there even be a "Bible" absent the authority of the Catholic Church in determining the canon of scripture.

In short, Joyce/Daedalus hit the nail on the head in his remark, at least from his atheistical perspective -- the one system is logical and coherent, the other illogical and incoherent.

>> No.9797276 [DELETED] 

cucks. Try the redpill.

Protestantism = SJW, brainwashing, and multiculturalism, muh feels, degeneracy

Catholicism = white nationalism, tradition, hiarachy, women subservient to men, and races separate, logic and rationality

>> No.9797277

>protestants are heretic for not worshipping an idol
yep i mean it's not like malta legalised gay marriage or a gay orgy happened near the vatican

>> No.9797295 [DELETED] 

>races separate
tell that to all the catholic muds rushing the border you scrub

>> No.9797301

>the one system is logical and coherent, the other illogical and incoherent
Protestantism isn't one system, it's a label for many systems. Secondly, this either/or fallacy completely ignores the Orthodox church.

>> No.9797336

>Protestantism isn't one system, it's a label for many systems.

True dat. Every Protestant church is illogical and incoherent in its own way.

>Secondly, this either/or fallacy completely ignores the Orthodox church.

Orthodox church is not relevant to the conversation with Cranly, who specifically asks "you do not intend to become a protestant?"

>> No.9797347


>> No.9797351
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nah, Protestants are heretics because they are literally defined by martin luther's theses against the catholic church. Protestants are a reactionary group that depends on an Other. Islam and Catholics, too, but to a lesser extent. Muhammad (pbuh) was the arab martin luther of his day, except he introduced the Neoplatonic concept of Christianity to Arabs under a new name having nothing to do with Catholicism. Catholics are super-official because they codified their brand of heresy as standing against Arianism to consolidate power under a failing Roman empire, but they're still just fags who added story books to the Tanakh.

This is just the way religion goes. Like in art or philosophy, every few generations tradition is overturned because of their contemporary experience. We're in it now with Science and atheism.

>> No.9797355


>> No.9797358
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Why do literate people go for the one true church? Hmm.

>> No.9797361


get out heretic.

>> No.9797370

>There is no salvation outside the church. ~Saint Augustine

Bet he thought of that little gem while plagiarizing Plotinus. Augustine is a lame mystic who ruined Catholicism and helped inspire the deaths of millions.

>> No.9797377



what do you think?

>> No.9797384
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anything by Kierkegaard

>> No.9797393

Yeah, Catholics should have rejected the just war policy because that worked so well for Tibet.

>> No.9797397

Double predestination is a heresy of the highest magnitude. This board is Catholic and Orthodox only, so go back to reading The Shack, mr "elect."

>> No.9797404

>tripfag is a fedorafag too
Checks out.

>> No.9797407

>so go back to reading The Shack, mr "elect."

He may also keep his copy of Left Behind, and his collection of Hal Lindsey cassettes.

>> No.9797419
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>defends catholic just war
*suicide bomber explodes near you*
*time stops*
in this instant you can renounce deus vult and be saved or die for literally no reason

tbhwyfamilia crusades and war in the middle ages was just regular old war. the holy see was a power broker in europe, successful states contributed to its cause and were legitimized in turn. its not all bad i guess, we got trappist monks and a renaissance.

>tfw the miraculous age of sail was just the crusades going in the other direction

>> No.9797427

Well the Orthodox Church has largely been ignored in the west until very recently. Besides, Orthodox and Catholic doctrine are both fairly similar, other than sticking points such as Filioque, and are both what Joyce may call "coherent."

>> No.9797428
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>> No.9797435
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This is the greatest contemporary Catholic book. Protestants cannot compete.

>> No.9797473

The Bible

>> No.9797493


The OP is asking for protestant books, not Catholic.

>> No.9797505

The faerie queene

>> No.9797507

>the bible
It's like they don't even read the epistles.

>> No.9797687

Is there anyone more cucked than Protestants?

>> No.9797700

>the Bible
It's like they don't even read the Gospels.

>> No.9797840
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You mean the Gospels where Christ institutes the Church upon the head of Peter, and also initiates the Eucharist, which is his literal body and blood?

>> No.9798522

There are lots. I have to crash now, but if the thread is still up tomorrow, I'll contribute more.

Here are a few authors to look at:

>Oswald Chambers
>Francis Frangipane
>John White
>Andrew Murray

>> No.9798541

Paradise Lost (John Milton)
Jon Wesley's Sermons: Anthology
Pilgrim's Progress (John Bunyan)
Around the Wicket Gate (Charles Spurgeon)
The Pursuit of God (A.W. Tozer)
Institutes of the Christian Religion (Calvin)
Saved From What? (R.C. Sproul)

>> No.9798544

>Catholicism is heresy in that it is rooted in paganism
By their fruit you shall know them. St. Paul alludes to Greek literature on the road of Damascus.
>and materialism in some odd ways.
How is this?

>> No.9798577

>Peter was head of the believers in Jerusalem
>Therefore he's the bishop of Rome
Makes total sense

>> No.9798613

He was the head of the Church across the Roman world. Christ gave this office to him. And he became Bishop of Rome before he died. So the Bishop of Rome--that is, the pope--derives particular authority from his descent from Peter.

>> No.9798698

One of the few church fathers that wasn't anti-Semitic though

>> No.9798708

Granted, when Augustine wrote that the church was the only place that could be trusted to interpret the Bible. The Canon wasn't even established separating apocrypha until after Confessions was written

>> No.9798733
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>*Exposes your hypocrisy*

Pshh, nothing personal kid.

>> No.9798737
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>> No.9798740

No one has said Faust

>> No.9799009

>and also initiates the Eucharist, which is his literal body and blood?

OG Protestants don't have a problem with that

>> No.9799059

None of those works is shaped by the author's piety and Mann was a Catholic if I'm not mistaken.

>> No.9799064

The great controversy by Ellen white

>> No.9799067

Anti Semitism is the absolutely most retarded way of saying anti Jewish the Jews could think of. Semites aren't only Jews and the Church Fathers were anti Jewish, not anti semite.

>> No.9799087

Why did American protestantism go off the deep end?

>> No.9799104

Because it's Protestantism.

>> No.9799139

Osteen is a Word of Faith (fake) Protestant. Any megachurch is fake, doctrinally-unsound, spiritually corrupt. Literally the SJWs of Christendom, focusing on muh feelz over biblical exposition, exegesis and interpretation.

>> No.9799179
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>this is what protestants actually believe

>> No.9799186
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Then why is Protestantism in Europe so sensible?

>> No.9799217

It's really not. There's this protestant church where I live where the local pastor is a butch lesbian and has written academic articles in theology trying to justify gay marriage.

>> No.9799225

Yes, like I said, sensible. As in secular. Unlike the American variation which is more fundamentalist.

>> No.9799238

Well you also have the opposite end in Northern Ireland. People who advocated genocide rather than avoiding gay marriage.

The deal with protestantism is that becoming a minister or a pastor is way more easier than becoming a priest.

>> No.9799270
File: 32 KB, 500x375, lot-of-19-joyce-meyer-books-battlefield-of-the-mind-i-dare-you-grace-of-god-b18cb289cddd11e95b38b44ce857723b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The love of money is the root of all e-
>*Releases dozens of shitty ghost written self help money grab books.*
>Pssh, nothing personal my fellow protestants.

>> No.9799282

Hilary Mantel's novels about Thomas Cromwell - Wolf Hall and Bring Up the Bodies - sum up pretty nicely a protestant's frustration with the Catholic church's backwardness, corruption and anti-intellectualism during the Reformation. Back when you could get burned at the stake for translating the Bible into English.

>> No.9799283

You mean dead?
I can agree with that, only sensible Protestantism is dead.

>> No.9799295
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Moby Dick and The Recognitions ya fuckin swine

>> No.9799333

Papal Infallibility and Divine Simplicity made the Catholic Church in error, and its all gone further and further into heresy since then. Im not Christian but what I know of theology is that Orthodoxy is the one true church.

>> No.9799443

All heretics protestantfags will spend an enternity in purgatory

>> No.9799477

>I always laughed at this scene, as it showed Daedalus ignorance about the various types of Protestantism (Joyce is so wonderfully subtle). I'm always disappointed (but never surprised) to find /lit/ fags misunderstanding this scene.

Joyce LITERALLY read a page of Aquinas every day (in the original latin) and scoffed at his friends for reading nietzsche

>> No.9799549

I started to read A Canticle for Leibowitz several years ago, mostly because of the meme that it's a Catholic book. At a certain point, I didn't like it, and just skimmed through it to the end. My memory of it is now slight.

But although I don't recall the particulars, it strikes that A Canticle for Leibowitz is as critical, in its own and different way, of Catholicism as Tolstoy is of Orthodoxy in, e.g., the pages from Resurrection posted here >>9798733 and here >>9798737.

Am I right on this, or have I misunderstood A Canticle for Leibowitz?

And if I am right then what I mean to say is, A Canticle for Leibowitz is a book that has Catholic motifs and themes, and a critique of Catholicism, but it's not really "a Catholic book" in the sense that, say, Brideshead Revisited or The Power and the Glory might be considered "Catholic books."

>> No.9799615 [DELETED] 


I never got the impression that the book is critical of the Church, and I don't think anybody ant-Catholic in any sense. Especially considering the ending with the Mary symbolism and biblical reference to Matthew 10:14. Miller treats the philosophical issues very seriously by giving the pro-euthanasia and or "enlightenment scientist" genuinely good arguments but I think that's more in the interest of fairness rather than a serious critique of the Church. It's a mark of good writing.

>> No.9799620


I never got the impression that the book is critical of the Church, and I don't think anybody can call it anti-Catholic in any sense. Especially considering the ending with the Mary symbolism and biblical reference to Matthew 10:14. Miller treats the philosophical issues very seriously by giving the pro-euthanasia and or "enlightenment scientist" genuinely good arguments but I think that's more in the interest of fairness rather than a serious critique of the Church. It's a mark of good writing.

>> No.9799627

But Luther never wanted to start a new church, he never even left the Catholic church voluntarily.

>> No.9799666

Moby Dick comes out of the mind of a skeptic -- a skeptic who was born and raised a Protestant and whose skepticism is accordingly bent along peculiarly Protestant lines, but who was not, I think, a believing Protestant when he wrote the book. Thus the book was not written by a Protestant in the ordinary sense of being written by a Protestant Christian in the way that the Divine Comedy was written by someone who was almost certainly a believing Catholic Christian. Moby Dick is nonetheless indelibly shaped by and probably could only have been written by someone whose sensibility was formed and deeply impressed with a distinctively Protestant way of thinking about God.

In the end, I suppose it's fair to say that Moby Dick is a "Protestant book," but it is not one in any simple or straightforward way.

>Its greatness may be seen not in its sometimes cumbersome literary structure or its excursions into technicalia about the nature and function of whales (cetology). No, its greatness is found in its unparalleled theological symbolism...

>In a personal letter to Nathaniel Hawthorne upon completing this novel, Melville said, “I have written an evil book.” What is it about the book that Melville considered evil? I think the answer to that question lies in the meaning of the central symbolic character of the novel, Moby Dick, the great white whale.

>I believe that the greatest chapter ever written in the English language is the chapter of Moby Dick titled “The Whiteness of the Whale.” Here we gain an insight into the profound symbolism that Melville employs in his novel. He explores how whiteness is used in history, in religion, and in nature. The terms he uses to describe the appearance of whiteness in these areas include elusive, ghastly, and transcendent horror, as well as sweet, honorable, and pure. All of these are descriptive terms that are symbolized in one way or another by the presence of whiteness...

>If the whale embodies everything that is symbolized by whiteness—that which is terrifying; that which is pure; that which is excellent; that which is horrible and ghastly; that which is mysterious and incomprehensible—does he not embody those traits that are found in the fullness of the perfections in the being of God Himself?

>Who can survive the pursuit of such a being if the pursuit is driven by hostility? Only those who have experienced the sweetness of reconciling grace can look at the overwhelming power, sovereignty, and immutability of a transcendent God and find there peace rather than a drive for vengeance. Read Moby Dick, and then read it again.
-R.C. Sproul, http://www.ligonier.org/learn/articles/unholy-pursuit-god-moby-dick/

>> No.9799760

Papal infallibility is a dogma proclaimed in the late 19th century and divine simplicity is not a dogma, even if it is a dominant thomistic doctrine.
Why is every Orthodox poster on the internet an uneducated philistine?

>> No.9799768

By denying any dogma formally a Catholic is ipso facto excommunicated and he could not have been unaware of this. You can't deny a dogma and say that you didn't want to leave it.

>> No.9800311

You mean a joke or dead?

>> No.9800394

>hated jews

>> No.9800555

>like you and me

t. wasp

>> No.9800570

Mostly because the Protestants that we left alive belong to our individual state churches, and were controlled by our monarchs.

England was awash with blood getting rid of all the sectarian filth that escaped to the US. We still have crazies, but they can't really compete when everyone is raised in a toothless sunday tea atmosphere with the local vicar mainly preaching to grannies.

>> No.9800592

Honestly this. Paradise Lost is a Puritan masterpiece.

>> No.9800597


The Faery Queene by Edmund Spenser

>> No.9800839
File: 111 KB, 638x479, religious-texts-used-to-justify-persecution-60-638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this cancerous thread

It's hard to say which is more cringe-inducing, edgy pseudo-Papist "FOR THE EMPRAH XDDD" larpers or degenerate crypto-satanist fedora-tippers

>> No.9800850

Stop repeating quotes from this one book, Martin Luther changed his tune and began praising the Jews after wealthy Jewish bankers started funding his rebellion against the Catholic Church (which Jews have always hated more than anything).

>> No.9800851

Phenomenology of Spirit

>> No.9800854

Probably has something to do with the whole 'they killed jesus our lord and saviour' bit, huh?

>> No.9800855

The Almost Christian Discovered

>> No.9800866

The Jews did kill Jesus, and they are ALL going to burn in hell. That's why massacring the Jews would be a mercy, because it would prevent so many unborn children who would be raised to follow Jewish teachings from going to hell.

>> No.9801060

Jesus and his early followers were Jews too. Plus the Romans had a big part in Jesus' execution too

>but he washed his hands!
Crucifixion was a Roman form of execution for treason, the sanhedrin had no power to unilaterally have someone crucified.

>> No.9801074

>Jesus and his early followers were Jews

No, they were Christian.

>> No.9801086
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>they were Christian

>...before the resurrection of Christ

>> No.9801107

>frog image

Go back to plebbit please.

>> No.9801108

Paul wasnt a jew

>> No.9801123
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>catholics trying to tell me their theology is logical

>> No.9801126

Yes, he was.

>> No.9801138

Acts 23:39

But nevertheless all early christians werent Jews. Paul was the one who made that clear

>> No.9801146

>live in Utah
>mormons are fucking insane
>finally meet people who arent mormon
>they're protestant

>hurr durr the bible clearly states gay marriage is wrong, but women preaching in churches is totally OK!
>hurr durr I only believe this because I was raised this way.

Protestantism is heresy through and through, and delving away from what Luther was attempting to say, now we have a thousand different churches all preaching their own versions of what they consider the truth.

The Devil literally devised all this.

>> No.9801150
File: 74 KB, 512x768, PEPECHRIST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are the weakest posts ive seen in a long time guys

Plebbit doesn't like frogs, and Saul was most definitely a Jew from Tarsus. He was also converted to the new heretical sect on the road to Damascus, most definitely AFTER the crucifixion.

>> No.9801153


I'm no catholic but that pic is classical "the whole is more than the sum of its parts" plato-driven idealism

>> No.9801160

Phillipians 3:4b-5

>If anyone else has reason to be confident in the flesh, I have more: circumcised on the eighth day, a member of the people of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew born of Hebrews; as to the law, a Pharisee;

>> No.9801166


What I don't understand is that if you guys think Paul corrupted the message of the Bible, then God's power isn't real, as he allowed Paul to corrupt it, God being omniscient, should have known that's what Paul was going to do and either A. struck him down or B. allowed him to preach, because what Paul was going to say was meant to be said all along.

How can God be all knowing and all powerful if we believe the prophets in his Bible have corrupted it?

>> No.9801177

>the whole is more than the sum of its parts
Actually it's "each part is also the whole". But it is inspired by greek philosophy

>> No.9801178

>The Jews did kill Jesus, and they are ALL going to burn in hell. That's why massacring the Jews would be a mercy, because it would prevent so many unborn children who would be raised to follow Jewish teachings from going to hell.

Really? Even the ones who get baptised and become Christians later in life?

>> No.9801183

Obviously not, if they truly repented and converted then they would not be Jews.

>> No.9801187

Who thinks Paul corrupted anything?

>> No.9801199

maybe the lord intends for Paul's character to contradict with Jesus' for other reasons. I don't know many who would say that he sabotaged or corrupted the New Testament's message

>> No.9801218

Okay but isn't saying that all Jews are going to burn in hell a bit redundant in that case? Everyone who isn't Christian is going to hell anyway.
I thought you were one of those people who believe that everyone who is ethnically Jewish is going to hell and that it isn't possible for a Jew to become a Christian. I encountered some of those people on /lit/ a few days ago.

>> No.9801221
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>> No.9801223

I've read numerous posts on both here and /pol/ where they indicate that Paul/Peter were foremost in corrupting the teachings of Christ.

>new heretical sect

I misread that in thinking that you were talking about Paul corrupting the Word.


I agree with this, but many seem to believe that he and Peter destroyed a lot of it's messages. It was Peter who interpreted that Jesus was the eternal sacrifice for all Jews (and by extension Gentiles), it was Peter who allowed the Jews to preach to Gentiles, and it was Peter who allowed the Gentiles to practice the faith without sacrifice (such as circumcision). While I believe this to be God-inspired, many do not.

>> No.9801232
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>How can God be all knowing and all powerful if we believe the prophets in his Bible have corrupted it?

Gen 1:31
And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good.

"It's all good homie."
"That's what it says in the Bible."

Think of Fichte. The idea of thesis-antithesis-synthesis applied to dialectic. Now applied to an unknowable that is the source of everything. The world contains the seed of its own transformation/destruction. It's a process. Personally I do believe we as a species work towards the form of the good. Even when 2/3rds of Europe men women and children are dropping dead of plague, or when some long dead faggot got the wrong idea and wrote it down and lots of dumb faggots since have misinterpreted it.

>> No.9801243

They were heretical Jews, claiming a new messiah in their time.

>> No.9801249

I know that, but the way you worded it confused me.

Feel free to gloat.

>> No.9801251
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That is how I actually dress.

>> No.9801256
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Where my fellow Protestants at? I assume there's at least one or two on here, besides all the memers.

How are you dealing with the imminent self-destruction of our religion?

>> No.9801257
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If I knew you in life OP, I would just hand you a copy of this book. All I can I do is recommend it, though. It's a book that can have a startling effect on a person if they run across it at the right moment in life.

>> No.9801601

Protestants are a diverse lot doctrinal, and some are more liturgical than others, but no Protestant community comes close to embracing Catholicism's vast array of "extrabiblical" prayers, practices, and teachings. Because of this, if Protestants are being consistent with their beliefs, they can't view Catholics as fellow Christians fighting the good fight; rather, they must conclude that Catholics are idolatrous apostates.

Some Fundamentalist groups do indeed identify the pope as the Antichrist and the Catholic Church as the "whore of Babylon" mentioned in Revelation 17 and 18. And it's not just Protestants on that extreme end of the spectrum who think this way. In the section on the papacy, we saw that the Westminster Confession of Faith--the most important document for the Reformed movement of Protestantism--name the pope as the Antichrist. That said, many Protestants, including Bible-believing Evangelicals, take a softer stance towards Catholicism. They see it as a mildly corrupted form of biblical Christianity but still a legitimately Christian faith whose members sincerely believe in Jesus.

But Protestants of all stripes should get up in arms when faced with the spectacle of Catholics kneeling in worship of a consecrated communion host. No Protestant, however much he may protest to believe in Jesus in some way, can justify adoring bread and whine. He must conclude that Catholics commit the sin of idolatry. Although Catholics believe in the Trinity, Protestants should likewise balk at their elevation og the Virgin Mary above all other creatures, especially in the doctrines of her Assumption and her sinless life. They believe that Jesus alone lived a sinless life, so Mary's achieving the same feat can't help but steal glory from God, to whom belongs all glory and praise. Such distinctively Catholic beliefs stem from recognizing Sacred Tradition as a source of divine revelation equal to Scripture. This too should disturb any Protestant, for whom the Bible alone is God's authoritative word. Any "tradition" outside of scripture can be only a tradition of men.


>> No.9801608



A paradox is presented when trying to match up the Catholic Church against the caricatures and accusations thrown at it. On the other hand, those today who call the pope Antichrist have been able to witness recent popes heroically defending the core tenets of Christianity against virulent modern attacks. The beloved disciple, St. John, tells us how to know who the Antichrist is: "Who is the liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, he who denies the Father and the Son" (1 John 2:22). But we can see with our own eyes examples of popes who never stop proclaiming that Jesus is the Christ, our savior, the only begotten Son of the Father. So by biblical definition, the pope cannot be the Antichrist. Likewise, the Catholic Church is thought to elevate Mary too much, yet the Protestant Reformers retained Marian doctrines and defended them against their fellow Protestants. They realized those beliefs were well-grounded in Scripture and in the early Church's faith.

The Catholic Church, when faced with a decision to hold the ancient Faith or adopt a novelty, has in every case chosen the former. Rather than seeing in the Church the characteristic marks of the devil, which would cause it to be "tossed back and forth and carried about with every wind of doctrine" (Eph. 4:14) and adopt idolatrous practices and beliefs, has remained true to the teachings of Christ and the apostles.

This leaves the Protestants with a dilemma. If Protestantism is true, then Catholicism can only be viewed as serious, perhaps even diabolical, idolatry. Yet the marks the Bible tells us to look for to identify falsehoods and deceit are absent from the Catholic Church. Instead, Catholicism's hallmark is that of a stalwart witness to Jesus Christ.

>> No.9802308


Rome Sweet Rome is another good one that's similar. Ex-Evangelicals seem to make the best Catholics, at least when it comes to apologetics.

>> No.9802373

Nietzsche did, for one. He popularized the Paul-corrupted (or invented)-Christianity meme. His notions along these lines are laid out primarily in The Antichrist.

A concise rebuttal of the theory is presented here:


>> No.9802724



>> No.9802753

what does this have to do with what OP asked for

>> No.9802781


Nothing. It's in response to some of the people in the thread. The OP's post isn't some iron clad standard of conversation that everyone has to respond directly to. Conversations can and generally do evolve over the course of a threads lifetime to the point where people are talking about things completely unrelated to the OP. This is good because nothing kills discovery and inquiry faster than overly rigid moderation or topic policing.

>> No.9803161

All these motherfuckers ITT thinking that there is one, unifying Protestantism rather than literally thousands of sects that get increasingly crackpot the further away from the Reformation we get.

All the motherfuckers ITT using Protestant as if it isn't just an umbrella term used to denote Christian sects in protest of Catholic policy and theology, literally heresy BTW

All these motherfuckers ITT defending Protestantism rather than a reformed Catholicism, like you no longer have to pay to receive clemency for sins guys

>> No.9803177
File: 2.88 MB, 400x206, 1497735804139.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Jews did Kill Jesus, and they are ALL going to burn in hell.

If this is what catholics really think, it's no wonder they are so bad at keeping their leaders away from their children.