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/lit/ - Literature

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9795078 No.9795078 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9795187

But anon, that isn't The Dead

>> No.9795195

I loved it. I've never read any Tolstoy before but this was very comfy. It reminds me of german folk tales.
Also the devil uses 4chan confirmed, The Devil grabs his sides while laughing.

>> No.9795206

I really liked Father Sergius. Tolstoy's short stories are very cozy.

>> No.9795295

I prefer The Last Question

>> No.9795340


Challenge accepted
To say nothing of Chekhov or several others

>> No.9796041

>Pahom, the master of the house, was lying on the top of the oven
Could there be anything comfier?

>> No.9796112

That was pretty good anon!

>> No.9796137

My 11th grade English teacher seemed to think so

>> No.9796155

>The Dead
>Short story
It's part of a novel retard.

>> No.9796172

Oh boy...

>> No.9796215

What Men Live By is even better.


>> No.9796514

This was a pretty comfy read. Definitely a great short story, but nowhere near the best. It doesn't even come close to The Dead.

>> No.9796533

But anon, The Dead isn't An Encounter

>After an interval the man spoke to me. He said that my friend was a very rough boy and asked did he get whipped often at school. I was going to reply indignantly that we were not National School boys to be whipped, as he called it; but I remained silent. He began to speak on the subject of chastising boys. His mind, as if magnetised again by his speech, seemed to circle slowly round and round its new centre. He said that when boys were that kind they ought to be whipped and well whipped. When a boy was rough and unruly there was nothing would do him any good but a good sound whipping. A slap on the hand or a box on the ear was no good: what he wanted was to get a nice warm whipping. I was surprised at this sentiment and involuntarily glanced up at his face. As I did so I met the gaze of a pair of bottle-green eyes peering at me from under a twitching forehead.

>> No.9796549

>Not quoting the genius biblical reference that brings the whole story together

My voice had an accent of forced bravery in it and I was ashamed of my paltry stratagem. I had to call the name again before Mahony saw me and hallooed in answer. How my heart beat as he came running across the field to me! He ran as if to bring me aid. And I was penitent; for in my heart I had always despised him a little.

>> No.9796550

Who here /wouldprefernotto/

>> No.9797725


>> No.9797740
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Apparently Wewgenstein had a hard on for this short story.

>> No.9797882

Seconded, I haven't got around to Tolstoy yet but this was beautiful, I love lit exactly for this all the recommendations

>> No.9797892

Reminder this is meant to be a critique of the rich and capitalism on the whole.

>> No.9797981

did not enjoy babel

>> No.9798208
File: 40 KB, 428x560, jorgito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, come on, is this even a serious question? The only real patrician answer is "The Library of Babel" and/or "The Garden of Forking Paths".

>> No.9798221

>op asks for best short story
>retards post chapters from books