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/lit/ - Literature

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979492 No.979492 [Reply] [Original]

Okay /it/ anyone want to critique my first summer reading journal for AP Lit 7 Comp. First person was allowed as its an opinion journal on the quote of my choosing from the first part od Dr Jeykll and Mr Hyde.

>The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Journal 1

“ ‘Poor Harry Jekyll’ he thought ‘my mind misgives me he is in deep waters! He was wild when he was young; a long time ago to be sure; but in the law of God, there is no statute of limitations. Ay, it must be that; the ghost of some old sin, the cancer of some concealed disgrace: punishment coming, pede claudo, years after memory has forgotten and self love condoned the fault.’”
After hearing the story of Mr. Hyde and then meeting him in person outside of Hyde’s Soho residence, Mr. Utterson comes to the conclusion that Henry Jekyll is having Hyde forced upon him as retribution for some past sin. He believes it is possible that Jekyll is being blackmailed as a result of some long forgotten misdeed. Perhaps Utterson even thinks that Hyde may be Jekyll’s illegitimate son and he is trying to take advantage of his father. While at this point in the story Utterson has no idea of the true nature of the relationship between Jekyll and Hyde, he isn’t far off in his idea of Jekyll having Hyde force upon him by his past sins. Jekyll’s abuse of the metamorphosis potion and his evil alter ego eventually leave him unable to control when he transforms and unable to rid himself of Hyde. I think Stevenson used the quote above as a way to subtly foreshadow the predicament Jekyll is in. Stevenson was able to plant the idea that Jekyll will be unable to get rid of Hyde and will come to regret his past decisions, without giving away important plot details.

>> No.979499

AP Lit & Comp*

>> No.979524

AP: highschool faggots who can't handle real college courses,

I smell inferiority.

>> No.979546

lol you got me

>> No.979566

High school

>> No.979601


In my experience the "real" courses are usually easier.

>> No.979607

your sentence structure is atrocious.

>> No.979645

Oh GAWD the homework threads are starting again.