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File: 796 KB, 874x1416, plato-the-republic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9791486 No.9791486 [Reply] [Original]

>women in the army
>abolition of the family unit
>censorship of art
>abolition of property
>exposing children to war at a young age
>murdering babies considered unfit
>all sex is prescribed and overseen by the state
Is this seriously the foundation of western philosophy and political theory? All he does is use sophistry and false equivalancies to justify his bizzare totalitarian "utopia"

>> No.9791493

Western society would improve tenfold if this were to be immediately implemented.

>> No.9791496

sounds pretty good to me desu

>> No.9791638

reading philosophy 2000 years after it was writen should be iterpreted ad not taken literarrly platos point that can be derved from his writings on the republic were relevant to westeren political theory in the sense that the state should work as a whole rather than having odd parts da do not work in the common good (which is prescribed by the state). Ancient phiosopers weer very idealistic as you can most likely tell by the things they wrote. they lacked the foundation to transcend from the theoretical to how this ideas would acctualy work in practice. what you can dereive from his writigns is that deviation from the norms isnt good for the state in the longterm. This would mostly be applicable in the modern (or post-modern) political theory as the need for the state to establish a value system to keep people from differeing from each other too much. the more similar people are the more they will undersand each other, the more they understand eachother the less conflicts will occure and the less conflict the republic has the more they wil work together as a whole.

>> No.9791653

Why did he want women in the army?

>> No.9791676

His argument was basically that there were women who were fit enough to join the army, even more fit than some men, so why the fuck would we not allow them to join it.

>> No.9791722

It's the same thing with women in the workplace - some are more capable than some men, but our society better make sure to not let them over saturate it with many unqualified women. It would require a perfect system in place that wouldn't lower its standards to allow women to enter it.

>> No.9791740

The Republic doesn't end with book V nor it is the only political work by Plato.

>> No.9792371

>women are inherently worse than man according to plato so they will be a minority in the higher classes anyways, but some men are indeed worse than some women
>the masses need to fill their roles and giving them ideas conflicting with this isn't good for the city as a whole
>economic incentives can be conflicting with the state, if you can make a buck that doesn't mean it helps the greater good
>the pottery argument is kinda weak, but the exposure probably is necessary in some form
>a few babies here and there vs the city as a whole, but yeah, i feel like socrates underestimates the value of sex
>yeah, people will rage if people dont get to go balls deep

>> No.9792387

>all sex is prescribed and overseen by the state

That sounds really hot to me actually.

>> No.9792455

reading it now and whats the deal with the tripartite soul thing?

>> No.9792634

I noticed the absolutely retarded false equivalencies as well.

>To harm a man is to make him unjust because of reasons
>Can a musician by his art make men unmusical? No
>Or a horseman by his art make men into bad horsemen? No
>Let's ignore the case where a soldier may, by his art, make other men dead or imprisoned (i.e. bad soldiers)
>Or how a king may, by his art, make other men into subjects (i.e. poor rulers)
>Therefore a just man cannot use justice to harm other people
>QED it is always unjust to harm anyone for any reason

>> No.9792641
File: 45 KB, 499x499, pepe_blink_by_fazboggled97slqh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw some Greek pedo "argues" with analogies
Take the Adamspill, fags

>> No.9792648

t. Foucault

>> No.9792652

it's a work of philosophy, not a fucking how-to manual. so do some thinking, you mongoloid.


>> No.9792658
File: 2.95 MB, 718x404, kwHRtrg.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks The Republic is meant to be taken literally

>> No.9792661

>women in the army
Only bad part to be honest, and if I remember correctly Glaucon said they would stand to the side and throw rocks or something.

>> No.9792666

yo is that real or a computer animation

>> No.9792673

What is "real"? How do you define real? If you're talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see, then real is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain.

>> No.9792684

>unable to understand English
>unable to philosophy


>> No.9792690

Read Nomoi, you fag

>> No.9792694

>killing babies
>exposing children to war
Never have children.

>> No.9792705

it's real robots, I think.

>> No.9792744

>he does not want the children of the warrior class to become emotionally damaged battle-autists that more effectivley enforce the law in their totalitarian police state
Maybe if you send your wife's son to Syria he will not grow up to beomce a bluepilled liberal commie like yourself.

>> No.9792758


It's perfectly legal to kill babies and in fact it's encouraged if they have significant disabilities.

>> No.9792765

>all sex is overseen by the state
But this is already the case.

>> No.9792791

>not understanding that this is a satire
he literally advocates marriages lasting 1 night for the purpose of recreation afterwards the child is stolen from the parents and offered up as primo pedobait for old men

>> No.9792795

Just because some women are better soldiers than some men, does not mean that this is the best place for her to be.

>> No.9792807

what if a woman is infertile, and she was in great physical shape? it would hold up

>> No.9792861

>a woman going into an environment that's disproportionately male wouldn't be disruptive
>guys are going to treat a fit, attractive woman the same as they would treat a man

>> No.9793088
File: 434 KB, 667x603, bugs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women in the army
US Army allows women in combat roles

>abolition of the family unit
50% of marriages in America end in divorce

>censorship of art
banned books are a thing, and some art is censored

>abolition of property
Bernie Sanders

>exposing children to war at a young age
Gulf War 1 & 2, drone footage, nightly news

>murdering babies considered unfit
Planned Parenthood

>all sex is prescribed and overseen by the state
Defense of Marriage Act, Obamacare, gov sanctioned pharma cartels

>> No.9793100

I should add:
>abolition of property
Bernie Sanders OR the corporate hegemony that is GOP run amok. Enron. Auto bailout. Theft is theft is theft.

>abolition of the family unit
divorce cases are frequently TERRIBLY unfair to fathers, especially successful ones

>> No.9793107
File: 5 KB, 225x224, keanu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9793113

>all sex is prescribed and overseen by the state

i think the issue now is that leftists in the media are promoting lgbt and pedophilia via cultural marxism in the media

>> No.9793123

I really, really, really like this image.

>> No.9793131

that's cool /pol/ but I'm talking about real, actual history that has concrete evidence. DOMA held back equal marriage rights by over a decade. Sodomy is still illegal in places, including the Army. And access to sexual health care is still regulated by the government. And YOU try having a child without the government tagging them, registering them by SSN, and periodically asking you about their status.

>> No.9793140

>Sodomy is still illegal in places, including the Army.

considering the massive amounts for rape that happen in the army i'm glad it still is!

>> No.9793141

It's not your child. It's the government's little Future Taxpayer.

>> No.9793145

>Sodomy is still illegal in places, including the Army.

when the taliban attack do you really want half your dudes trying to hold their turds in with their blown out hemorrhoids?

>> No.9793150

Infertile people should be euthanized.

>> No.9793152

My point was that even between consenting adults it is illegal. This was OP's point about the republic. The state controls what you may do with your genitals. Forcible sodomy is a crime everywhere genius.

>> No.9793162

congrats you are the most retarded poster i've seen today

>banned books are a thing, and some art is censored
what are you even trying to say there? that because it's a thing, that it's justified? you're missing a whole fucking line of reasoning there buddy

>Bernie Sanders
IS A CAPITALIST. NOWHERE DOES HE PROPOSE SOCIAL OWNERSHIP OVER THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION. His platform puts him in the realm of SOCIAL DEMOCRACY, nothing more, he's not even a fucking democratic socialist. He is not trying to abolish capitalism, nowhere does he propose ideas that have anything to do with socialism. He either knows he's misusing the term, or he doesn't understand what the word socialism means.

After all, he literally owns multiple properties; he bought a property for like half a million dollars earlier this year I believe, which people were giving him shit for.

>Planned Parenthood
i actually typed all that out before reading this. i'm pretty sure you're just trolling but i'm too invested now to not post this

>> No.9793175

>i'm pretty sure you're just trolling but i'm too invested now to not post this

gj being a brainlet that can't follow my statements to their logical conclusions. i would spell things out for you but you're a rude son of a bitch and do not deserve my mercy.

>> No.9793286

>Theft is theft is theft

thanks for outing yourself as a braindead moron

>> No.9793295

Thanks for your taxes they were delicious.

>> No.9793307

>i actually typed all that out before reading this. i'm pretty sure you're just trolling but i'm too invested now to not post this
It's the point of his that makes the most sense. Deformed fetuses are usually aborted.

>> No.9793344

This was back in the good old days when women were only good for breeding and men only wanted to fuck other men and boys

Who gives a fuck if some cumrag female is in the army next to you when you have your bf waiting for you at home

>> No.9793364

Plato was an insane philosophic tyrant as he believed he had access to the transcendental Truth. This has poisoned the western philosophic tradition ever since.

>> No.9793433

Karl Popper go awey

>> No.9793449

Well that actually makes sense. Rather a fit woman than some cucky numale.

>> No.9793452

contemporary analytic philosophy largely (albeit not explicitly) presupposes that one can access the transcendental Truth via reason / rational argumentation -- which to my mind is a form of rationalistic mysticism like Plato's, but at least Plato was honest about and aware of it

>> No.9793927

when you want to call other people retarded, it helps if you aren't retarded yourself

>> No.9793983

Read the earlier dialogues.

>> No.9794015

lool I've always wanted to do what you just did, fucking hell.

>> No.9794028

>An argument is unfamiliar to me, therefore it's false.
Is there a name for this fallacy, or are we inventing new ones here? Here's the thing, even if Plato's argument is fallacious (and most of them ultimately are) the point of the argument is to get you to reconsider your own hidden presuppositions. Only children and plebs read philosophy as if it were a checklist of Things That Are Good to Believe.