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9790403 No.9790403 [Reply] [Original]

>leave carnivores to me

>> No.9790423

>dude if you wouldn't ignore a kid drowning next to you you should give all your money to niggers lmao

>> No.9790435

>dude not being a racist lmao

>> No.9790440

I wonder if he actually believes that we should kill all carnivores, or does that to sound interesting.
Nature is suffering, but it is clueless to think that removing carnivores from it vanquishes that very thing.

Not to mention it is impractical. But I have to say at least his idea is refreshing.

>> No.9790442

Why do you assume I'm racist?

Would you call me a speciesist for calling a dog a dog?

>> No.9790450

>thinking that people's race has anything to do with whether they deserve help
>not racist

>> No.9790452

>thinks he's not racist

>> No.9790462

It's that kind of Saturday where a bored Burgerclap decides he needs to meme some random hack all over /lit/.

>> No.9790469

I don't think that. I just think that different situations require different actions.

For example, if a rabbit is starving I would give him a carrot. Is a cat is starving I would give him a can of tuna. That doesn't make me speciesist, that just makes me sensitive to everyone's needs.

In the same way, experience shows that helping niggers financially does not actually help. The best way to help them is not interfering with them and not trying to force them into behaviour that does not come natural to them.

The altruistic thing is to let Africa sort itself out rather than artificially keeping population on the rise with food aid and then letting the whole thing crash over and over again.

>> No.9790473

there's something comfy about it. especially after a smoke an a cup of coffee while listening to vaporwave.

>> No.9790477

What if I would ignore a drowning nigger next to me, but not a drowning white child or a bunny?

>> No.9790480

post the vaporwave youre listening to. im going to make a pot

>> No.9790482

>makes claim about 'experience'
>doesn't cite source
>giving people malaria nets is forcing behaviour on people and bad
>it's better for your children to die trust me I'm very smart

>> No.9790485

if a nigger was starving, why wouldn't you give them a banana? you have to follow the pattern or else you're REALLY being speciesist.

>> No.9790490

>things white technological imperialism is somehow okay

>> No.9790495

i hope the back to africa meme takes off again

>> No.9790501

Niggers are paradoxical beings, giving them food doesn't stop them from starving.

>> No.9790502


pretty entry level mix but it gets the job done

>> No.9790505


>> No.9790511

Will Singer be the new Land for our beautiful board?

>> No.9790520

all the coffee places near me are yuppie places that take half an hr - one spot gave me a disgusted look last week when i asked for a cappuccino—they only make drip. then there's starbucks. i rarely drink it so i dont have a machine. is mccafe the patrician move? fuck washington dc

>> No.9790522

>tfw you design a deadly supervirus that infects every person on earth and will kill all of them on a certain date unless they receive the antidote which can only be administered if they have a consistent moral position on animal rights
>tfw one by one, every human on earth proceeds to the Great Machine of Judgement to try for the antidote, and is given a simple quiz about their ethical positions
>tfw 99.8% humanity is killed in one day, because they all keep saying "It's wrong for you to kill me for your convenience or pleasure, even if you can get away with it, but it's totally OK for me to kill other beings for my convenience or pleasure, because [spurious 'because I just wanna' reasoning]"
>tfw the deontological injunction to treat other lifeforms as ends in themselves, and not means, either applies to all end-seeking, subjectively experiencing lifeforms, or it doesn't apply to any
>tfw anything short of such a commandment will always just be some variation of "arbitrary in-group with an 'I won't kill other people in the in-group, I promise' social contract, with no special guarantee that any of the signatories will abide by the contract once it becomes even slightly inconvenient to them, and also everyone outside the group is fair game and vice versa, so if anyone isn't a member of that group or simply decides to refute the group while still a member, it is literally impossible to make moral statements like 'Hey, stop eating my kids! That's evil!' to them, you just have to be like 'damn that guy ate my kids, fuck, but I guess he values my kids as much as I value my lifestock and/or chattel slaves so there's nothing I can appeal to' and shake your fist at an uncaring hobbesian cosmos"
>tfw there are literally two choices available: accord full and equal rights to all living beings, or have no morals whatsoever
>tfw hell also exists and peter singer rapes you in hell if you weren't vegan in life

>> No.9790525

peter, easy on the babies

>> No.9790531

i hope so. singer and dennett are PROGRESS. land is annoying

>> No.9790558
File: 52 KB, 512x512, 1498050548623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i get your annoyance, but you should really at least look at the menu before ordering. otherwise you might come across as an idiot to the staff. that said i too have given up on most "indie" coffee shops because the lines are usually longer and the staff seems lazier. the difference in quality between craft stores and chain stores isn't as large as people claim. soulless corporations are good at what they do.

mccafe is too sweet for me. just go get a starbucks or something, it's fine for what it is.

>> No.9790573

more annoyed at the whole environment, but yeah, have you ever fucked with binaural beats/hemi sync?

>> No.9790588


>> No.9790614
File: 430 KB, 800x500, fQGCEKF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(((Singer))) convinced my normdroid philosophy class to eat a plant-based diet

I knew of his jewish tricks beforehand and I'm not a pleb so he couldn't convince me

>> No.9790619

>sneaky judaism with aussie shitposting stack

do we even stand a chance?

>> No.9790653

if peter singer and daniel dennet are the father and son, who is the holy ghost of modern thought? i would say bill maher, but he's not serious enough

>> No.9790658

noam chomsky

>> No.9790664

or maybe cornel west

>> No.9790666

v nice

>> No.9790669
File: 834 KB, 2393x3000, smug sam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peter's podcasting buddy of course.

>> No.9791073

There are no mental events, you're just imagining them lmao but even if you're the sum of elementary particles that follow the laws of physics to a T you're totally free because of an appeal to consequences amiright

>> No.9791317

Nice bullshit greentext b8

>> No.9791326
File: 249 KB, 248x459, Bugs...EasyOnTheCarrots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peter easy on euthanizing the mentally deficient and genetically inferior, as well as the elderly.

>> No.9791366

one day people might be engineering whole ecosystems on terraformed planets so maybe it's good to think about how to minimize suffering in this kind of way

>> No.9791380

Well, but how would we avoid evolution in your scenario?

>> No.9791416

i don't think evolution implies more suffering, unless you mean more complex or abundant life having more capacity for it. but if it's something beyond control then we aren't morally culpable for it.

>> No.9791425

>i don't think evolution implies more suffering
I would argue it does- even self-organization does as hierarchy and specialization arise from self-organization
You make a good point though on evolution, so let me think about that for some time

>> No.9791494

I can give plenty of examples of cruel creations of evolution, from parasites, to cancers, to siblicide, to mother-offspring conflict, even programmed death
But what I can't do is why evolution would necessarily result in suffering, though one could state that because of competition suffering will arise
Life is pain

>> No.9791865

Do you think what he said is wrong? Why so?
Why is it so hard to get people to actually debate the topic of animal rights? It seems that noone is actually interested in discussing it so they just discard it and make fun of people who care about it.

>> No.9791948

I am interested in discussing. What is your stance on zoos? In many ways the wild is not animal friendly, but zoos seem worse for certain species.
The reptiles seem to not give a shit, but the solitary big cats for example seemed distressed and it was sad.

>> No.9792048

Some animals are clearly not meant to be domesticated. Some places just rescue animals and parade them in the process but even then the financial interests of the zoos often conflict with the interest of the rescued animals. So no. Caging animals for cheap entertainment is a nono for me.

>> No.9792073

That's all I need to know.

>> No.9792075

I think the concept that zoos help preserve certain animals is also questionable, some have become unfit for the wild too
Though it seems that it works out with some species like great apes, such as orangutans and gorillas

>> No.9792131

>But I have to say at least his idea is refreshing.
Only if you're a navle-gazing jerkoff that cannot into priorities.

>> No.9793415


>> No.9794732
File: 9 KB, 250x150, singerbondvillain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>leave carnivores to me

>> No.9795141

>Tfw all life is equal
Dude millions of your cells died typing this and the flora in your stomach is biological slavery we need to stop this

>> No.9795148
File: 16 KB, 277x251, mitochondria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>biological slavery

>> No.9796280

>animals whitout a central nervous system feel just like us lmao