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978805 No.978805 [Reply] [Original]

Just finished this. Did the whole series in a little over a month.

Read the last page, "Tyrion, Jon, Dany, Stannis and Melisandre, Davos Seaworth, and all the characters you love or love to hate will be along next year."
Book published in 2005.
2010. No Dance with Dragons.

>> No.978813

He would never admit it but based off his blog posts and the time he clearly had writers block for a while. However he seems to be making progress lately and is around 1200 manuscript pages and doesn't want it to be as large as the 1500 manuscript pages of A Storm of Swords. So have hope young /lit/izen it won't be too long now.

>> No.978831


he was going to do a timeskip, and when he couldn't he didn't know what to do

dance will be out early next year, tho

for sure

>> No.978896

i've been saying this since I was still playing UO, bro

>> No.978905

I'm quite sure ADWD will be out eventually, but the sad thing is that it won't finish the series and he will die before the last volume.

>> No.978932

I'll hold out hope that he can finish the last two books in another ~10 years.

Granted him living another 10 years may be a stretch with his... body type

>> No.978933

Read the Malazan book of the fallen. It's just as good, and Erikson deliver a 1000++ pages book every year.

>> No.978936

I was expecting a time skip after the first book.

>> No.978959

Someone needs to go Misery on GRRMs ass until this book is done.

>> No.978962

>Malazan book of the fallen
>Just as good as A Song of Ice and Fire


>> No.978966


>> No.979011


>Someone needs to go Misery on GRRMs ass until this series is done.

fixered it

>> No.980609

maybe, but grrm doesn't hide the plot behind mindfuck to the same extent.Erikson might have 300,000+yrs on his timeline but I grrm's is far far more detailed fuckin stupidly intricate.

>> No.980616

He said it might be done by the end of this year on his blog a few months ago.
so probably 2011 or 12

>> No.980619

that makes no sense, it like saying, the history of the uk is more intricut that the history of germany, if your writing about the last 10years then the previous 2000 are just vague references

>> No.980630


>> No.980641
File: 16 KB, 234x181, IdiotBall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that makes no sense, it like saying, the history of the uk is more intricut that the history of germany, if your writing about the last 10years then the previous 2000 are just vague references

I think it's trying to communicate.