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9784974 No.9784974 [Reply] [Original]

So I've just finished the Iliad, and I'd like to read some commentaries/essays/etc. Just secondary literature in general. I've already got my eye on either Willcock's Companion or his entire two-volume commentated version of MacMillan's translation.

Anyone have anything else to recommend? I guess we could talk about the book in general as well; I read Fagle's translation.

>> No.9785095

I remember that I used to read some interesting commentaries on Homer when I was a student at UC Berkeley and would just spend hours in the main library grabbing stuff off the shelves and reading it. Unfortunately, I don't remember any of the names.
If you're close to a major, serious library - in practice, this probably means a large university library - it might be worth it to go look through their shelves.

>> No.9786356


>> No.9786811

Why are you interested in rading essays, commentaries of Iliad?

>> No.9786819

I'm also curious about this. As I see it, the Iliad is significant just because it was the first and best anime ever made, and has been copied endlessly ever since. Is there anything I'm missing with this perspective?

>> No.9786834


Watch this 24-part.

>> No.9786842

it's the beginning of a new perspective for mankind, and obviously a window to an earlier time; obviously conceptually untouched by all the major philosophers and writers and ideology we're all influenced by today