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/lit/ - Literature

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9783556 No.9783556 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever been so /lit/ you frightened and disturbed someone?

>> No.9783580

I quoted Shakespeare a few times to the girl that I date raped. I've always wondered if it soured her on Shakespeare.

>> No.9783921

We got a wubermensch in here...

>> No.9783952

I met this girl a while back, we got along well enough and eventually she invited me to her place one night after work. I mentioned that i liked to read and she beamed "Me too!!" and asked me if I had read "The Alchemist". Needless to say that was the end of that... She called me a few times and I remember that she was hurt and confused, and not too sure what had happened. I sure dodged a bullet there.

>> No.9783974

i feel that my perceived literary excellence and patrician tastes prevents anyone from even approaching me with anything remotely /lit/ related. all because i have a bookshelf full of books ive never read displayed in my living room

>> No.9783982

Drunk girls in my room at a party: Hey Anon, why do you have 2 copies of Yiddish Policeman's Union?
Drunk me, with theatrical flourishes: Because I plan to read it twice!
Girls: awed silence
In B4 chabon not lit

>> No.9783990

Pretty much anytime I answer the question "what are you reading?"

>> No.9784060

Well my wife sure doesn't understand novelists. She hated my working in the middle of the night over three books.

>> No.9784266

>be me
>walking through Barnes with a qt
>point out Crime and Punishment
>Hey I just finished this last week
>Really? Who's it by?
>Fyodor Dostoyevsky
>she just walks off
>maybe she didn't hear me
>Fyodor Dostoyevsky
>She looks at me funny
>Fyodor. Dostoyevsky.
>anon why do you keep making that sound
>...that's the name of the author. he's kind of a big deal.
There wasn't a big enough trashcan for me to throw her in so I just had to suck it up

>> No.9784981

I was too harsh with my criticism at my college lit mag and I received a weird "mass email" saying that nobody should be that harsh

I apologized in a very Kafkaesque way, owning the insult fully and even overloading it, making appeals to the chancellor out of weird self-condemnation... worked on it for like an hour. Left the club soon after that

If I had a nickel for every girl that I know who looks through me like I was a ghost or literally fucking dead. I'd have like 2 dollars

>> No.9785001

post it

>> No.9785010

Man, I've been here a while, and while I'm no moralfag, I should at least say I don't say this often:

Fucking kill yourself, loser

>> No.9785017


>> No.9785029


>> No.9785042

>getting this triggered by Shakespeare
How does it feel to be this much of a pleb?

>> No.9785043

Someone once quoted Carlyle out of context near me. I think I legally own him by his own consent now, not that it's worth much.

>> No.9785059

fucking roasties, cant handle reality

>> No.9785062

I spent 24/7 in my room reading on the computer in the dark, and my parents thought I might end up murdering them since I don't feel empathy or show emotion. Now I live with my grandparents.

>> No.9785076

that's actually funny. Congrats

>> No.9785092

No, in the past I've only annoyed them so I just don't talk about it.

>> No.9785279

Gb2 plebbit

>> No.9785285

Epic win

>> No.9785290

Please share

>> No.9786026

>date raped
What does it mean?

>> No.9786032

happened to me but the third time i said it she told me she heard me the first time and it hurt pretty bad

>> No.9786035
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>> No.9786047

>If I had a nickel for every girl that I know who looks through me like I was a ghost or literally fucking dead. I'd have like 2 dollars

The /lit/bro struggle we all know all too well.

>> No.9786978

Bloom... easy on the carrots.

>> No.9787600

It means she regretted it after because she didn't enjoy it.

>> No.9788253

can we turn down the var that makes women like insanely irresistible?

>> No.9788848

you're a fool

>> No.9788898
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When I was 17 I quoted a Peter Hitchen's monologue almost ad verbatim while discussing politics with my parents

>> No.9788914
File: 59 KB, 744x472, dc53c579-8294-407e-87b3-0200fb801b7e..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you irl

>> No.9788931
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>> No.9788941

anon.. easy on the chabon

>> No.9788948

>The Alchemist
Like the Ben Jonson play?