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9782606 No.9782606 [Reply] [Original]

There's a lot of rhetoric about "degeneracy" lately, and I don't know what to make of it since it can mean anything negative depending on who you're talking to. I'd like to figure it out for myself.

What are some books that explore the concept of degeneracy? i.e., what is degeneracy, what makes something degenerate, examples of degeneracy, arguments for degeneracy, arguments against it, etc.

Disclaimer: please try to avoid /pol/-tier arguments and suggestions. I understand that I'll probably have to read reactionary authors, which I have no problem with. I just don't want low quality posts from people who think everybody agrees with how they see the world.

>> No.9782640

>I don't know what to make of it since it can mean anything negative depending on who you're talking to.
>I'd like to figure it out for myself.
You understand the concept. Why would you want to read about a concept you understand? Just think.

>> No.9782644

Degeneracy as today is defined at what makes 20yo fatherless neckbeards uncomfortable.

>> No.9782679
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What you have to do is understand the source of the degeneracy.

>> No.9782681

Well, it must have come from somewhere. Degeneracy seems like it is half personal, half social, stemming out of an overall sense of order or hierarchy. It sounds appealing to some extent because we've let ourselves go as a culture practicing exceeding amounts of non-judgment. I just don't want to call it degeneracy, even though it's a perfect word, because people will instantly think I'm a Neo-Nazi for using the word, and then the conversation will never get anywhere.

>> No.9782693

>examples of degeneracy
Lolita, Naked Lunch, The Sun Also Rises, Notes from the Underground, and Ham on Rye. Not that the novels are bad, but the plots are good examples of social dysfunction caused by personal irresponsibility and unchained passion. Does that do anything for you?

>> No.9782712

thanks chapo-listening retail worker

>> No.9782735

Any books like this? https://vimeo.com/75534042

>> No.9782754

Well duh


>not accepting the final dialectic of Zionism

>> No.9782759

>disparages people for being working class
Really made me think

>> No.9783146
File: 269 KB, 1200x829, 1200px-1901_Thomas_Mann_Buddenbrooks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buddenbrooks might be up your alley

>> No.9783513

"Eros and Civilization" by Herbert Marcuse, thats some classic seminal Frankfurt School right there

>> No.9783560

Just blame everything on postmodernism and you're good to go

>> No.9783569
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yeah, i can't believe people still have a problem with this in the year of our lord 2017. White people just need to accept THIS is their children's future. ugh. i can't even deal with these stupid hicks, bet they haven't even heard of Foucault.

>> No.9783579

Degeneracy is what teenagers engage in to upset their parents. Today we just have prominent adults who refused to grow up and continue the degeneracy.

>> No.9783606

Tropic of cancer.

>> No.9783627



>> No.9783634

A reminder of what leftists actually believe. strawman! you might complain, but it is true. This is the only logical conclusion to leftist ideology. debauchery and deviant sexuality are the only thing that are good, everything else is an evil white social construct. In a leftist society , the degenerate population would give itself over to child rape and the indulgence of increasingly disgusting sexual fetishisms. Anyone who dares voice a complaint would be subjected to reeducation, their pedophobic and kinkshaming tendencies exorcised via 9grams of lead to the back of the head if necessary...

The two most iconic symbols of the modern left are women in burkas and those bdsm leather dogmen. Leftists want to debase the world, they don't want to elevate mankind, but to enslave mankind.

>Germany's left has its own tales of abuse. One of the goals of the German 1968 movement was the sexual liberation of children. For some, this meant overcoming all sexual inhibitions, creating a climate in which even pedophilia was considered progressive.

>> No.9783708

Anyone thinking about replying to this remember that you read, you shouldn't be so gullible

>> No.9783714

He's not wrong. When freedom is placed above order as a societal virtue, then you will have excesses.

>> No.9783738

It's basically deviation from one's personal reality of how things ought to be, specifically in ethics/morality.

>> No.9784227

i am unironically convinced the left is and has always been a pedo movement bent on the sexualisation and normalisation of children.

>> No.9784235

so... what?

>> No.9784251

so you are perfectly ok with fucking kids?

>> No.9784258

Define "the left"

Actually don't. Don't talk to me.

>> No.9784260
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I agree with >>9782679

>> No.9784264
File: 112 KB, 1024x647, 1499530504385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have the zionist version of this image? I need it to make informative posts.

>> No.9784270

i dont give a fuck about kids

>> No.9784312

that's what sets apart right wingers from the left, you just want to be a bdsm dogman sexslave for a muslim sheikh because you get off at virtue signalling, while rightwingers actually want standards and decency

>> No.9784314

>i don't give a fuck about [who fucks] kids
state of the west year of our lord 2018

>> No.9784330

yes, it's true, we've been found out - we are all aspiring dogmen

>> No.9784870

I asked for the /pol/-tier people to refrain from posting in this thread. Instead, they've taken a shit in it without leaving even one patrician-tied book as compensation. I really hate you /pol/ faggots. I'll vote Democrat in the next midterm and retreat to the woods to hide from the consequences of my actions just to spite you idiots.

>> No.9784882

Why are you blaming others for advising you to learn about the source of degeneracy instead of giving you a quick fix about the symptoms? Do you really want to learn about it? Apparently not.

>> No.9784891

I forgot one offered a book on the Culture of Critique. But I want something more general and systematic than "anything a Jew wants you to do." How do you explain Roman debauchery? How do you explain how degeneracy rots the soul, if it does? You haven't even thought through the ramifications of degeneracy or the best way to advocate against it, and here you are trying to lecture me against maintaining some sort of discipline in my own thread. Maybe you're causing my thread to fall into a state of degeneracy. Ever think about that, huh?

>> No.9784926

I'm the one who recommended the Culture of Critique. And you know there were plenty of jews in the Roman Empire too, right? See the trend or you want to complain some more about how these answers aren't the answers you wanted?

>> No.9784954

I'm sure the Classical Age Athenians and late Republic Romans were inspired to fuck each other in the assholes by the nonexistent populations of Jews in their empires.

Retard. I want to know what it IS, not who causes it in your opinion.

>> No.9784978

There were jews in those empires, what are you talking about? And maybe they were the ones promoting sodomy and pedophilia like they are now, who are you to say they weren't?

>I want to know what it IS, not who causes it in your opinion.
Why are you under the impression that you can understand what it is if you aren't willing to understand who causes it?

Your childish attitude is what is hampering you from being more knowledgeable about degeneracy and likely other fields as well. I'd work on that. If I were you.

>> No.9784994

Give me evidence that homosexuality in Athens was caused by Jews and not ingrained into Greek culture you fucking mongoloid.

>> No.9785011

I didn't state definitively that it was, since most of the records were lost. But is it ingrained in Greek culture today? No. So give me evidence that it wasn't caused by jews.

>> No.9785013

the funny thing is anti-homo beliefs comes from the jews, if it wasn't for the damn jews you could fuckaguy in the ass and not feel bad about it

>> No.9785019

Give me evidence that Jews didn't remove degeneracy from Greece then.

>> No.9785055

You see, you aren't the type of person who actually wants to learn about things. You're the type who wants things explained to you in a way you like because badthink scares you. I'm guessing probably because you're a fag who doesn't understand why he's a fag. I know why though.

>> No.9785067

>You see, you aren't the type of person who actually wants to learn about things.
You're asking me to prove a negative, shitting up this thread. Suck my cock and make for >>>/pol/, faggot.

>> No.9785098

found these historical books on the matter:

premodern fears of "degeneration and degeneracy"
rousseau's idea of noble savage had an implications of degeneracy
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. 1984. A discourse on inequality. Edited and translated by Maurice Cranston. Harmondsworth, UK: Penguin.
>This highly influential discourse is best known for Rousseau’s notion of the natural man as a noble savage, free from the constraints and corruption of civilization. Rousseau marks a philosophical division between the influences of nature and culture on humans. Originally published in 1755 in French.
Banning, Lance. The Jeffersonian Persuasion: Evolution of a Party Ideology. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1978.
>Establishes the importance of republican ideology in the Jeffersonian fear of constitutional degeneration and executive aggrandizements of power and their commitment to a balance of powers between the branches of government.
Gerbi, Antonello. The Dispute of the New World: The History of a Polemic, 1750–1900. Translated by Jeremy Moyle. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1973.
>Analyzes the polemic of the New World—the debate regarding whether its “newness” resulted in its inferiority and its inhabitant’s degeneracy—primarily at its peak during the debates of scholars such as Buffon and de Pauw in the 18th and 19th centuries, but including historical antecedents and consequences spanning from Aristotle to the 20th century.

Lombroso was a 19th century italian criminologist who i think made the modern idea popular so maybe try this
Mazzarello, Paolo. 2011. Cesare Lombroso: An anthropologist between evolution and degeneration. Functional Neurology 26:91–101.
>This interesting article explores the interplay among criminality, madness or mental illness, and genius in Lombroso’s work.
darwin had concerns about human degeneracy especially in this work
Darwin, Charles. 1989. The descent of man and selection in relation to sex. New York: New York Univ. Press.
>Considered one of the most influential documents of its time, in part because of the way it applies Darwin’s evolutionary theories to humans. Originally published in 1871.

>> No.9785105

>rousseau's idea of noble savage had an implications of degeneracy
I never even thought about this. Brilliant work, anon. Thanks for sharing all of these suggestions.

>> No.9786301

Your diary OP.

>> No.9787068


>> No.9787821

Dogmas are the source of degeneracy

>> No.9789186

I also found these suggestions to be useful.