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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 29 KB, 400x263, filters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9780981 No.9780981 [Reply] [Original]

post your filter

>> No.9780992
File: 151 KB, 474x898, reality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I disagree with Nabokov, even if you dont like him it could block a thread talking about best of 20th century lit or something

>> No.9781020

You forgot Stephen King

>> No.9781027
File: 51 KB, 715x1080, images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ4OnGpkL6dS_HMyjNzua18E08vrVoib99jUDDDnGTu22cRlBhf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometimes its fun to have a long discussion on rare stephen king

>> No.9781030

My filters go on for fucking miles in comparison so I won't screen shot it. A lot of it is /tv/ related shit.

>> No.9781037

Add Jordan Peterson to the list, thank me later.

>> No.9781039

OP here, after reading your list, i'm adding most of it to mine

>> No.9781043

Thank you for reminding me.

>> No.9781049

why would i want to live in a safe space, monsieur, when i am surrounded here by all my friends, who share all my views and dreams, and wish the very best for the white race

>> No.9781402
File: 134 KB, 387x975, hehehe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It keeps growing unfortunately.

>> No.9781411

john green
china mieville
tao lin
infinite jest

>> No.9781416

Haha thanks for this now I know what words to avoid

>> No.9781436

why china, he never gets discussed here

>> No.9781446

>Safe spacing yourself.
>As an intellectual.

>> No.9781453

I hate that you have to had an "s" to something for it to be picked up. To use your list as an example "brainlet" should cover every use of the term pluralised or not, as 80% of the word is in there. You shouldn't need an additional slot for "brainlets".

>> No.9781455

This thread is pretty embarassing.

>> No.9781467

>Wasting your time discussing with edgy /pol/acks and e-thugs
Yeah, it's a smart move, i agree.
Yeah, it's sad.

>> No.9781549

we're here to discuss literature, "not hur-hur farts!" or "based evola triggering cucks."

>> No.9781586

so is your sad little unused dick

>> No.9781595
File: 71 KB, 720x514, 1487009423106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this whole board is embarrassing, which is why i've started using the filters to protect myself against cringing to death

>> No.9781600

I will now use ghost or phantom
>john green
I will now use John Grass
>infinite jest
To be decided
I will now use methane eruption
I will now use bandana man
To be decided
To be decided

>> No.9781602
File: 132 KB, 1024x1018, IMG_0536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9781607

there was a period when /lit/ was inundated with christfaggery

>> No.9781612
File: 1.16 MB, 818x1100, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he hasn't added half of the Western Canon to the filter

>> No.9781832

You didn't noticed the atheism filter, didn't you?

>> No.9782101
File: 33 KB, 778x236, Screen Shot 2017-07-20 at 7.24.55 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9782148

Does autodidact actually come up that often that it bothers you to the point of having to filter it?

Seems like you're overreacting and missing out on a lot of good discussion.

>> No.9782156

Not really, i think they have a good point, however they're bunch of narcissistics that think they're the next Einstein. Most of them share the "alt-right" syndrome, that's why i filter them.

>> No.9782173

The only autodidact thread I saw was that autodidact general thread from last week, and I didn't see anything alt-right about that kind of stuff. I don't browse /lit/ 24/7 though, so maybe my experiences differ from yours.

>> No.9782190

Pill red.

>> No.9782199

Anything with "pill" is liable to get filtered still. How about "quick rundown", "basic gestalt", "enlighten me on", etc.? Let's not stop until these pseud fuckers have to filter every thread to avoid "red pill" material. /lit/ is not a safe space.

>> No.9782216
File: 25 KB, 423x340, 1500306700737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will say this: you sir are a disgusting and close-minded pig. There is a small minority within our dedicated community of self-learning gentlemen who are not humble enough to state that they have much to learn, and, take the time and utmost effort, as well as time, to accomplish that very thing - these silly friend, are a tiny minority. We of the self-learned kind do not need your repulsive remarks that brand an entirely diverse community as narcissistic; that is a generalisation, a harmful stereotype and false.

I hope you will miss out on our interesting and highly thought-provoking discussions. To the hell with you, you mindless drone. You and your kind do not deserve us, and we do not want you. I speak on behalf of our community when I say that I have not seen such a distastful and foul comment as yours.

Be gone.

>> No.9782237

Fuck off pseud

>> No.9782258
File: 5 KB, 198x164, 0d7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As an intellectual.

>> No.9782338
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>> No.9782416
File: 211 KB, 1440x900, Uncle-scrooge-mcduck-36749825-1440-900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your petty, infantile, insults will not weaken me nor my community. I will stand by what I said, and can only repeat you are human trash, and probably a pseud yourself. In fact, I wish not to see any of your drivel ever again in this thread. I and my like-minded friends will pursue knowledge no matter what a barbarian such as yourself says. We will continuing having insightful discussions, and surely something beautiful and profound will flower from it all.

I hope perhaps you will see the error in your ways, but seeing your comments makes me realise it is probably already to late. In a way I am glad you will not bother us, so we can continue and pursue our passion fo wisdom.

Goodbye my silly and close-minded insectoid friend.

>> No.9782576

You just made your point why i filter these threads.
Good job.
2 years ago i was involved in some autodidact discussions, but it all seemed to boil down to "fuck education, i'm smarter than everyone else"
Well, our gentleman has made his point why these filters are worthwhile.

>> No.9782579

>be here since 2011
>participate in joyce, dfw, and "what is some good right wing literature" threads for years
>no longer interested

>> No.9782587

That's a disappointment. You're right, autodidact discussions sometimes attract a lot of assholes like that.

>> No.9782654

For a while it was all Stirner autofelatio. Now it's Nick Land. And Nietzche is always all over the place.

In my humble opinion, filtering your board is the same as covering your ears, closing your eyes and screaming. You can just browse the catalogue and skip the crap without allowing yourself to trigger.

Also, it is quite informative to read some of the /pol/ sperg threads, in terms of understanding how fundamentally different people think and feel. I think this is a healthy excercise.

The only thing that ever got my piss boiling here and occasionally made me engage angrily was stirnerfags and arrowgirl.

But seriously, if you can spot stupidity at the glance of an OP, you can just ignore it. Draping your eyes with filters is just as stupid as engaging in shitflinging arguments with people who happen to like stuff you don't.

>> No.9782703
File: 14 KB, 256x255, Carmageddon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go on 4chins
>still need to censor your input to prevent yourself from getting triggered


>> No.9782731

just draining the swamp, bruv

>> No.9782764

I don't really have one for this board desu

>> No.9782814

>people posting their filters
>tfw whole thread is hidden

>> No.9783538

>dude, why dont you just click on all the pop up ads on the internet, they might be selling you something you may want and need, but you may be missing out and never know, why dont you just click on all the clickbait on the internet?

>> No.9783543

that's a p gud filter op

>> No.9783545

you are eating shit

be careful

>> No.9783558

oh now i know why people post ops that don't actually say the name of the guy in the pic, to get around people's filters, how can i filter jordan peterson pleb posters

>> No.9783901
File: 14 KB, 248x189, images (11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lit/ doesn't know how to use regular expressions
There you go

>> No.9783927

ever since the trump election 4chan has become pretty much unusable just too many pseuds

>> No.9783950

You're insecure because of frog posters???
Who's the real pseud here, buddy?

>> No.9783957

it's just boring to talk to uneducated plebs in flyover country, i mean it's cute at first, but it just gets boring after while

>> No.9783964

Ah, the liberal "conservatives are DUMB LOL" never gets old. What are you gonna do now, censor conservative out because I hurt your feelies?

>> No.9783968

but you don't actually have anything to say that's the problem, the stuff that passes for an argument in bubba's garage just isn't interesting to people who read books

>> No.9783970

>you don't actually have anything to say
>Its just boring to talk to uneducated plebs in fly over country
Neither do you apparently. Treating people who think differently than you are somehow dumber or lower than you.

>> No.9783989

The filterers will lose in the end

>> No.9783994

I like him to be honest.

>> No.9784052


I just hide stuff when I see fit, or notify the mods if the need arises

>> No.9784352

Came in here to post this, what the fuck is the point of censoring opposition? Literally communism.

>> No.9784360

Nah, you guys are a bunch of slack jawed faggots who cant stand opposing voices in your safe space.

>> No.9784467


>> No.9785576

how do i make a filter?

>> No.9785666

It's not about censoring opposition, we've heard what they have to say, but it's just same repetitive arguments over and over again with memes and some edgy alt-right remarks.

It feels like spam at this point.
Yes, unfortunately (or fortunately) i have no interest in it.
I think it's just mental masturbation and i'd rather read something else.
>inb4 brainlet meme

>> No.9785668

It has nothing to do with opposing voices but the fact that the same shit threads get repeated over and over because some cretin fresh off the boat from reddit wants attention

>> No.9785672

Go to settings my reddit friend

>> No.9785709

>opposing voices

None of these filters would block an ideological discussion on fascism, marxism, or culture. They only block some faggot posting "Fuckin cuck nu-males, take the red pill"

>> No.9785803

Brainlet...By the way, those are some sinister trips.

>> No.9786551

under profile?

>> No.9786581

i have none for this board since i'm only here 5% of the time.

>> No.9786588

Hehe, silly reddit friend
It is at the top where all the boards are listed, good luck and remember: no upvotes here!

>> No.9786732

I have these for in thread posts
and I don't browse /lit/ very often so nothing in the catalog is set.

use slashes for regular expressions, so /brainlet/ would do what your are asking for, also put an i after the last slash to ignore case

>tao lin

you have brainlet in there twice

4chan interprets the double quotes as an exact match, not regular expression. Use slashes instead

>> No.9786914

1nf1n1t3 J3st
s1am p031ry
ta0 11n
Y # A
m1ra g0nza13z
L3av3 th1s b0ard and n3v3r return 1f
d@rk s0u1s