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/lit/ - Literature

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9779709 No.9779709 [Reply] [Original]

Write something profound.

>> No.9779716

Everything sleeps. Even cancer. Find out when it sleeps and you can make it slumber forever.

>> No.9779719

Like a horse has its rider, the moon has its sky, a man has his loneliness mistaken as pride

>> No.9779723

Holy... I want more

>> No.9779729 [DELETED] 


>> No.9779735 [DELETED] 

Your mom arsehole

>> No.9779736

Bugs....go easy on the carrots

>> No.9779739





>> No.9779741

A moonlit or a starlit dome

>> No.9779742


A homeless man told me that in a dream once. I don't think i could write anything that clever on purpose if I tried.

>> No.9779754


>> No.9779782 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9779788

But and so and but so

>> No.9779793


>> No.9779796


>> No.9779802

"Know thyself" is not wisdom but a shackle. The superior advice is: "ignore thyself". Read up on greater men and then project thyself until you are convinced they were you all along. And finally: "Imitate thyself".

>> No.9779804

no samefagging
>Everything sleeps. Even Death. Find out when it sleeps and you can make it slumber forever.
>mfw I am now immortal
>shitty analogies that have nothing to do with each other

>> No.9779805

Pepe has a beak now? What creature is he evolving into?

>> No.9779816

So it goes.

>> No.9779821

There is no such thing as god, planet Earth was merely in the right place in the right time in our solar system, and life its self was a coincidence

>> No.9779826

I'm not samefagging, weirdo.

Death is sleep, sleep doesn't sleep I guess.

>> No.9779834

I will samefag here, though.

What if reality is just a nug in God's pipe> And he smokes us and experiences every second of all life just to get high?

>> No.9779839
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G-d is no more aware of Man than you are aware of the millions of mites crawling over your flesh right now.

>> No.9779852

If it was he who smelt it that dealt it, what if God got only a whiff of mankind and was thus given full responsibility?

>> No.9779856
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>> No.9779869


Billy, when are you going to release good music again? It's been literally decades.

>> No.9779872

It takes three to make a cuck
all fueled with ill intent
One to spite her father
two to spite themselves
One to feel gratified
To taint her heritage

>> No.9779922

does cancer dream of oncotic crabs?

>> No.9779924

sexy snapping turtle

>> No.9780000

I hate niggers

>> No.9780033

Many insane people aren't insane so much as they don't posses the native, almost dumb composure of the common man.

>> No.9780058
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>> No.9780063
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Something profound

>> No.9780089

that's one rare pepe

>> No.9780110

If you say that someone is a hypocrite because they ought to be living by their principles, which you disagree with then actually you are the hypocrite.

>> No.9780120

What, you didn't see Siddhartha?

>> No.9780129


>> No.9780132
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When a person has bad habits, these shall lead to his own self destruction and this is good for society; when your bad habits are not degrading enough to destroy yourself then you are and become a sick member of society but you are still part of it and do nothing other than contaminate it; modern society is composed by people like this

>> No.9780151

a high suicide rate is a sign of a dignified society

>> No.9780152

Lol what the fuck do you know about the majority of society before modernity. Most people weren't even remotely educated and all they had to do to not self destruct was till the field. I'm sure they were probably more monstrous than us, difference being we don't have farms to keep.

>> No.9780157


>> No.9780160

and i thought dreiser had some solecisms

>> No.9780161

talking for what i know and mostly for the third world country i live in

>> No.9780162

Nothing is more dignified than economic stagnation.

>> No.9780184

look, i, in my school, had a very awful attitude and behaviour because of my habits and addiction and as i continued my stance, people where being affected by myself, therefore thats the dept of my post

>> No.9780190

>t. non aristocratic mindset
why do you identify with peasants?

>> No.9780197

life is beautiful and we are all equal

>> No.9780204


amen brother (or sister)

>> No.9780209
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We use food to replace our cells. Therefor, we are eating our eventual selves.

>> No.9780213

You're definately right but I'm not really even sure modern society is even worse for this. Throughout all history most of humanity has lived in immorall pig sty and character was, for the most part, something that only money could buy. The same is still true now but perhaps even less true in the first world.

You are right in your observations about habits and even the Greeks remarked on those infectious people with bad habits. They called them polluted. Which is the most succint word for the phenomenon.

>> No.9780217

Cause I'm not one and can never become one.

>> No.9780256

The eternal happiness is a joke. There's could be a few things that can make you happy but never last, as the good times.

>> No.9780267

Nice weasel words. You don't call someone a hypocrite because you believe they should live by their principles but because they believe so and they do not

>> No.9780279

checkin' dem void quads black as night

>> No.9780282

Thanks. My time shitposting on the internet has allowed me to develop a rhetoric that is exquisitely obnoxious.

>> No.9780284

Kek. I would up upboat u if I could.

>> No.9780292


Fuck off back to r/4chan, brown noser.

>> No.9780298

You've got me all wrong, faggot.

>> No.9780310



I got you pinned, chucklefuck.

>> No.9780331

Slavery's only bad when it's racist.

>> No.9780348
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>> No.9780791

I believe the children are our future

>> No.9780816
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We long for second chances, not successes.

>> No.9780819
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>> No.9780871

this made me awake

>> No.9780873

really nice

>> No.9780877
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The will to take is all that's required.

>> No.9780884

monsieur, by following the latest trends on social media and imageboards, twitter, linkedin, myspace, i can safely conclude that in this historical moment, while all the worlds eyes are on the latest "materialism" and "social degeneracy" spewing forth from television screens, twitch streams, and other communist media, there is only one profoundity a real man - not a sissy wissy homosexual who reads nineteenth century authors, but a man who comes on here to beg for books to shore up his sense of masculinity, the real - article - may pronounce in the company of his non-gay brothers in arms:
race is real, monsieur.

>> No.9780885

>you are what you eat
it's been done anon

>> No.9781259
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Eternity is a mere moment just long enough for a joke.

>> No.9781489


>> No.9781494

I am a woman and I bleed, get used to it.

>> No.9781581

If ya don't know how to shit,

>> No.9781660

As far as anyone is concerned, you don't actually exist when you are asleep.

>> No.9781806

I'm horny.

>> No.9782139

shingeki there is no kiojin

>> No.9782198

Your mother's anus is very deep XD

>> No.9782333
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>> No.9782372

The silliest king must be more clever than the smatest peasant.

>> No.9782601
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Then who is dreaming?

>> No.9782620

How about the silliest kind must be more clever then the smartest president? Sort of gets a dig on democracy in there.

>> No.9782774

The universe selects for forms that propagate themselves

>> No.9782931
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“Depression is not a side effect of cancer. Depression is a side effect of dying.”

>> No.9782936
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Boipussy has greater artistic value for the true pussy conaisseur but; boipussy is just man ass.

>> No.9782942

Hegesias was right all along.

>> No.9782945

This is so American, man: either make something your God and cosmos and then worship it, or else kill it.

>> No.9782961

Procreating is immoral.

>> No.9782967

The greatest gift any of us will ever get is life.

The only promise that will be garunteed fufilled is the promise of death.

>> No.9782971

fucking kek

>> No.9782977

Those who dont mind dont matter and those who matter dont mind

>> No.9783024

Moses' life was cooler than ours because "deus ex machina" is awesome in real life. Although I guess I don't fully understand it as a criticism of fiction. Anyway there you go.

>> No.9783048

One time I read a poem in my dream, written on a wall.
"She screamed and screamed, until she dented inside"
I liked that very much.

>> No.9783068

every fucking thread

>> No.9783094
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mein neger

>> No.9783097

I always dislike these cute little aphorisms that try to be clever through some simple mirror trick or swapping this end with that end or whatever it is. Really important things are never said with that kind of cheapness. Prose is the vehicle for profundity.

>> No.9783111
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best post so far

>> No.9783129

"Just because a marker doesn't erase, doesn't mean it's a good marker"

I was told this in a dream. Or I said it in a dream. Anyway, it means something like, "just because something prevails over time, that doesn't make it good."

>> No.9783150

Sometimes, some of the most important things said can be said easily without all the extra sensationalism

>> No.9783209

the distinction between mind and matter in alchemy takes many symbols, the main being the One Mind and the One Thing (the prima materia). The One Mind acts upon the One Thing. The One Thing is can be visualized as an amorpheous substance of no fixed shape or form, a black velvety mass of indistinct material which is capable of becoming anything. The Brahman and the Void. The One Mind is the Sun, Male, exerting will, giving form. The One Thing is the Moon, Female, accepting will, receiving form. This polarity also takes form with Jung, what he calls Forethinking (procreative) and Love/pleasure (receptive). Forethinking is the activity of the Mind which does not crystalize into pleasure until the Mind 'moves into' the object of its thought as a reality beyond Forethinking and thereby partakes in the pleasure of its own thought, but eventually must return from pleasure back to Forethinking lest the Mind get lost suffer. Walter Russell names them Gravity and Radiation - Order and Chaos, Positive and Negative, the "cosmic piston" (or cosmic heartbeat). Buckminster Fuller refers to them as syntropy and entropy, as well as involution and evolution, whereby involution is the principle of organic life which seeks ever more complex crystallization of matter and evolution is the process which seeks to scatter and disperse in order to facilitate ever-more complex patterns capable of resisting and overcoming. Alan Watts recalls them as Light and Darkness, Yin and Yang, Life and Death, "Now you see me, now you don't - the cosmic game of hide and seek". The two principles are mutually interdependent on each other for their existence.

I'm seeking a larger catalogue of symbols for these two basic cosmic principles if anyone cares to share more.

>> No.9783221

morality is procreative

>> No.9783223

Slavery is always an easy one to point out to people who think that the future must of necessity be nothing more than a mere shifting around of decorations in the house of the past instead of lighting the house on fire and rebuilding from scratch.

>> No.9783232

I think you mean creative. And perhaps also "moral behavior" instead of morality.

"Fifteen children he had. Birth every year almost. That’s in their theology or the priest won’t give the poor woman the confession, the absolution. Increase and multiply. Did you ever hear such an idea? Eat you out of house and home."

>> No.9783248

Mariana trench

>> No.9783266

more children doesn't necessarily make something more evolutionarily viable if other dimension of evolutionary fitness suffer for it. quantity vs quality is balanced in the pursuit of
ultimate fitness to the environment.

human morality is built around the propagation of a selfish gene in a temporal space thus the procreative meme

>> No.9783269

A blind man on a road doesn't know if he is approaching or leaving his destination

>> No.9783275

>Exhibit A
Do white Americans have an ingrained fetish for blacks?

>> No.9783281

okay Richard

>> No.9783581

Your dumb

>> No.9783623

That's deep...

>> No.9783660

is this a quote?

>> No.9783687

I unironically believe something similar to this

>> No.9783719

Life has many meanings.
One is realizing that someone else thinks exactly like you; another is living with this.

>> No.9784055


>> No.9784096

Where deepness ends, I begin

>> No.9784134

That's why you don't bother with vaginas or other penis-putting orificese?

>> No.9784170

Quotes are just memes for intellectuals and people who want to pretend to be one

>> No.9784186

I was looking through my "writing notes" file trying to find something profound to post but it was mostly just weak literary jokes.

>> No.9784213
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>> No.9784279

The problem is that humans are sturdy as fuck and most bad habits only get people after they have reproduced, meaning there is no evolutionary pressure on their removal.

>> No.9784280

>you are what you eat
real profound m8

>> No.9784313

O My God,
When I look into the future, I am frightened,
But why plunge into the future?
Only the present moment is precious to me,
As the future may never enter my soul at all.

It is no longer in my power to change, correct or add to the past;
For neither sages nor prophets could do that.
And so what the past has embraced I must entrust to God.

O present moment, you belong to me, whole and entire.
I desire to use you as best I can.
And although I am weak and small,
You grant me the grace of Your omnipotence.

And so, trusting in Your mercy,
I walk through life like a little child,
Offering You each day this heart
Burning with love for Your greater Glory.
-St. Faustina

>> No.9784326

The saga of good vs evil, or right vs wrong, in some cases, may perhaps be better understood as the juxtaposition of subjective desire versus objective Truth

>> No.9784333

Virtual art: literature, cinema, theater, video games.

Actual art: architecture, fashion, landscape design, interior design.

Not sure how to classify music.

>> No.9784343

did you come up with a criteria?

>> No.9784345

Oh hell, I just want to madly fall in love.

>> No.9784350

hell laziness may be the reason we can live the way we do. Everybody thinks that we came out of a hunter gatherer society is because we needed more stable food sources, however, we actually had a more varied and resilient diet as a hunter gatherer society. Agriculture ties our diet to only a few plants that can easily succumb to disease (even in recent years i.e. the great potato famine). So what was this miracle plant that made agriculture worth it? Barley. The first steps towards civilization were taken by a bunch of drunkards

>> No.9784370

Probably people are destined to be utterly alone. That’s why to remedy this they want conformity, something to tell them that they’re just like everybody else. But this is all a sham, all to take away from the pain of being lonely. But that’s how it should be, we are creatures that constantly look for pleasure in a world of pain so every lie, every excuse, every distraction will make things all the easier.

>> No.9784387

First of all what’s behind the meaning of work anyway? If human beings are social animals doesn’t that mean we all come together and move out efforts forward to a result that benefits the majority? Of course this only works in small tribal communities where pooling resources is an effective method for prosperity under those circumstances. Once things become industrialized the worth of a human being suddenly plummets since everyone can be more self-sustaining only those close to them are protected. Man, we are quick to get rid of people when we know we don’t need them. But that’s just business, but even in business the point becomes that a group of people come together to make money, but at the same time it’s incredibly cutthroat, everybody trying to top the other, trying to bring each other down to get the competitive advantage, cutting ties as soon as things get tough to capitalize on another’s demise. Yet these very things are what give rise to individuality, the realization that you are alone and a person of your own being with all the merits and demerits that come with being a person. I wonder what humanity is? Is it social? Is it individualistic? Of course, the answer is both, but the question lies within the boundaries. The rules are unclear

>> No.9784407
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>> No.9784423

I loved it. You mind telling me where is this from?

>> No.9784576

Jesus might have been real, because hes the king of the ghosts

>> No.9784598

If you starved yourself to death, would you become eternal by blaming God for not saving you from death?


>> No.9784609

And suddenly he realised - the meaning of life is to give life meaning

>> No.9784627 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.9784835

To react mechanically to situations means you will never be free, but to be free means you do not have to act mechanically. How do you get from being mechanical to being free?

>> No.9785485

There is only self

>> No.9785667


>> No.9785908

Sounds pretty good. I learned sometime in my late teens the value of having purpose, and I think the meaning in life is to have purpose. Maybe that's my own meaning. I don't know if it's my PURPOSE, but my passion, is in writing. Been writing or nearly a year, it's given me such joy and optimism, sustained me with it, and I don't think it's going to go away anytime soon.

>> No.9785914

I would headbutt anyone who said this to me in the mouth out of reflex.

>> No.9785936

Clothes are worn to be removed.

>> No.9785950

Fuck you fag

>> No.9785969

Right left shoe
Red leg blue

>> No.9786002

Omg dead

>> No.9786006

Wtf you guys just get writing handed to you in your dreams wtf I want to sleep forever now

>> No.9786064

Yeah. I used to sleep a lot. Like, 4pm to 10 am. I'd be EAGER to go to bed, and I'd go to bed as early as possible, just so I could dream more. They're pretty brutal tho. Lots of violence. Lots of terror. I was in a bad place.

>> No.9786092

If Newborn Babies Could Speak They Would Be The Most Intelligent Beings On Planet Earth

>> No.9786194

manlet detected

>> No.9786279
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Road House

>> No.9786291

yeah, but this isn't /fit/, so it doesn't matter

>> No.9786304

Still fucking love those images. That hijab one kills me.

>> No.9786309

Sounds like it'd be true. In /k/, pictures of firearms are best accompanied with a foot in the frame. On /lit/, physical prowess doesn't matter.

>> No.9786318
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>> No.9786373
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>this entire thread
pseuds should stay on redd*t

>> No.9786568

I like David Foster Wallace. He seems quite beta, but in a very self-aware and chill way.

>> No.9786570

pepe.. easy on the feels

>> No.9786572

he got all up in zadie smith's nappy dugout which more than u can say

>> No.9786592

cut from my Siddhartha inspired novella desu

"--look at this room. These are empty walls around an imaginative mind. They mean nothing outside of what meaning they are given--and so it is for the life you are living. It occupies a vacuum of particles while a momentary snippet of their instantaneous existence is captured by a series of electrical impulses. And as the empty walls are thusly so, so are you just a hollow mirror pinned to them. And in that empty room and hollow pane are you the light and life to ignite and retain. Then other empty walls strung by hollow mirrors will contain the frames and lights of life too looking somewhat similar to you."

>> No.9786775

I wasn't insulting him, and I've gotten into my fair share of 'nappy dugouts' myself, if I'm understanding your slang correctly. If it stands for rimjobs then disregard my comment, I am not James Joyce.

>> No.9787039

A man once asked me in apparent desperation if I could spare some change for gas, adding that he needed to "get away of this place".
I couldn't help but smile at the concept.
Scraping out what spare change I had in my pocket and placing it in the man's hand, I told him "Yes, I could use a little fuel myself. And I think we could all use a little change."