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/lit/ - Literature

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9779466 No.9779466 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that had an impact on the way you live your life?

>> No.9779583
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>> No.9779594

The Phenomenology of Spirit.

>> No.9779603
File: 115 KB, 600x438, bible-russian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 The Bible

>> No.9779616

I was a stoic before I even knew what it was.

But reading Napoleon a life taught me, everything is just luck and circumstance. Even a degenerate manlet like Napoleon can succeed.

>> No.9779621

The Republic

>> No.9780395


>> No.9780432

anything Walter Kaufmann has ever wrote. also, the Bible and the Ethics. The Catcher in the Rye unironically because it was the first book that made me realize i enjoyed reading.

>> No.9780465

Why did u kill Jon lemon tho???

>> No.9780467
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>> No.9780475

the man was a genius, you stupid idiot

>> No.9780497

Unironically, Infinite Jest.

>> No.9780500
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>> No.9780608
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>> No.9780613

Seconded always having been a stoic

>be kid
>why are these people freaking out over nothing, stop crying over spilt milk, stop screeching like monkeys when something doesn't go your way, being loud and angry won't make your arguments any more convincing

>be older kid
>wait are they being serious or is this a social game I wasn't aware of

>be a teen
>Ok I'm pretty sure it's all a game, everyone's acting and I'm feeling left out
>fuck em

>be early 20s
>Oh I get it now, they are serious about their acting, people are actors through and through and emotional expression is cathartic
>I must be missing something essential if my role is reduced to that of an anal retentive bystander
>better play along before I turn into harold bloom

>be mid 20s
>Well that was silly
>hello epictetus