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9779401 No.9779401 [Reply] [Original]

What language are you trying to learn anon? How's it coming along?

>> No.9779403
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Teaching myself Scottish Gaelic. Slow.

>> No.9779406

being the disgusting weeb i am, i tried learning hap for 3 days. and got bored of it. stick to hentai and subtitles kids.

>> No.9779409

i think i might just study spanish, it's so pleb, but everybody speaks everywhere so i'll get plenty of practice, my area has a lot of arabs too, but if i move then knowing arabic will be basically useless but everywhere has spanish ppl, the only problem with spanish is there are like two or three good books in the whole language, i worked towards learning french for a while because there's so many good books, but other than the occasional african dude one rarely meets a french speaker irl so hard to practice

>> No.9779417
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Native language:


Currently learning:

Want to learn (let's be honest here, I'm never getting around to these):

>> No.9779430
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We had this exact thread a month or so back

>> No.9779433



I just ordered a learning book for it.

>> No.9779438

isn't esperanto a jewish trick to destroy european culture?

>> No.9779462



At least I'll know the language of the enemy should they try to decieve us

>> No.9779471


>> No.9779474

Native Engrish speaker.
Trying toblearn Spanish

Currently staying in an area were no on speaks English. It helps. Trust me.

>> No.9779477

Know english and bow-gunni.

>> No.9779479

native english

have learned well enough to write and speak

can understand written and spoken brokenly but gave up learning past that and sort of didn't want to know the languages fluently for personal reasons

currently learning
italian sort of

probably won't bother learning any other languages after italian, it's fucking easy though. also never bothered with spanish because i really don't like mexicans or spaniards, and asians are gross and i don't like their culture so i haven't bothered with them either.

>> No.9779481

Liar. No one has that much time

>> No.9779495

a lot of them are similar. russian took the longest by far and understanding the writing is still really annoying, but then polish became easier. this is how you learn languages. you pick the major hitters, then you slowly vaguely understand other smaller ones.

learning german/french/russian will allow you to then learn several other languages very easily

t. what i did

p.s. german is really really easy and every native english speaker should know it no problem

>> No.9779498

Like jamacian

>> No.9779502

Japanese through osmosis by anime.
Mandarin through osmosis by music.
English through osmosis by memes.

>> No.9779507

learn an actually difficult language like hungarian
>born russian so I don't have to learn it

>> No.9779533

I would if I learned Finnish and I wish I did. That might be the last language I learn, and maybe I'll learn Hungarian with it, but then probably Estonian too... this is how it starts.

>> No.9779547

Native Spanish speaker

Only really completely fluent in English aside from that but I also know


well enough to read/write relatively complex texts and I'm still studying them.

And I want to learn:


Maybe Italian and Portugese too

>> No.9779679

Ahh, a dick measurement thread :^)

Trying sanskrit right now. I have a pdf of Mueller's grammar but still haven't made it past the sandhi rules. I don't think i'd be able to find a single root without a dictionary. And everytime i come across some devanagari, there are lots of characters i don't recognize (though probably because they were budhist texts).

Maybe i should pick german instead

>> No.9779680


>> No.9779691

It's super easy to learn, you start out by reading the vocalizations of moaning and groaning, middle out on the sounds that objects make and end on those funny noises the Japs make with their mouths.

>> No.9779695

Taught myself French a couple years ago.

Just decided to start on Latin.

>> No.9779707

hey me too

>> No.9779730

Why would I try learning another language when everything worth reading is in English?

>> No.9779757

Currently studying Spanish, Croatian and Japanese.
My Spanish is at a B2 level, my Croatian is at B1, and my Japanese is trash. Probably only N4

because sometimes we actually enjoy speaking to people

>> No.9779760

Italian, mainly.

But I'm giving up. There's no point. I'll never be fluent or actually read works in the original. Unless I go and live there for an extended period, which isn't happening.

>> No.9779777 [DELETED] 
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don't get discouraged and give up. if you go a while without studying don't give up altogether. stick with it. the more you study the
more motivation you'll have to keep at it. you can also find groups of people online or irl in your community that can be your pen pal

>> No.9779795
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don't get discouraged and give up. if you go a while without studying don't give up altogether. stick with it. the more you study the more motivation you'll have to keep at it.

>> No.9779883

My native language is Spanish, and my English level is somewhere between B2 and C1.
I'd like to learn a third language soon, but I haven't decided between German and French yet.

>> No.9780241

What's your first language? I know italian is hard; but it's not imposible. Io posso capirlo senza problemi; ma è duro esprimersi.

>> No.9780261

Latin. Ordered Wheelock and purchased the game Influent.

>> No.9780266

Mandarin. I'm at the point where I can communicate with Mandarin speakers in a limited fashion but need time to compute what they're saying. I can generally understand things given context, which I think is a huge step. I plan to go to China in a few years to teach English in a school in a smaller city once I'm through with uni

>> No.9780289

My native language is spanish. I dont know which is the level where i am in this language but i thing that i can make myself understand. I want to learn russian and a dead language like latin or old english

>> No.9780296

how to harmonize reading literature/philosophy in your actual mother language whilst reading/learning another language?

>> No.9780303

i challenge you to write something coherent in danish

>> No.9780314

hello evreryboady, iy ham currantly learhning dhe english lanhuage... eed a bery beuful lanhuage

>> No.9780398

I'd say you're an A2, maybe a B1 at best. I highly recommend working on your grammar and spelling before doing anything else.

>> No.9780508


>> No.9780526
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Native language:
- Russian / Ukrainian

- English
- German

Currently learning:
- French
- Greek
- Latin

Want to learn:
- Hebrew

>> No.9780538

frankly this post was fucking epic
+1 internetz

>> No.9780551
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i thought i would be fluent after a year of study but i was wrong

>> No.9780562


i probably will never learn japanese without actually going to japan and being around people who speak it

>> No.9780564

1 year? Are you retarded?

>> No.9780583

Ukraine is meme country, isn't it?

>> No.9780947

Native language:


Currently learning

Want to learn:
Japanese (maybe)

>> No.9780960

How can you do it? Learning 3 languages at the same time?

>> No.9780977

currently i am trying to learn to speak "hip", the cool language. i want to be able to "blend in" seamlessly with a crowd of young, uneducated black men, and talk the "cool" talk, though i am a Haitian French speaker and most black men regard me as a homosexual interloper

>> No.9780995

Duolingo just updated with Japanese.

I'm native English speaker, just moved to Israel. My Hebrew is conversational but I'm really trying to refine it right now.

Also learning French on the side, took a few years in high school.

Also did a few lesson of Japanese just for fun.

Hebrew is actually really easy once you learn the alphabet. Minimal words to say what you need. Wish you luck.

>> No.9780998
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>tfw speak Russian
what do

>> No.9781005

Latin. I know that 'ianua' means 'door'.

>Haitian French speaker
Holy shit anon, that's got to be one of the unluckiest native languages you could possibly get.

>> No.9781028

Do yourself a favour and get Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata if you a haven't already.

>> No.9781031

ah, monsieur, do yourself a favour and don't

>> No.9781036

I'm literate in Spanish, conversational in French, can say a few things in German, and can deduce a lot of Latin. I might add Attic Greek to that list one day, but I think i'd rather just improve the languages I already know rather than try to pick up another one.

>> No.9781038

Spanish. Fine, I guess. I'm reading 2333 with an online PDF viewer and Google translate but have this rule where I can only look up single words, and only if I can't figure out their meanings from the contexts. I finished Duolingo but don't think it did anything. Mostly what helped is memorizing all the tenses and then just trying to read Spanish newspapers and watch Spanish-language TV series without any subtitles in either language.

>> No.9781056

Amazing, your syntax is almost perfect, but your spelling is like someone mocking a foreign accent.

>> No.9781071


Latin - I'm just a few vocab items off reading fluency. I still use Loebs though

Classical Greek - a few chapters through the Reading Greek
French - idek what to do with French. I took it to alevel in High School and can read anything with ease, but can't hold a conversation or understand anything when it's spoken. Pretty sure I just need time in a Francophone country.

Will learn
German - only after French
Italian - after German
Modern Greek - if it's easy enough to go from Attic to Koine to Modern I'll learn it, otherwise it's not an interesting enough country or culture to justify the effort

Do formal languages count? if so then I'm learning some formal systems that I found in an online college textbook about logic: truth functional logic to start with and first-order predicate calculus after

>> No.9781074

Native english, know latin moderately well (enough for Aeneid), learning Greek

>Im an early classics major

>> No.9781078

I am learning Japanese and mandarin. We had this thread already though.

>> No.9781089

My first time seeing the thread so it's a-ok. Are you struggling at all with those Japanese letters?

>> No.9781105

It's okay. I am an asian studies major, so I have extra pressure or otherwise I probably wouldn't stick with language learning because I am a lazy ass. I can get a point across speaking wise, and with reading I can make out most street-signs, menus, and the general gist of most manga. I need more vocab, but that comes with time. I am just impressed with how far I have gotten; if I keep it up in a decade I'll be pretty good.

>> No.9781110
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My study of classical languages is simply the reading of Plato and Augustine at the seminars. Nothing super complicated.

>> No.9781113
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>> No.9781117

The idea is to see how much you've progressed in that time.

>> No.9781126

I tried learning Japanese a little in high school, took some classes. Then I went to college and fell for the stem meme for a few years.

I've completely forgotten how to read Japanese now other than hiragana, katakana, and memories of grammatical structures. Now I'm trying to learn Mandarin instead.

>> No.9781133

Who is the lady you keep posting? Looks like a friend of mine.

>> No.9781139

native:cantonese, english learned: mandarin, spanish, japanese wtl: arabic, korean, norwegian, (russian), (latin)
which means I will never get around learning a new language as long as I'm making no effort to learn anything before learning arabic (progress: zero)

>> No.9781151

I agree it can be difficult to practice French, but if your goal is to read it, that can easily be achieved without irl interaction with natives, not to mention that you can mimic immersion on your own without having native speakers around:

1. Set phone/computer/etc. in target language

2. Label items in house with their name in target language (this also helps with vocab)

3. Exclusively consume media in that language (listen to music as much as possible, watch tv shows, watch movies, read books, read blogs, watch youtube videos, post in the /int/ general for your lang, etc.)

4. Try to think in your language as much as possible, and try reformulating the sentences that you say/think into the target language. (This step may come after you have achieved a certain level of proficiency in the language.)

5. Sustain this for as long as you want/can and reap the benefits!

Also, protip for watching movie: watch with subtitles on (obviously), but once you are good enough at reading the language, put the subtitles IN the target language. This will help you match the native sounds to the words that you already know, improving your oral comprehension.

>> No.9781155

Not the other person, but lingua latina per se illustrata is the best way to learn latin, read it with a latin grammar by your side, but don't focus too much on the latter.

>> No.9781166


I speak fluently: German, English, Spanish

Learning: Arabic, French

Going well.. lots of people i can talk to :^)

>> No.9781174


It only looks that way because English is all you know.

>> No.9781189

I agree that it can be very helpful, but I would offer one word of caution:

It's easy to become thrilled by your progress and just burn through the book very quickly. This is not a good idea however, unless you intend to re-read it several times.

If you want to really soak in the vocabulary words (mostly the ones that aren't repeated super commonly) then you either need to make Flashcards to go along with your reading, or you need to read it slowly so that your brain doesn't get overcrowded with new info and you can have time to properly archive what you're learning.

>> No.9781196

You can get to the point of reading works in the original, you probably just have to rethink your method.

I got to the point of reading German works in the original version (my native language is Italian) in around one year by laser-focusing just on reading skills.

By using something like readlang.com you can comfortably read massive amounts of stuff in your target language, even if your vocabulary is pretty limited at the start. And soon you will get to the point when you remember enough words and expressions that you can at least get the gist of every text you meet, even without using a dictionary.

>> No.9781197

There's entire other sides of the internet inaccessible to you because of the language barrier.

>> No.9781223

where are you from, anon?

>> No.9781244

thanks anon

>> No.9781260

Hvad vil du have mig til at skrive? Jeg ved godt, det er svært at tro på, at jeg kan hitte hoved og hale i så mange sprog, men det er nu sandt alligevel. Den storste udfordring med dansk er klart udtalelsen af sproget; ikke så meget det skriftlige da de grammatiske regler for det forste er nemmere end hos andre germanske sprog, men også fordi jeg netop er velbevandret i andre germanske sprog. Skriftligt norsk og dansk er jo stort set det samme.

>> No.9781285
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then I wanna learn irish.

since I already know german, after that I'll learn all the germanic languages, since it'll be relatively easy- a few of the languages are even just german written phonetically different (Dutch, I think).

Then italian.

Then try french again.

I really want to learn japanese, chinese and russian, but I don't feel like fucking around with a new alphabet.

>> No.9781791

Native: English
Fluent: Mandarin Chinese
Learning: German

I learned Chinese over the course of 5 years of autistic study and my wife is Chinese. I can understand basically anything although I'm still learning new technical/literary vocab everyday. Classical Chinese is still very challenging but I can read modern novels easily.

I'm learning German because I wanted to pick up a third language closer to home and German seems fun. However, I worry about the usefulness of the language and sometimes I think about learning Russian instead. German is a hell of a lot easier than Chinese in any case.

>> No.9781833

>the only problem with spanish is there are like two or three good books in the whole language
Nevermind then. Spanish literature is not for plebs

>> No.9781874

How are modern chinese novels? Any masterpiece?

>> No.9781890

Irish and Russian.

Russian for more than a year now. I can read YA shit and just throw the words into anki. I'm progressing nicely. I can listen but can't speak due to lack of practice. I've tried meeting people on italki and things like that but holy shit are they clingy. They just barrage me with constant messages and requests to skype. If there's such a thing as an online personal space I've yet to meet someone on italki who doesn't violate it just a little bit. It gets to the point where if I don't reply for a day they start sending me messages asking me if I'm ok, at which point I promptly cease replying.

Also learning Irish, only just started that. I learned a fair bit in school but I've forgotten nearly all of it, and I never learned a lick of grammar or in fact any of the rules of the language, just memorised sentences and vocab. But ah well, that's my fault for being too stupid for the big boy classes.

>> No.9781901

Learning Spanish because it's practical in NYC and I want to spend time in central and south America. I learned German back in high school but it's pretty useless aside from pseud stuff so I gave it up after I finished school.

>> No.9781939
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My biggest problem is that I'm a total autist. Since I started a year and a half ago, I created a vocabulary list. I initially intended it to just be a few words and phrases but, at this point, it's over 350 pages long. Every time I come across a word I don't know I note it down and later look it up on 5 different dictionaries and add all the different definitions to the list. Even if it's a word that obvious, I still feel I have to note it down because it's not on my list.

Despite this, I feel I've made good progress. I just think I could progress quicker if I could just abandon this stupid list.

>> No.9781954

Si ce liste t'aide à apprendre les mots plus fortement, ce n'est pas un problème. À moins que tu est actively engagé dans ton apprentissage.

>> No.9781960

*es activement

Putain, cet autocorrect.

>> No.9781976

Are you a handsome fellow?

>> No.9781977

מישו פו דיבר עבריתץ?

>> No.9782028

i have 3 semesters of college spanish under my belt so i can read and write it almost coherently. it's still piss poor but i have the basics well enough that i can probably start reading works in spanish to improve. it's frustrating and time-consuming to sit down and google translate every other word though, so i fear that i'll just lose what i've already learned soon enough.

>> No.9782072

I know for a fact that I'm not the only person on this board who taught himself Italian from reading astrology books...

>> No.9782108





Learned memenative:
Polish (mostly forgotten)

Tried to learn a memelang, lost interest:
Lithuanian (my Russo-Polish will be enough, anyway)

Tried to learn, but was abhorred by all the scum, dropped it:
German (why you had to nigger yourself just now, Hans?)

Learned at the Uni, but was abhorred by all the scum, now think to give it a second chance:
Farsi (cool writing though)

Tried to learn, dropped it after getting to know how autistic the people are:

Thinking of learning:
- Tibetan
- Sanskrit
- Classical Greek

I have a strong interest in Buddhist sutras, luckily all of them are translated into either Tibetan or Sanskrit. Both of them also have noice writing, plus to my calligraphy hobby.
But Greek will be much easier to learn and read. But the writing is boring.

Anyway, English+Russian combo is overpowered. Anything of worth in Europe and most of worth in Asia had already been translated into one or both of them, and both of them are understood by locals everywhere except maybe Lazyspain and Lazytalia. And China, but hell, they don't want to talk to you anyway.

>> No.9782229


Not really. English speakers that aren't predatory wierdos looking for a foreign wife are really high in demand.

>> No.9782239

Maybe I'll give it a try then. Do they make you put your full name and a picture and all?

>> No.9782247


Full name, picture and a bio. Make even a small effort to seem like a normal person and you inbox will fill up extremely fast if you're a native english speaker. That's my experience with Russian, I'm not sure how it is for other languages.

>> No.9782255

Meh, I couldn't handle someone recognizing me on the app or something, I'll leave out a pic and see what happens. Thanks.

>> No.9782381

Haхyя вы yчитe pyccкий, вы чтo, eбaнyтыe?

>> No.9782411


в pyccкoм языкe ecть хopoшaя литepaтypa и пpиятныe звyки.

It's just a shame about the people.

>> No.9782459

English, pushto


Wants to learn:
Japanese, Russian, Farsi, Spanish, French, German

Progress is slow..

>> No.9782465

Been studying Japanese since 2010.
Passed JLPT N1 two years ago.

>> No.9782533

Just made a start with French again. I'll probably look into watching some French films too.

>> No.9782548

Latin. On capvt xxvi
Doing 1 chapter per week. It's very enjoyable learning.

>> No.9782563

Ha pyccкoм языкe ecть хopoшaя литepaтypa.
B pyccкoм языкe ecть пpиятныe звyки.
Yeah, we can be Finnish people a bit when it gets down to aliens. Just get a grip.

>> No.9782572


I have not the slightest idea of what you're trying to say.

Truthfully I have no problem with Russians, I was just memeing.

>> No.9782637

Thinking about Spanish and French.

Heres the situation: I'm english-speaking, but I know some spanish because my mother is south american, and I took 4 semesters of college level spanish (was good practice, thats about it). I also took a few years of french and latin in high school/middle school.

Should I focus on trying to get *truly* fluent in spanish, or pick of french, which I think I might be more interested in? Anyone with similar crossroads?

After study abroad, and realizing the joke: "What do you call someone who speaks one language: American" was totally true, I felt bad about being monolingual, and I want to change that.

>> No.9782691
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yes i am

>> No.9782799
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Jeg er imponeret.
I reckon you're naturally a polyglot
How did you get around to learn so much?

>> No.9782916
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i'm in the middle of learning dutch. it's not super practical since i live in the states, but my town's heritage, as well as my family's heritage both come predominantly from holland. i also have family living in eindhoven so it would be nice to know basic dutch when i visit them

dutch will be incredibly easy if you know both english and german. it's like the midpoint between those two languages

>> No.9782959

In my opinion its impossible to be fluent in a language without speaking it every day. If you have someone you can talk to in spanish in a regular basis, go ahead. But if you can, learning a bit of french won't hurt, considering they are kinda similar.

>> No.9782974
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>> No.9783003

how come you know ukrainian

>> No.9783015

You live in Belarus? I'll be moving to Minsk from Canada at the end of the summer. You should hit me up when I'm there.

>> No.9783018
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My family came from Ukraine.

>> No.9783271
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how do you translate this?

>> No.9783286
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Wonderful crossed out quatrain.

>> No.9783358

I'll keep at it, but I don't expect much.

La mia lingua materna è inglese. Penso che la grammatica italiana non è tanto difficile. Ma ho paura che non saprò mai sufficiente da parole o idiomi

Stumbling my way through simple texts, having to look up every second word is just too frustrating for me.

I'm too much of a pessimist, and don't really believe I can accomplish things, I guess.

>> No.9783367

german is easy as fuck

>> No.9783392

Zou je iets in het Nederlands willen schrijven in dat geval?

As Spanish is your native language, French will be the easiest to learn.

>> No.9783393

Japanese, Spanish, Italian and French all at the same time. Not great.

>> No.9783417

Native language:

Learned (that is know the grammar of and a thousand ish words)

Attic Greek (finished with all formal grammar besides some super uncommon shit like the dual)
Currently trying to increase my reading speed and vocabulary

>> No.9783434

Native language:
Ukrainian / Portuguese



Want to learn:
Italian (sounds awesome, and would help with my low volume talking since Italians practically sing instead of talking)

>> No.9783475
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i-it's not that much... the more languages you learn, the easier it gets to learn more and you also understand other languages partially automatically from the languages you learned... it's like an exponential thing.............. learning your second language is by far the hardest.

as an english native, french/dutch/danish/norwegian/swedish are easy to you.

you can say spanish, but that's only in its grammatic regularities..... it's otherwise not good at all.

>> No.9783935

Lets be friends

Are you from a quechua speaking country or learning for academic purposes?

>> No.9785148

Don't you guys want to join us over at /cp/?
Culture pals provide a way to meet foreign people and practice other language. /int/ guys tend to use it to look for qts but it is a nice way to progress imo.

>> No.9785165



Spanish (not too good)
Ancient Greek (haven't practiced since high school)

Currently learning:
Russian (been at it everyday for little over a month, going alright)

>> No.9785249

How to you such sounding of Russian speech ?!


>> No.9785412

>trying to learn French more, took classes for it years ago
>reading is ok
>writing is a little worse but ok
>listening and speaking JUST

How the FUCK can you understand what people are saying in French? I hear one word I know, but by the time I've processed that, the other 10 words of the sentence have already been already spoken and I didn't hear them. How do you deal with the speed and mumbling?

I haven't really tried speaking (no friends) but I don't think I'd be very good yet. I still have to practice.

>> No.9785450

>Stumbling my way through simple texts, having to look up every second word is just too frustrating for me.

I fear there's no way around that. The amount of words and expressions required for understanding a language is big, and there is no other way of acquiring it than massive practice of some kind.

I just happen to think that reading stuff you are interested in is the best way (to me, honestly, it doesn't even look like work), but another way would be to use Anki. I once memorized 5000 words in a couple of months with it. It may be better for autistic-minded students.ù

Ah, in case you haven't looked it up: with readlang (or other tools like it) the process of looking up a word is very frictionless. You just click/touch on the word and the translation appears on it.

>> No.9785517

>look at French subtitled programs
>get mad at the low quality translation
>let anger fuel your will to understand what is truly said
I mean, that's how I went beyond the writing/reading understanding.
If you don't know what to watch, I'd suggest Le Bureau des légendes, based French spy drama.

>> No.9785603

Latin. It's going quite quickly and it seems to make sense, but im sure ill hit a wall at some point. Its harder than German

>> No.9785611

Thanks for the suggestion.

>> No.9785653

A good piece on Latin learning, the one guy that actually speaks it fluently, and his methods:

>> No.9785693
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Native: Dutch
Learned (level): English, French, German (poor)
Learning (progress): Latin* (good), Ancient Greek (slow)
Queued till I find a good method: Mandarin, Russian, Arabic

* Lingua Latina per se Illustrata is my favourite language text book: I love the method of contextual induction (related to natural method). Does anyone know of other books like LLPSI in any other langauges?

>> No.9785808

Nah, I've been living in Moscow for 3 years already. Minsk is fine for a Canadian though, the people and climate are pretty much the same, only 3 times poorer.
Although you should prepare yourself that half the locals speak Russian like Aussies speak English.

>> No.9785918

Native language:

Fluent in:
English, German,Japanese

My major is translation.
I'm constantly learning new vocab and improving my grammar but I can understand nearly everything and express myself easily in these languages.

>> No.9785921

For those who want to read something interesting in Russian


>> No.9785947


Wie geht's gut.

>> No.9785975

I was a Middle Eastern Languages student, so I had the advantage of formal study in Farsi.


Confident in:
Kurdish (Kurmanji dialect)

Has studied:

Is studying:

>> No.9786003

Anon what are all these sandnigger languages good for?

>> No.9786320

I am learning Lithuanian, it's quite difficult.

>> No.9786335

the last time i opened memrise was about 2 weeks ago

>> No.9786355

If I were you, I'd rather be ashamed of my illiteracy in my own language, than of being a monoglot.

>> No.9786359

Esperanto, trying to improve my french (really slowly reading "What is philosophy" by Deuleuze&Guattari)

>> No.9786365


Niemand hat gleichzeitig so viel Verstand, Latein zu lernen, und so wenig, darin einen Sinn zu sehen.

>> No.9786374




Learned, but improving:


Going to learn:

Serbocroatian (spoke it as a child with my mother, but she stopped speaking it with me and I forgot it)

>> No.9786435

thanks anon

>> No.9786557

He probably is involved with the US military.

>> No.9786566


>> No.9786632


Mostly because it's lacking the senseless bullshit other languages have, like weird numbering systems (french), different genders for each noun (german and french). The esperanto people are friendly and they are everywhere.

Also, the effort is not that big.

>> No.9786646

Jean-Baptiste Greuze.. easy on the languages

>> No.9786659
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I speak a good chunk of Korean, little bit of Jap and I'm studying Russian with an exchange student from at the moment.

After I travelled to the countries of the languages I studied, all the motivation to continue my studies disappeared.
>getting basic conversation skills
>learn culture norms
>go to the country
>make friends in local language
>get pretty good at speaking, listening and getting my point across
>eventually leave country
>time passes
>forget almost all the grammar and my pronunciation becomes shiiiiiet
>focus on the next country and language

I did it with Japanese, it's beginning to happen for Korean and I'm starting the cycle again with Russian.

Even though I'm frustrated that I forget shit, I still have good memories and lasting friendships so I guess I'll keep doing what I'm doing.

>> No.9786666

But the "senseless bullshit" is the most fun part of learning a language. Without it, just the autism remains, and not of the fun kind. In general, language is a product of the culture, and Esperanto lacks a culture behind it. Having no great written works is only a small part of this problem.
>The esperanto people are friendly and they are everywhere.
>Also, the effort is not that big.
That may be the case, but I doubt there is many people who know esperanto but don't know English

>> No.9786790

Chinese, just started because china is going to conquer the world.
Whities time is done, clench your ass cheeks and let it happen.

Sugoi monogatari baka-kun.

>> No.9786800

Go back to /pol/ you drooling fool. Farsi is a stunningly beautiful literary language.

I'm not in intelligence, I literally learned Kurdish to impress a girl and then thought, hey, I could do a degree in something like this.

>> No.9786805

>Chinese, just started because china is going to conquer the world.
>not learning Japanese to join Japan in their oncoming suicidal war with the ever-growing China, thus achieving heroic death in hopeless battle and reaching the true heart of the Japanese culture with your own body and soul
It's like you're not even trying senpai

>> No.9786813

Yes, azizam, miboosamet.
>mfw you'll never learn enough Farsi to win the heart of a Persian qt.

>> No.9786836

Farsi is much easier than you'd think. There's no gender, some recognisably Indo-European vocabulary, tenses are laughably easy (including the subjunctive) and the accent comes much more naturally to a Westerner than an Arabic or Hebrew accent. Even the alphabet can be learned more quickly than you would think, it took me about a month to have a slow if accurate level of handwriting and reading. I think Farsi is an easier language to learn than German or Romanian.

>> No.9788428

Ikke dårligt sonnike.

>> No.9788438

Cool post I hope to learn Farsi myself. Before western attitudes toward Iran shifted the Persian literature was considered one of the greats (e.g. Like French German etc)

>> No.9789056
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how are you guys learning your desired language?

>genki 1 & 2
>ebooks of japanese sentences (like kimi ga suki desu)
>japanese films, idol groups, anime, etc

>> No.9789062


French (almost at conversational level)
Italian (started, but will progress further once I master French)

Want to learn:

>> No.9789075
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with that lack of will power you will never learn it. fortunately for me i have autism that makes me study it every day as a ritual

>> No.9789095

The closed thing to LLPI for Ancient Greek is the Athenaze reading series. It's actually been quite helpful for me, and almost as entertaining as Lingua Latina. Here's a link to the first book: http://confessionalbibliology.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/259431159-Athenaze-Book-I.pdf

As for natural method books for other languages, I would love some recommendations as well.

>> No.9789116


How easy is it for someone already fluent in arabic ?

>> No.9789119

Native English. Learning English. Better and better and better and even betterer.

>> No.9789141

My Japanese study has gotten to the point it's not difficult to learn anymore. Before it would require an excess concentration and w/e just to get the grammar and words to mean something but now I can briefly skim through texts and come to an understanding. Feels pretty tight desu. All I do now is pretty much read NHK easy articles (3-4 per day), go through the unfamiliar words, write it out like 50 times then transfer onto my anki deck. Go through daily anki deck twice (self made) so I do japanese side first and then do english side for the second time. In the breaks of my 40 chunks of study, I'll sing some Japanese pop songs lol and finish the night with an episode of anime. I've been doing this for like 2 months and it feels really really smooth. Kind of feels like I'll become fluent in no time if I just keep this up. We're all gonna make it wooo

>> No.9789175


>> No.9789273

j'essaye d'apprendre francais, mais je ne pratique pas assez. Il n'y a pas de personne avec qui je peux parler.

>> No.9790592

I've been using the cambridge latin course. Fantastic for latin to english, not so good the other way around.

>> No.9790687

unfortunately, your autism comes with bad face perception: thats a korean. you're studying the wrong language, anon-kun.

>> No.9790725

Been stabbing at C++ lately. Was understanding it all really well, but now I'm at pointers and and classes and I'm struggling. Specifically just finished abstractions, encapsulations, and constructors, and though I finished them, I don't feel like I understand them. It's put a hiatus on my progression.

>> No.9790843

What issues are you having with pointers?

>> No.9790872

moi non plus mais franchement c'est pas grave

j'ai appris la langue que pour lire et regarder les films francais donc je n'ai pas besoin de parler ou même écrire (sauf ici)

>> No.9790899

Same situation here, anon. My reading skills are alright, I can make it through news articles with a dictionary on hand without too much trouble. Colloqualisms and slang really trip me up though. My listening is utter shit; I'll catch nouns and verbs that I know, but not their contexts, and by the time I comprehend it the speaker will have moved on and I'm behind again. Oh well, c'est la vie :^)

>> No.9790942

Same here. I've also got Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata on the way. Hopefully a good combo.

Native English speaker but grew up in a Spanish speaking household so I've got that too. Anyone know if it'll make it easier to learn Latin?

>> No.9790982

i've been studying mandarin for three years now and speak it at about the same level as a preschooler of below average intelligence

>> No.9790996
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>> No.9791012

I can read Kafka now, so that's cool. Working on French casually right now too, just a couple minutes a day to help with the fundies while I focus on German.
If anyone wants any help with Japanese, just ask.

>> No.9791020

Working on French. Want to eventually learn Spanish as well. Don't know what to learn after that.

>> No.9791040

This, don't tell anyone you speak it.
You do need to know it though, gooks are gonna conquer the world.

Gotta speak the language and master will let you sleep in the house.

>> No.9791060

>a country with the vast majority of it's populace living with third world living standards is going to take over the world

>> No.9791184

low standards of living actually make people tougher if anything, what's your point?

>> No.9791190

It doesn't matter how "tough" you are when you're just an unwashed mass of malnourished midgets.

>> No.9791240

well, yeah, it does.
and it's not that they're tough, really, it's their insane numbers. there aren't enough bullets to deal with a chink army.
but they already are taking over the world, and it's not through violence.

>> No.9791527

Isn't there a point where it becomes very difficult to avoid mixing up vocabulary between languages?
Also, how old are you?

>> No.9791578

Natives, what's the better way to improve my english?
Is it possible to be fluent without living in the country?

>> No.9791580

German. Duolingo says I'm 30% fluent :^)

>> No.9791583

it does if you can project armies of those malnourished midgets into labor camps and flood the global markets with undercut wares

>> No.9791594

Native spanish speaker
Can read and write in english.
Trying to learn german by reading Im Westen nicht Neues with the aid of a dictionary and an english copy, I'm still on te frst page and most of the sentences don't make any fucking sense to me.
How is So ein Fall ist schon lange nicht mehr dagewesen supposed to mean we haven't had such luck in a long time?
Germanfags pls help.

>> No.9791598

I speak the global language of English. That's all I need to know.

>> No.9791619

I know you're being ironic but I seriously hope no one fell for the duolingo meme. Open grammar books and read sentences and dialogues instead.

Just read more and use dictionaries

Have you officially certified yourself in Japanese?

>> No.9791624

What is pushto?

>> No.9791944

It's my first language, so I'm not really sure what I have to do. I have a Japanese name so employers always believe me anyways.

>> No.9792058

Forste gang i mit liv er jeg imponeret på 4chan. Wow.

>> No.9792105

Native: Danish, and Swedish.
Fluent: English. Norwegian
Very basic: French and German.
Learning: Russian.
Litteraly just started yesterday, so still learning the Cyrillic alphabet. It's cool tho.
I just turned 18, and I was told to start as early as possible, so I thought, why not learn Russian.

>> No.9792703

native english

alright spanish but only if they're colombian or mexican or something (others talk way too fast and with heaps of slang)

tried learning french when i was younger but it's gay and sounds like shit so i gave up

want to learn hebrew arabic croatian russian or mandarin chinese

i'll probably do mandarin since it is the hardest and there is bountiful literature and secrets that lazy western devils will never know

how do i start with mandarin?

>> No.9792729


I'm fluent in English. It is not necessary for me to learn another language.

Native English speakers who learn another language usually do so simply for the fun of it, or out of sheer boredom on account of their general affluence.

>> No.9793661

Overall applicability to writing more functional code. I understand core concept, but how to effectively apply it escapes me.

>> No.9793679

Native language:
Technically Albanian but I came to the states at 4 so I'd go with English.

Semi knowledgeable in Greek and Mandarin.

Trying to learn French and then maybe Russian.

Slow, but mostly because I don't fucking study. Doing technician/carpentry work now and when I get home I just want to watch tv and whack it.

However it was worse when I was working in an office, I would just come home and go to sleep. God those were awful times.

>> No.9793835

Latinene loquiris?
What Greek are you learning? What methods are you using?
Yeah my Latin problem has always been vocab, I suck at it

>> No.9793857

It's actually not that good of an idea to try to use german as a "bridge" into all the Germanic languages. I tried it, and while it makes learning a bit easier, it honestly screws with your head due to similarity to german, along with individual languages still being hard to learn.

>> No.9793869

I fell for the duolingo meme, also using flashcards, memrise, and watching YouTube videos in German. How screwed am I?

>> No.9793877

I'm trying to learn how to become a master of written English.

>> No.9794684

Its really useful for making dynamically resized arrays.

>> No.9794707

Norwegian, English and studied Ancient Greek at university.

>> No.9794727

Next year I'm moving to Japan to study at an university. Already studied the language for years now, so no problems. I see it as a chance to get even better at its active use.

>> No.9794729
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Mandarin. Pretty good.

Tips from experience:
(first month)
>Start with Pinyin and phonetics. Drill until you can recognize and reproduce every sound and tone.
>Make sure to master tone pairs.
(month 2 - 5)
>Don't sink your time into learning characters early on.
>Front-load core vocabulary (500-1000) words using just pinyin and image flash cards FIRST.
>Then move on to characters
>Learn primitives first. Again, use image flash cards, with pinyin to learn to Chinese phonetics.
(month 6 - 12)
>After you can recognize and WRITE every primitive from memory, move on to learning characters. It will be MUCH easier now that you can recognize component pieces.
>Start using a grammar book with Hanzi and Pinyin sentences.

I wasted a lot of time early on trying to learn vocabulary through Hanzi, and it really drags things out. You can learn a lot of vocabulary very quickly right after you master pinyin. Learning to read and write Chinese is a long-term feat. You can learn to speak MUCH faster. For some reason, a lot of programs are obsessed with people learning Characters early on. It's not necessary in my experience until after you have a lot of vocabulary under your belt. Once you do, it's MUCH easier to retain the characters for words you already know--remember most Chinese words are two or three characters long. Just learning the individual characters creates a disconnect, and an added level of thought every time you want to construct a word. It's easier when you already know the sounds of the words, so you can simply intuit the sounds of individual characters based on the pronunciation of words you're already familiar with.

>> No.9794740
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Pic related is my life rn.

>> No.9794755

ш is sh and щ is shch
Anyway, the best part of Russian is suffixes and prefixes.

>> No.9794790

Are you a native English speaker?
I already have a handle on Hanzi from studying Japanese, but the pronunciation kicked my ass.
The combination of tones and having to consciously switch between aspirated and unaspirated consonants was too much.

>> No.9794809

How much manhours / effort does it take to learn a Indo-European language well enough to be able to read stuff?

>> No.9794817
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Yes, native English speaker.
Hanzi isn't hard or anything. I mean, it's as easy to memorize as anything else, especially if you can recognize primitives. My issue with Hanzi is that in Chinese, it doesn't actually do much good to simply brute force memorize individual characters, because, at least for me, it was still slow and clumsy to actually use them to learn **new** vocabulary since all of the words are two and three characters long. It's easier for me to go the reverse way, know what the word sounds like, and have multiple real word references by which to memorize new characters that come along. Also, the meanings of characters changes based on the context of the word they're in, which is another reason it's better to learn characters via already-acquired-vocabulary. I don't know about Japanese, but in Chinese, a character will often have a sort of general class of meaning that is slightly more nuanced that the dictionary meaning you'll see on Hanzi lists, that you can intuit after seeing it in a few different words.

As for pronunciation, it's really about consistent practice. Treat it like learning a musical instrument. Start with tone pairs from pic related since Chinese tones almost always come in pairs at least. If you really want to narrow in on the tones, make a list of fake word tone pairs using the same pinyin phonetic like shi1shi2 or shi4shi3, etc. so you're only thinking about the tone, not the phoneme.

>> No.9794824
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щ is literally шч, in Belarus they even teach that in schools (although not in Russia)

>Cyrillic alphabet looks to close to Latin alphabet
I feel your pain. Fucking Peter mutilated it to make it look more "European".

>> No.9794845

Thanks man
>I don't know about Japanese, but in Chinese, a character will often have a sort of general class of meaning that is slightly more nuanced that the dictionary meaning you'll see on Hanzi lists, that you can intuit after seeing it in a few different words.
It's basically the same in Japanese, although the nuance is slightly different and there are more ways to pronounce it.

>> No.9795216

sup bros can i learn to read a language just from wikipedia and an online dictionary

>> No.9795653

better by far to learn from a foreign qt in bed, m80.

>> No.9795660

I study it everyday by walking outside an talking to people.

>> No.9795664


yea foreign qt is not an option sadly

>> No.9795671

I use flashcards as well (quizlet and anki). i don't use duolingo because they don't offer the language I'm trying to learn. however i would suggest finding a good website and books to help you learn.

>> No.9795691

bon post, senpai

>> No.9795761

Bout tree fiddy