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977925 No.977925 [Reply] [Original]

Wondering if anyone here has been successful in learning how to speed read?

Anyone know of some courses or anything that actually work well, or do they all work ok and you just have to practice heaps?

in return, 4chan's highest guarded secrets :O

>> No.977949
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You want a tachistoscope -- it's a device for displaying varyingly timed exposures of words and sentences. unfortunately, they're rare and expensive. You could try a library -- some of the better ones would have gotten them as a matter of course back in the late 50s.

If that doesn't work, there is software that *claims* to work like a tachistoscope, but I'd be a little wary -- it's really expensive, and there's really only one company that makes it. If at all possible, try to track down an old physical machine. Depending to some extent on your starting reading speed, you really can make significant increases in a matter of weeks with a 'scope.

Good luck!

>> No.977955

but are the courses that say you can learn to read at 1500 to 3000 words per minute real or just bullshit to get your money?

>> No.977964


Try this, you can use any text.

>> No.977981
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Sorry, just don't know -- keep asking around, someone should know....

>> No.977988

This is pretty awesome. Thanks!

Haha, my captcha is "sycophant the".

>> No.977999

This is very interesting, thank you!

Mine was "turban years" haha

>> No.978022
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Holy shit, it really it! Hey original poster, this thing is the real McCoy, a freakin' online tachistoscope (okay, very slight difference in that in the analog-style original, the opening could be widened to fit larger chunks manually). Do exactly what they recommend, keep it up for 20 or 30 minutes a day for a week or two, you'll be blazing.

>> No.978132

OP here, thanks everyone, already tried it and it's amazing. Gonna practice every day, i'll post results if it works as well as expected.