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9778193 No.9778193 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9778204

your anus

>> No.9778208

Well, Socrates, truth is when one doesn't lie.

>> No.9778209


>> No.9778213

in accordance with fact or reality.

>> No.9778223

I've got to go Socrates, it was nice talking to you bye.


t. /lit/

>> No.9778224

What is fact or reality?

>> No.9778229


>> No.9778232


La Nature est un temple où de vivants piliers
Laissent parfois sortir de confuses paroles ;
L'homme y passe à travers des forêts de symboles
Qui l'observent avec des regards familiers.

Comme de longs échos qui de loin se confondent
Dans une ténébreuse et profonde unité,
Vaste comme la nuit et comme la clarté,
Les parfums, les couleurs et les sons se répondent.

II est des parfums frais comme des chairs d'enfants,
Doux comme les hautbois, verts comme les prairies,
- Et d'autres, corrompus, riches et triomphants,

Ayant l'expansion des choses infinies,
Comme l'ambre, le musc, le benjoin et l'encens,
Qui chantent les transports de l'esprit et des sens.

>> No.9778234

To say of what is that it is not, or of what is not that it is, is false, while to say of what is that it is, and of what is not that it is not, is true

>> No.9778243



>> No.9778247

Poetry is truth

>> No.9778252
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Who cares?

>> No.9778255

baby dont hurt me
dont hurt me no more

>> No.9778260
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>> No.9778268


Truth is the resonance of righteousness, resurgence of an element core that can be grasped or remain elusive from the perpetual divine in the falsehood of a transfiguratively transient world.


des parfums frais comme des chairs d'enfants, non mais genre quoi aussi english board plz

>transports de l'esprit

>> No.9778287

what is righteousness?

>> No.9778352

Who are you to question me? Get the fuck out of here, and take your shitty lamp with you.

>> No.9778390

My name is Anon, for we are many.

>> No.9778408

Truth is everything-in-itself.

>> No.9778416

Jesus Christ

>> No.9778417

Easy mode answer.

>> No.9778548

You, as a collection of wills, as the only point of entry into to the subjective in a sea of objects, are the closest thing to truth that you will ever experience.

>> No.9778555


>> No.9778558

Nice bible reference

>> No.9778730
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That which we can reliably observe or predict using the senses.

>> No.9778766

Easy and only answer. Any other "mode" is a complex emulation of what I said

>> No.9778819

truth is the individual obsess-complex we build in order to reason out a random and unforgiving reality.

there are universal themes which can be noted and shared throughout the passage of time - the far majority of people don't associate themselves with truth, nor desire to. we should put it to bed already, and start living how animals do.

all your smooth typing philosophy cannot stop me from taking your woman, eating your flesh, and burning your lands.

>> No.9778833

The set of propositions that will be agreed upon by the inquiring community.

>> No.9778869

Everyone look at this lost soul. How about you try it bro? Or has reason raised you above the animal and given you a little foresight? Maybe you follow the law because you know that man will collectively fuck your shit if you even pretend to be a real threat. Those that lower themselves to the animal soul are confined to cages, where they belong, without being missed. Go ahead and try and dissociate yourself from ethical truth bro.

>> No.9778877

Error is not a lie, but it is not true either.

>> No.9778879
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>all your smooth typing philosophy cannot stop me from taking your woman, eating your flesh, and burning your lands.

You are the reason I own a rifle.

>> No.9778957

When the state collapses, your little plinker won't be enough to stop the horde. You will be roast and eaten, your wife will be passed around until she is little more than pliable flesh, and all the belongings you coveted so fiercely will be in ashes.

Such is the fate of all man's works.

>> No.9778960

This tho.

>> No.9778963
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>implying i don't live in a close knit community of like minded people
>implying "the horde" can survive the texas desert
>implying you are NOT pic related

kevin it's time for dinner log off that darn 4cans

>> No.9778971
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>implying your neighbors won't be the ones who turn on your first
>implying Texas will be anything but the smoking crater its deserved to be since 1836
>implying you are NOT pic related

Did you remember to bring enough cheetos and Faygo for your next patrol of the border?

>> No.9778979

your bantz are okay but you're still a fake cannibal

>> No.9778996

>what is the purpose of inquiry?

>> No.9779010

Criminality is the first step to realizing that the world is only a man's game, to be decided by men of action. Those in prison are too forthright and mundane in the nature of their desires - they lack the composure and ability to really set in about what they want.

Not to esteem myself, but I've been a serial-criminal since around age 9 when I had a harrowing pierce-the-veil moment in seeing that all along my odd, despondent mother was just a seething psychotic waste. From that point on I've broken many laws, slept on the streets, gone about days at a time without food.

It's made me more a horrid fuck, i'm sure - but I also have enough awareness to see that if you want to really influence the sphere around you, that it takes composure. Sycophantic, delirious, and slow-twitching composure.

But there will come a day where I completely drop the charade. It will come crashing down like a phantom of all that has been beaten out of the modern man. And I will either die doing what I know is me, or I will do as I please freely, forever. Ring in the dolor now feeble ape, for Kong has beat his chest in anticipation.

>> No.9779017
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You are still the reason I own a rifle.

(And communists, who also have no concept of property.)

>> No.9779048

Is when real niggas talk only fax

>> No.9779074

That which we find or assert to be undeniable.

>> No.9779174

For someone who is white tell that he is white


>> No.9779228

It doesn't matter

>> No.9779233

And it comes back to mommy issues

>> No.9779272

The label that most closely aligns with reality, as much as your ability to align permits. Which means better technology permits better alignment, closer to truth.

Alternatively, the above definition is the act of grasping for truth, another definition is that it is the unattainable, unlanguagable, an example of reality that we can get very close to but never quite experience or describe in its real form. Being as there are layers between reality and us, our brains and language, mainly.

It doesn't matter if it's unattainable though, we do our best and the utility provided is very beneficial regardless. Abstracting away from reality is perhaps our most powerful ability, as human beings.

Another useful definition is "correct" and "truth" within a given abstracted system. You of course, can mean very different things depending on context and what you're working within. Discounting the "alignment to reality" sort of truth, truth is what is pre-defined, convenient and corresponded.

btw I have studied almost nothing on the matter, so this might sound retarded.

>> No.9779421

Thus is the life of one who passes from one meaningless state of affairs to another. If I were you I would be equally sickened by existence. It does taste sour doesn't it?

Look at this mind so clouded by his own hubris. I am speaking into the void.

Are you on edge morally friend? Is the chair that supports you about to slip from under your feet passing you from nothingness to nothingness? Scratch beneath the surface of anyone's life and you'll see that they have dipped below that line into hell many times. There where, for me, any helping hand that appeared out of the darkness was one of seeming contempt. One attaches himself to that sour taste doesn't he?

Maybe one should rethink "meaning." Maybe one should see what it's like to gradually be lifted into Beauty itself by graduated series of His emanations. Perhaps one will then see what it is like to pass from meaning to meaning lifting himself from hell, and further, rescue those within the reach of your scorching trident.

>> No.9779904

The totality of possibilities and impossibilities.

What has happened, what could have happened, what is happening, what can happen, what will happen. The totality of possible arguments for what should happen.

>> No.9780952


Righteousness is the state of being undeniable from dichotomy.

>> No.9780978

t. Pilate

>> No.9781114

I'm as much a fake cannibal as you are a fake soldier.

>> No.9781162
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>I am the truth.

>> No.9781195

Whatever i say it is.

>> No.9781273

it's when something is right

>> No.9781291

A word used by humans to precipitate the effective communication of ideas.

>> No.9781433

Raskolnikov, is that you?