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/lit/ - Literature

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9775477 No.9775477 [Reply] [Original]

Is this worth reading or just a meme? It's fucking massive

>> No.9775487

Definitely worth reading, but starts so slow most will give up

>> No.9775723

Its (((great))))

>> No.9776076

better than Infinite Jest

>> No.9777027

First part is a group of slightly interconnected short stories or novellas. Second has a more straightforward narrative following a group of people. Havent gotten to the third yet. It's all about his neighborhood/city and themes like poverty, faith, struggles, with a magical realism or almost fantasy portrait, it's handled well so far but Moore tends to go on and on with descriptive prose and repeats himself a lot. It's not particularly dense or difficult but read it slowly and you'll enjoy it.

>> No.9777075

What does that even mean ?

>> No.9777691

It's long enough that I had to put it down before starting the second book months ago. It was also good enough that I still remember all of book 1 more clearly than I do dozens of other books I have read since. I plan to get back to it later.

>> No.9777706

Moore writes awful prose.

>> No.9777778

Moore's prose is good if read slowly. Not an easy thing to ask for over a thousand pages.

>> No.9777789
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>if you read it slowly enough to forget the last word, the prose is great!

>> No.9777856

>if you stick to the first word of each page, you can read a book in ten minutes and go back to watching teevee!

>> No.9777877

Senpai speed is not the issue. Moore has the voice of a 19 year old. He has no discernible talent.

>> No.9777904
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>t. pleb trying to turn it around
the author lacks any skill to write, he has presented his feast for we, the tireless customers, and he has botched every aspect of food one can imagine, he has laced with poison every page, made stench drift from even the most delicate of ingredients, he has left the excrement in the belly of the cow he has plopped raw on the table.
he cannot write, my man. the book sucks. read something worthwhile, like Gaddis, and you'll understand. For every Moore novel plebs such as yourself flock to from popularity, there are ten underconsumed, unannotated, refined, beautiful novels, works of intricate care and knowledge, boundaries broken, shattered.
Your Moore is on par with the likes of James Franco.

>> No.9777914

i just want an HBO series of this book so my first edition value goes up :^)

>> No.9777915

I'm positive you haven't read Moore or Gaddis.

>> No.9777923


Most people on the internet havent engaged with the stuff they criticise. They're just reactionaries desperate to give their opinions on everything

>> No.9777941

Reading cosmos from left to right, from bang to crunch, from germ to worm to glinting cyborg and beyond, the woven tapestry unpicks itself, reorganises into new designs. The marbling of cloud changes its colour. Leaning closer like impassive doctors, mottled planet-meat is visible, exposed, a skin of circumstance pinned back in plump and larded folds. The worms grow backbones and the newts sprout feathers. Bus routes alter and post offices are closed. Perfectly ripe, the scab lifts from the knee intact, reveals a waxy pinkness underneath.

>> No.9777950

>t. butthurt faggot
being certain of something so incorrect. typical of a Moore fan. lazy, mentally derilict, foolish.

>> No.9777953


>> No.9777954

heh, even i have a sense of irony from that. anyway, moore sucks balls, just look at this.>>9777941

>> No.9777957

That's a fabulous dwf
>*teleports behind you*

>> No.9777963

>t. i think a comicbook writer's 1300 page unedited wankfest is worth reading
the insinuation that your opinion is remotely worthwhile is a whisper i simply can't hear.

>> No.9777970
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it really is rather sexy, in a "i really don't belong in this photo, there should be a sharper face here" kind of way. pic related seems more his speed. it oozes "yeah, i know some things, what of it?"

>> No.9777984

I haven't read it, but I've read Gaddis and I'm willing to bet you haven't.

>> No.9777994

Disagreed. Whether it's unconditional praise from Moore's fans, infantilizing scorn from some of the young men here on /lit/, or indulgence critics normally reserve for dear old men and outsider artists, it is a truism that reaction to a text is colored by whatever characteristics you attribute to the author. How you approach the text, how much time you're giving it, affects rhythm and visualisation. Whether you take the time to mentally draw pictures decides the effectiveness of writing like Moore's, all the more for how overly descriptive it is, and I shouldn't need to tell you that rhythm is an integral part of juging prose.

>> No.9778026

I am about to leave for chinese food with my smoking hot wife. but you can give me your money if you like. The climax of the novel comes on Wyatt's home estate, where the dense woman (i forget her name, she drinks his aunt's mercury brew) realizes he is not the second coming of christ, they both go into the storm, Rev. Gwyon confronted by his son, Wyatt bellows am i the one for whom christ died? the resulting flash of a perfectly timed thunderbolt shows the dense woman splayed under a bull, bloodied from their fornication.
i've read the book. it's blindingly brilliant. i loved it, and intend to read it once more. you lost a bet, and you're a fucking pleb.

>> No.9778032

It's more worthwhile and will have a bigger impact than anything you ever do desu

>> No.9778114

Slow isn't an option. The modern /lit/ pseud thinks reading is like his computer RPGs and every new book contributes to his peen's growth. Sadly he's too much of an orderly consumerist to cheat up the amount with short stories and figure out his own bullshit

>> No.9778121

It's just hard to believe someone who acts like you do would get anything from Gaddis. Even harder to believe you're married. Does she get annoyed at how butthurt you get?

>> No.9778189

Post some of the parts you think are good prose then.

>> No.9778188

this book is a pseud magnet

by that I mean when it's posted pseuds flock to hate on it when it's miles ahead than most of the shit they pretend to have read

>> No.9778317

nah she loves when i btfo of plebs and share with her the results.

>> No.9778377

she actually thinks you're a fucking tool and will leave you in three months for the other guy she's been fucking for six

>> No.9778393

Pretty good, check out his shorter novel and see for yourself
>read it slowly and you'll enjoy it.
This is good advice

>> No.9778405

highly unlikely, we've been together for five years. she moved literally 800 miles to live with me. you're really butthurt over this Moore business, aren't you?
>muh can't believe someone like you could get anything from Gaddis
because i think one book is greater than another? you're a fucking pleb, man. afraid to have an opinion, and you project fantasy onto reality since you can't even deal with me. how pitiful.

>> No.9778459

I'm not even that guy who was arguing with you. I'm just telling you to sort out your life, because it's going to get rough from here on out. Lawyer up and stay away from this board or anything else that's going to reflect poorly on your character. She's not gonna go quietly.

>> No.9778469
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You're a fucking retard.

>> No.9778706

Funny, my girl is currently laughing at how elitist someone so obviously retarded is managing to sound. Don't stop posting, we were going to watch a movie but reading your posts out loud is more entertaining.

>> No.9778721

You say that now, of course. What do I know, right? Let's just say we'll see who's call who a "retard" in a few months.

>> No.9778871
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sorry, i was busy fucking. i don't have time to waste on plebs who defend trash like alan moore. go suck joshua cohen's circumcised dick while i read excerpts of joyce to my now comatose wife.

>> No.9778927

>my wife says I rekt you pussy hahahaha!!!!!!!
Genuinely cringe inducing

>> No.9778933

Yeah, this thread has gone beyond pathetic.

>> No.9778942

Okay, this is genuinely funny. I've never read Moore, but you're alright.

>> No.9778950

got pretty samefaggy after the r9k meme guy
>14 unique posters
>hating Alan Moore so much you shit up a thread for 5 hours straight

>> No.9779453
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The 3-volume slipcased paperback edition might be a little more digestible.


>> No.9779919

I just had an orgy with five girls who all laughed at your post and think Alan Moore is a genius.

Right now we're all sitting around blowing each other and critiquing Gaddis' prose.

>> No.9780189
File: 92 KB, 460x627, IMG_0193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's more hilarious is everything i've said is true, and it's unbelievable how butthurt some of you get over the idea.

>> No.9780254

brb a 19-year-old virgin is reading J.R. to me with my dick in her mouth. I'm divorced

>> No.9781283
File: 101 KB, 586x440, a_bugs_bunny_pc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More importantly, it's better suited for reading on the train

>> No.9781570

Kek. fast turnaround on these memes.

>> No.9782127

bump. does this book suck or not?

>> No.9782140


>It's all about his neighborhood/city

If it doesn't include the interracial couple I saw arguing outside the boarded up BHS store yesterday then I'm simply not interested

>> No.9782269

Well, good news my goy.

>> No.9782286

It is written by a comic book writer. Take a wild guess.

>> No.9782829

Alan Moore has a particular style. He has particular idiosyncrasies.

Take a guy like Hemmingway: Always macho poser af. Always barbering the prose down to absolute in your face bluntness (which can be just as pretentious as endless elaborate subtleties like proust).

Alan Moore, in my opinion, has an exeptional ear for [inner] dialogue, rythm, melody and imagery. He is an elaborator. Like say, Shakespeare. He has a knack of pickin up a genre and transcending it, granted, with his own idiosyncratic agenda. Always pushing his personal sociopolitical and spiritual ideologies.

But that is what writers do. At least the good ones. And you might agree with the style or you might not. And you might agree with the ideas or you might not.

To me, Hemmingway is a ridiculous poser disguised as raw manly prose reeking of I wish I had this much testosterone. And Proust is a faggy fag fagging in fag heaven with the little prince and sophias world.

Alan Moore is a crazed psychotic lunatic whith an explicit agenda, raving about it shamelessly. He goes in the same drawer as WSB, PKD, RAW, Crowley et. al. If that's your thing you will love him.