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9775252 No.9775252 [Reply] [Original]

Ex-Catholic here. Anyone else a heretic? Post your favorite heresy.

>pic related
>"Solovyob brilliantly fuses Gnosticism and Waifuism. 10/10." -- Tolstoy

>> No.9775300

Rome is ultimately the mother of all current heresies.

>> No.9775312
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Get the fuck off my board, you despicable pagan.

>> No.9775419

the mother of harlots

>> No.9775428

I'm not afraid of your memes

>> No.9775538
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The implication that the Church should have any say at all in the sexual or reproductive life of its members or any direct contact with minors (confession, catechism, altar boys, etc). The Catholic system has proven it cannot be trusted with power.

>> No.9775549

protestant checking in

>> No.9775553

i like the idea of catholicism but in practice protestantism seems better

>> No.9775574

Public schooling has similar rates of sex abuse, yet we recognise its failures are not worth abolishing the system and all its benefits.

>> No.9775614
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I may be a lapsed Catholic, but Protestants are literally animals.

All's forgiven then?

>> No.9775617

at least protestants don't breed like animals and then try to steal the hard work of protestants via foodstamps, section 8, etc.

>> No.9775640

Jesus and Mary Magdalene got married.

>> No.9775769

>try to steal the hard work of protestants via foodstamps, section 8, etc.
Do you really believe this? Is it stealing for a human to benefit from the work of animals? You're absurd.

>> No.9775813

Public schooling fires teachers for it, it doesn't just transfer them and then canonize complicit faculty members as saints

>> No.9775814


>> No.9776008
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Nobody is more obsessed with Catholicism than an ex-Catholic

t. Protestant aka best heretic

>> No.9776023

Since Protestant denominations have conflicting dogma,the Protestant Church is not the one guided by the Holy Spirit

>> No.9776029

Catholicism and Orthodox Christianity are the only good western religions

>> No.9776035
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Catholic here, I agree. This is why they're eventually going to reunite. Might even come in eight years at the Third Council of Nicaea. The healing of the Schism is coming. Get ready.

>> No.9776036

Catholicism has gone downhill tremendously since the schism, and jumped the shark completely when they introduced *versus populum* as standard.

>> No.9776037 [DELETED] 

bullshit, slavs aren't going to take orders from Rome [spoilert]they take their orders from Moscow[/spoiler] Poles aside

>> No.9776040


What power does the "catholic system" have? It's a voluntary association of believers.

>> No.9776043

bullshit, slavs aren't going to take orders from Rome they take their orders from Moscow Poles aside

>> No.9776055

No it's not. We're not interested in submitting to your gay ass. If the Ecumenical Patriarch signed an act of union, Mount Athos would lynch him as would most of us.

We are very close to reunion with the Copts though

>> No.9776061

The Poles will come home to us too after Cardinal Marx is elected Pope

>> No.9776073

I really want this to happen, but I doubt it will happen anytime soon.
I agree, but that makes me want it even more. Hopefully Catholicism would adopt more old school practices.

>> No.9776085

Orthodoxy is basically ancient Catholicism.

>> No.9776089

Children cannot consent.

>> No.9776096


It's their parents' decision. The little shits don't consent to go to school or the dentist do they?

>> No.9776103

Neither can people under torture.

>> No.9776109

He means to sex

>> No.9776130

I mean to spiritual indoctrination, which if anything should be just as sacred and protected as intercourse. Moral education is valuable, and an important part of parenting, but many elements of the church leave children vulnerable.

>> No.9776139

How is spiritual indoctrination (literally "instilling teachings") more objectionable than all the other indoctrination children are subject to?

>> No.9776145
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>The implication that the Church should have any say at all in the sexual or reproductive life of its members or any direct contact with minors (confession, catechism, altar boys, etc). The Catholic system has proven it cannot be trusted with power.

You've obviously never read the Protocols, which which blatantly proscribes and describes the (((media))) obsession with sexually deviant Roman Catholic priests. It doesn't at all surprise me that most everyone on /lit/ is afraid of forbidden books.


>> No.9776258

Bullshit. Many catholics also have conflicting viewpoints, so the Catholic Church would also not be guided by the Holy Spirit, according to this way of reasoning.

>> No.9776269

That's true, but I'm Orthodox and our Church is unified in official teaching of dogma

>> No.9776286

The Catholic Church is also "unified in official teaching of dogma". The point is that in practice, many different viewpoints coexist. In the Eastern Orthodox Church, there is also disagreement about things like evolution, acceptance of the Julian calendar and ecumenism.

>> No.9776303

None of those are dogmatic issues.

>> No.9776332

I'll grant Julian calendar and ecumenism, but evolution is a dogmatic issue. And these are only the differences that are more publicly discussed. In private, people will always have different opinions. Protestants say this is no problem, because unified official teaching is not going to get you the support of the Holy Spirit.

>> No.9776354

Evolution is not a dogmatic issue to us. Why would it be? Whether God created man from dust instantly or in stages has zero impact on salvation.

If your Church is guided by the Spirit of Truth, there won't be conflict in dogmatic teaching, because the Spirit of True doesn't conflict with Himself

>> No.9776384

If impact on salvation is the only measure, then you have a strange definition of dogma. In most definitions, soteriology is just a part of dogmatics.
In the early Christian churches (even in the time of the apostles), there was much conflict in dogmatic issues, but to say they were not guided by the Spirit is nonsense.
You also did not address my point directly: how does unified official teaching mean you and only you have the support of the Holy Spirit? Do you have a Biblical reference?

>> No.9776420
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hi guys

>> No.9777118

Daily reminder that Thomas Cramner and Richard Hooker were the greatest theologians to ever live.

>> No.9777136
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>In the early Christian churches (even in the time of the apostles), there was much conflict in dogmatic issues, but
Not among the bishops. Ignatius of Antioch points out that of the heresies of his time, none is backed by a single bishop.

My reference is that the Holy Spirit is called the Spirit of Truth which Christ says would guide the Church. Would the Spirit of Truth guide the Church to teach contradictory dogma? no. Dogma is either of the Spirit (true), or not. Where contrdictory dogma was taught among the Orthodox, it has always been that one side has been the Church, and another side has been heretics who broke from the Spirit of Truth and therefore the Church. The Church is, according to Ephesians 1:22-23, God Himself. Does God teach contradicting dogmas? No. So you either teach the Church's dogma, or you teach your own dogma--heresy, which is from the Greek for choosing, means to choose your own dogma instead of accepting the Church's

>> No.9777143

Most bishops during time of Arius were on his side.
I have to say, out of all the Orthodox larpers, you are the most obnoxious and least informed.

>> No.9777148
File: 3.57 MB, 2128x3000, The_Meeting_of_Saint_Anthony_and_Saint_Paul,_Master_of_the_Osservanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you hang out with Catholics because a certain minority of them take the woundedness of being seriously and treat religion like a true cross to bear
>tfw you hang out with heretics because they are willing to venture into unknown pastures set before us by God in order to find out how best to answer His call
>tfw both groups contain assholes
>tfw both groups have more in common than they think
>tfw both groups are beloved of Christ
>tfw true faith is in difference and striving, not in self-satisfaction
>tfw seek and ye shall find one another


>> No.9777149

Which of the good modern authors could you name? Rose? I'm not ready to read the Fathers.

>> No.9777153

the time of the apostles), there was much conflict in dogmatic issues, but
Not among the bishops. Ignatius of Antioch points out that of the heresies of his time, none is backed by a single bishop.

My reference is that the Holy Spirit is called the Spirit of Truth which Christ says would guide the Church. Would the Spirit of Truth guide the Church to teach contradictory dogma? no. Dogma is either of the Spirit (true), or not. Where contrdictory dogma was taught among the Orthodox, it has always been that one side has been the Church, and another side has been heretics who broke from the Spirit of Truth and therefore the Church. The Church is, according to Ephesians 1:22-23, God Himself. Does God teach contradicting dogmas? No. So you either teach the Church's dogma, or you teach your own dogma--heresy, which is from the Greek for choosing, means to choose your own dogma instead of accepting the Church's

>> No.9777206
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>— Then, said Cranly, you do not intend to become a protestant?

>— I said that I had lost the faith, Stephen answered, but not that I had lost self-respect. What kind of liberation would that be to forsake an absurdity which is logical and coherent and to embrace one which is illogical and incoherent?

Protties, btfo. How will they ever recover?

>> No.9777227


>> No.9777336

I've heard good things about fulton sheen

>> No.9777365

Eusebius of Nicomedia was an Arian heretic, and bishop of Beirut and later Constantinople. He even baptized Constantine.

>> No.9777416

Yeah, after renouncing Arianism. Prior to that he was excommunicated and exiled

>> No.9777450

You're delusional if you don't realize the huge impact Eusebius of Nicomedia had on the continuation of Arianism, and the continuing dispute over Trinitarianism and the Nicene Creed.

Anyway, he was only exiled by the Emperor, not excommunicated. He only renounced Arianism on paper, essentially admitting he was only doing it for political reasons, and then proceeded to try to send Arian missionaries to convert the Goths to Arianism.

So... yes, he was a bishop, and definitely an Arian heretic. Read a book once in a while.

>> No.9779234

Those billion or so believers worldwide represent a significant geopolitical bloc, given that the Catholic clergy has influence over the opinions and actions of their flock.

>> No.9780537

Out of the billion, maybe 30% would even consider the Church as an authority.

>> No.9780904

If you want to read the Fathers start with St John of Damascus it is so clear, concise and easy to read you would only need basic knowledge of the Greeks (Plato, Aristotle) to understand his writing. Seraphim Rose is a bro his essay "Nihilism" moved me towards the path of becoming Orthodox. Im still not a christian but there in spirit and worldview.

>> No.9780917

Phillip Sherrard is worth checking out too

>> No.9781157

As said by another anon, even the bishops disagreed.
For your other 'reference': you still have to prove two things: 1. That 'the Church' does mean an institution and not the community of believing Christians, and 2. That if 'the Church' is an institution, that it is your institution that is favoured by the Spirit.

>> No.9781160

I don't believe in gods

>> No.9781169

pelagianism, monsieur, the foundation of humanism, materialism, atheism, homosexuality, communism, marxism, transgender bathrooms, george soros, gay frogs

>> No.9781181

> you still have to prove
You're cancer. Please leave and don't come back until you've learned to coexist with neurotypical humans.

>> No.9781201

I have no skin in the argument and I just laughed at the childishness of this. Thank you emotionally and intellectually barren and insecure anon, you have brought me cheer on a sunny morning.

>> No.9781212

False. The stuff you listed is just the standard Gnostic religion that has existed since before 1 A.D. and isn't related to Pelagius at all.

>> No.9781234

Projection is so 2008, anon. Get with the times, call me a cuckold instead.

>> No.9781302

Autists understand dialectics perfectly well. You are just a larper yearning for the group feeling you cannot get elsewhere.