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/lit/ - Literature

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9773240 No.9773240 [Reply] [Original]

Was this brought on by schemers, manipulators, benefactors and engineers underestimating the, perhaps, vitality of their tools and cogs that moved their designs along? Was 'Invisible Man' invisible because people saw him, like the fake names on the commie ballot in the book, as assured and reliable because their point of view and the world it created refused to acknowledge anything that could not be defined by their view point? Sort of like a statistical outlier that they just chose to not see, but collapsed their plans in the end?

What did you take away from reading 'Invisible Man'? I just read it, and thought it was very good and very interesting. Not a lot of people on /lit/ seem to be aware of it, since it has not been memed yet.

>> No.9773280

Wow, never thought a good book would actually be discussed in this shit place.

Still, your comment is pretty sub-par.

I couldn't even parse your comment.

>> No.9773301

Ask me to clarify, if you care and are confused. I re-read it and can still see what I was talking about.

>> No.9773314

>a good book
Ralph Ellison had an IQ of 93. This book was written by and for stupid people

>> No.9773320

Fucking fight me, fight me with your dick out and we'll see whose on their knees by the end of this thread.

>> No.9773324

>not only am I a retard with shit taste in literature, but I'm also gay

>> No.9773332

Haha... HAHAAHAA. Do you know where you are? You're in my bag, man. I've had you in there for as long as there ever was a bag, man, and you had no idea. I've got YOU.

>> No.9773363

He was 'invisible' because people could not see HIM. people saw his skin color and responded with their preconceived beliefs before ever meeting him, and when they do meet him their impressions of him are informed by their ideology. He felt that he was not truly seen as people see and meet one another and therefore was invisible from a social standpoint. It's fundamentally an existential novel.
Like this guy >>9773314 who sees that it's a novel written by a black person, literally calls out his IQ with no critical understanding of Ellison or even knowledge of whether or not the man ever took an IQ test, and without ever bothering to watch or read an interview of Ellison speaking and expressing an aptitude clearly above the average IQ. His ideology does his thinking for him with depersonalized statistics, he never actually has to meet the Ellison figure, so from this standpoint the True Ellison goes unseen and feels that he is invisible.

>> No.9773381

Okay yeah. It's about preconceptions getting in the way of the reality of things, his skin color makes him the orator messiah the commies wanted and woman-sensitive domesticated rapist among others... The invisibility was difficult for me to pin point in this book, but your description seems to fit best from what I've seen.

>> No.9773409

Yeah. The 'Invisibility' is the incongruence between who he is and who people perceive him to be, except they aren't really perceiving him so much as perceiving an idea of him they have within themselves, then projecting that idea onto him, thus negating his true character.

The movie The Revenant does this in literally a one minute scene. DiCaprio's boy is getting grilled by Hardy's racist character and when the boy tries to defend himself DiCaprio shuts him up and tells him to focus on himself because they don't hear his words they only see his skin. Same concept.

>> No.9773430

It's one of the best books of the 20th century, desu. (And that's coming from somebody who hates nigger culture and has a serious case of negro fatigue syndrome.)

>> No.9774307


>> No.9774335


If I had to read either this, Beloved, or Mountain, which would I pick? They seem to all be conveying the same message.

>> No.9774370

Beloved is weird as fuck. I've only read excerpts of Invisible Man but I enjoyed it a lot.

>> No.9774449

If by "Mountain" you mean Baldwin's novel it's not anything like Invisible Man, it's a semiautobio coming of age story about a young teen's conflict with his preacher father and the church in general

>> No.9774465

[citation needed]

>> No.9774484


>> No.9774499

Gee, I wonder why /lit/ doesn't like to talk about one of the most important works of American literature that was also written by a black writer....hmmm....

>> No.9774509
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top zozzle

>> No.9774510

>tfw you realize that even the smartest negro is inferior to the average redneck

>> No.9774518

You literally just made that up. The first result when you google "Ralph Ellison 93 IQ" is this thread.

>> No.9774524
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>confusing /lit/ for /pol/

Please leave 4chan.

>> No.9774529

/lit/ doesn't talk about this book AND half of /lit/ is /pol/. You must be new, or have been away for some time, to not understand this.

>> No.9774531

Who is this?

>> No.9774535

hng my dick

>> No.9774539


>half of /lit/ is /pol/

I'm starting to suspect you're one of those /pol/ neets who pretends to be the other side of their inane internet arguments. Nobody actually thinks this. It's just a few idiots who get laughed out or ignored every time.

>> No.9774542
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... so you're telling me there ARE google results then!

>> No.9774550

definitely wrong. /pol/ is here.

>> No.9774565

>he hasn't seen the Nick Land threads

>> No.9774571

Whenever black literature is "discussed" here, it-s always dismissed as "muh opression" "muh black identity", without any actual discussion of blak authors.

>> No.9774576

This book is okay, but it is far too preachy to ever be considered one of the great books of 20th century literature.

>> No.9774583

>he hasn't seen the weekly sub-saharan african literature bait threads

>> No.9774584


I hold that opinion too, but that's irrelevant if you want to make a change. You can easily lead any discussion of black authors yourself. This is 4chan, there's always going to be shitters buzzing around with shitty comments.

>> No.9774588

That is actual discussion about black authors. If they want more in-depth conversations they should write about subjects more complex than how hard it is to have an average IQ of 80

>> No.9774615

Even the best black authors obsess over their "blackness". "I'm black have pity on me" books are just lame as fuck.

In a world of mediocrities the blacks are offensively mediocre. They just don't do anything: they're nothing. They have no great men and no great culture, and no real distinction beyond their skin color. And, ironically, even though leftists love to point out that most white nationalists have nothing going for them but their race, the same can be said of the "black rights" crowd too.

>> No.9774636

I think you meant to say black "literature"

>> No.9774652

Well I mean unless you completely ignore the massive popularity of black musicians. Even if you don't like it there are billions possibly who do. I honestly think Chance the rapper is more famous than my favorite poet (Rimbaud) ever was. Makes you think.

>> No.9774664

Who cares about the average subject of any category? Exception is, without exception, favored. The average income in the US is 51000/ year which of course isn't shit if you know how much it takes to raise a family. That is a much more significant statistic than IQ scores anyway.

>> No.9774702
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I was just giving an explanation, i don't care about change. It is true that there's always shitty people here, but on those threads about black literature, they seem to have a more prominent presence.
They do.
The single best black author, imo, is Joaquim Machado do Assis, and he never covered those subjects. His writing as as universal as other great writers.
Also, it pains me to see how you ignore Jazz and other contributions blacks have made to music

>> No.9774879

>he has a favorite rapper
Cringe. Black music, in fact all popular music, is degenerate. Literally the modern equivalent of repetitive primitive bongo music.

>> No.9775010

White people can't understand this book, they're too privileged.

>> No.9775018

You can call it degenerate but that does not change the fact that it is popular, it has impact and people respond to it. You clearly are resentful of a lot. "All popular music is degenerate" like Mozart ?